# DynamicScaffold The Scaffold system which dynamically generates CRUD and sort functions. ## Feature * This is generate the pages using same views dynamically. * Support the responsive design and touch UI. * Support sort and pagination. * Support image upload with preview. * Support image crop. * This has the views with the Twitter Bootstrap. Support bootstrap3/4. * Customizable and flexible. <img src="images/list_with_pager.png"> <img src="images/form.png"> ## Installation Add this line to your application's Gemfile: ```ruby gem 'dynamic_scaffold', '~> 0.1' ``` And then execute: ```bash $ bundle ``` ## Usage ### Routes Please call `dynamic_scaffold_for` method with the resource name. ```rb # config/routes.rb Rails.application.routes.draw do dynamic_scaffold_for 'shops' end ``` This will generate the following routes. ``` sort_or_destroy_controls_master_shops PATCH /:locale/controls/master/shops/sort_or_destroy(.:format) controls/shops#sort_or_destroy controls_master_shops GET /:locale/controls/master/shops(.:format) controls/shops#index POST /:locale/controls/master/shops(.:format) controls/shops#create new_controls_master_shop GET /:locale/controls/master/shops/new(.:format) controls/shops#new edit_controls_master_shop GET /:locale/controls/master/shops/:id/edit(.:format) controls/shops#edit controls_master_shop PATCH /:locale/controls/master/shops/:id(.:format) controls/shops#update PUT /:locale/controls/master/shops/:id(.:format) controls/shops#update ``` ### Generate controller and views First, you need a model of the target table. If you have not generate it yet, please generate the model. ``` rails generate model Shop ``` Next, execute the following command for generate the controller and views. ``` rails generate dynamic_scaffold shops create app/controllers/shops_controller.rb create app/views/shops/edit.html.erb create app/views/shops/index.html.erb create app/views/shops/new.html.erb ``` You can also specify namespaces and the model name if you want. ``` rails generate dynamic_scaffold namespace/plural_model rails generate dynamic_scaffold namespace/controller Model ``` #### Options ##### content_for Enclose the `render` of view in `content_for`. ``` rails generate dynamic_scaffold admin/shops --content_for admin_body ``` ```erb # views/admin/shops/edit.html.erb <% content_for :admin_body do%> <%= render 'dynamic_scaffold/bootstrap/edit' %> <%end%> ``` ##### controller_base Change the base class of controller. ``` rails generate dynamic_scaffold admin/shops --controller_base Admin::BaseController ``` ```erb # controllers/admin/shops_controller.rb class Admin::ShopsController < Admin::BaseController include DynamicScaffold::Controller dynamic_scaffold Shop do |config| ``` ### Prepare CSS and Javascript You need to load the files for CSS and Javascript. Currently, we support the Bootstrap 3 and Bootstrap 4. ```sass # app/assets/stylesheets/application.scss @import 'dynamic_scaffold/bootstrap3' # or @import 'dynamic_scaffold/bootstrap4' ``` ```js // app/assets/javascripts/application.js //= require dynamic_scaffold ``` ### Customization You can customize each items in the block passed as dynamic_scaffold method argument. ```rb # app/controllers/shops_controller.rb class ShopController < ApplicationController include DynamicScaffold::Controller dynamic_scaffold Shop do |config| # customize here # `config` is DynamicScaffold::Config end end ``` #### Customize list You can customize the list through the `DynamicScaffold::Config#list` property. ```rb # app/controllers/shops_controller.rb class ShopController < ApplicationController include DynamicScaffold::Controller dynamic_scaffold Shop do |config| # If you want filtering that can not be handled by `config.scope`, you can use the filter method. # Please note that returning nil will be ignored. config.list.filter do |query| query.where(parent_id: nil) end # You can set each title in the list header through title method. # Pass the attribute name, config.list.title(:name) # or # config.list.title do |record| # record.name # end # First arg is attribute name of model. # Last hash arg is given to HTML attributes options. # `label` method change the label (I18n model attribute name is default). config.list.item(:id, style: 'width: 80px').label('Number') config.list.item :name, style: 'width: 120px' # If you want to call a model method, specify the block. config.list.item :updated_at, style: 'width: 180px' do |rec, name| rec.fdate name, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S' end # The `label` method also accepts block. config.list.item(:created_at, style: 'width: 180px').label 'Create Date' do |rec, name| rec.fdate name, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S' end # The first argument can also be omitted, to display item that is not model attribute. # The block is executed in the context of view, so you can call the method of view. config.list.item do |rec| link_to "Show #{rec.name}", controls_master_shops_path end end end ``` #### Customize form You can customize the form through the `DynamicScaffold::Config#form` property. ```rb # app/controllers/shops_controller.rb class ShopController < ApplicationController include DynamicScaffold::Controller dynamic_scaffold Shop do |config| # config.form.item(type, name, html_attributes) # or # config.form.item(type, name, options, html_attributes) # # You can use form helper methods for type, # text_field, check_box, radio_button, password_field, hidden_field, file_field, text_area, color_field, # collection_check_boxes, collection_radio_buttons, collection_select, grouped_collection_select, # time_select, date_select, datetime_select, number_field, telephone_field # Default label is I18n model attribute name. config.form.item :text_field, :name # You can specify `label`. config.form.item(:text_field, :name).label 'Shop Name' # You can set default value for new action. config.form.item(:text_field, :name).default('Foo Bar') # If you use hidden_field, the label will also be hidden. config.form.item :hidden_field, :id # but if you specify the label explicitly it will be displayed. config.form.item(:hidden_field, :id).label 'ID' # Last hash arg is given to HTML attributes. config.form.item :text_area, :memo, rows: 8 # Methods of the collection conform to the [ActionView::Helpers::FormBuilder](https://apidock.com/rails/ActionView/Helpers/FormBuilder) method. config.form.item(:collection_select, :category_id, Category.all, :id, :name, include_blank: 'Select Category' ) config.form.item(:collection_check_boxes, :state_ids, State.all, :id, :name) config.form.item(:collection_radio_buttons, :status, Shop.statuses.map{|k, _v| [k, k.titleize]}, :first, :last) # You can add an image uploader with preview to the form. The save and remove part to the model corresponds to [carrierwave](https://github.com/carrierwaveuploader/carrierwave). # In the example below, you need to mount the carrierwave uploader on the thumb column of the model. # # class Shop < ApplicationRecord # mount_uploader :thumb, ShopThumbUploader # config.form.item( :carrierwave_image, :thumb, preview_max_size: {width: '300px', height: '300px'}, removable: false # If you want to require image, please set removable to false. the default is true. ) # If you want to display more free form field, use block. # The block is executed in the context of view, so you can call the method of view. config.form.item :block, :free do |form, field| content_tag :div, class: 'foobar' do form.text_field field.name, class: 'foobar' end end # The label of block method also accepts block. config.form.item(:block, :free).label 'Free Value' do |form, field| content_tag :div, class: 'foobar' do form.text_field field.name, class: 'foobar' end end # You can insert HTML before/after the element. config.form.item(:file_field, :image).label('Image').insert(:after) do |rec| tag.label for: :delete_image do concat tag.input type: :checkbox, id: :delete_image, name: 'shop[delete_image]' concat 'Delete image' end end # You need to permit the new form parameters you inserted. # And if necessary, add virtual attributes to the model. config.form.permit_params(:delete_image) # You can also add a note to the form field. config.form.item(:text_field, :name).note do content_tag :p do out = [] out << 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, ' out << 'sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.' out << tag(:br) out << 'Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco ' out << 'laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. ' out << tag(:br) safe_join(out) end end end end ``` `carrierwave_image` supports [cropper](https://github.com/fengyuanchen/cropperjs). For details, please read [Crop the image](https://github.com/gomo/dynamic_scaffold/wiki/Crop-the-image). ### Sorting You can sort records having integer column for order in the list page. ```rb class CreateCountries < ActiveRecord::Migration[5.1] def change create_table :countries do |t| t.string :name t.integer :sequence end end end ``` ``` rails generate dynamic_scaffold countries ``` ```rb # app/controllers/countries_controller.rb class CountriesController < ApplicationController include DynamicScaffold::Controller dynamic_scaffold Country do |config| config.list.sorter sequence: :desc ... ``` <img src="images/sorter.gif"> ### Pagination You can enable pagination with [kaminari](https://github.com/kaminari/kaminari). ```rb # app/controllers/shops_controller.rb class ShopController < ApplicationController include DynamicScaffold::Controller dynamic_scaffold Shop do |config| config.list.pagination per_page: 20 ... ``` The following options are available for the pagination. ``` window: 0, # kaminari options outer_window: 0, # kaminari options left: 0, # kaminari options right: 0, # kaminari options param_name: :page, # kaminari options total_count: true, # Whether to display total count and active page, like `2/102`. end_buttons: true, # Whether to display buttons to the first and last page. neighbor_buttons: true, # Whether to display buttons to the next and prev page. gap_buttons: false, # Whether to display gap buttons. highlight_current: false, # Whether to highlight the current page. ``` ### Scoping You can scoping for target items by url param. For example, you create the Scaffold