opal_filter "Method" do fails "Method#define_method when passed an UnboundMethod object defines a method with the same #arity as the original" fails "Method#define_method when passed an UnboundMethod object defines a method with the same #parameters as the original" fails "Method#== returns true if methods are the same" fails "Method#== returns true on aliased methods" fails "Method#== returns true if the two core methods are aliases" fails "Method#== returns true if a method was defined using the other one" fails "Method#== missing methods returns true for the same method missing" fails "Method#source_location works for methods defined with a block" fails "Method#source_location works for methods defined with an UnboundMethod" fails "Method#source_location for a Method generated by respond_to_missing? returns nil" fails "Method#to_proc returns a Proc object with the correct arity" fails "Method#to_proc returns a proc that can be used by define_method" fails "Method#to_proc returns a proc that can receive a block" fails "Method#eql? returns true if methods are the same" fails "Method#eql? returns true on aliased methods" fails "Method#eql? returns true if the two core methods are aliases" fails "Method#eql? returns true if a method was defined using the other one" fails "Method#eql? missing methods returns true for the same method missing" fails "Method#to_s returns a String containing the method name" fails "Method#to_s returns a String containing the Module the method is defined in" fails "Method#to_s returns a String containing the Module the method is referenced from" fails "Method#unbind rebinding UnboundMethod to Method's obj produces exactly equivalent Methods" fails "Method#owner for a Method generated by respond_to_missing? returns the owner of the method" fails "Method#hash returns the same value for user methods that are eql?" fails "Method#hash returns the same value for builtin methods that are eql?" fails "Method#arity for a Method generated by respond_to_missing? returns -1" fails "Method#name for a Method generated by respond_to_missing? returns the name passed to respond_to_missing?" fails "Method#[] for a Method generated by respond_to_missing? invokes method_missing with the specified arguments and returns the result" fails "Method#[] for a Method generated by respond_to_missing? invokes method_missing with the method name and the specified arguments" fails "Method#[] for a Method generated by respond_to_missing? invokes method_missing dynamically" fails "Method#[] for a Method generated by respond_to_missing? does not call the original method name even if it now exists" fails "Method#super_method returns the method that would be called by super in the method" fails "Method#super_method returns nil when there's no super method in the parent" fails "Method#super_method returns nil when the parent's method is removed" fails "Method#call for a Method generated by respond_to_missing? invokes method_missing with the specified arguments and returns the result" fails "Method#call for a Method generated by respond_to_missing? invokes method_missing with the method name and the specified arguments" fails "Method#call for a Method generated by respond_to_missing? invokes method_missing dynamically" fails "Method#call for a Method generated by respond_to_missing? does not call the original method name even if it now exists" fails "Method#receiver for a Method generated by respond_to_missing? returns the receiver of the method" fails "Method#curry returns a curried proc" fails "Method#curry with optional arity argument returns a curried proc when given correct arity" fails "Method#curry with optional arity argument raises ArgumentError when the method requires more arguments than the given arity" fails "Method#curry with optional arity argument raises ArgumentError when the method requires less arguments than the given arity" fails "Method#clone returns a copy of the method" fails "Method#parameters returns [[:rest]] for a Method generated by respond_to_missing?" fails "A method assigns local variables from method parameters for definition 'def m(a:) a end'" fails "A method assigns local variables from method parameters for definition 'def m(a=1, b:) [a, b] end'" fails "A method assigns local variables from method parameters for definition 'def m(a=1, b: 2) [a, b] end'" fails "A method assigns local variables from method parameters for definition 'def m(a=1, **) a end'" fails "A method assigns local variables from method parameters for definition 'def m(*a, b:) [a, b] end'" fails "A method assigns local variables from method parameters for definition 'def m(*a, b: 1) [a, b] end'" fails "A method assigns local variables from method parameters for definition 'def m(*a, **) a end'" fails "A method assigns local variables from method parameters for definition 'def m(a = nil, **k) [a, k] end'" fails "A method assigns local variables from method parameters for definition 'def m(*a, **k) [a, k] end'" fails "A method assigns local variables from method parameters for definition 'def m(a:, b:) [a, b] end'" fails "A method assigns local variables from method parameters for definition 'def m(a:, b: 1) [a, b] end'" fails "A method assigns local variables from method parameters for definition 'def m(a:, **) a end'" fails "A method assigns local variables from method parameters for definition 'def m(a:, **k) [a, k] end'" end