# frozen_string_literal: true # Boxcars - a framework for running a series of tools to get an answer to a question. module Boxcars # A engine that uses Cohere's API. class Cohere < Engine attr_reader :prompts, :llm_params, :model_kwargs, :batch_size # The default parameters to use when asking the engine. DEFAULT_PARAMS = { model: "command-r-plus", max_tokens: 4000, max_input_tokens: 1000, temperature: 0.2 }.freeze # the default name of the engine DEFAULT_NAME = "Cohere engine" # the default description of the engine DEFAULT_DESCRIPTION = "useful for when you need to use Cohere AI to answer questions. " \ "You should ask targeted questions" # A engine is the driver for a single tool to run. # @param name [String] The name of the engine. Defaults to "OpenAI engine". # @param description [String] A description of the engine. Defaults to: # useful for when you need to use AI to answer questions. You should ask targeted questions". # @param prompts [Array] The prompts to use when asking the engine. Defaults to []. def initialize(name: DEFAULT_NAME, description: DEFAULT_DESCRIPTION, prompts: [], **kwargs) @llm_params = DEFAULT_PARAMS.merge(kwargs) @prompts = prompts @batch_size = 20 super(description: description, name: name) end def conversation_model?(_model) true end def chat(params, cohere_api_key) raise Boxcars::ConfigurationError('Cohere API key not set') if cohere_api_key.blank? # Define the API endpoint and parameters api_endpoint = 'https://api.cohere.ai/v1/chat' connection = Faraday.new(api_endpoint) do |faraday| faraday.request :url_encoded faraday.headers['Authorization'] = "Bearer #{cohere_api_key}" faraday.headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json' end # Make the API call response = connection.post { |req| req.body = params.to_json } JSON.parse(response.body, symbolize_names: true) end # Get an answer from the engine. # @param prompt [String] The prompt to use when asking the engine. # @param cohere_api_key [String] Optional api key to use when asking the engine. # Defaults to Boxcars.configuration.cohere_api_key. # @param kwargs [Hash] Additional parameters to pass to the engine if wanted. def client(prompt:, inputs: {}, **kwargs) api_key = Boxcars.configuration.cohere_api_key(**kwargs) params = prompt.as_prompt(inputs: inputs, prefixes: default_prefixes, show_roles: true).merge(llm_params.merge(kwargs)) params[:message] = params.delete(:prompt) params[:stop_sequences] = params.delete(:stop) if params.key?(:stop) Boxcars.debug("Prompt after formatting:#{params[:message]}", :cyan) if Boxcars.configuration.log_prompts chat(params, api_key) end # get an answer from the engine for a question. # @param question [String] The question to ask the engine. # @param kwargs [Hash] Additional parameters to pass to the engine if wanted. def run(question, **kwargs) prompt = Prompt.new(template: question) response = client(prompt: prompt, **kwargs) raise Error, "Cohere: No response from API" unless response raise Error, "Cohere: #{response[:error]}" if response[:error] answer = response[:text] Boxcars.debug(response, :yellow) answer end # Get the default parameters for the engine. def default_params llm_params end # make sure we got a valid response # @param response [Hash] The response to check. # @param must_haves [Array] The keys that must be in the response. Defaults to %w[choices]. # @raise [KeyError] if there is an issue with the access token. # @raise [ValueError] if the response is not valid. def check_response(response, must_haves: %w[completion]) if response['error'] code = response.dig('error', 'code') msg = response.dig('error', 'message') || 'unknown error' raise KeyError, "ANTHOPIC_API_KEY not valid" if code == 'invalid_api_key' raise ValueError, "Cohere error: #{msg}" end must_haves.each do |key| raise ValueError, "Expecting key #{key} in response" unless response.key?(key) end end # the engine type def engine_type "claude" end # lookup the context size for a model by name # @param modelname [String] The name of the model to lookup. def modelname_to_contextsize(_modelname) 100000 end # Calculate the maximum number of tokens possible to generate for a prompt. # @param prompt_text [String] The prompt text to use. # @return [Integer] the number of tokens possible to generate. def max_tokens_for_prompt(prompt_text) num_tokens = get_num_tokens(prompt_text) # get max context size for model by name max_size = modelname_to_contextsize(model_name) max_size - num_tokens end def default_prefixes { system: "SYSTEM: ", user: "USER: ", assistant: "CHATBOT: ", history: :history } end end end