require 'spec_helper' shared_examples "a proxy" do |args| context "basic features" do before(:each) do @proxy = end it "should have a nice to_s" do expect(@proxy.to_s).to include @proxy.provider.to_s expect(@proxy.to_s).to include @proxy.location end it "file should return a handle" do handle = @proxy.file(key) expect(handle.proxy).to eq(@proxy) expect(handle.key).to eq(key) end it "file should yield a handle" do ret = @proxy.file(key) do |handle| expect(handle.proxy).to eq(@proxy) expect(handle.key).to eq(key) 123 end expect(ret).to eq(123) end it "should forward file open to handle" do expect(Defog::Handle).to receive(:new).with(@proxy, key) { double('Handle').tap { |handle| expect(handle).to receive(:open).with("r+", :persist => true) } } @proxy.file(key, "r+", :persist => true) end it "should return fog storage" do expect(@proxy.fog_connection).to eq(@proxy.fog_directory.service) end it "should return fog directory" do create_remote("hello") expect(@proxy.fog_directory.files.get(key).body).to eq("hello") end end context "settings" do it "should set default for :persist => true" do @proxy = => true)) expect(Defog::File).to receive(:open).with(hash_including :persist => true) @proxy.file(key, "w") do end end it "should set default for :synchronize => :async" do @proxy = => :async)) expect(Defog::File).to receive(:open).with(hash_including :synchronize => :async) @proxy.file(key, "w") do end end end context "iteration" do before(:each) do @proxy = @proxy.fog_directory.files.all.each do |model| model.destroy end create_other_remote("i0") create_other_remote("i1") create_other_remote("i2") end it "should iterate through remotes" do seen = [] @proxy.each do |handle| seen << handle.key end expect(seen).to match_array([other_key("i0"), other_key("i1"), other_key("i2")]) end it "should return an enumerator" do expect( match_array([other_key("i0"), other_key("i1"), other_key("i2")]) end end context "prefix" do it "should return its prefix" do prefix = "me-first" @proxy = => prefix)) expect(@proxy.prefix).to eq(prefix) end it "should use a prefix" do prefix = "me-first" @proxy = => prefix)) @proxy.file(key, "w") { |f| f.puts "hello" } expect(@proxy.file(key).fog_model.key).to eq(prefix + key) end it "should iterate only matches to prefix" do @proxy = => "yes-")) @proxy.fog_directory.files.all.each do |model| model.destroy end create_other_remote("no-n1") create_other_remote("no-n2") create_other_remote("no-n3") create_other_remote("yes-y1") create_other_remote("yes-y2") create_other_remote("yes-y3") expect( match_array([other_key("y1"), other_key("y2"), other_key("y3")]) end end context "proxy root location" do it "should default proxy root to tmpdir/defog" do proxy = expect(proxy.proxy_root).to eq( + "defog" + "#{proxy.provider.to_s}-#{proxy.location}") end it "should default proxy root to Rails.root" do with_rails_defined do proxy = expect(proxy.proxy_root).to eq(Rails.root + "tmp/defog" + "#{proxy.provider.to_s}-#{proxy.location}") end end it "should accept proxy root parameter" do path ="/a/random/path") proxy = => path)) expect(proxy.proxy_root).to eq(path) end end context "cache management" do before(:each) do @proxy = => 100, :persist => true)) @proxy.proxy_root.rmtree if @proxy.proxy_root.exist? @proxy.proxy_root.mkpath end it "should fail normally when trying to proxy a file that doesn't exist" do expect { @proxy.file("nonesuch", "r") }.to raise_error(Defog::Error::NoCloudFile) end it "should raise an error trying to proxy a file larger than the cache" do create_remote("x" * 101) expect { @proxy.file(key, "r") }.to raise_error(Defog::Error::CacheFull) expect(proxy_path).not_to be_exist end it "should not count existing proxy in total" do create_proxy("y" * 70) create_remote("x" * 70) expect { @proxy.file(key, "r") do end }.not_to raise_error expect(proxy_path).to be_exist expect( eq(remote_body) end it "should delete proxies to make room" do create_other_proxy("a", 10) create_other_proxy("b", 30) create_other_proxy("c", 40) create_remote("x" * 80) expect { @proxy.file(key, "r") do end }.not_to raise_error expect(proxy_path).to be_exist expect(other_proxy_path("a")).to be_exist expect(other_proxy_path("b")).not_to be_exist expect(other_proxy_path("c")).not_to be_exist end [0, 3, 6].each do |sizect| it "should not fail size check #{sizect} when proxies get deleted by another