/** * The lightbox widget implemented with RightJS * * Home page: http://rightjs.org/ui/lightbox * * @copyright (C) 2009 Nikolay V. Nemshilov aka St. */ if (!RightJS || !Fx) { throw "Gimme RightJS with Fx. Please." }; /** * The lightbox widget * * Credits: * Inspired by and monkeys the Lightbox 2 project * -- http://www.huddletogether.com/projects/lightbox2/ * Copyright (C) Lokesh Dhakar * * @copyright (C) 2009 Nikolay V. Nemshilov aka St. */ Browser.IE6 = navigator.userAgent.indexOf("MSIE 6") != -1; var Lightbox = new Class({ include: Options, extend: { Version: "1.0.0", Options: { endOpacity: 0.8, fxDuration: 300, hideOnEsc: true, hideOnOutClick: true, showCloseButton: true, blockContent: false, relName: 'lightbox' }, i18n: { CloseText: '×', CloseTitle: 'Close', PrevText: '‹‹‹', PrevTitle: 'Previous Image', NextText: '›››', NextTitle: 'Next Image' }, boxes: [], // scans the page for auto-discoverable lighbox links rescan: function(scope) { var key = Lightbox.Options.relName; var get_options = function(element) { var data = element.get('data-'+key+'-options'); return eval('('+data+')') || {}; }; // grabbing the singles ($(scope)||document).select('a[rel='+key+']').each(function(a) { if (!a.showLightbox) { var options = get_options(a); a.showLightbox = function(event) { event.stop(); new Lightbox(options).show(this); }; a.onClick(a.showLightbox); } }); // grabbing the roadtrip var roadtrip = $$('a[rel="'+key+'[roadtrip]"]'); roadtrip.each(function(a) { // removing the listener case the roadmap might get changed if (a.showLightbox) { a.stopObserving(a.showLightbox); } var options = get_options(a); a.roadtrip = roadtrip; a.showLightbox = function(event) { event.stop(); new Lightbox(options).show(this); }; a.onClick(a.showLightbox); }); } }, /** * basic constructor * * @param Object options override */ initialize: function(options) { this.setOptions(options).build().connectEvents(); Lightbox.boxes.push(this); }, /** * Sets the popup's title * * @param mixed string or element or somethin' * @return Lighbox self */ setTitle: function(txt) { this.caption.fade('out', { duration: this.options.fxDuration/2, onFinish: function() { this.caption.update(txt).fade('in', {duration: this.options.fxDuration/2}); }.bind(this) }); return this; }, /** * Hides the box * * @return Lightbox self */ hide: function() { this.element.hide('fade', { duration: this.options.fxDuration/2, onFinish: this.element.remove.bind(this.element) }); return this; }, /** * shows the lightbox with the content * * @param mixed content String, Element, Array, NodeList, .... * @return Lightbox self */ show: function(content, size) { return this.showingSelf(function() { this.lock(); this.content.update(content || ''); this.resize(size); }.bind(this)); }, /** * resizes the dialogue to fit the content * * @param Object {x:.., y:..} optional end size definition * @return Lightbox self */ resize: function(size, no_fx) { this.dialog.style.top = (window.sizes().y - this.dialog.sizes().y) / 2 + 'px'; var body_style = this.contentSize(size); var height_diff = this.dialog.sizes().y - this.body.sizes().y; var body_height = body_style.height.toInt() || this.minBodyHeight(); var dialog_style = { top: (this.element.sizes().y - body_height - height_diff)/2 + 'px' }; // IE6 screws with the dialog width if (Browser.IE6) { var padding = this.bodyWrap.getStyle('padding').toInt() > 0 ? 15 : 0; this.bodyWrap.setStyle('padding: '+padding+'px'); dialog_style.width = (body_style.width.toInt() + padding * 2) + 'px'; } if (no_fx === true) { this.body.setStyle(body_style); this.dialog.setStyle(dialog_style); this.loading = false; } else { this.resizeFx(body_style, dialog_style); } return this; }, // protected // locks the body lock: function() { this.bodyLock.removeClass('lightbox-body-lock-transparent').removeClass('lightbox-body-lock-loading').show(); if (Browser.OLD) this.bodyLock.setStyle("opacity: 1"); return this; }, // unlocks the body unlock: function() { if (this.options.blockContent) { this.bodyLock.addClass('lightbox-body-lock-transparent'); } else { this.bodyLock.hide(); } return this; }, // resize specific lock resizeLock: function() { this.lock().content.hide(); }, // resize specific unlock resizeUnlock: function() { this.unlock().content.show('fade', { duration: this.options.fxDuration/2 }); this.loading = false; }, // returns the content size hash contentSize: function(size) { var size = size === this.$listeners ? null : size, max_width = this.element.offsetWidth * 0.8, max_height = this.element.offsetHeight * 0.8; if (size) this.content.setStyle(size); size = this.content.sizes(); return { width: (size.x > max_width ? max_width : size.x)+"px", height: (size.y > max_height ? max_height : size.y)+"px" }; }, // adjusts the box size so that it closed the whole window boxResize: function(resize) { this.element.resize(window.sizes()); // IE6 needs to handle the locker position and size manually if (Browser.IE6) { this.locker.resize(window.sizes()); this.element.style.position = 'absolute'; this.element.style.top = document.documentElement.scrollTop + 'px'; } return this.resize(false, true); }, // performs an action showing the lighbox showingSelf: function(callback) { Lightbox.boxes.without(this).each('hide'); if (this.element.hidden()) { this.locker.setStyle('opacity:0'); this.dialog.setStyle('opacity:0'); this.element.insertTo(document.body).show(); this.boxResize(); var options = {duration: this.options.fxDuration}; this.locker.morph({opacity: this.options.endOpacity}, options); this.dialog.morph({opacity: 1}, options); callback.delay(this.options.fxDuration); } else { callback(); } return this; }, // builds the basic structure build: function() { this.element = this.E('lightbox').setStyle('display: none'); this.locker = this.E('lightbox-locker', this.element); this.dialog = this.E('lightbox-dialog', this.element); this.caption = this.E('lightbox-caption', this.dialog); this.bodyWrap = this.E('lightbox-body-wrap', this.dialog); this.body = this.E('lightbox-body', this.bodyWrap); this.content = this.E('lightbox-content', this.body); this.bodyLock = this.E('lightbox-body-lock', this.body).hide(); // the close button if asked if (this.options.showCloseButton) { this.closeButton = this.E('lightbox-close-button', this.dialog) .onClick(this.hide.bind(this)).update(Lightbox.i18n.CloseText).set('title', Lightbox.i18n.CloseTitle); } if (this.options.hideOnOutClick) { this.locker.onClick(this.hide.bind(this)); } document.on('mousewheel', function(e) { if (this.element.visible()) { e.stop(); this[(e.detail || -e.wheelDelta) < 0 ? 'showPrev' : 'showNext'](); } }.bind(this)); return this; }, // connects the events handling for the box connectEvents: function() { if (this.options.hideOnEsc) { document.onKeydown(function(event) { if (event.keyCode == 27) { event.stop(); this.hide(); } }.bindAsEventListener(this)); } window.on('resize', this.boxResize.bind(this)); return this; }, // calculates the minimal body height minBodyHeight: function() { var element = $E('div', {'class': 'lightbox-body', style: 'background: none; position: absolute'}).insertTo(document.body), height = element.sizes().y; element.remove(); return height; }, // processes the resizing visual effect resizeFx: function(body_style, dialog_style) { this.resizeLock(); // processing everything in a single visual effect so it looked smooth var body_start_width = this.body.sizes().x; var body_end_width = body_style.width.toInt(); var body_start_height = this.body.sizes().y; var body_end_height = body_style.height.toInt(); var dialog_start_top = this.dialog.style.top.toInt(); var dialog_end_top = dialog_style.top.toInt(); var dialog_start_width = this.dialog.sizes().x; var dialog_end_width = (dialog_style.width || '0').toInt(); var body = this.body; var dialog = this.dialog; $ext(new Fx(this.dialog, {duration: this.options.fxDuration}), { render: function(delta) { body.style.width = (body_start_width + (body_end_width - body_start_width) * delta) + 'px'; body.style.height = (body_start_height + (body_end_height - body_start_height) * delta) + 'px'; dialog.style.top = (dialog_start_top + (dialog_end_top - dialog_start_top) * delta) + 'px'; if (Browser.IE6) { dialog.style.width = (dialog_start_width + (dialog_end_width - dialog_start_width) * delta) + 'px'; } } }).onFinish(this.resizeUnlock.bind(this)).start(); }, // private // elements building shortcut E: function(klass, parent) { var e = $E('div', {'class': klass}); if (parent) e.insertTo(parent); return e; } }); /** * Ajax loading support module * * @copyright (C) 2009 Nikolay V. Nemshilov aka St. */ Lightbox.include((function() { var old_show = Lightbox.prototype.show; var old_build = Lightbox.prototype.build; return { // hightjacking the links show: function(content) { if (content && content.href) { return this.load(content.href, { onComplete: function(request) { this.setTitle(content.title).content.update(request.responseText); }.bind(this) }); } else { return old_show.apply(this, arguments); } }, /** * Loads the url via an ajax request and assigns the box content wiht the response result * * NOTE: will perform a GET request by default * * NOTE: will just update the body content with * the response text if no onComplete or * onSuccess callbacks were set * * @param String url address * @param Object Xhr options * @return Lightbox self */ load: function(url, options) { var options = options || {}; $w('onCreate onComplete').each(function(name) { options[name] = options[name] ? isArray(options[name]) ? options[name] : [options[name]] : []; }); // adding the selfupdate callback as default if (options.onComplete.empty() && !options.onSuccess) { options.onComplete.push(function(request) { this.content.update(request.responseText); }.bind(this)); } options.onCreate.unshift(this.loadLock.bind(this)); options.onComplete.push(this.resize.bind(this)); options.method = options.method || 'get'; return this.showingSelf(Xhr.load.bind(Xhr, url, options)); }, // protected // xhr requests loading specific lock loadLock: function() { this.loading = true; this.lock().bodyLock.addClass('lightbox-body-lock-loading'); return this; }, build: function() { var res = old_build.apply(this, arguments); // building a textual spinner var spinner = this.E('lightbox-body-lock-spinner', this.bodyLock); var dots = '1234'.split('').map(function(i) { return $E('div', {'class': i == 1 ? 