import { bind, getCurrentRunLoop } from '..'; import { moduleFor, AbstractTestCase } from 'internal-test-helpers'; moduleFor( 'system/run_loop/run_bind_test', class extends AbstractTestCase { ['@test bind builds a run-loop wrapped callback handler'](assert) { assert.expect(3); let obj = { value: 0, increment(increment) { assert.ok(getCurrentRunLoop(), 'expected a run-loop'); return (this.value += increment); }, }; let proxiedFunction = bind(obj, obj.increment, 1); assert.equal(proxiedFunction(), 1); assert.equal(obj.value, 1); } ['@test bind keeps the async callback arguments'](assert) { assert.expect(4); function asyncCallback(increment, increment2, increment3) { assert.ok(getCurrentRunLoop(), 'expected a run-loop'); assert.equal(increment, 1); assert.equal(increment2, 2); assert.equal(increment3, 3); } function asyncFunction(fn) { fn(2, 3); } asyncFunction(bind(asyncCallback, asyncCallback, 1)); } ['@test [GH#16652] bind throws an error if callback is undefined']() { let assertBindThrows = (msg, ...args) => { expectAssertion( function() { bind(...args); }, /could not find a suitable method to bind/, msg ); }; assertBindThrows('without arguments'); assertBindThrows('with one arguments that is not a function', 'myMethod'); assertBindThrows( 'if second parameter is not a function and not a property in first parameter', Object.create(null), 'myMethod' ); } } );