load 'rails/test_unit/testing.rake' namespace :workarea do task :prepare do $: << 'test' end desc 'Run workarea tests (with decorators)' task test: :prepare do roots = [Workarea::Core::Engine.root] + Workarea::Plugin.installed.map(&:root) + [Rails.root] Rails::TestUnit::Runner.rake_run( roots .map { |r| FileList["#{r}/test/**/*_test.rb"] } .reduce(&:+) ) end desc 'Run workarea/core tests (with decorators)' task 'test:core' => :prepare do Rails::TestUnit::Runner.rake_run(["#{Workarea::Core::Engine.root}/test"]) end desc 'Run decorated tests' task 'test:decorated' => :prepare do decorators = Dir.glob("test/**/*.#{Rails::Decorators.extension}") decorated = decorators.map do |file| file.gsub(".#{Rails::Decorators.extension}", '.rb') end roots = [Workarea::Core::Engine.root] + Workarea::Plugin.installed.map(&:root) Rails::TestUnit::Runner.rake_run( decorated.reduce([]) do |memo, relative_original| original = roots .map { |root| "#{root}/#{relative_original}" } .detect { |original_path| File.exist?(original_path) } if original.blank? raise <<~HEREDOC Problem: Can't find original test #{relative_original} for #{relative_original.gsub(/rb$/, Rails::Decorators.extension.to_s)} Summary: Test decorators need to have the same path as the orignal test. Resolution: Check that your test decoration has the right path and file name. HEREDOC end memo << original end ) end desc 'Run all installed workarea plugin tests (with decorators)' task 'test:plugins' => :prepare do engines = Workarea::Plugin.installed.reject do |engine| %w(admin storefront).include?(engine.slug) end.map(&:root) Rails::TestUnit::Runner.rake_run( engines.map { |r| FileList["#{r}/test/**/*_test.rb"] }.reduce(&:+) || [] ) end desc 'Run all app specific tests' task 'test:app' => :prepare do Rails::TestUnit::Runner.rake_run(FileList["#{Rails.root}/test/**/*_test.rb"]) end Workarea::Plugin.installed.each do |engine| display_name = engine.name.split('::')[1..-1].join('_').downcase desc "Run workarea #{display_name} tests (with decorators)" task "test:#{display_name}" => :prepare do Rails::TestUnit::Runner.rake_run( FileList[engine.root.join('test', '**', '*', '*_test.rb')] ) end end desc 'Run workarea performance tests (with decorators)' task 'test:performance' => :prepare do roots = [Workarea::Core::Engine.root] + Workarea::Plugin.installed.map(&:root) + [Rails.root] ENV['PERF_TEST'] = true Rails::TestUnit::Runner.rake_run( roots .map { |r| FileList["#{r}/test/performance/**/*_test.rb"] } .reduce(&:+) ) end end