'glow':null}).insertTo(spinner); }); (function() { var dot = dots.pop(); dot.insertTo(spinner, 'top'); dots.unshift(dot); }).periodical(400); return res; } }; })()); /** * Roadtrips support module for the lightbox * * @copyright (C) 2009 Nikolay V. Nemshilov aka St. */ Lightbox.include((function() { var old_show = Lightbox.prototype.show; var old_build = Lightbox.prototype.build; var old_event = Lightbox.prototype.connectEvents; return { // highjacking a roadtrip content show: function(content) { this.roadLink = (content && content.roadtrip) ? content : null; return old_show.apply(this, arguments); }, // the building process overlaping build: function() { var res = old_build.apply(this, arguments); this.prevLink = this.E('lightbox-prev-link', this.dialog).onClick(this.showPrev.bind(this)) .update(Lightbox.i18n.PrevText).set('title', Lightbox.i18n.PrevTitle).hide(); this.nextLink = this.E('lightbox-next-link', this.dialog).onClick(this.showNext.bind(this)) .update(Lightbox.i18n.NextText).set('title', Lightbox.i18n.NextTitle).hide(); return res; }, // connecting the left/right arrow buttons connectEvents: function() { var res = old_event.apply(this, arguments); document.onKeydown(function(event) { if (event.keyCode == 37) { event.stop(); this.showPrev(); } if (event.keyCode == 39) { event.stop(); this.showNext(); } }.bind(this)); return res; }, // tries to show the previous item on the roadtrip showPrev: function() { if (this.hasPrev() && this.element.visible() && !this.loading) { this.show(this.roadLink.roadtrip[this.roadLink.roadtrip.indexOf(this.roadLink) - 1]); } return this; }, // tries to show the next item on the roadtrip showNext: function() { if (this.hasNext() && this.element.visible() && !this.loading) { this.show(this.roadLink.roadtrip[this.roadLink.roadtrip.indexOf(this.roadLink) + 1]); } return this; }, // checks the roadtrip state and shows/hides the next/prev links checkRoadtrip: function() { this.prevLink[this.hasPrev() ? 'show' : 'hide'](); this.nextLink[this.hasNext() ? 'show' : 'hide'](); return this; }, // checks if there is a previous image link hasPrev: function() { return this.roadLink && this.roadLink.roadtrip && this.roadLink.roadtrip.first() != this.roadLink; }, // checks if there is a next image link hasNext: function() { return this.roadLink && this.roadLink.roadtrip && this.roadLink.roadtrip.last() != this.roadLink; } }; })()); /** * The images displaying functionality module * * @copyright (C) 2009 Nikolay V. Nemshilov aka St. */ Lightbox.include((function() { var old_show = Lightbox.prototype.show; return { IMAGE_FORMATS: $w('jpg jpeg gif png bmp'), // hightjacking the links to images and image elements show: function(content) { // adjusting the element class-name this.element[(content && (content.tagName == 'IMG' || this.isImageUrl(content.href))) ? 'addClass' : 'removeClass']('lightbox-image'); if (content && content.href && this.isImageUrl(content.href)) { return this.showingSelf(function() { this.loadLock().roadLink = content; // using the iframed request to make the browser cache work var image = new Image(); image.onload = this.updateImage.bind(this, image, content); image.src = content.href; }.bind(this)); } else { return old_show.apply(this, arguments); } }, // protected // inserts the image updateImage: function(image, link) { this.content.update(image); this.checkRoadtrip().setTitle(link.title).resize(); }, // checks if the given url is an url to an image isImageUrl: function(url) { return this.IMAGE_FORMATS.include(String(url).toLowerCase().split('?').first().split('.').last()); } }; })()); /** * The class level interface * * @copyright (C) 2009 Nikolay V. Nemshilov aka St. */ Lightbox.extend({ hide: function() { this.boxes.each('hide'); }, show: function() { return this.inst('show', arguments); }, load: function() { return this.inst('load', arguments); }, // private inst: function(name, args) { var inst = new Lightbox(); return inst[name].apply(inst, args); } }); /** * document on-load rescan * * @copyright (C) 2009 Nikolay V. Nemshilov aka St. */ document.onReady(function() { Lightbox.rescan(); }); document.write("");