require 'rails_helper' require 'support/models' require 'support/pluck_polyfill' require 'support/active_admin_helpers' RSpec.describe 'searchable_select_options dsl', type: :request do describe 'with text_attribute option' do before(:each) do ActiveAdminHelpers.setup do ActiveAdmin.register(Post) do searchable_select_options(scope: Post, text_attribute: :title) end end end describe 'creates JSON endpoint that' do it 'returns options for searchable select' do Post.create!(title: 'A post') get '/admin/posts/all_options' expect(json_response).to match(results: [a_hash_including(text: 'A post', id: kind_of(Numeric))], pagination: { more: false }) end it 'supports filtering via term parameter' do Post.create!(title: 'A post') Post.create!(title: 'Other post') Post.create!(title: 'Not matched') get '/admin/posts/all_options?term=post' titles = json_response[:results].pluck(:text) expect(titles).to eq(['A post', 'Other post']) end end end describe 'with separate filter option' do before(:each) do ActiveAdminHelpers.setup do ActiveAdmin.register(Post) do searchable_select_options(scope: Post, filter: ->(term, scope) { scope.where(title: term) }, text_attribute: :title) end end end describe 'creates JSON endpoint that' do it 'returns options for searchable select' do Post.create!(title: 'A post') get '/admin/posts/all_options' expect(json_response).to match(results: [a_hash_including(text: 'A post', id: kind_of(Numeric))], pagination: { more: false }) end it 'supports filtering via term parameter' do Post.create!(title: 'Post') Post.create!(title: 'Not matched') get '/admin/posts/all_options?term=Post' titles = json_response[:results].pluck(:text) expect(titles).to eq(['Post']) end end end describe 'with separate display_text option' do before(:each) do ActiveAdminHelpers.setup do ActiveAdmin.register(Post) do searchable_select_options(scope: Post, display_text: ->(record) { record.title.upcase }, text_attribute: :title) end end end describe 'creates JSON endpoint that' do it 'returns options for searchable select' do Post.create!(title: 'A post') get '/admin/posts/all_options' expect(json_response).to match(results: [a_hash_including(text: 'A POST', id: kind_of(Numeric))], pagination: { more: false }) end it 'supports filtering via term parameter' do Post.create!(title: 'A post') Post.create!(title: 'Not matched') get '/admin/posts/all_options?term=post' titles = json_response[:results].pluck(:text) expect(titles).to eq(['A POST']) end end end describe 'pagination' do before(:each) do ActiveAdminHelpers.setup do ActiveAdmin.register(Post) do searchable_select_options(scope: Post, text_attribute: :title, per_page: 2) end end end it 'limits results and indicates that more results are available' do Post.create!(title: 'A post') Post.create!(title: 'Other post') Post.create!(title: 'Yet another post') get '/admin/posts/all_options' expect(json_response[:results].size).to eq(2) expect(json_response[:pagination][:more]).to eq(true) end it 'allows passing page param' do Post.create!(title: 'A post') Post.create!(title: 'Other post') Post.create!(title: 'Yet another post') get '/admin/posts/all_options?page=1' expect(json_response[:results].size).to eq(1) expect(json_response[:pagination][:more]).to eq(false) end end it 'allows passing lambda as scope' do ActiveAdminHelpers.setup do ActiveAdmin.register(Post) do searchable_select_options(scope: -> { Post.published }, text_attribute: :title) end end Post.create!(title: 'Draft') Post.create!(title: 'Published post', published: true) get '/admin/posts/all_options' titles = json_response[:results].pluck(:text) expect(titles).to eq(['Published post']) end it 'allows passing lambda as scope that uses view helpers' do ActiveAdminHelpers.setup do ActiveAdmin.register(Post) do searchable_select_options(scope: -> { Post.where(user: current_user) }, text_attribute: :title) end end user = User.create! Post.create!(title: 'By current user', user: user) Post.create!(title: 'By other user', user: User.create!) ApplicationController.current_user = user get '/admin/posts/all_options' titles = json_response[:results].pluck(:text) expect(titles).to eq(['By current user']) end it 'allows passing lambda that takes params argument' do ActiveAdminHelpers.setup do ActiveAdmin.register(Post) do searchable_select_options(scope: ->(params) { Post.where(user_id: params[:user]) }, text_attribute: :title) end end user = User.create! Post.create!(title: 'By given user', user: user) Post.create!(title: 'By other user', user: User.create!) get "/admin/posts/all_options?user=#{}" titles = json_response[:results].pluck(:text) expect(titles).to eq(['By given user']) end it 'allows passing name prefix for collection action' do ActiveAdminHelpers.setup do ActiveAdmin.register(Post) do searchable_select_options(name: :some, scope: Post, text_attribute: :title) end end Post.create!(title: 'A post') get '/admin/posts/some_options' expect(json_response).to include(results: array_including(a_hash_including(text: 'A post'))) end it 'fails with helpful message if scope option is missing' do expect do ActiveAdminHelpers.setup do ActiveAdmin.register(Post) do searchable_select_options(text_attribute: :title) end end raise_error(/Missing option: scope/) end it 'fails with helpful message if display_text are missing' do expect do ActiveAdminHelpers.setup do ActiveAdmin.register(Post) do searchable_select_options(scope: Post, filter: ->(_term, scope) { scope }) end end raise_error(/Missing option: display_text/) end it 'fails with helpful message if filter option is missing' do expect do ActiveAdminHelpers.setup do ActiveAdmin.register(Post) do searchable_select_options(scope: Post, display_text: ->(_term, scope) { scope }) end end raise_error(/Missing option: filter/) end def json_response JSON.parse(response.body).with_indifferent_access end end