= Weather-of-today plugin((-$Id: weather.rb,v 1.10 2008-03-02 09:01:46 kazuhiko Exp $-))
Records the weather when the diary is first updated for the date and
displays it.
== Acknowledgements
The idea of this plugin is due to `hsbt'. The author took the hint for
the implmentation from `zoe'. `kotak' kindly provided the information
about NOAA. The author thanks to them.
The author also appreciates National Weather Service
(()) making such valuable data available
in public domain as described in (()).
== Copyright
Copyright 2003 zunda
Permission is granted for use, copying, modification, distribution,
and distribution of modified versions of this work under the terms
of GPL version 2 or later.
== Instance variables
@weather_plugin_name = 'Weather-of-today'
== Classes and methods
=== WeatherTranslator module
We want Japanese displayed in a diary written in Japanese.
--- Weather::Words_en
Array of arrays of a Regexp and a Statement to be executed.
WeatherTranslator::S.tr accepts this kind of hash to translate a
given string. No translations are defined for English. Please see an
example in the Japanese resource.
require 'erb'
class Weather
Words_en = [
[%r[\Aunknown\z]i, '""'],
=== Weather class
Weather of a date.
--- Weather.html_string
--- Weather.error_html_string
Returns an HTML fragment showing data or error, called from
--- Weather.i_html_string
Returns a CHTML fragment to be shown on a mobile browser.
class Weather
include ERB::Util
def error_html_string
%Q|Weather error:#{h( @error )}|
# edit this method to define how you show the weather
def html_string
has_data = false
r = ''
# weather
r << %Q||
has_condition = false
if @data['weather'] then
r << %Q|#{h( WeatherTranslator::S.new( @data['weather']).translate( Words_en ).compact.capitalize )}|
has_condition = true
has_data = true
elsif @data['condition'] then
r << %Q|#{h( WeatherTranslator::S.new( @data['condition']).translate( Words_en ).compact.capitalize )}|
has_condition = true
has_data = true
# temperature
if @data['temperature(C)'] and t = @data['temperature(C)'].scan(/-?[\d.]+/)[-1] then
r << ', ' if has_condition
r << %Q| #{sprintf( '%.0f', 9.0/5.0 * t.to_f + 32.0 )} deg-F|
has_data = true
r << ''
# time stamp
if @tz then
tzbak = ENV['TZ']
ENV['TZ'] = @tz # this is not thread safe...
r << ' at '
if @data['timestamp'] then
r << Time::at( @data['timestamp'].to_i ).strftime( '%H:%M' ).sub( /^0/, '' )
r << Time::at( @time.to_i ).strftime( '%H:%M' ).sub( /^0/, '' )
if @tz then
ENV['TZ'] = tzbak
r << ""
return has_data ? r : ''
# edit this method to define how you show the weather for a mobile agent
def i_html_string
r = ''
# weather
if @data['weather'] then
r << %Q||
r << h( WeatherTranslator::S.new( @data['weather']).translate( Words_en ).compact.capitalize )
r << ""
elsif @data['condition'] then
r << %Q||
r << h( WeatherTranslator::S.new( @data['condition']).translate( Words_en ).compact.capitalize )
r << ""
return r
# www configuration interface
def weather_configure_html( conf )
station = Weather::extract_station_id(conf['weather.url'])
station ||= conf['weather.url']
Weather-of-today plugin
Records the weather when the diary is first updated for the date
and displays it.
Data source
When you want to use e.g. NOAA National Weather Service,
select your country from "Select a country..." in
NOAA National Weather Service
and push the "Go!" button.
Then select the observation point.
Write down the URL of the page shown in the box below.
The four letter station ID can also be used here.
It would be better to record your time zone in the data if you are
likely to move to another time zone in the future.
Thus, the weather data will be shown in the local time where the
diary is originally written.
To record timezone, add the following line into the tdiary.conf
file in the directory tdiary.rb is: e.g. ENV['TZ'] = 'US/Pacific',
or write it down the box below.
Display on a normal browser
Select from below:
Display on a mobile browser
Select from below:
Display to search engine robots
Select from below:
Other configurations
Other options can be configured by means of the tdiary.conf file.
Please have a look in the plugin file: weather.rb if you want.
# Local Variables:
# mode: ruby
# indent-tabs-mode: t
# tab-width: 3
# ruby-indent-level: 3
# End: