require "tapestry/version" require "tapestry/element" require "tapestry/factory" require "tapestry/interface" require "tapestry/attribute" require "tapestry/ready" require "tapestry/extensions/dom_observer" require "tapestry/extensions/data_setter" require "tapestry/extensions/watir_elements" require "watir" module Tapestry def self.included(caller) caller.extend Tapestry::Element caller.extend Tapestry::Interface::Page::Attribute caller.__send__ :include, Tapestry::Ready caller.__send__ :include, Tapestry::Locator caller.__send__ :include, Tapestry::Interface::Page caller.__send__ :include, Tapestry::DataSetter end def initialize(browser = nil, &block) @browser = Tapestry.browser unless Tapestry.browser.nil? @browser = browser if Tapestry.browser.nil? begin_with if respond_to?(:begin_with) instance_eval(&block) if block end # This accessor is needed so that internal API calls, like `markup` or # `text`, have access to the browser instance. This is an instance-level # access to the browser. attr_accessor :browser class << self # This accessor is needed so that Tapestry itself can provide a browser # reference to indicate connection to WebDriver. This is a class-level # access to the browser. attr_accessor :browser def set_browser(app = :chrome, *args) @browser =, *args) Tapestry.browser = @browser end alias start_browser set_browser def quit_browser @browser.quit end end end