## [7.1.0] (2019-09-07) - Attached signature API ([#197], [#202]) - Fix the `generichash` state definition ([#200]) ## [7.0.0] (2019-05-23) - Drop support for Ruby 2.2 ([#194]) ## [6.0.1] (2019-01-27) - Add fallback `sodium_constants` for Argon2 ([#189]) - Support libsodium versions used by Heroku ([#186]) - Sealed boxes ([#184]) ## [6.0.0] (2018-11-08) - Deprecate rbnacl-libsodium ([#180]) - Add support for XChaCha20-Poly1305 ([#176]) - Fix buffer size type in `randombytes_buf` binding ([#174]) - Add support for argon2id digest ([#174]) - Support for non-32-byte HMAC-SHA256/512 keys ([#166]) ## 5.0.0 (2017-06-13) - Support the BLAKE2b Initialize-Update-Finalize API ([#159]) ## 4.0.2 (2017-03-12) - Raise error on degenerate keys. Fixes #152 ([#157]) ## 4.0.1 (2016-12-04) - Last minute changes to the ChaCha20Poly1305 API ([#148]) ## 4.0.0 (2016-12-04) - Add wrappers for ChaCha20Poly1305 AEAD ciphers ([#141]) - Added support for Argon2 password hash ([#142]) - Require Ruby 2.2.6+ ([#143]) ## 3.4.0 (2015-05-07) - Expose `RbNaCl::Signatures::Ed25519#keypair_bytes` ([#135]) - Expose HMAC-SHA512 with 64-byte keys ([#137]) ## 3.3.0 (2015-12-29) - Remove use of Thread.exclusive when initializing library ([#128]) - Add salt/personalisation strings for Blake2b ([#105]) ## 3.2.0 (2015-05-31) - Fix method signature for blake2b - RuboCop-friendly codebase ## 3.1.2 (2014-08-30) - Fix scrypt support with libsodium 0.7.0 (scryptsalsa208sha256) ## 3.1.1 (2014-06-14) - Fix undefined variable warning - RSpec 3 fixups - RuboCop ## 3.1.0 (2014-05-22) - The scrypt password hashing function: `RbNaCl::PasswordHash.scrypt` ## 3.0.1 (2014-05-12) - Load gem from `RBNACL_LIBSODIUM_GEM_LIB_PATH` if set. Used by rbnacl-libsodium gem to use libsodium compiled from a gem. ## 3.0.0 (2014-04-22) - Rename RandomNonceBox to SimpleBox (backwards compatibility preserved) - Reverse documented order of SimpleBox/RandomNonceBox initialize parameters. Technically backwards compatible, but confusing. - Ensure all strings are ASCII-8BIT/BINARY encoding prior to use ## 2.0.0 (2013-11-07) - Rename Crypto module to RbNaCl module - Add encrypt/decrypt aliases for `Crypto::RandomNonceBox` - `RbNaCl::VerifyKey#verify` operand order was reversed. New operand order is signature, message instead of message, signature - `RbNaCL::SecretBox#open`, `RbNaCl::Box#open`, `Auth#verify` and `VerifyKey#verify` all now raise a (descendent of) CryptoError if the check fails. This ensures failures are handled by the program. - `RbNaCl::SecretBox`, Box, etc. are all now aliases for the real implementations, which are named after the primitives they provide - Removed encoder functionality. - Add support for the Blake2b cryptographic hash algorithm. - Add checks that we have a sufficiently recent version of libsodium (0.4.3+) - Dropped ruby-1.8 support - Call the `sodium_init()` function, to select the best algorithms. - Fix some typos in the documentation - Changes in the low level binding for libsodium and removal of the NaCl module - Add a mutex around calls to randombytes in libsodium ## 1.1.0 (2013-04-19) - Provide API for querying primitives and details about them, such as key lengths, nonce lengths, etc. - Fixed bug on passing null bytes to sha256, sha512 functions. ## 1.0.0 (2013-03-08) - Initial release [7.1.0]: https://github.com/crypto-rb/rbnacl/pull/203 [#202]: https://github.com/crypto-rb/rbnacl/pull/202 [#200]: https://github.com/crypto-rb/rbnacl/pull/200 [#197]: https://github.com/crypto-rb/rbnacl/pull/197 [7.0.0]: https://github.com/crypto-rb/rbnacl/pull/195 [#194]: https://github.com/crypto-rb/rbnacl/pull/194 [6.0.1]: https://github.com/crypto-rb/rbnacl/pull/191 [#189]: https://github.com/crypto-rb/rbnacl/pull/189 [#186]: https://github.com/crypto-rb/rbnacl/pull/186 [#184]: https://github.com/crypto-rb/rbnacl/pull/184 [6.0.0]: https://github.com/crypto-rb/rbnacl/pull/182 [#180]: https://github.com/crypto-rb/rbnacl/pull/180 [#176]: https://github.com/crypto-rb/rbnacl/pull/176 [#174]: https://github.com/crypto-rb/rbnacl/pull/174 [#172]: https://github.com/crypto-rb/rbnacl/pull/172 [#166]: https://github.com/crypto-rb/rbnacl/pull/166 [#159]: https://github.com/crypto-rb/rbnacl/pull/159 [#157]: https://github.com/crypto-rb/rbnacl/pull/157 [#148]: https://github.com/crypto-rb/rbnacl/pull/148 [#143]: https://github.com/crypto-rb/rbnacl/pull/143 [#142]: https://github.com/crypto-rb/rbnacl/pull/142 [#141]: https://github.com/crypto-rb/rbnacl/pull/141 [#137]: https://github.com/crypto-rb/rbnacl/pull/137 [#135]: https://github.com/crypto-rb/rbnacl/pull/135 [#128]: https://github.com/crypto-rb/rbnacl/pull/128 [#105]: https://github.com/crypto-rb/rbnacl/pull/105