puppet-lint-trailing_comma-check ================================= [](https://travis-ci.org/camptocamp/puppet-lint-trailing_comma-check) [](https://codeclimate.com/github/camptocamp/puppet-lint-trailing_comma-check) [](http://badge.fury.io/rb/puppet-lint-trailing_comma-check) [](https://coveralls.io/r/camptocamp/puppet-lint-trailing_comma-check?branch=master) A puppet-lint plugin to check for missing trailing commas. ## Checks ### Missing trailing comma As per style guide v2.0, there must be trailing commas after all resource attributes and parameter definitions. #### What you have done ```puppet file { '/etc/sudoers': ensure => file } ``` #### What you should have done ```puppet file { '/etc/sudoers': ensure => file, } ``` #### Disabling the check To disable this check, you can add `--no-trailing_comma-check` to your puppet-lint command line. ```shell $ puppet-lint --no-trailing_comma-check path/to/file.pp ``` Alternatively, if you’re calling puppet-lint via the Rake task, you should insert the following line to your `Rakefile`. ```ruby PuppetLint.configuration.send('disable_trailing_comma') ```