Given /^an empty (\w+) document collection$/ do |doc| klass = doc.constantize Given "an empty #{klass.collection_name} collection" end Given /^an? (\w+) document named '(.*)' :$/ do |doc, name, table| @all = [] klass = doc.constantize table.hashes.each do |hash| @last = hash.each do |attr, value| @last.send("#{attr.underscore.gsub(' ', '_')}=", value) end @all << @last end instance_variable_set("@#{name}", @last) end Given /^'(.*)' has one (.*?) as (.*) :$/ do |doc_name, class_name, assoc_name, table| doc = instance_variable_get("@#{doc_name}") obj = table.hashes.each do |hash| hash.each do |key, value| obj.send("#{key.underscore.gsub(' ', '_')}=", value) end end doc.send("#{assoc_name.underscore.gsub(' ', '_')}=", obj) @last = obj end Given /^'(.*)' has (?:a|an|many) (.*) :$/ do |doc_name, assoc_name, table| doc = instance_variable_get("@#{doc_name}") table.hashes.each do |hash| doc.send(assoc_name).build(hash.inject({}) do |attrs, (attr, value)| attrs["#{attr.underscore.gsub(' ', '_')}"] = value attrs end) end @all = doc.send(assoc_name) @last = @all.last end Given /^I set the id on the document '(.*)' to (.*)$/ do |doc_name, value| doc = instance_variable_get("@#{doc_name}") doc._id =[value.to_i]) end Given /^'(.+)' has one (.+?) as (.+?) \(identified by '(.+)'\):$/ do |doc_name, class_name, assoc_name, var_name, table| doc = instance_variable_get("@#{doc_name}") obj = table.hashes.each do |hash| hash.each do |key, value| obj.send("#{key.underscore.gsub(' ', '_')}=", value) end end instance_variable_set("@#{var_name}", obj) doc.send("#{assoc_name.underscore.gsub(' ', '_')}=", obj) @last = obj end When /^I save the document '(.*)'$/ do |name| object = instance_variable_get("@#{name}") @last_return = end When /^I save the last document$/ do @last_return = end When /^I create an (.*) '(.*)' from the hash '(.*)'$/ do |doc, name, hash| klass = doc.constantize attrs = instance_variable_get("@#{hash}") instance_variable_set("@#{name}", klass.create(attrs)) end When /^I update the document '(.*)' with the hash named '(.*)'$/ do |doc_name, hash_name| doc = instance_variable_get("@#{doc_name}") attrs = instance_variable_get("@#{hash_name}") @last_return = doc.update_attributes(attrs) end When /^I query (.*) with find (.*)$/ do |doc, criteria_text| klass = doc.singularize.camelize.constantize criteria = eval(criteria_text) @last_return = klass.find(:all, criteria) end When /^'(.+)' is the first (.+?) of '(.+)'$/ do |var_name, single_assoc, doc_name| doc = instance_variable_get("@#{doc_name}") instance_variable_set("@#{var_name}", doc.send(single_assoc.pluralize).first) end Then /^'(.*)' is not a new record$/ do |name| instance_variable_get("@#{name}").new_record?.should be_false end Then /the (.*) collection should have (\d+) documents?/ do |doc, count| klass = doc.constantize klass.count.should == count.to_i end Then /^the document '(.*)' roundtrips$/ do |name| object = instance_variable_get("@#{name}") from_db = object.class.find_one(object._id) from_db.should == object instance_variable_set("@#{name}", from_db) end Then /^the document '(.+)' does not roundtrip$/ do |name| object = instance_variable_get("@#{name}") from_db = object.class.find_one(object._id) from_db.should_not == object end Then /^the last return value is (.+)$/ do |bool_val| @last_return.should send("be_#{bool_val}") end Then /^the first (.*) of '(.*)' is not a new record$/ do |assoc, name| object = instance_variable_get("@#{name}") plural = assoc.pluralize object.send(plural).first.should_not be_new_record end Then /^the (\w*) of '(.*)' is not a new record$/ do |assoc, name| object = instance_variable_get("@#{name}") object.send(assoc).should_not be_new_record end Then /^the (\w*) of '(.*)' roundtrips$/ do |assoc, name| object = instance_variable_get("@#{name}") from_db = object.class.find_one(object._id) object.send(assoc).id.should == from_db.send(assoc).id end Then /^the size of the last return value is (.*)$/ do |count| @last_return.size.should == count.to_i end