== amee-data-persistence
The amee-data-persistence gem provides database support for use in conjunction
with the amee-data-abstraction gem.
Licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license (See LICENSE.txt for details)
Authors: James Hetherington, James Smith, Andrew Berkeley, George Palmer
Copyright: Copyright (c) 2011 AMEE UK Ltd
Homepage: http://github.com/AMEE/amee-data-persistence
Documentation: http://rubydoc.info/gems/amee-data-persistence
gem install amee-data-persistence
* ruby 1.8.7
* rubygems >= 1.5
All gem requirements should be installed as part of the rubygems installation process
above, but are listed here for completeness.
* amee-data-abstraction ~> 1.0.0
The library repesents calculations as
database records using two classes (AMEE::Db::Calculation and
AMEE::Db::Term) both of which inherit ActiveRecord::Base.
The library also defines the AMEE::DataAbstraction::PersistenceSupport
module which is mixed into the AMEE::DataAbstraction::OngoingCalculation
class by default when the library is required. The module provides a number of
class and instance methods which provide an interface between the
AMEE::DataAbstraction::OngoingCalculation class (and its instances) and
the database. It is via these methods that the persistence functionality
provided by the AMEE::Db classes is principally used.
The level of data storage can be configured to three distinct levels, representing
the range of calculation terms which are persisted: all; outputs and metadata only;
and metadata only.
The global persistence storage level and migrations for the database tables
(under /db/migrate) can be generated using the command line generator command:
$ script/generate persistence
where can be either 'everything', 'outputs' or 'metadata', e.g.,
$ script/generate persistence everything
=== Example usage
my_calculation = OngoingCalculation.find(:first)
my_calculation = OngoingCalculation.find(28)
my_calculation = OngoingCalculation.find(:all)
my_calculation = OngoingCalculation.find_by_type(:all, :electricity)
my_calculation.id #= 28
my_calculation.db_calculation #=>
my_calculation.to_hash #=> { :profile_uid => "EYR758EY36WY",
:profile_item_uid => "W83URT48DY3W",
:type => { :value => 'car' },
:distance => { :value => 1600,
:unit => },
:co2 => { :value => 234.1,
:unit => }}
my_calculation.save #=> true
my_calculation.delete #=> nil
In order to use the persistence library, prototype calculations must be held within
instances of the AMEE::DataAbstraction::CalculationSet class