require 'helper' module CouplerUnitTests module ModelTests class TestComparison < Coupler::Test::UnitTest def sequel_expr(*args) if args.length == 1 obj = args[0] obj.is_a?(Sequel::SQL::BooleanExpression) ? obj : Sequel::SQL::BooleanExpression.from_value_pairs(obj) else*args) end end def new_comparison(attribs = {}) values = { :lhs_type => "integer", :raw_lhs_value => 1, :rhs_type => "integer", :raw_rhs_value => 1, :operator => "equals", :matcher => @matcher }.update(attribs) c = c end def setup super @matcher = stub('matcher', :id => 123, :pk => 123, :associations => {}) end test "sequel model" do assert_equal ::Sequel::Model, Comparison.superclass assert_equal :comparisons, Comparison.table_name end test "many to one matcher" do assert_respond_to, :matcher end #def test_serializes_lhs_and_rhs_values #comparison = new_comparison({ #:lhs_type => "integer", :raw_lhs_value => 123, #:rhs_type => "integer", :raw_rhs_value => 123 #}).save! #assert_equal 123, comparison.raw_lhs_value #assert_equal 123, comparison.raw_rhs_value #end test "requires values" do comparison = new_comparison({ :raw_lhs_value => nil, :raw_rhs_value => nil }) comparison.expects(:validates_presence).with { |fields| (fields - [:raw_lhs_value, :raw_rhs_value]).empty? }.returns(false) comparison.valid? end test "requires valid types" do comparison = new_comparison({ :lhs_type => 'foo', :rhs_type => 'foo' }) comparison.stubs(:validates_includes).at_least_once comparison.expects(:validates_includes).with(%w{field integer string}, [:lhs_type, :rhs_type]).returns(false) comparison.valid? end test "requires valid operator" do comparison = new_comparison({ :operator => 'foo' }) comparison.stubs(:validates_includes).at_least_once comparison.expects(:validates_includes).with(%w{equals does_not_equal greater_than less_than}, :operator).returns(false) comparison.valid? end test "requires valid lhs_which and rhs_which" do comparison = new_comparison({ :raw_lhs_value => 1, :lhs_type => 'field', :lhs_which => 123, :raw_rhs_value => 2, :rhs_type => 'field', :rhs_which => 123 }) comparison.stubs(:validates_includes).at_least_once comparison.expects(:validates_includes).with([1, 2], :lhs_which).returns(false) comparison.expects(:validates_includes).with([1, 2], :rhs_which).returns(false) comparison.valid? end test "value methods return fields if type is field" do comparison = new_comparison({ :lhs_type => "field", :raw_lhs_value => 1, :rhs_type => "field", :raw_rhs_value => 2 }).save! field_1 = stub('field 1') field_2 = stub('field 2') Field.expects(:[]).with(:id => 1).returns(field_1) Field.expects(:[]).with(:id => 2).returns(field_2) assert_equal field_1, comparison.lhs_value assert_equal field_2, comparison.rhs_value end test "values are coerced to integer when type is integer" do comparison = new_comparison({ :lhs_type => "integer", :raw_lhs_value => "123", :rhs_type => "integer", :raw_rhs_value => "123" }).save! assert_equal 123, comparison.raw_lhs_value assert_equal 123, comparison.raw_rhs_value end test "fields returns lhs field" do comparison = new_comparison({ :lhs_type => "field", :raw_lhs_value => 1, :rhs_type => "integer", :raw_rhs_value => 123 }).save! field = stub("field") Field.expects(:[]).with(:id => 1).returns(field) assert_equal [field], comparison.fields end test "fields returns rhs field" do comparison = new_comparison({ :lhs_type => "integer", :raw_lhs_value => 123, :rhs_type => "field", :raw_rhs_value => 1, }).save! field = stub("field") Field.expects(:[]).with(:id => 1).returns(field) assert_equal [field], comparison.fields end test "fields returns two fields" do comparison = new_comparison({ :lhs_type => "field", :raw_lhs_value => 1, :rhs_type => "field", :raw_rhs_value => 2 }).save! field_1 = stub("field 1") field_2 = stub("field 2") Field.expects(:[]).with(:id => 1).returns(field_1) Field.expects(:[]).with(:id => 2).returns(field_2) assert_equal [field_1, field_2], comparison.fields end test "fields returns empty array" do comparison = new_comparison({ :lhs_type => "integer", :raw_lhs_value => 123, :rhs_type => "integer", :raw_rhs_value => 123, }).save! assert_equal [], comparison.fields end test "operator symbol" do comparison = => 'equals') assert_equal "=", comparison.operator_symbol comparison.operator = "does_not_equal" assert_equal "!