process" do create_other_proxy("a", 30) create_other_proxy("b", 30) create_other_proxy("c", 30) create_remote("x" * 9) z = 0 allow_any_instance_of(Pathname).to receive(:size) { |path| raise Errno::ENOENT if z == sizect z += 1 30 } expect { @proxy.file(key, "r") do end }.not_to raise_error end end it "should not fail unlinking when proxies get deleted by another process" do create_other_proxy("a", 10) create_other_proxy("b", 30) create_other_proxy("c", 40) create_remote("x" * 80) allow_any_instance_of(Pathname).to receive(:unlink) { raise Errno::ENOENT } expect { @proxy.file(key, "r") do end }.not_to raise_error end it "should not fail atime when a proxy gets deleted by another process" do create_other_proxy("a", 10) create_other_proxy("b", 30) create_other_proxy("c", 40) create_remote("x" * 80) allow_any_instance_of(Pathname).to receive(:atime) { @raised = true and raise Errno::ENOENT unless @raised } expect { @proxy.file(key, "r") do end }.not_to raise_error end it "should delete proxies to make room for hinted size" do create_other_proxy("a", 10) create_other_proxy("b", 30) create_other_proxy("c", 40) expect { @proxy.file(key, "w", :size_hint => 80) do end }.not_to raise_error expect(proxy_path).to be_exist expect(other_proxy_path("a")).to be_exist expect(other_proxy_path("b")).not_to be_exist expect(other_proxy_path("c")).not_to be_exist end it "should not delete proxies that are open" do create_other_proxy("a", 20) create_other_proxy("b", 20) create_other_remote("R", 30) create_remote("x" * 30) @proxy.file(other_key("R"), "r") do @proxy.file(other_key("S"), "w") do create_other_proxy("S", 30) expect { @proxy.file(key, "r") do end }.not_to raise_error expect(proxy_path).to be_exist expect(other_proxy_path("R")).to be_exist expect(other_proxy_path("S")).to be_exist expect(other_proxy_path("a")).not_to be_exist expect(other_proxy_path("b")).not_to be_exist end end end it "should delete proxies that are no longer open" do create_other_remote("R", 60) create_remote("z" * 60) @proxy.file(other_key("R"), "r") do end expect(other_proxy_path("R")).to be_exist expect { @proxy.file(key, "r") do end }.not_to raise_error expect(proxy_path).to be_exist expect(other_proxy_path("R")).not_to be_exist end it "should not delete proxies if there wouldn't be enough space" do create_other_proxy("a", 20) create_other_proxy("b", 20) create_other_remote("R", 30) create_other_remote("S", 30) create_remote("z" * 50) @proxy.file(other_key("R"), "r") do @proxy.file(other_key("S"), "r") do expect { @proxy.file(key, "r") do end }.to raise_error(Defog::Error::CacheFull) expect(proxy_path).not_to be_exist expect(other_proxy_path("a")).to be_exist expect(other_proxy_path("b")).to be_exist expect(other_proxy_path("R")).to be_exist expect(other_proxy_path("S")).to be_exist end end end end private def other_key(okey) "#{okey}-#{key}" end def create_other_proxy(okey, size) path = other_proxy_path(okey) path.dirname.mkpath"w") do |f| f.write("x" * size) end end def other_proxy_path(okey) @proxy.file(other_key(okey)).proxy_path end def create_other_remote(okey, size=10) @proxy.fog_directory.files.create(:key => other_key(okey), :body => "x" * size) end end describe Defog::Proxy do context "Local" do before(:all) do Fog.unmock! end args = {:provider => :local, :local_root => LOCAL_CLOUD_PATH} it_should_behave_like "a proxy", args it "should use the deslashed local_root as the location" do expect( eq(LOCAL_CLOUD_PATH.to_s.gsub(%r{/},"-")) end end context "AWS" do before(:all) do Fog.mock! end args = {:provider => :AWS, :aws_access_key_id => "dummyid", :aws_secret_access_key => "dummysecret", :region => "eu-west-1", :bucket => "tester"} it_should_behave_like "a proxy", args it "should use the bucket name as the location" do expect( eq(args[:bucket]) end it "should share fog connection with same bucket" do proxy1 = proxy2 = expect(proxy1.fog_connection).to be_equal proxy2.fog_connection end it "should share fog connection with different bucket" do proxy1 = proxy2 = => "other")) expect(proxy1.fog_connection).to be_equal proxy2.fog_connection end it "should not share fog connection with different connection args" do proxy1 = proxy2 = => "other")) expect(proxy1.fog_connection).not_to be_equal proxy2.fog_connection end end it "should raise error on bad provider" do expect { => :nonesuch) }.to raise_error(ArgumentError) end end