require 'json' require 'sinatra' require 'nokogiri' # Configuration file and runlist (runlist as global) config_file = ARGV[0] $runlist_file = ARGV[1] # Try to parse the both config file and runlist and terminate if we can't begin config_h = JSON.parse( JSON.parse($runlist_file)) rescue # something went wrong abort 'Impossible to parse configuration and/or runlist files!' end # Set Sinatra to run in production mode set :environment, :production # Set Sinatra's port to nutella's main_interface_port set :port, config_h['main_interface_port'] # Display the form to input the run_id get '/' do send_file File.join("#{config_h['nutella_home']}/actors/main_interface/public", 'index.html') end # Renders the run template get '/:run_id/?' do # Parse the run_id from URL and extract the run path from runlist.json @run_id = params[:run_id] @run_path = get_run_path @run_id @project_name = @run_path[@run_path.rindex('/')+1..@run_path.length] unless @run_path.nil? # If there is no run with this name, render error page return erb( :not_found_404, :locals => {:not_found_type => 'run'} ) if @run_path.nil? # If there is an 'index.erb' file inside the 'interfaces' folder, render it custom_index_file = "#{@run_path}/interfaces/index.erb" return erb( custom_index_file )) if File.exist? custom_index_file # If no 'index.erb' is provided we need to generate one # In order to do so we need to load a bunch of details # (folder, title/name, description) for each interface @interfaces = load_interfaces_details # Finally render the interfaces summary page erb :index end # Serves the index.html file for each individual interface augmented with nutella query string parameters get '/:run_id/:interface' do # Parse the run_id and the interface name from URL run_id = params[:run_id] interface = params[:interface] # Extract the run path from runlist.json run_path = get_run_path run_id # Compose the path of interface index file index_file_path = "#{run_path}/interfaces/#{interface}/index.html" # If the index file doesn't exist, render error page return erb( :not_found_404, :locals => {:not_found_type => 'idx'} ) unless File.exist? index_file_path # If the index file exists, compose query string and redirect index_with_query_url = "#{request.path}/index.html?run_id=#{run_id}&broker=#{config_h['broker']}" redirect index_with_query_url end # Serves the files contained in each interface folder get '/:run_id/:interface/*' do # Parse the run_id, the interface name and the file_path from URL run_id = params[:run_id] interface = params[:interface] relative_file_path = params[:splat][0] # Extract the run path from runlist.json run_path = get_run_path run_id # Compose the path of the file we are trying to serve file_path = "#{run_path}/interfaces/#{interface}/#{relative_file_path}" # If the file we are trying to serve doesn't exist, render error page return erb( :not_found_404, :locals => {:not_found_type => 'file'} ) unless File.exist? file_path # If the file exists, render it send_file file_path end # Utility function: # Gets the path associated with a certain run def get_run_path (run_id) begin runs_h = JSON.parse($runlist_file)) runs_h[run_id] rescue nil end end # Utility function: # Loads all the details for all interfaces and stores them into an array of hashes def load_interfaces_details interfaces = interfaces_path = "#{@run_path}/interfaces/" Dir.entries(interfaces_path).select {|entry|, entry)) && !(entry =='.' || entry == '..') }.each do |iface_dir| interfaces.push extract_interface_info( interfaces_path, iface_dir ) end interfaces end # Utility function: # Extracts name, description and folder for a single interface def extract_interface_info( interfaces_path, iface_dir ) iface_props = index_path = "#{interfaces_path}#{iface_dir}/index.html" unless File.exist? index_path iface_props[:name] = iface_dir iface_props[:description] = 'My designer was a lazy ass and didn\'t include an index.html file in the main interface directory' return iface_props end # If file exists, parse it and extract info f = index_path doc = Nokogiri::HTML f f.close iface_props[:name] = doc.css('title').empty? ? iface_dir : doc.css('title').text if doc.css("meta[name='description']").empty? iface_props[:description] = 'My designer was a lazy ass and didn\'t include a <meta name="description" content="Description of this interface"> tag in the index.html file' else if doc.css("meta[name='description']").attribute('content').nil? iface_props[:description] = 'There was no attribute content in <meta name="description" content="Description of this interface"> tag in the index.html file' else iface_props[:description] = doc.css("meta[name='description']").attribute('content').text end end iface_props[:url] = "#{@run_id}/#{iface_dir}" iface_props end