module ProMotion module ScreenNavigation include ProMotion::Support def open_screen(screen, args = {}) args = { animated: true }.merge(args) # Apply properties to instance screen = set_up_screen_for_open(screen, args) ensure_wrapper_controller_in_place(screen, args) opened ||= open_in_split_screen(screen, args) if self.split_screen opened ||= open_root_screen(screen) if args[:close_all] opened ||= present_modal_view_controller(screen, args) if args[:modal] opened ||= open_in_tab(screen, args[:in_tab]) if args[:in_tab] opened ||= push_view_controller(screen, self.navigationController, !!args[:animated]) if self.navigationController opened ||= open_root_screen(screen.navigationController || screen) screen end alias :open :open_screen def open_in_split_screen(screen, args) self.split_screen.detail_screen = screen if args[:in_detail] self.split_screen.master_screen = screen if args[:in_master] args[:in_detail] || args[:in_master] end def open_root_screen(screen) app_delegate.open_root_screen(screen) end def open_modal(screen, args = {}) open screen, args.merge({ modal: true }) end def close_screen(args = {}) args ||= {} args = { sender: args } unless args.is_a?(Hash) args[:animated] = true unless args.has_key?(:animated) if self.modal? close_nav_screen args if self.navigationController close_modal_screen args elsif self.navigationController close_nav_screen args send_on_return(args) else mp "Tried to close #{self.to_s}; however, this screen isn't modal or in a nav bar.", force_color: :yellow end end alias :close :close_screen def send_on_return(args = {}) return unless self.parent_screen if self.parent_screen.respond_to?(:on_return) if args && self.parent_screen.method(:on_return).arity != 0 self.parent_screen.send(:on_return, args) else self.parent_screen.send(:on_return) end elsif self.parent_screen.private_methods.include?(:on_return) mp "#{self.parent_screen.inspect} has an `on_return` method, but it is private and not callable from the closing screen.", force_color: :yellow end end def push_view_controller(vc, nav_controller=nil, animated=true) unless self.navigationController mp "You need a nav_bar if you are going to push #{vc.to_s} onto it.", force_color: :red end nav_controller ||= self.navigationController return if nav_controller.topViewController == vc vc.first_screen = false if vc.respond_to?(:first_screen=) nav_controller.pushViewController(vc, animated: animated) end protected def set_up_screen_for_open(screen, args={}) # Instantiate screen if given a class screen = if screen.respond_to?(:new) # Set parent screen.parent_screen = self if screen.respond_to?(:parent_screen=) # Set title & modal properties screen.title = args[:title] if args[:title] && screen.respond_to?(:title=) screen.modal = args[:modal] if args[:modal] && screen.respond_to?(:modal=) # Hide bottom bar? screen.hidesBottomBarWhenPushed = args[:hide_tab_bar] == true # Wrap in a PM::NavigationController? screen.add_nav_bar(args) if args[:nav_bar] && screen.respond_to?(:add_nav_bar) # Return modified screen instance screen end def ensure_wrapper_controller_in_place(screen, args={}) unless args[:close_all] || args[:modal] || args[:in_detail] || args[:in_master] screen.navigationController ||= self.navigationController if screen.respond_to?("navigationController=") screen.tab_bar ||= self.tab_bar if screen.respond_to?("tab_bar=") end end def present_modal_view_controller(screen, args={}) self.presentViewController((screen.navigationController || screen), animated: args[:animated], completion: args[:completion]) end def open_in_tab(screen, tab_name) vc = open_tab(tab_name) return mp("No tab bar item '#{tab_name}'", force_color: :red) && nil unless vc if vc.is_a?(UINavigationController) push_view_controller(screen, vc) else replace_view_controller(screen, vc) end end def replace_view_controller(new_vc, old_vc) self.tab_bar.viewControllers = do |vc| vc == old_vc ? new_vc : vc end end def close_modal_screen(args={}) args[:animated] = true unless args.has_key?(:animated) self.parent_screen.dismissViewControllerAnimated(args[:animated], completion: lambda { send_on_return(args) }) end def close_nav_screen(args={}) args[:animated] = true unless args.has_key?(:animated) if args[:to_screen] == :root self.parent_screen = self.navigationController.viewControllers.first self.navigationController.popToRootViewControllerAnimated args[:animated] elsif args[:to_screen] && args[:to_screen].is_a?(UIViewController) self.parent_screen = args[:to_screen] self.navigationController.popToViewController(args[:to_screen], animated: args[:animated]) else self.navigationController.popViewControllerAnimated(args[:animated]) end self.navigationController = nil end end end