# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more # contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with this # work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. The ASF # licenses this file to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the # "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under # the License. require 'benchmark' require 'jruby' require 'monitor' require 'ostruct' require 'rbconfig' require 'thread' require 'buildr/core/application_cli' module Buildr # See the nailgun_help method for documentation. module Nailgun # :nodoc: extend self VERSION = '0.7.1' NAME = "nailgun-#{VERSION}" URL = "http://downloads.sourceforge.net/nailgun/#{NAME}.zip" ARTIFACT_SPEC = "com.martiansoftware:nailgun:jar:#{VERSION}" BUILDR_PATHS = [File.expand_path('../', File.dirname(__FILE__)), File.expand_path('../../lib', File.dirname(__FILE__))] attr_accessor :artifact attr_accessor :server, :port, :jruby_queue_size, :buildr_queue_size attr_accessor :jruby_home, :home self.jruby_home = if PLATFORM =~ /java/ Config::CONFIG['prefix'] else ENV['JRUBY_HOME'] || File.join(ENV['HOME'], '.jruby') end self.home = ENV['NAILGUN_HOME'] || File.join(jruby_home, 'tool', 'nailgun') self.server = 'localhost' self.port = 2113 self.jruby_queue_size = 3 self.buildr_queue_size = 3 def namespace(&block) if Object.const_defined?(:Rake) Rake.application.in_namespace(:nailgun, &block) end end def boot(&block) if block @boot = block else @boot.call end end module Application def nailgun_help " " + <<-DESC.strip.gsub(/ *\n +/, "\n ") NailGun is a client, protocol, and server for running Java programs from the command line without incurring the JVM startup overhead. Nailgun integration is currently available only when running Buildr with JRuby. Buildr provides a custom nailgun server, allowing you to start a single JVM and let buildr create a queue of runtimes. These JRuby runtimes can be cached (indexed by buildfile path) and are automatically reloaded when the buildfile has been modified. Runtime caching allows you to execute tasks without spending time creating the buildr environment. Some nailgun tasks have been provided to manage the cached runtimes. To start the buildr server execute the following task: nailgun:start Server output will display a message when it becomes ready, you will also see messages when the JRuby runtimes are being created, or when a new buildr environment is being loaded on them. After the runtime queues have been populated, you can start calling buildr as you normally do, by invoking the $NAILGUN_HOME/ng binary: # on another terminal, change directory to a project. # if this project is the same nailgun:start was invoked on, it's # runtime has been cached, so no loading is performed unless # the buildfile has been modified. otherwise the buildfile # will be loaded on a previously loaded fresh-buildr runtime # and it will be cached. cd /some/buildr/project ng nailgun:help # display nailgun help ng nailgun:tasks # display overview of ng tasks ng clean compile # just invoke those two tasks Configuration and Environment Variables. Before starting the server, buildr will check if you have nailgun already installed by seeking the nailgun jar under $NAILGUN_HOME You can override this environment variable to tell buildr where to find or where to install nailgun. If missing, NAILGUN_HOME defaults to the $JRUBY_HOME/tool/nailgun directory. You can also specify the nailgun_home on your buildfile with the following code: require 'buildr/nailgun' Buildr::Nailgun.home = File.expand_path('~/.jruby/tool/nailgun') Buildr will also check that the nailgun client binary (ng.exe for Windows systems, ng otherwise) is installed on NAILGUN_HOME. If no binary is found, buildr will download nailgun and