Then /^(?:the )?(?:feature "([^"]*)" )?test(?: "([^"]*)")? is found to have the following properties:$/ do |file, test, properties| file ||= 1 test ||= 1 properties = properties.rows_hash properties.each do |property, value| assert value == @parsed_files[file - 1].feature.tests[test - 1].send(property.to_sym).to_s end end Then /^(?:the )?(?:feature "([^"]*)" )?test(?: "([^"]*)")? has the following description:$/ do |file, test, text| file ||= 1 test ||= 1 new_description = @parsed_files[file - 1].feature.tests[test - 1].description_text old_description = @parsed_files[file - 1].feature.tests[test - 1].description new_description.should == text old_description.should == remove_whitespace(text) end Then /^(?:the )?(?:feature "([^"]*)" )?test(?: "([^"]*)")? steps are as follows:$/ do |file, test, steps| file ||= 1 test ||= 1 steps = steps.raw.flatten.collect do |step| if step.start_with? "'" step.slice(1..step.length - 2) else step end end actual_steps = do |steps| @parsed_files[file - 1].feature.tests[test - 1].steps.each do |step| steps << step.base end end assert actual_steps.flatten == steps end Then /^(?:the )?(?:feature "([^"]*)" )?test(?: "([^"]*)")? is found to have the following tags:$/ do |file, test, expected_tags| file ||= 1 test ||= 1 expected_tags = expected_tags.raw.flatten @parsed_files[file - 1].feature.tests[test - 1].tags.should == expected_tags @parsed_files[file - 1].feature.tests[test - 1].tag_elements.collect { |tag| }.should == expected_tags end Then /^(?:the )?(?:feature "([^"]*)" )?test(?: "([^"]*)")? is found to have the following applied tags:$/ do |file, test, expected_tags| file ||= 1 test ||= 1 expected_tags = expected_tags.raw.flatten @parsed_files[file - 1].feature.tests[test - 1].applied_tags.should == expected_tags @parsed_files[file - 1].feature.tests[test - 1].applied_tag_elements.collect { |tag| }.should == expected_tags end Then /^(?:the )?(?:feature "([^"]*)" )?test(?: "([^"]*)")? step "([^"]*)" has the following block:$/ do |file, test, step, block| file ||= 1 test ||= 1 block = block.raw.flatten.collect do |line| if line.start_with? "'" line.slice(1..line.length - 2) else line end end assert @parsed_files[file - 1].feature.tests[test - 1].steps[step - 1].block == block end Then /^(?:the )?(?:feature "([^"]*)" )?test(?: "([^"]*)")? is equal to test "([^"]*)"$/ do |file, first_test, second_test| file ||= 1 first_test ||= 1 expected = true actual = @parsed_files[file - 1].feature.tests[first_test - 1] == @parsed_files[file - 1].feature.tests[second_test - 1] assert(actual == expected, "Expected: #{expected}\n but was: #{actual}") end Then /^(?:the )?(?:feature "([^"]*)" )?test(?: "([^"]*)")? is not equal to test "([^"]*)"$/ do |file, first_test, second_test| file ||= 1 first_test ||= 1 assert @parsed_files[file - 1].feature.tests[first_test - 1] != @parsed_files[file - 1].feature.tests[second_test - 1] end Then /^(?:the )?(?:feature "([^"]*)" )?test(?: "([^"]*)")? correctly stores its underlying implementation$/ do |file, test| file ||= 1 test ||= 1 raw_element = @parsed_files[file - 1].feature.tests[test - 1].raw_element expected = ['Scenario', 'Scenario Outline'] actual = raw_element['keyword'] expected.include?(actual).should be_true end Then(/^the scenario has convenient output$/) do @parsed_files.first.feature.tests.first.method(:to_s).owner.should == CucumberAnalytics::Scenario end Given(/^a scenario element based on the following gherkin:$/) do |scenario_text| @element = end