# encoding: utf-8 require 'spec_helper' require 'active_support/rescuable' # needed for Ruby 1.9.1 require 'action_controller' require 'action_view' require 'will_paginate/view_helpers/action_view' require 'will_paginate/collection' Routes = ActionDispatch::Routing::RouteSet.new Routes.draw do get 'dummy/page/:page' => 'dummy#index' get 'dummy/dots/page.:page' => 'dummy#dots' get 'ibocorp(/:page)' => 'ibocorp#index', :constraints => { :page => /\d+/ }, :defaults => { :page => 1 } get ':controller(/:action(/:id(.:format)))' end describe WillPaginate::ActionView do before(:all) do I18n.load_path.concat WillPaginate::I18n.load_path I18n.enforce_available_locales = false end before(:each) do I18n.reload! end before(:each) do @assigns = {} @controller = DummyController.new @request = @controller.request @template = '<%= will_paginate collection, options %>' end attr_reader :assigns, :controller, :request def render(locals) @view = ActionView::Base.new([], @assigns, @controller) @view.request = @request @view.singleton_class.send(:include, @controller._routes.url_helpers) @view.render(:inline => @template, :locals => locals) end ## basic pagination ## it "should render" do paginate do |pagination| assert_select 'a[href]', 3 do |elements| validate_page_numbers [2,3,2], elements text(elements[2]).should == 'Next →' end assert_select 'span', 1 do |spans| spans[0]['class'].should == 'previous_page disabled' text(spans[0]).should == '← Previous' end assert_select 'em.current', '1' text(pagination[0]).should == '← Previous 1 2 3 Next →' end end it "should override existing page param value" do request.params :page => 1 paginate do |pagination| assert_select 'a[href]', 3 do |elements| validate_page_numbers [2,3,2], elements end end end it "should render nothing when there is only 1 page" do paginate(:per_page => 30).should be_empty end it "should paginate with options" do paginate({ :page => 2 }, :class => 'will_paginate', :previous_label => 'Prev', :next_label => 'Next') do assert_select 'a[href]', 4 do |elements| validate_page_numbers [1,1,3,3], elements # test rel attribute values: text(elements[0]).should == 'Prev' elements[0]['rel'].should == 'prev' text(elements[1]).should == '1' elements[1]['rel'].should == 'prev' text(elements[3]).should == 'Next' elements[3]['rel'].should == 'next' end assert_select '.current', '2' end end it "should paginate using a custom renderer class" do paginate({}, :renderer => AdditionalLinkAttributesRenderer) do assert_select 'a[default=true]', 3 end end it "should paginate using a custom renderer instance" do renderer = WillPaginate::ActionView::LinkRenderer.new def renderer.gap() '~~' end paginate({ :per_page => 2 }, :inner_window => 0, :outer_window => 0, :renderer => renderer) do assert_select 'span.my-gap', '~~' end renderer = AdditionalLinkAttributesRenderer.new(:title => 'rendered') paginate({}, :renderer => renderer) do assert_select 'a[title=rendered]', 3 end end it "should have classnames on previous/next links" do paginate do |pagination| assert_select 'span.disabled.previous_page:first-child' assert_select 'a.next_page[href]:last-child' end end it "should match expected markup" do paginate expected = <<-HTML HTML expected.strip!.gsub!(/\s{2,}/, ' ') expected_dom = parse_html_document(expected).root html_document.root.should == expected_dom end it "should output escaped URLs" do paginate({:page => 1, :per_page => 1, :total_entries => 2}, :page_links => false, :params => { :tag => '
' }) assert_select 'a[href]', 1 do |links| query = links.first['href'].split('?', 2)[1] parts = query.gsub('&', '&').split('&').sort parts.should == %w(page=2 tag=%3Cbr%3E) end end ## advanced options for pagination ## it "should be able to render without container" do paginate({}, :container => false) assert_select 'div.pagination', 0, 'main DIV present when it shouldn\'t' assert_select 'a[href]', 3 end it "should be able to render without page links" do paginate({ :page => 2 }, :page_links => false) do assert_select 'a[href]', 2 do |elements| validate_page_numbers [1,3], elements end end end ## other helpers ## it "should render a paginated section" do @template = <<-ERB <%= paginated_section collection, options do %> <%= content_tag :div, '', :id => "developers" %> <% end %> ERB paginate assert_select 'div.pagination', 2 assert_select 'div.pagination + div#developers', 1 end it "should not render a paginated section with a single page" do @template = <<-ERB <%= paginated_section collection, options do %> <%= content_tag :div, '', :id => "developers" %> <% end %> ERB paginate(:total_entries => 1) assert_select 'div.pagination', 0 assert_select 'div#developers', 1 end ## parameter handling in page links ## it "should preserve parameters on GET" do request.params :foo => { :bar => 'baz' } paginate assert_links_match /foo\[bar\]=baz/ end it "doesn't allow tampering with host, port, protocol" do request.params :host => 'disney.com', :port => '99', :protocol => 'ftp' paginate assert_links_match %r{^/foo/bar} assert_no_links_match /disney/ assert_no_links_match /99/ assert_no_links_match /ftp/ end it "doesn't allow tampering with script_name" do request.params :script_name => 'p0wned', :original_script_name => 'p0wned' paginate assert_links_match %r{^/foo/bar} assert_no_links_match /p0wned/ end it "should not preserve parameters on POST" do request.post request.params :foo => 'bar' paginate assert_no_links_match /foo=bar/ end it "should add additional parameters to links" do