require 'rspec/core/rake_task' require 'open-uri' require 'nokogiri' task :default => :spec # namespace :jetty do desc "Grab the latest Jetty from its Maven repository." task :update do # Manipulate files under the gem root. base_path = File.dirname(__FILE__) jar_path = File.join(base_path, 'lib', 'java') # Information about the Maven repository. group = "org.eclipse.jetty" artifact = "jetty-distribution" repository = '' # Parse Maven metadata and get the latest release version. url = File.join(repository, group.gsub('.', '/'), artifact) metadata_url = File.join(url, 'maven-metadata.xml') puts metadata_url metadata = Nokogiri::XML(open(metadata_url)) versions = metadata.xpath('/metadata/versioning/versions') \ { |v| v.content.strip } \ .select { |v| v =~ /^8/ } release = versions.last puts "Latest Jetty release is #{release}" # Download the latest version to our tmpdir. filename = "#{artifact}-#{release}.tar.gz" artifact_url = File.join(url, release, filename) tempfile = File.join(base_path, 'tmp', filename) if(File.exists?(tempfile)) puts "Using cached #{tempfile}" else, "wb") { |f| f.write(open(artifact_url).read) } puts "Downloaded to #{tempfile}" end # Inventory contents of the tarball we picked up. inventory = `tar tzf #{tempfile}`.split(/\n/) # Figure out which JARs we should replce with tarball contents. replacements = {} Dir.entries(jar_path).each do |entry| next unless ((entry =~ /^jetty-\w.*\d\.jar$/) \ or (entry =~ /^servlet-api.*\d\.jar$/)) name = entry.sub(/\-\d.*$/, '') matcher = /\/#{name}\-[^\/]+\d\.jar$/ archive_file = inventory.find { |i| i =~ matcher } next unless archive_file replacements[entry] = archive_file end # Extract replacements and verify that they aren't corrupted. replacements.keys.each do |original| replacement = replacements[original] outfile = File.join(base_path, 'tmp', File.basename(replacement)) system("tar xzOf #{tempfile} #{replacement} > #{outfile}") \ unless File.exists?(outfile) # system("jar tf #{outfile} >/dev/null 2>/dev/null") # raise("#{outfile} from #{tempfile} corrupt.") unless ($? == 0) replacements[original] = outfile end # Remove old JARs, then add new JARs. replacements.keys.each do |entry| file = File.join(jar_path, entry) puts "deleting: #{file}" FileUtils.rm(file) end replacements.values.each do |entry| file = File.join(jar_path, File.basename(entry)) puts "copying: #{file}" FileUtils.move(entry, file) end puts "Update complete." end end namespace :java do desc "Build bundled Java source files." task :build do system(<<-END) javac -classpath lib/java/servlet-api-3.0.jar \ src/org/jruby/rack/servlet/ jar cf lib/java/rewindable-input-stream.jar -C src/ \ org/jruby/rack/servlet/RewindableInputStream.class END end desc "Clean up after building." task :clean do system(<<-END) rm src/org/jruby/rack/servlet/RewindableInputStream.class END end end