of users for each role. ```rb create_table :users do |t| t.string :email, null: false t.string :encrypted_password, null: false t.integer :role, limit: 2, null: false end class User < ApplicationRecord enum role: { admin: 1, staff: 2, member: 3 } end ``` Set the route as follows. ```rb Rails.application.routes.draw do dynamic_scaffold_for 'users/:role', controller: 'users', as: 'users', role: Regexp.new(User.roles.keys.join('|')) end ``` ``` sort_or_destroy_controls_master_users PATCH /:locale/controls/master/users/:role/sort_or_destroy(.:format) controls/users#sort_or_destroy {:role=>/admin|staff|member/} controls_master_users GET /:locale/controls/master/users/:role(.:format) controls/users#index {:role=>/admin|staff|member/} POST /:locale/controls/master/users/:role(.:format) controls/users#create {:role=>/admin|staff|member/} new_controls_master_user GET /:locale/controls/master/users/:role/new(.:format) controls/users#new {:role=>/admin|staff|member/} edit_controls_master_user GET /:locale/controls/master/users/:role/:id/edit(.:format) controls/users#edit {:role=>/admin|staff|member/} controls_master_user PATCH /:locale/controls/master/users/:role/:id(.:format) controls/users#update {:role=>/admin|staff|member/} PUT /:locale/controls/master/users/:role/:id(.:format) controls/users#update {:role=>/admin|staff|member/} ``` For the controller, as follows. ```rb # app/controllers/users_controller.rb class UsersController < ApplicationController include DynamicScaffold::Controller dynamic_scaffold User do |c| c.scope [:role] ... ``` The scope can fix value also. ```rb # app/controllers/users_controller.rb class UsersController < ApplicationController include DynamicScaffold::Controller dynamic_scaffold User do |c| c.scope [{role: :admin}] # or if you use only fixed values, you can use Hash c.scope role: :admin ... ``` #### Limit count You can specify the maximum count of registrations. ```rb # app/controllers/users_controller.rb class UsersController < ApplicationController include DynamicScaffold::Controller dynamic_scaffold User do |c| c.max_count 10 ... ``` If database support lock, you can lock the table before count. ```rb # app/controllers/users_controller.rb class UsersController < ApplicationController include DynamicScaffold::Controller dynamic_scaffold User do |c| c.max_count 10, lock: true ... ``` If you want a finer lock control, you can use the block. ```rb # app/controllers/users_controller.rb class UsersController < ApplicationController include DynamicScaffold::Controller dynamic_scaffold User do |c| c.max_count 10 do |record| ActiveRecord::Base.connection.execute("...") end ... ``` Please note that the count of records is affected by scope and list.filter. ### View helper #### dynamic_scaffold.title You can set and get the title of the pages. ```erb # app/views/your_resources/list.html.erb <%= dynamic_scaffold.title.current.name %> <!-- Shop --> <%= dynamic_scaffold.title.current.action %> <!-- List --> <%= dynamic_scaffold.title.current.full %> <!-- Shop List --> ``` You can get another action title through the action name method too. ```erb # app/views/your_resources/list.html.erb <%= dynamic_scaffold.title.new.full %> <!-- Create Shop --> ``` If you want change from the model name, set `config.title.name`. ```rb # app/controllers/shops_controller.rb class ShopController < ApplicationController include DynamicScaffold::Controller dynamic_scaffold Shop do |config| config.title.name = 'Model' ... ``` If you want to dynamically set according to url parameters, you can also use block. ```rb # app/controllers/shops_controller.rb class ShopController < ApplicationController include DynamicScaffold::Controller dynamic_scaffold Shop do |config| config.title.name do |params| I18n.t "enum.user.role.#{params[role]}", default: params[role].titleize end ``` #### dynamic_scaffold_path You can get the path by specifying the action name. Below is an example of displaying breadcrumbs. ```erb <ol class="breadcrumb"> <%= yield :breadcrumb_before %> <% if params['action'] == 'index' %> <li class="active"><%= dynamic_scaffold.title.current.name %></li> <% else %> <li><%= link_to dynamic_scaffold.title.index.name, dynamic_scaffold_path(:index) %></li> <li class="active"><%= dynamic_scaffold.title.current.action %></li> <% end %> </ol> ``` #### dynamic_scaffold.vars You can cache, such as data to be displayed multiple times in a view using `dynamic_scaffold.vars`. ```rb # app/controllers/shops_controller.rb class ShopController < ApplicationController include DynamicScaffold::Controller dynamic_scaffold Shop do |config| config.title.vars :shop_type do ShopType.find(params['shop_type_id']) end ... ``` ```rb # in your view <%= dynamic_scaffold.vars.shop_type.name %> ``` ## Contributing * We use rspec for test. * Check code with [rubocop](https://github.com/bbatsov/rubocop). ### Development hints. Please support both Bootstrap 3/4. You can change CSS to Bootstrap3 by registering `bootstrap=3` in cookie in the sample page. ## License The gem is available as open source under the terms of the [MIT License](http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT).