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"{< "{ "!0#e\#kl&s&z&&8'/(02G834B4 P4{<O#{ ":#F&PYbPYbPPYbYbPYbiinuYYYPuux}  a{i{q{y{{{{{{{{z{< {<{!w!{{! w!(;!BwQ)e)e{< {<Sk{1 ! w {5 = e $s 5 wA < : : B1{1 KA )e<!Q7 S ;{b Q ! ! ! w!  ! w!! !8 w!R !i w! ! w! ! w! ! w! !+ w!D !Z w!u ! w!  ! ! w! ! ! !' 9U im i} q y    CY1z<)1{7 @EJOT.3U.c. ..'.+E.;'.Ce.K.S.[a77Rv.7CdC C mC  NCover.Console.exeAbstractExitCodeInterpreterNCover.ConsoleMainDefaultExitCodeInterpreterExitCodeInterpreterFactoryMSTestExitCodeInterpreterNCoverExitCodeInterpreterNUnitExitCodeInterpreterConsoleMainConsoleCtrlDelegatemscorlibSystemObjectNCover.InterfacesIExitCodeInterpreterMulticastDelegateNCover.Interfaces.ModelICoverageModelRunSettings_settings.ctorGetCoveredProcessNameIOutputWriterInterpretAndPrintExitCodeGetCoveredServiceNameGetNCoverInterpreterGetInterpreterSOMETHING_BAD_HAPPENEDINVALID_ARGFILE_NOT_FOUNDFIXTURE_NOT_FOUNDUNEXPECTED_ERRORkeepNCEFromShowingCoverageFileNCover.FrameworkProfilerDriverprofeventHandler_outputMainRunCoverage_PrintCoveredProcessExitCodeOnConsole_PrintNCoverExitCodeOnConsole_PrintExitCodeOnConsole_ShowLogo_ShowHelp_PrintCommandSettingsOnConsole_PrintOutputSettingsOnConsoleNCover.Interfaces.ViewICoverageView_PrintResultsOnConsoleException_CleanupFromExceptionNCover.Interfaces.EnumerationsConsoleEventControlEventDispatchSetConsoleCtrlHandlerInvokeIAsyncResultAsyncCallbackBeginInvokeEndInvokesettingsexitCodewriterargsoutputpsdataexconsoleEventHandlerRoutineAddobjectmethodcallbackresultSystem.Runtime.InteropServicesComVisibleAttributeSystem.ReflectionAssemblyTitleAttributeAssemblyDescriptionAttributeAssemblyVersionAttributeAssemblyFileVersionAttributeAssemblyCompanyAttributeAssemblyProductAttributeAssemblyCopyrightAttributeCLSCompliantAttributeSystem.DiagnosticsDebuggableAttributeDebuggingModesSystem.Runtime.CompilerServicesCompilationRelaxationsAttributeRuntimeCompatibilityAttributeNCover.ConsoleArgumentNullExceptionget_IsCoveringApplicationget_CommandLineExeSystem.IOPathGetInvalidPathCharsStringTrimGetInvalidFileNameCharsGetFileNameget_HasWindowsServiceSpecifiedget_ProfileServiceConcatget_ProfileIISIsNullOrEmptyInt32WriteLineRunSettingsFactoryKnownApplicationsDetermineCoveredApplicationNCover.UtilitiesNCover.Utilities.OutputWritersConsoleOutputWriterb__0sAction`1CS$<>9__CachedAnonymousMethodDelegate1CompilerGeneratedAttributeop_EqualityEnvironmentget_CommandLineIndexOfNCoverKeyLicenseErrorCheckLicenseForErrorsTextForLicenseErrorSystem.Collections.GenericList`1ParseRunSettingsFromCommandArgsHelpersIsRunningAsAdminget_IsCoveringServiceForEachLicensePermitsNCoverSettingsEnumeratorGetEnumeratorget_CurrentMoveNextIDisposableDisposeAreNCoverSettingsExecutableHasAnyCriticalProblemsMakeUsersHappyExecuteget_MessageSystem.Runtime.SerializationSerializationExceptionUtilityFunctionsGetStandardApplicationTitleget_LicenseKeyget_ConsoleLicenseInformationNCoverFeatureKeyEditionSupportsFeatureget_CommandLineArgsget_WorkingDirectoryget_HasIncludedAssembliesget_IncludedAssembliesJoinget_HasExcludedAssembliesget_ExcludedAssembliesget_HasIncludedAttributesget_IncludedAttributesget_HasExcludedAttributesget_ExcludedAttributesget_HasIncludedClassNamesget_IncludedClassNamesget_HasExcludedClassNamesget_ExcludedClassNamesget_HasIncludedFilePathsget_IncludedFilePathsget_HasExcludedFilePathsget_ExcludedFilePathsget_HasExcludedMethodNamesget_ExcludedMethodNamesget_HasHtmlReportSpecifiedget_CoverageHtmlPathGetFullPathget_CoverageXmlget_HasTrendSpecifiedget_CoverageTrendLogLevelget_LoggingLevelget_LogFileget_WriteSettingsFileICoverageViewRunResultsget_RunResultsDateTimeget_MeasureTimeget_StartTimeTimeSpanop_Subtractionget_TotalSecondsDoubleToStringICoverageSupportStatisticsICoverageStatisticget_Statisticsget_TotalSequencePointsget_VisitedSequencePointPercentageSingleget_TotalBranchPointsget_VisitedBranchPointPercentageStopAndGatherCoverageWriteExceptionHandleConsoleEventDllImportAttributekernel32.dllsettingsService ''-The IIS Worker Process1Unable to determine what?{0} is returning exit code #{1}Either there was an invalid command line, or some tests failed, or MSTest encountered an unexprected exception.UNCover.Console is returning exit code #{0}y{0} tests failed. Check the NUnit test log for more details.MNUnit encountered an invalid argument.kNUnit wasn't able to find one of the test assemblies.aNUnit wasn't able to find the specified fixture.NUnit encountered an unexpected error. Check the console output and the error log for more details.? //help\"eNCover has determined that one of the paths in the]//h or //w commands ends with a backslash (\).wPlease remove or escape the backslash and run NCover again.Covering Windows Services or IIS requires Administrative privileges.To run NCover with administrative privileges you can run NCover.Consolefrom an elevated command prompt, or you can elevate NCover Explorerby right-clicking on its icon and selecting 'Run as Administrator'.Y ---- Invalid NCover Settings Detected ---- O ---- End of Invalid Settings List ----m******************* Program Output *******************o ***************** End Program Output *****************] ***************** Exception *****************ps NCoverICopyright (c) 2007 - 2009 Gnoso Inc.License Key: Usage: ncover.console [<application to start> [<application args>]]Y [//svc <service name>]; [//iis]] [other NCover arguments];NCover Command Line Arguments NOTE: Any command line parameters that do not start with '//' are passedo to the launched application on its command line.! //at <filename> - Create trend data from the coverage data and append it to the given file.W Creates the file if it doesn't exist.! //bi <build id> - Attaches a custom build id to the coverage data gathered.g A random unique ID will be created otherwise.M (Any string is a valid build id)! //cr <filename> - Reads settings from the given file, overriding existing settings.! //cs <filename>U - Saves the current settings to a file9 //ct <comma delimited list> - Specify desired coverage types in a comma delimited list.e Example: //ct "Symbol, Branch, MethodVisits" Values: "Symbol","Branch","CyclomaticComplexity","MethodVisits" Default: Symbol, Branch, MethodVisits, CyclomaticComplexity+ //ct <coverage type>I - Specify desired coverage type.9 Example: //ct "Symbol"- Values: "Symbol"+ Default: Symbol3Include and Exclude ruleso NOTE: Include rules are processed before exclude rules NOTE: Each command in this set uses the same formart - a semi-colon delimitedE list of regular expressionsw Example: ".*test;gonewiththe$;^ncover\.test.*\.dll$"' //eas <regex list> - Assemblies matching the regular expressions will be excluded from coverage (the assembly name does not include the extension)' //ea <regex list> - Namespaces, Classes, and Methods with an attribute that matches one of the regular expressions will be excluded from coverage.s (the fully-qualified name of the attribute is used,q e.g. System.Xml.Serialization.XmlElementAttribute)' //ef <regex list> - Source files whose path matches one of the regular expressions will be excluded from coverage. (the full-path of the source file at compile-time is used, e.g. "D:\castletech\operations\dev\ncover\resources\setting.cs"' //et <regex list> - Namespaces and Classes whose fully-qualified name matches one of theses regular expressions will be excluded from coverage. (inner classes are separated from their parents by a '+' not a '.'M e.g. namespace.class+innerclass)' //em <regex list> - Methods whose fully-qualified name matches one of these regularc expressions will be excluded from coverage.' //ias <regex list> - Assemblies matching the regular expressions will be included into coverage (the assembly name does not include the extension)' //ia <regex list> of the regular expressions will be included into coverage.' //if <regex list> included into coverage. (the full-path of the source file at compile-time' //it <regex list>s regular expressions will be included into coverage. //iis - NCover will start IIS and cover any code executed within it. Once IIS is stopped NCover will gather the coverage data. NCover will stop IIS if it is already running before starting it again. //naq - Turn off auto-exclusion of compiler-generated code' //h <folder name> - Write the 'FullCoverageReport' html report to the given folder.! //l <filename>i - Write coverage messages to the given log file. CHANGE FROM 2.1: Messages will not be written unless //ll is used //expertmodec - Turn usability mode off and expert mode on.# //ll <log level>A - Specify profiler log levele Values: "None"[default], "Normal", "Verbose" //oaws - Only gather coverage data from assemblies with source code.) //p <project name>u - Provide a project name to display in the html report9 Default: "New Project") //pm <process name> - When set, instead of covering the process that is passed on the command line, NCover will cover all (child) processes whose name is an exact (case-insensitive) match of the given process name. //regk - Temporarily enable NCover for the current user. NOTE: This argument will not work for the //iis or the //svc arguments.; //ssp <comma delimited list> - Set where NCover will search for PDBs for the assemblies it covers Values: "Registry","SymbolServer","BuildPath","ExecutingDir"} Default: Registry, SymbolServer, BuildPath, ExecutingDir //st <minutes> - After the given number of minutes, NCover will forcibly stop IIS or the service started with //svc and gather coverage data from it.w Pass 0 (zero) to tell NCover not to stop the service.i (By default, NCover will not stop the service)+ //svc <service name> - NCover will start and cover any code executed within the given service NOTE: the parameter is the service's "Service Name" not the "Display Name"' //w <folder name>w - Set the working directory of the covered application. NOTE: Does not apply to IIS or a service started with //svc] NOTE: Does not apply to any //pm process! //wal <minutes> - Tell NCover to wait the given number of minutes for the application to start up. If the application has not started up after the given amount of time, NCover will assume that it will never start up, and then exit./ Default: 1 minute! //x <filename>m - Write a coverage data file to the given filename; Default: .\coverage.xmlCommand: {0}#Command Args: {0}-Working Directory: {0}1Included Assemblies: {0};1Excluded Assemblies: {0}GAssemblies: (All Loaded Assemblies)1Included Attributes: {0}1Excluded Attributes: {0}'Included Types: {0}'Excluded Types: {0}5Included Source Files: {0}5Excluded Source Files: {0}+Excluded Methods: {0}%Coverage Html: {0}#Coverage Xml: {0}Trend File: {0}#Coverage Log: {0}1Saved Settings File: {0}+Execution Time: {0} sN4+Symbol Coverage: {0}%N2+Branch Coverage: {0}%'B&Gz\V4       N$    !%$  % )%- )   Y$$RSA1R4z'꤁%XD;#ґqq 9AY3A66T\VPSe$*k5 Զ-ӦJBW$^Ad"=7y   yyy        # !                 ! %NCover ConsoleNCover Coverage Profiler Gnoso Inc.*%Copyright © 2007 - 2009 - Gnoso Inc.TWrapNonExceptionThrowsz!JxyRSDSng={H"7=c:\TeamCity\buildAgent\work\ed1ddb440d980ff2\Main\NCover.Console\obj\Release\NCover.Console.pdbΉ _CorExeMainmscoree.dll% 0(@X p 0@P`p8Ph%` h vp4VS_VERSION_INFOCC?DVarFileInfo$TranslationStringFileInfo000004b0LCommentsNCover Coverage Profiler8 CompanyNameGnoso Inc.HFileDescriptionNCover Console8 FileVersion3.3.2.6211HInternalNameNCover.Console.exep%LegalCopyrightCopyright 2007 - 2009 - Gnoso Inc.POriginalFilenameNCover.Console.exeTProductNameNCover Coverage Profiler< ProductVersion3.3.2.6211@ Assembly Version3.3.2.6211(0`    /0"""***777U@6T!]i#n$~O9iH5tAAATTT}h[jMaj\edddiiinuewwwFHJ N DLQVY_\%W2\9]"a>d,e%e2i3j3s?w;eLcBjZtBwHxF|KmQzP|Plasetevi{lpP^xdcíJQׄU݈c̗fśwş}ژtltyԥ{)%/9A9(F_XCIOd,(-4"% ++257:6</L1oAKAJCDKR+A%]&D O N Z!T+S#Z8V2\1S9U;[z$l&b*c+j3`;c2s>r8r=ykwB]FdWhAfElQlQiDsHuKzWsXuPycyIDIM<=6/UE^\[hlopsttzg*:3<<v~ETVG@YDJKUR[tzlci}yq|àܨ沜è̱㾮5##6FG#####$)$)$##)##$+/////+$$#+.0788877/X ÷;CFED:[b^ &ɾ¾NNlccb!Ļɿfecc]vɸjeccbǛrqjecbaad?>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>|sjjeccaa_ krsztsqjjccaauVrst}}tsrjjccbartt}鱌}{trqieccaost}}tsrjjccacTst}}}tsqjeecamt}}{{rrhfcg  pwc xc   n`Z YU<    \YW<  4< =< ==  @<       @<    A<   A<    A<  A<  @<   =<  ==       =<         <<24B,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,%'LBBIBIBIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII1(SLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLH*OOOOOOOOOOSOOSOOSOSOSOSOSOSOOSOOSOOSOOSOJ*OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOJ9KOOOOOOOOOOOORORORORORORORORORORORORORORKPRRQQQQQQQQRQRQRPRQQQQQQQQRQRPRRPRRPRRR??( @  $###&&&***...222666<<<H?<KB?B ~_7 E"SBBBDDDNDBJJJLLLPGDSHG[MGUKHXNKZPMUUU]TQ]]]cOEfQHbYVg][i_]la]{g_{^p```eeekkkpppuuuyyy}}}FGHJ N QTUX]!^%`&b*e-r4hTvMwKsB{@|O~OnareuhxjxkzP\VTpsɓ_΋m˘epݕuךrڜz $'0<E6A32BLJFK<)#$ ' * , .-249:>?77>S;444444;H6689999764Q47;>@A@@<966DQQPE,c`>¾Xߩ}i`ǿ˪ojfӘypjjv&%%%%%%%%%%%%%|񽹝ysojgmezzxojg\zzxojguzsojq]~ym2  _t1 ^d$2릔b+!    .K!       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