/** * visualCaptchaHTML class by emotionLoop - 2013.03.28 * * This file handles the JS for the main visualCaptcha class. * * This license applies to this file and others without reference to any other license. * * @author emotionLoop | http://emotionloop.com * @link http://visualcaptcha.net * @package visualCaptcha * @license GNU GPL v3 * @version 4.0.3 */ $(document).ready(function() { var isMobile = false; var isRetina = false; var supportsAudio = false; var uAgent = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase(); // Check if the user agent is a mobile one if ( uAgent.indexOf('iphone') !== -1 || uAgent.indexOf('ipad') !== -1 || uAgent.indexOf('ipod') !== -1 || uAgent.indexOf('android') !== -1 || uAgent.indexOf('windows phone') !== -1 || uAgent.indexOf('windows ce') !== -1 || uAgent.indexOf('bada') !== -1 || uAgent.indexOf('meego') !== -1 || uAgent.indexOf('palm') !== -1 || uAgent.indexOf('blackberry') !== -1 || uAgent.indexOf('nokia') !== -1 || uAgent.indexOf('symbian') !== -1 || uAgent.indexOf('pocketpc') !== -1 || uAgent.indexOf('smartphone') !== -1 || uAgent.indexOf('mobile') !== -1 ) { isMobile = true; } // Check if the device is retina-like if ( window.devicePixelRatio && window.devicePixelRatio > 1 ) { isRetina = true; } // Check if the device supports audio, for accessibility try { var audioElement = document.createElement('audio'); if ( audioElement.canPlayType ) { supportsAudio = true; } } catch(e) {} // If the device is retina-like, update the img src's and the dropzone class if ( isRetina ) { $('div.eL-captcha img').each(function(index, element) { if ( ! $(element).attr('src') ) return; var newImageSRC = $(element).attr('src').replace(/(.+)(\.\w{3,4})$/, "$1@2x$2"); $.ajax({ url: newImageSRC, type: "HEAD", success: function() { $(element).attr('src', newImageSRC); } }); }); $('div.eL-captcha > div.eL-where2go').addClass('retina'); } if ( ! supportsAudio ) { $('div.eL-captcha > .eL-accessibility').hide(); } else { $('div.eL-captcha > p.eL-accessibility a').on('click touchstart', function(event) { event.preventDefault(); if ( ! $('div.eL-captcha > div.eL-accessibility').is(':visible') ) { $('div.eL-captcha > div.eL-accessibility > audio').each(function() { this.load(); this.play(); }); if ( ! $('#' + window.vCVals.a).length ) { var validAccessibleElement = ''; $('div.eL-captcha > div.eL-accessibility > p').after(validAccessibleElement); } } $('div.eL-captcha > p.eL-explanation').stop().slideToggle('fast'); $('div.eL-captcha > div.eL-possibilities').stop().slideToggle('fast'); $('div.eL-captcha > div.eL-where2go').stop().slideToggle('fast'); $('div.eL-captcha > div.eL-accessibility').stop().slideToggle('fast'); }); } if ( ! isMobile ) {// If it's not mobile, load normal drag/drop behavior debugger; $('div.eL-captcha > div.eL-possibilities > img').draggable({ opacity: 0.6, revert: 'invalid' }); $('div.eL-captcha > div.eL-possibilities').droppable({ drop: function(event, ui) { if ( ! $('#' + window.vCVals.n).length ) { return false; } if ( $('#' + window.vCVals.n).val() == $(ui.draggable).data('value') ) { $('#' + window.vCVals.n).remove(); } $('div.eL-captcha > div.eL-where2go').droppable('enable'); }, accept: 'div.eL-captcha > div.eL-possibilities > img' }); $('div.eL-captcha > div.eL-where2go').droppable({ drop: function(event, ui) { if ( $('#' + window.vCVals.n).length ) { return false; } var validElement = ''; $('#' + window.vCVals.f).append(validElement); $(this).droppable('disable'); }, accept: 'div.eL-captcha > div.eL-possibilities > img' }); } else {// If it's mobile, we're going to make it possible to just tap an image and move it to the drop area automagically $('div.eL-captcha > div.eL-possibilities > img').on('click touchstart', function() {// Add tap behavior, but keep click in case that also works. There is no "duplication" problem since this code won't run twice var xPos = $('div.eL-captcha > div.eL-where2go').offset().left - 5; var yPos = $('div.eL-captcha > div.eL-where2go').offset().top; var wDim = $('div.eL-captcha > div.eL-where2go').width(); var hDim = $('div.eL-captcha > div.eL-where2go').height(); var iwDim = $(this).width(); var ihDim = $(this).height(); // If it was dragged already to the droppable zone, move it back to the beginning if ($(this).css('position') == 'absolute') { if ( ! $('#' + window.vCVals.n).length ) { return false; } if ( $('#' + window.vCVals.n).val() == $(this).data('value') ) { $('#' + window.vCVals.n).remove(); } $(this).css({ 'position': 'relative', 'left': 'auto', 'top': 'auto' }); } else { if ( $('#' + window.vCVals.n).length ) { return false; } var validElement = ''; $('#' + window.vCVals.f).append(validElement); // Calculate the middle of hte var xPos2Go = Math.round(xPos + (wDim/2) - (iwDim/2)); var yPos2Go = Math.round(yPos + (hDim/2) - (ihDim/2)); $(this).css({ 'position': 'absolute', 'left': xPos2Go, 'top': yPos2Go }); } }); } });