compile+install it. The buildr server binds itself to localhost, port 2113. You can override this on your buildfile, by placing the following code: require 'buildr/nailgun' Buildr::Nailgun.server = '' Buildr::Nailgun.port = 2233 If you provided custom host/port settings you need to tell the nailgun client where to connect to: ng --nailgun-server --nailgun-port 2233 nailgun:tasks The buildr server starts a BuildrFactory responsible for providing a pool of JRuby runtimes configured and ready for task execution. This BuildrFactory consists of two queues: One of pure JRuby runtimes with almost nothing loaded, and another of Buildr runtimes (consumed from the first queue) with the Buildr runtime preloaded but without any project definition. The jruby queue is used for sandboxing code like running GetoptLong, but most importantly its the place where buildr runtimes begin life, to be later added on the buildr queue. By default both queues are of size 3, you can customize this with: require 'buildr/nailgun' Buildr::Nailgun.jruby_queue_size = 4 # JRuby creation is fast! Buildr::Nailgun.buildr_queue_size = 5 # loading buildr takes longer The buildr_queue_size is of particular importance if you expect to reload lots of buildfiles. Execute nailgun:tasks get an overview of available nailgun tasks. DESC end def nailgun_tasks tasks = {} tasks['nailgun:help'] = 'Display nailgun help' tasks['nailgun:start'] = 'Start the Nailgun server.' tasks['nailgun:stop'] = 'Stop the Nailgun server.' tasks['nailgun:tasks'] = 'Display this message' tasks['nailgun:list'] = <<-DESC Display a list of builfile paths having an associated buildr runtime. Having a cached runtime reduces buidlr execution time. If buildr finds the current buildfile on this list, no file loading will be performed, only execution of specified tasks on the previously loaded environment. However if the cached runtime is out of date (buildfile has been modified) the runtime will be reloaded. This feature becomes handy when performing development cycle: edit -> compile -> test -> report. This task exits inmediatly after printing the file list. DESC tasks['nailgun:clear'] = <<-DESC Remove all cached buildr runtimes and exit DESC tasks['nailgun:load'] = <<-DESC Add or update a cached runtime. Use this task to create a cached buildr runtime for a buildfile. DESC tasks['nailgun:delete'] = <<-DESC Delete cached runtime for a buildfile and exit. DESC tasks['nailgun:once [tasks]'] = <<-DESC Ignore cached runtime and perform tasks on a newly created environment. This new runtime is dropped right after buildr completion. DESC out = "" out << "\nNailgun tasks:\n" tasks.each_pair do |task, desc| out << "\n" out << sprintf(" %20-s\n", [task].flatten.join(' | ')) out << sprintf(" %s\n", desc.strip.gsub(/ *\n +/, "\n ")) end out end def buildfile(dir = nil, candidates = nil) dir ||= Dir.pwd candidates ||= @rakefiles.dup Util.find_buildfile(dir, candidates, options.nosearch) end def clear_invoked tasks.each do |task| is_project = Project.instance_variable_get(:@projects).key?(task.name) task.instance_variable_set(:@already_invoked, false) unless is_project end end if Buildr.const_defined?(:Application) class Buildr::Application include Nailgun::Application public :requires end end end module ContextRunner extend self def parse_options(ctx, opts) opts.requires = [] Buildr.const_set(:VERSION, ctx.server.runtime.object.const_get(:Buildr)::VERSION) obj = OpenStruct.new(:ctx => ctx, :opts => opts) class << obj include Buildr::CommandLineInterface def help super puts puts 'To get a summary of Nailgun features use' puts ' nailgun:help' end def do_option(opt, value) case opt when '--help' help opts.exit = true when '--version' puts version opts.exit = true when '--environment' ctx.env['BUILDR_ENV'] = value when '--buildfile' opts.buildfile = value when '--require' opts.requires << value when '--nosearch' opts.nosearch = true end end end ARGV.replace(ctx.argv) obj.parse_options end def run(ctx) ARGV.replace(ctx.argv) Dir.chdir(ctx.pwd) ctx.env.each { |k, v| ENV[k.to_s] = v.to_s } Buildr::Application.module_eval do include Nailgun::Application end task 'nailgun:load' do puts "Buildfile #{Rake.application.buildfile} loaded" end if ctx.fresh run_fresh(ctx) else run_local(ctx) end end private def run_fresh(ctx) Project.clear old_app = Rake.application Rake.application = Buildr::Application.new Rake.application.instance_eval do @tasks = old_app.instance_variable_get(:@tasks) @rules = old_app.instance_variable_get(:@rules) run end end def run_local(ctx) Rake.application.instance_eval do verbose(nil) options.trace = false parse_options collect_tasks clear_invoked top_level_tasks.delete('buildr:initialize') Util.benchmark { top_level } end end end module Util extend self def find_buildfile(pwd, candidates, nosearch=false) candidates = [candidates].flatten buildfile = candidates.find { |c| File.file?(File.expand_path(c, pwd)) } return File.expand_path(buildfile, pwd) if buildfile return nil if nosearch updir = File.dirname(pwd) return nil if File.expand_path(updir) == File.expand_path(pwd) find_buildfile(updir, candidates) end def benchmark(action = ['Completed'], verbose = true) result = nil times = Benchmark.measure do result = yield(action) end if verbose real = [] real << ("%ih" % (times.real / 3600)) if times.real >= 3600 real << ("%im" % ((times.real / 60) % 60)) if times.real >= 60 real << ("%.3fs" % (times.real % 60)) puts "#{[action].flatten.join(' ')} in #{real.join}" end result end def on_runtime(runtime, *args, &block) raise_error = lambda do |cls, msg, trace| raise RuntimeError.new(cls + ": "+ msg.to_s).tap { |e| e.set_backtrace(trace.map(&:to_s)) } end executor = runtime.object.const_get(:Module).new do extend self def runtime_exec(*args, &prc) define_method(:runtime_exec, &prc) runtime_exec(*args) rescue => e [:error, e.class.name, e.message, e.backtrace] end end result = executor.runtime_exec(*args, &block) raise_error.call(*result[1..-1]) if result.kind_of?(Array) && result.first == :error result end end # module Util boot do class ::ConcreteJavaProxy def self.jclass(name = nil) name ||= self.java_class.name Nailgun::Util.class_for_name(name) end def self.jnew(*args) objs = [] classes = args.map do |a| case a when nil obj << nil nil when Hash objs << a.keys.first cls = a.values.first cls = Nailgun::Util.proxy_class(cls) if String == cls cls else objs << a a.java_class end end classes = classes.to_java(java.lang.Class) ctor = jclass.getDeclaredConstructor(classes) ctor.setAccessible(true) ctor.newInstance(objs.to_java(java.lang.Object)) end end module Util def class_for_name(name) java.lang.Class.forName(name) end def add_to_sysloader(path) sysloader = java.lang.ClassLoader.system_class_loader add_url_method = class_for_name('java.net.URLClassLoader'). getDeclaredMethod('addURL', [java.net.URL].to_java(java.lang.Class)) add_url_method.accessible = true add_url_method.invoke(sysloader, [java.io.File.new(path.to_s). toURL].to_java(java.net.URL)) end add_to_sysloader Nailgun.artifact def proxy_class(name) JavaUtilities.get_proxy_class(name) end import org.jruby.RubyIO def set_stdio(runtime, dev) set_global = lambda do |global, constant, stream| runtime.global_variables.set(global, stream) runtime.object.send(:remove_const, constant) runtime.object.send(:const_set, constant, stream) end stdin = runtime.global_variables.get('$stdin') stdout = runtime.global_variables.get('$stdout') stderr = runtime.global_variables.get('$stderr') input = RubyIO.jnew(runtime, dev.in => java.io.InputStream) output = RubyIO.jnew(runtime, dev.out => java.io.OutputStream) error = RubyIO.jnew(runtime, dev.err => java.io.OutputStream) # stdin.reopen(input, 'r') # not working on jruby, :( set_global.call('$stdin', 'STDIN', input) stdout.reopen(output, 'w') stderr.reopen(error, 'w') end def redirect_stdio(runtime, nail) result = nil begin set_stdio(runtime, nail) result = yield ensure set_stdio(runtime, java.lang.System) end result end end class Buildfile attr_reader :path, :requires, :loaded_time attr_accessor :runtime def initialize(path, *requires) @path = File.expand_path(path) @requires = requires.dup end def loaded! @loaded_time = Time.now end def last_modification File.timestamp(path) end def should_be_loaded? (loaded_time || Rake::EARLY) < last_modification end def to_s buff = path.dup buff << sprintf("\n %-25s %s", "Last Modified:", last_modification) unless requires.empty? buff << sprintf("\n %-25s %s", "Requires:", requires.join(" ")) end if should_be_loaded? buff << sprintf("\n %-25s %s", "Needs reload, last was:", loaded_time) else buff << sprintf("\n %-25s %s", "Loaded at:", loaded_time) end buff << sprintf("\n %-25s %s", "Runtime:", runtime) buff end end class BuildrNail include org.apache.buildr.BuildrNail Main = Util.proxy_class 'org.apache.buildr.BuildrNail$Main' attr_reader :buildfile def initialize buildfile = Buildfile.new(Rake.application.buildfile, *Rake.application.requires) buildfile.loaded! buildfile.runtime = JRuby.runtime @buildfiles = { buildfile.path => buildfile } end def main(nail) Thread.exclusive { Thread.current.priority = 100; run(nail) } end private def run(nail) nail.assert_loopback_client nail.out.println "Using #{nail.getNGServer}" ctx = context_from_nail(nail) case ctx.action when :start nail.out.println "Cannot start nailgun when running as client" return nail.exit(0) when :stop puts "Stopping #{nail.getNGServer}" nail.out.println "Stopping #{nail.getNGServer}" return nail.getNGServer.shutdown(true) when :list if @buildfiles.empty? nail.out.println "No defined runtimes" else nail.out.println "Defined runtimes:" @buildfiles.each_value { |f| nail.out.println "- #{f}" } end return nail.exit(0) when :clear @buildfiles.clear nail.out.println "Cleared all runtimes" return nail.exit(0) when :tasks nail.out.println "" nail.out.println Rake.application.nailgun_tasks return nail.exit(0) when :help nail.out.println "" nail.out.println Rake.application.nailgun_help return nail.exit(0) end opts = OpenStruct.new runtime = ctx.runtime #Util.set_stdio(runtime, nail) runtime.object.const_get(:Buildr)::Nailgun::ContextRunner.parse_options(ctx, opts) return nail.exit(0) if opts.exit candidates = Buildr::Application::DEFAULT_BUILDFILES candidates = [opts.buildfile] if opts.buildfile path = Util.find_buildfile(ctx.pwd, candidates, opts.nosearch) || File.expand_path(candidates.first, ctx.pwd) if ctx.action == :delete nail.out.println "Deleting runtime for #{path}" @buildfiles.delete(path) return nail.exit(0) end puts "Getting buildr runtime for #{path}" buildfile = @buildfiles[path] || Buildfile.new(path, *opts.requires) save = buildfile.should_be_loaded? || ctx.action == :load runtime = buildfile.runtime if save || ctx.action == :once ctx.argv.unshift 'nailgun:load' ctx.fresh = true runtime = ctx.buildr if save buildfile.runtime = runtime buildfile.loaded! @buildfiles[buildfile.path] = buildfile end end Util.redirect_stdio(runtime, nail) do runtime.object.send :puts runtime.object.const_get(:Buildr)::Nailgun::ContextRunner.run(ctx) end end def context_from_nail(nail) ctx = OpenStruct.new ctx.pwd = nail.getWorkingDirectory ctx.env = nail.env ctx.argv = [nail.command] + nail.args.map(&:to_s) ctx.server = nail.getNGServer def ctx.runtime; @runtime ||= server.buildr_factory.runtime; end def ctx.buildr; @buildr ||= server.buildr_factory.obtain; end actions = { :load => %w{ nailgun:load }, :delete => %w{ nailgun:delete }, :clear => %w{ nailgun:clear }, :list => %w{ nailgun:list }, :start => %w{ nailgun:boot nailgun:start }, :stop => %w{ nailgun:stop }, :once => %w{ nailgun:once }, :tasks => %w{ nailgun:tasks }, :help => %w{ nailgun:help help:nailgun }, } action = actions.find { |k,v| k if v.any? { |t| ctx.argv.delete(t) } } ctx.action = action.first if action ctx end end # class BuildrNail class BuildrFactory attr_accessor :buildrs_size, :runtimes_size def initialize(buildrs_size = 1, runtimes_size = nil) runtimes_size ||= buildrs_size @buildrs_size = buildrs_size < 1 ? 1 : buildrs_size @runtimes_size = runtimes_size < 1 ? 1 : runtimes_size @buildrs = [].extend(MonitorMixin) @buildrs_ready = @buildrs.new_cond @buildrs_needed = @buildrs.new_cond @buildrs_creators = [].extend(MonitorMixin) @runtimes = [].extend(MonitorMixin) @runtimes_ready = @runtimes.new_cond @runtimes_needed = @runtimes.new_cond @runtimes_creators = [].extend(MonitorMixin) end def obtain get(:buildr) end def runtime get(:runtime) end def start debug "Starting Buildr runtime factory" @runtime_creator = Thread.new { loop { create :runtime } } @runtime_creator.priority = -2 @buildr_creator = Thread.new { loop { create :buildr } } @buildr_creator.priority = 1 end def stop @buildr_creator.kill if @buildr_creator @runtime_creator.kill if @runtime_creator end private def debug(*msg) puts *msg if Rake.application.options.trace end def get(thing) collection = instance_variable_get("@#{thing}s") needs = instance_variable_get("@#{thing}s_needed") ready = instance_variable_get("@#{thing}s_ready") result = nil collection.synchronize do if collection.empty? debug "no #{thing} available, ask to create more" needs.broadcast debug "should be creating #{thing}" ready.wait_while { collection.empty? } end debug "Getting my #{thing}" result = collection.shift debug "would need more #{thing}s" needs.broadcast debug "got my #{thing}: #{result.inspect}" Thread.pass end debug "returning #{result.inspect}" result end def create(thing, *args, &prc) creator = needed(thing) collection = instance_variable_get("@#{thing}s") ready = instance_variable_get("@#{thing}s_ready") needs = instance_variable_get("@#{thing}s_needed") unless creator collection.synchronize do debug "awake those wanting a #{thing}" ready.broadcast Thread.pass debug "wait until more #{thing}s are needed" # needs.wait(1); return needs.wait_until { creator = needed(thing) } end end debug "About to create #{thing} # #{creator}" method = "create_#{thing}" creators = instance_variable_get("@#{thing}s_creators") debug "registering creator for #{thing} #{creator}" creators.synchronize { creators << creator } result = send(method, creator, *args, &prc) debug "created #{thing}[#{creator}] => #{result.inspect}" creators.synchronize do debug "unregistering creator for #{thing} #{creator}" creators.delete(creator) collection.synchronize do debug "adding object on queue for #{thing} #{creator}" collection << result end end rescue => e puts "#{e.backtrace.shift}: #{e.message}" e.backtrace.each { |i| puts "\tfrom #{i}" } end def needed(thing) collection = instance_variable_get("@#{thing}s") creators = instance_variable_get("@#{thing}s_creators") size = instance_variable_get("@#{thing}s_size") collection.synchronize do count = collection.size if count < size count += creators.synchronize { creators.size } end count if count < size end end def create_runtime(creator) debug "Creating runtime[#{creator}]" Util.benchmark do |header| runtime = org.jruby.Ruby.newInstance runtime.global_variables.set('$nailgun_server', JRuby.reference($nailgun_server)) BUILDR_PATHS.each { |path| runtime.load_service.load_path.unshift path } runtime.load_service.require 