paginate({}, :params => { :foo => 'bar' }) assert_links_match /foo=bar/ end it "should add anchor parameter" do paginate({}, :params => { :anchor => 'anchor' }) assert_links_match /#anchor$/ end it "should remove arbitrary parameters" do request.params :foo => 'bar' paginate({}, :params => { :foo => nil }) assert_no_links_match /foo=bar/ end it "should override default route parameters" do paginate({}, :params => { :controller => 'baz', :action => 'list' }) assert_links_match %r{\Wbaz/list\W} end it "should paginate with custom page parameter" do paginate({ :page => 2 }, :param_name => :developers_page) do assert_select 'a[href]', 4 do |elements| validate_page_numbers [1,1,3,3], elements, :developers_page end end end it "should paginate with complex custom page parameter" do request.params :developers => { :page => 2 } paginate({ :page => 2 }, :param_name => 'developers[page]') do assert_select 'a[href]', 4 do |links| assert_links_match /\?developers\[page\]=\d+$/, links validate_page_numbers [1,1,3,3], links, 'developers[page]' end end end it "should paginate with custom route page parameter" do request.symbolized_path_parameters.update :controller => 'dummy', :action => 'index' paginate :per_page => 2 do assert_select 'a[href]', 6 do |links| assert_links_match %r{/page/(\d+)$}, links, [2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 2] end end end it "should paginate with custom route with dot separator page parameter" do request.symbolized_path_parameters.update :controller => 'dummy', :action => 'dots' paginate :per_page => 2 do assert_select 'a[href]', 6 do |links| assert_links_match %r{/page\.(\d+)$}, links, [2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 2] end end end it "should paginate with custom route and first page number implicit" do request.symbolized_path_parameters.update :controller => 'ibocorp', :action => 'index' paginate :page => 2, :per_page => 2 do assert_select 'a[href]', 7 do |links| assert_links_match %r{/ibocorp(?:/(\d+))?$}, links, [nil, nil, 3, 4, 5, 6, 3] end end # Routes.recognize_path('/ibocorp/2').should == {:page=>'2', :action=>'index', :controller=>'ibocorp'} # Routes.recognize_path('/ibocorp/foo').should == {:action=>'foo', :controller=>'ibocorp'} end ## internal hardcore stuff ## it "should be able to guess the collection name" do collection = mock collection.expects(:total_pages).returns(1) @template = '<%= will_paginate options %>' controller.controller_name = 'developers' assigns['developers'] = collection paginate(nil) end it "should fail if the inferred collection is nil" do @template = '<%= will_paginate options %>' controller.controller_name = 'developers' lambda { paginate(nil) }.should raise_error(ActionView::TemplateError, /@developers/) end ## i18n it "is able to translate previous/next labels" do translation :will_paginate => { :previous_label => 'Go back', :next_label => 'Load more' } paginate do |pagination| assert_select 'span.disabled:first-child', 'Go back' assert_select 'a[rel=next]', 'Load more' end end it "renders using ActionView helpers on a custom object" do helper = Class.new { attr_reader :controller include ActionView::Helpers::UrlHelper include Routes.url_helpers include WillPaginate::ActionView }.new helper.default_url_options[:controller] = 'dummy' collection = WillPaginate::Collection.new(2, 1, 3) @render_output = helper.will_paginate(collection) assert_select 'a[href]', 4 do |links| urls = links.map {|l| l['href'] }.uniq urls.should == ['/dummy/page/1', '/dummy/page/3'] end end it "renders using ActionDispatch helper on a custom object" do helper = Class.new { include ActionDispatch::Routing::UrlFor include Routes.url_helpers include WillPaginate::ActionView }.new helper.default_url_options.update \ :only_path => true, :controller => 'dummy' collection = WillPaginate::Collection.new(2, 1, 3) @render_output = helper.will_paginate(collection) assert_select 'a[href]', 4 do |links| urls = links.map {|l| l['href'] }.uniq urls.should == ['/dummy/page/1', '/dummy/page/3'] end end private def translation(data) I18n.available_locales # triggers loading existing translations I18n.backend.store_translations(:en, data) end # Normalizes differences between HTML::Document and Nokogiri::HTML def text(node) node.inner_text.gsub('→', '→').gsub('←', '←') end end class AdditionalLinkAttributesRenderer < WillPaginate::ActionView::LinkRenderer def initialize(link_attributes = nil) super() @additional_link_attributes = link_attributes || { :default => 'true' } end def link(text, target, attributes = {}) super(text, target, attributes.merge(@additional_link_attributes)) end end class DummyController attr_reader :request attr_accessor :controller_name include ActionController::UrlFor include Routes.url_helpers def initialize @request = DummyRequest.new(self) end def params @request.params end def env {} end def _prefixes [] end end class IbocorpController < DummyController end class DummyRequest attr_accessor :symbolized_path_parameters alias :path_parameters :symbolized_path_parameters def initialize(controller) @controller = controller @get = true @params = {} @symbolized_path_parameters = { :controller => 'foo', :action => 'bar' } end def routes @controller._routes end def get? @get end def post @get = false end def relative_url_root '' end def script_name '' end def params(more = nil) @params.update(more) if more @params end def host_with_port 'example.com' end alias host host_with_port def optional_port '' end def protocol 'http:' end end