//! \file Sockets.hpp //! Interface of the three socket classes, MessageSocket, CommSocket and ListenerSocket. #ifndef GOSU_SOCKETS_HPP #define GOSU_SOCKETS_HPP #include #include #include namespace Gosu { //! Addresses are returned from and given to Gosu functions in host byte order. typedef std::tr1::uint32_t SocketAddress; //! Ports are returned from and given to Gosu functions in host byte order. typedef std::tr1::uint16_t SocketPort; //! Constant that can be used as a placeholder for an arbitrary port, e.g. when //! starting to listen. const SocketPort anyPort = 0; //! Tries to convert a dotted IP4 string into an address suitable for //! socket functions. If the string supplied is not such a string, it //! tries to look up the host via DNS. If both methods fail, zero is //! returned. SocketAddress stringToAddress(const std::string& s); //! Converts an address into a dotted IP4 string. std::string addressToString(SocketAddress address); //! Wraps an UDP socket. Message sockets can send data to and receive //! data from arbitrary addresses. Also, message sockets send messages //! (packets) which are limited in size and can arrive in any order, or //! not at all. class MessageSocket { struct Impl; const std::auto_ptr pimpl; public: //! Opens a message socket for listening at the specified port. //! Gosu::anyPort may be passed to have the message socket use //! a random free port. explicit MessageSocket(SocketPort port); ~MessageSocket(); //! Returns the local address of the socket. SocketAddress address() const; //! Returns the local port of the socket. SocketPort port() const; //! Returns the maximum size, in bytes, of a packet that can be sent //! from this socket. std::size_t maxMessageSize() const; //! Collects all the packets that were sent to this socket and //! calls onReceive for each of them. void update(); //! Sends something to the given port of the computer identified //! by the address. void send(SocketAddress address, SocketPort port, const void* buffer, std::size_t size); /*void broadcast(SocketPort port, const void* buffer, std::size_t size);*/ //! If assigned, will be called by update for every packet received. std::tr1::function onReceive; }; //! Defines the way in which data is collected until the onReceive event //! is called for CommSockets. enum CommMode { cmRaw, //cmLines, cmManaged }; class Socket; //! Wraps a TCP socket that is used for one part of bi-directional //! communication. class CommSocket { struct Impl; const std::auto_ptr pimpl; public: CommSocket(CommMode mode, SocketAddress targetAddress, SocketPort targetPort); CommSocket(CommMode mode, Socket& socket); ~CommSocket(); SocketAddress address() const; SocketPort port() const; SocketAddress remoteAddress() const; SocketPort remotePort() const; CommMode mode() const; bool connected() const; void disconnect(); bool keepAlive() const; void setKeepAlive(bool value); void update(); void send(const void* buffer, std::size_t size); void sendPendingData(); std::size_t pendingBytes() const; std::tr1::function onReceive; std::tr1::function onDisconnection; }; //! Wraps a TCP socket that waits on a specific port and can create //! CommSocket instances via its onConnection event. class ListenerSocket { struct Impl; const std::auto_ptr pimpl; public: ListenerSocket(SocketPort port); ~ListenerSocket(); SocketAddress address() const; SocketPort port() const; void update(); //! This signal is fired by update() whenever someone connects //! to the port which is currently listened on. std::tr1::function onConnection; }; } #endif