#@lb_test # #Feature: LB Server Test # Tests the LB servers # #Scenario: LB server test # # Given An Apache with HAproxy deployment @runner = VirtualMonkey::FeAppRunner.new(ENV['DEPLOYMENT']) # Then I should stop the servers @runner.behavior(:stop_all) # Then I should set a variation for connecting to shared database host @runner.set_var(:set_master_db_dnsname) # When I launch the "Load Balancer" servers @runner.behavior(:launch_set, "Load Balancer") # Then I should wait for the state of "Load Balancer" servers to be "operational" @runner.behavior(:wait_for_set, "Load Balancer", "operational") # Then I should set a variation LB_HOSTNAME @runner.set_var(:set_lb_hostname) # When I launch the "App Server" servers @runner.behavior(:launch_set, "App Server") # Then I should wait for the state of "App Server" servers to be "operational" @runner.behavior(:wait_for_set, "App Server", "operational") # Then I should run unified application checks on app servers @runner.behavior(:run_unified_application_checks, @runner.send(:app_servers)) # Then I should run frontend checks @runner.behavior(:frontend_checks) # Then I should run log rotation checks @runner.behavior(:log_rotation_checks) ## TODO? ## When I restart apache # # ## Then apache status should be good # # # Then I should test reboot operations on the deployment @runner.behavior(:run_reboot_operations)