require "cul_image_props" require "mime/types" require "uri" require "open-uri" require "tempfile" require "active_fedora_finders" class GenericResource < ::ActiveFedora::Base extend ActiveModel::Callbacks include ::ActiveFedora::FinderMethods::RepositoryMethods include ::ActiveFedora::DatastreamCollections include ::Hydra::ModelMethods include Cul::Hydra::Models::Common include Cul::Hydra::Models::ImageResource include Cul::Hydra::Fedora::UrlHelperBehavior include ::ActiveFedora::RelsInt has_and_belongs_to_many :containers, :property=>:cul_member_of, :class_name=>'ActiveFedora::Base' IMAGE_EXT = {"image/bmp" => 'bmp', "image/gif" => 'gif', "image/jpeg" => 'jpg', "image/png" => 'png', "image/tiff" => 'tif', "image/x-windows-bmp" => 'bmp'} WIDTH = RDF::URI(ActiveFedora::Predicates.find_graph_predicate(:image_width)) LENGTH = RDF::URI(ActiveFedora::Predicates.find_graph_predicate(:image_length)) has_datastream :name => "content", :type=>::ActiveFedora::Datastream, :versionable => true has_metadata :name=>"RELS-INT", :type=>ActiveFedora::RelsInt::Datastream def assert_content_model super add_relationship(:rdf_type, RDF::CUL.Resource.to_s) end def route_as "resource" end def index_type_label "FILE ASSET" end def to_solr(solr_doc =, opts={}) solr_doc = super unless solr_doc["extent_ssim"] || self.datastreams["content"].nil? if self.datastreams["content"].dsSize.to_i > 0 solr_doc["extent_ssim"] = [self.datastreams["content"].dsSize] else repo = ActiveFedora::Base.connection_for_pid(pid) ds_parms = {pid: pid, dsid: "content", method: :head} repo.datastream_dissemination(ds_parms) do |res| solr_doc["extent_ssim"] = res['Content-Length'] end end end if self.zooming? fz = rels_int.relationships(datastreams['content'], :foaf_zooming).first.object.to_s.split('/')[-1] ds = datastreams[fz] unless ds.nil? rft_id = ds.controlGroup == 'E' ? datastreams[fz].dsLocation : legacy_content_path(ds,'info:fedora/datastreams/') solr_doc['rft_id_ss'] = rft_id end end solr_doc["fulltext_tesim"] = [] unless self.datastreams["fulltext"].nil? solr_doc["fulltext_tesim"].concat(solr_doc["title_display_ssm"]) unless solr_doc["title_display_ssm"].nil? or solr_doc["title_display_ssm"].length == 0 solr_doc["fulltext_tesim"] << self.datastreams["fulltext"].content end relationships(:original_name).each do |original_name| solr_doc["original_name_tesim"] ||= [] original_name = original_name.object.to_s.split('/').join(' ') solr_doc["original_name_tesim"] << original_name.strip end solr_doc end def thumbnail_info thumb = rels_int.relationships(datastreams['content'],:foaf_thumbnail).first if thumb t_dsid = thumb.object.to_s.split('/')[-1] t_url = "#{ActiveFedora.fedora_config.credentials[:url]}/objects/#{pid}/datastreams/#{t_dsid}/content" return {:url=>t_url,:mime=>datastreams[t_dsid].mimeType} elsif self.zooming? t_dsid = rels_int.relationships(dsuri, :foaf_zooming).first.object.to_s.split('/')[-1] t_parms = DJATOKA_THUMBNAIL_PARMS.merge({"rft_id" => datastreams[t_dsid].dsLocation}) url = "#{DJATOKA_BASE_URL}?#{ { |key, value| "#{CGI::escape(key.to_s)}=#{CGI::escape(value.to_s)}"}.join("&") }" {:url => url, :mime => t_parms["svc.format"]} else return {:asset => "cul_hydra/crystal/file.png",:mime=>'image/png'} end end def linkable_resources # let's start with the known DSIDs from lindquist, then work our way back to parsing the solrized relsint results = [] if (rels = rels_int.instance_variable_get :@solr_hash) # this was loaded from solr rels.each do |dsuri, props| if dsuri =~ /\/content$/ or not props[FORMAT_OF_PREDICATE].blank? dsid = dsuri.split('/')[-1] puts props.inspect res = datastream_as_resource(dsid, props.with_indifferent_access) results << res end end else content_uri = RDF::URI("info:fedora/#{}/content") dsuris = [content_uri] results = [] # read the graph datastreams.each do |k, v| rels = rels_int.relationships(v, :format_of, content_uri) dsuris << rels[0].subject unless rels.blank? end dsuris.each do |dsuri| dsid = dsuri.to_s.split('/')[-1] width_rel = rels_int.relationships(dsuri, :image_width)[0] length_rel = rels_int.relationships(dsuri, :image_length)[0] extent_rel = rels_int.relationships(dsuri, :extent)[0] props = {extent: [], image_width: [], image_length: []} props[:extent] << extent_rel.object.to_s unless extent_rel.blank? props[:image_width] << width_rel.object.to_s unless width_rel.blank? props[:image_length] << length_rel.object.to_s unless length_rel.blank? results << datastream_as_resource(dsid, props) end end results end def zooming? content = datastreams['content'] return false unless content zr = rels_int.relationships(content, :foaf_zooming) if (zr && zr.first) return !zr.first.blank? else false end end def with_ds_resource(ds_id, fedora_content_filesystem_mounted=false, &block) ds = self.datastreams[ds_id] puts 'dsLocation.start_with?( : ' + ds.dsLocation.start_with?( # If the dsLocation starts with the pid, that means that we're dealing with an internally-managed ds, # so we can't reference the file directly even if we do have the fedora content filesystem mounted. if ! ds.dsLocation.start_with?( && fedora_content_filesystem_mounted if ds.dsLocation =~ /^file:\// dsLocation = ds.dsLocation.sub(/^file:\/+/,'/') path = URI.unescape(dsLocation) else path = ds.dsLocation end yield(path) else internal_uri = "info:fedora/#{}/#{ds_id}" # No local fedora mount, need to download content over http[s] file_basename = File.basename(ds.dsLocation.gsub(/^file:/,'')) file_extension = File.extname(file_basename) # In some cases, we actually do want to know the original extension of the file, so we'll preserve it in the temp file filename temp_file =[file_basename, file_extension]) begin parts = internal_uri.split('/') open(temp_file.path, 'wb') do |blob| repo = ActiveFedora::Base.connection_for_pid(parts[1]) repo.datastream_dissemination({:dsid=>parts[2], :pid=>parts[1], :finished=>false}) do |res| res.read_body do |seg| blob << seg end end end yield(temp_file.path) ensure temp_file.unlink end end end private def datastream_as_resource(dsid, props={}) ds = datastreams[dsid] raise "No resource at info:fedora/#{pid}/#{dsid}" unless ds res = {} res[:uri] = res[:block] = dsid res[:mime_type] = ds.mimeType res[:content_models] = ["Datastream"] res[:file_size] = ds.dsSize.to_s if res[:file_size] == "0" and props[:extent] res[:file_size] = (props[:extent].first || "0") end res[:size] = (res[:file_size].to_i / 1024).to_s + " Kb" res[:width] = (props[:image_width] and props[:image_width].first) || "0" res[:height] = (props[:image_length] and props[:image_length].first) || "0" res[:dimensions] = "#{res[:width]} x #{res[:height]}" base_filename = pid.gsub(/\:/,"") res[:filename] = base_filename + "." + dsid + "." + ds.mimeType.gsub(/^[^\/]+\//,"") res end end