'buildr/nailgun' header.replace ["Created runtime[#{creator}]", runtime] runtime end end def create_buildr(creator) debug "Obtaining runtime to load buildr[#{creator}] on it" runtime = get(:runtime) debug "Loading buildr[#{creator}] on #{runtime} ..." Util.benchmark ["Loaded buildr[#{creator}] on #{runtime}"] do load_service = runtime.load_service load_service.require 'rubygems' load_service.require 'buildr' end runtime end end # BuildrFactory class BuildrServer < com.martiansoftware.nailgun.NGServer attr_reader :buildr_factory def initialize(host = 'localhost', port = 2113, buildr_factory = nil) super(java.net.InetAddress.get_by_name(host), port) @buildr_factory = buildr_factory @host, @port = host, port end def runtime JRuby.runtime end def start_server self.allow_nails_by_class_name = false BuildrNail::Main.nail = BuildrNail.new self.default_nail_class = BuildrNail::Main buildr_factory.start @thread = java.lang.Thread.new(self) @thread.setName(to_s) @thread.start sleep 1 while getPort == 0 puts "#{self} Started." end def stop_server buildr_factory.stop @thread.kill end def to_s "BuildrServer(" << [Rake.application.version, @host, @port].join(", ") << ")" end end # class BuildrServer end # Nailgun boot namespace do tmp = lambda { |*files| File.join(Dir.tmpdir, "nailgun", *files) } dist_zip = Buildr.download(tmp[NAME + ".zip"] => URL) dist_dir = Buildr.unzip(tmp[NAME] => dist_zip) if File.exist?(File.join(home, NAME + ".jar")) ng_jar = file(File.join(home, NAME + ".jar")) else ng_jar = file(tmp[NAME, NAME, NAME+".jar"] => dist_dir) end self.artifact = Buildr.artifact(ARTIFACT_SPEC).from(ng_jar) compiled_bin = tmp[NAME, NAME, "ng"+Config::CONFIG['EXEEXT']] compiled_bin = file(compiled_bin => dist_dir.target) do |task| unless task.to_s.pathmap('%x') == '.exe' Dir.chdir(task.to_s.pathmap('%d')) do puts "Compiling #{task.to_s}" system('make', task.to_s.pathmap('%f')) or fail "Nailgun binary compilation failed." end end end installed_bin = file(File.join(home, compiled_bin.to_s.pathmap('%f')) => compiled_bin) do |task| mkpath task.to_s.pathmap('%d'), :verbose => false cp compiled_bin.to_s, task.to_s, :verbose => false end task :boot => artifact do |task| if $nailgun_server raise "Already nunning on Nailgun server: #{$nailgun_server}" end tasks = Rake.application.instance_eval { @top_level_tasks.dup } tasks.delete_if do |t| t =~ /^(buildr:initialize|(ng|nailgun):.+)$/ end unless tasks.empty? raise "Don't specify more targets when starting Nailgun server" end boot end task :start => [installed_bin, :boot] do factory = BuildrFactory.new(buildr_queue_size, jruby_queue_size) $nailgun_server = BuildrServer.new(server, port, factory) puts "Starting #{$nailgun_server}" $nailgun_server.start_server is_win = Buildr::Util.win_os? bin_path = File.expand_path(installed_bin.to_s.pathmap("%d")) bin_name = installed_bin.to_s.pathmap("%f") puts <<-NOTICE Buildr server has been started, you may need to update your PATH variable in order to execute the #{bin_name} binary. #{ is_win ? "> set NAILGUN_HOME=#{bin_path}" : "$ export NAILGUN_HOME=#{bin_path}" } #{ is_win ? "> set PATH=%NAILGUN_HOME%;%PATH%" : "$ export PATH=${NAILGUN_HOME}:${PATH}" } Runtime for #{Rake.application.buildfile} has been cached, this means you can open a terminal inside #{Rake.application.buildfile.pathmap("%d")} Invoke tasks by executing the #{bin_name} program, it takes the same parameters you normally use for ``buildr''. To display Nailgun related help, execute the command: ``#{bin_name} nailgun:help'' To get an overview of Nailgun tasks, execute the command: ``#{bin_name} nailgun:tasks'' NOTICE end task :help do puts Rake.application.nailgun_help end task :tasks do puts Rake.application.nailgun_tasks end end # namespace :nailgun end # module Nailgun end