# Licensed to Elasticsearch B.V under one or more agreements. # Elasticsearch B.V licenses this file to you under the Apache 2.0 License. # See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information module Elasticsearch module Transport module Transport # Generic client error # class Error < StandardError; end # Reloading connections timeout (1 sec by default) # class SnifferTimeoutError < Timeout::Error; end # Elasticsearch server error (HTTP status 5xx) # class ServerError < Error; end module Errors; end HTTP_STATUSES = { 300 => 'MultipleChoices', 301 => 'MovedPermanently', 302 => 'Found', 303 => 'SeeOther', 304 => 'NotModified', 305 => 'UseProxy', 307 => 'TemporaryRedirect', 308 => 'PermanentRedirect', 400 => 'BadRequest', 401 => 'Unauthorized', 402 => 'PaymentRequired', 403 => 'Forbidden', 404 => 'NotFound', 405 => 'MethodNotAllowed', 406 => 'NotAcceptable', 407 => 'ProxyAuthenticationRequired', 408 => 'RequestTimeout', 409 => 'Conflict', 410 => 'Gone', 411 => 'LengthRequired', 412 => 'PreconditionFailed', 413 => 'RequestEntityTooLarge', 414 => 'RequestURITooLong', 415 => 'UnsupportedMediaType', 416 => 'RequestedRangeNotSatisfiable', 417 => 'ExpectationFailed', 418 => 'ImATeapot', 421 => 'TooManyConnectionsFromThisIP', 426 => 'UpgradeRequired', 450 => 'BlockedByWindowsParentalControls', 494 => 'RequestHeaderTooLarge', 497 => 'HTTPToHTTPS', 499 => 'ClientClosedRequest', 500 => 'InternalServerError', 501 => 'NotImplemented', 502 => 'BadGateway', 503 => 'ServiceUnavailable', 504 => 'GatewayTimeout', 505 => 'HTTPVersionNotSupported', 506 => 'VariantAlsoNegotiates', 510 => 'NotExtended' } ERRORS = HTTP_STATUSES.inject({}) do |sum, error| status, name = error sum[status] = Errors.const_set name, Class.new(ServerError) sum end end end end