SELECTION COMMITTEE MEMBER: <%= @proposal.user_favorites.count %> users have favorited this proposal. <%= form_for(@selector_vote, :url => proposal_selector_vote_path(@proposal), :html => {:method => :post}) do |f| %>
<%= f.label :rating %> <%= f.label :comment %>
<%= :rating, [ ["Choose one:", ""], ["0 - Horrible", 0], ["1 - Poor" , 1], ["2 - Fair", 2], ["3 - Average", 3], ["4 - Good", 4], ["5 - Awesome", 5], ["x - I don't know", -1]] %> <% focus(:selector_vote_rating) %> <%= f.text_area :comment, :rows => 2 %> <%= f.submit "Vote and next!" %>
<% if previous_proposal_path = previous_proposal_path_from(@proposal) %> <%= link_to("← Previous".html_safe, previous_proposal_path) %> <% else %> First proposal! <% end %> | <% if next_proposal_path = next_proposal_path_from(@proposal) %> <%= link_to("Next →".html_safe, next_proposal_path) %> <% else %> Last proposal! <% end %>
<% end %>
Protip: You can vote quickly by just pressing the number of rating to choose it because it's focused on page load, then Tab to the comment field and fill it, then Tab to the "Vote" button and Enter to submit!