require 'sinatra/base' require 'sinatra/sparql/extensions' require 'rack/sparql' module Sinatra ## # The Sinatra::SPARQL module adds Rack::SPARQL} middleware support for responding to # SPARQL requests. It is the responsibility of the application to manage # the SPARQL endpoint and perform the query. The query results are then sent # as the response body. {Rack::SPARQL} middleware uses content negotiation # to format the results appropriately. # @see module SPARQL ## # Helper methods. module Helpers ## # This is useful when a GET request is performed against a SPARQL endpoint and # no query is performed. Provide a set of datasets, including a default dataset # along with optional triple count, dump location, and description of the dataset. # # The results are serialized using content negotiation. For text/html, authors # should generate RDFa for the serivce description directly. # # @param [Hash{Symbol => Object}] options # @option options [RDF::Enumerable] :repository # An enumerable, typically a type of `RDF::Repository` containing the dataset used for # queries against the service. # @option options [RDF::URI, #to_s] :endpoint # URI of the service endpoint, defaults to "/sparql" in the current realm. # @return [RDF::Graph] # # @see # @see def service_description(options = {}) repository = options[:repository] g = sd = RDF::URI("") void = RDF::URI("") node = g << [node, RDF.type, sd.join("#Service")] g << [node, sd.join("#endpoint"), options[:endpoint] || url("/sparql")] g << [node, sd.join("#supportedLanguage"), sd.join("#SPARQL11Query")] # Result formats, both RDF and SPARQL Results. # FIXME: We should get this from the avaliable serializers g << [node, sd.join("#resultFormat"), RDF::URI("")] g << [node, sd.join("#resultFormat"), RDF::URI("")] g << [node, sd.join("#resultFormat"), RDF::URI("")] g << [node, sd.join("#resultFormat"), RDF::URI("")] g << [node, sd.join("#resultFormat"), RDF::URI("")] g << [node, sd.join("#resultFormat"), RDF::URI("")] g << [node, sd.join("#resultFormat"), RDF::URI("")] g << [node, sd.join("#resultFormat"), RDF::URI("")] # Features g << [node, sd.join("#feature"), sd.join("#DereferencesURIs")] # Datasets ds = g << [node, sd.join("#defaultDataset"), ds] g << [ds, RDF.type, sd.join("#Dataset")] # Contexts if repository.is_a?(RDF::Enumerable) contexts = {} repository.each do |statement| contexts[statement.context] ||= 0 contexts[statement.context] += 1 end contexts.each do |name, count| bn = if name # Add named contexts as namedGraphs g << [ds, sd.join("#namedGraph"), bn] g << [bn, RDF.type, sd.join("#NamedGraph")] g << [bn, sd.join("#name"), name] graph = g << [bn, sd.join("#graph"), graph] bn = graph else # Default graph g << [ds, sd.join("#defaultGraph"), bn] g << [bn, RDF.type, sd.join("#Graph")] end g << [bn, void.join("#triples"), count] end end g end end ## # * Registers Rack::SPARQL::ContentNegotiation # * adds helpers # * includes SPARQL, RDF and LinkedData # * defines `sparql_options`, which are passed to the Rack middleware # available as `settings.sparql_options` and as options within # the {Rack::SPARQL} middleware. # # @param [Sinatra::Base] app # @return [void] def self.registered(app) options = {} app.set :sparql_options, options app.use(Rack::SPARQL::ContentNegotiation, options) app.helpers(Sinatra::SPARQL::Helpers) app.send(:include, ::SPARQL) app.send(:include, ::RDF) app.send(:include, ::LinkedData) end end end Sinatra.register(Sinatra::SPARQL)