=", comparison.operator_symbol comparison.operator = "greater_than" assert_equal ">", comparison.operator_symbol comparison.operator = "less_than" assert_equal "<", comparison.operator_symbol end %w{lhs rhs}.each do |name| test "#{name}_label" do resource = stub("resource", :name => "foo") field = stub("field", :name => "ssn", :resource => resource) Field.stubs(:[]).with(:id => 1).returns(field) comparison ="#{name}_type" => 'field', :"raw_#{name}_value" => 1) assert_equal "ssn (foo)", comparison.send("#{name}_label") comparison.send("#{name}_which=", 1) assert_equal %{ssn (foo1)}, comparison.send("#{name}_label") comparison.send("#{name}_which=", 2) assert_equal %{ssn (foo2)}, comparison.send("#{name}_label") comparison.send("#{name}_type=", 'integer') comparison.send("raw_#{name}_value=", 123) assert_equal "123", comparison.send("#{name}_label") comparison.send("#{name}_type=", 'string') comparison.send("raw_#{name}_value=", 'foo') assert_equal %{"foo"}, comparison.send("#{name}_label") end end test "apply field equality" do comparison = new_comparison({ :lhs_type => 'field', :raw_lhs_value => 1, :lhs_which => 1, :rhs_type => 'field', :raw_rhs_value => 1, :rhs_which => 2, :operator => 'equals' }).save! field = stub("field", :name => "first_name") Field.stubs(:[]).with(:id => 1).returns(field) dataset = mock('dataset', :opts => {}) dataset.expects(:clone).with({:select => [:first_name], :order => [:first_name]}).returns(dataset) dataset.expects(:filter).with(~{:first_name => nil}).returns(dataset) assert_equal dataset, comparison.apply(dataset) end test "apply field equality to one side only" do comparison = new_comparison({ :lhs_type => 'field', :raw_lhs_value => 1, :lhs_which => 1, :rhs_type => 'field', :raw_rhs_value => 1, :rhs_which => 2, :operator => 'equals' }).save! field = stub("field", :name => "first_name") Field.stubs(:[]).with(:id => 1).returns(field) dataset_1 = mock('dataset', :opts => {}) dataset_1.expects(:clone).with({:select => [:first_name], :order => [:first_name]}).returns(dataset_1) dataset_1.expects(:filter).with(~{:first_name => nil}).returns(dataset_1) dataset_2 = mock('dataset', :opts => {}) dataset_2.expects(:clone).with({:select => [:first_name], :order => [:first_name]}).returns(dataset_2) dataset_2.expects(:filter).with(~{:first_name => nil}).returns(dataset_2) assert_equal dataset_1, comparison.apply(dataset_1, 0) assert_equal dataset_2, comparison.apply(dataset_2, 1) end test "apply two field equality" do comparison = new_comparison({ :lhs_type => 'field', :raw_lhs_value => 1, :lhs_which => 1, :rhs_type => 'field', :raw_rhs_value => 2, :rhs_which => 2, :operator => 'equals' }).save! field_1 = stub("field 1", :name => 'ssn_1') field_2 = stub("field 2", :name => 'ssn_2') Field.stubs(:[]).with(:id => 1).returns(field_1) Field.stubs(:[]).with(:id => 2).returns(field_2) dataset = mock('dataset', :opts => {}) dataset.expects(:clone).with({:select => [:ssn_1, :ssn_2], :order => [:ssn_1, :ssn_2]}).returns(dataset) dataset.expects(:filter).with(~{:ssn_1 => nil}, ~{:ssn_2 => nil}).returns(dataset) assert_equal dataset, comparison.apply(dataset) end test "apply two field equality to one side only" do comparison = new_comparison({ :lhs_type => 'field', :raw_lhs_value => 1, :lhs_which => 1, :rhs_type => 'field', :raw_rhs_value => 2, :rhs_which => 2, :operator => 'equals' }).save! field_1 = stub("field 1", :name => 'ssn_1') field_2 = stub("field 2", :name => 'ssn_2') Field.stubs(:[]).with(:id => 1).returns(field_1) Field.stubs(:[]).with(:id => 2).returns(field_2) dataset_1 = mock('dataset', :opts => {}) dataset_1.expects(:clone).with({:select => [:ssn_1], :order => [:ssn_1]}).returns(dataset_1) dataset_1.expects(:filter).with(~{:ssn_1 => nil}).returns(dataset_1) dataset_2 = mock('dataset', :opts => {}) dataset_2.expects(:clone).with({:select => [:ssn_2], :order => [:ssn_2]}).returns(dataset_2) dataset_2.expects(:filter).with(~{:ssn_2 => nil}).returns(dataset_2) assert_equal dataset_1, comparison.apply(dataset_1, 0) assert_equal dataset_2, comparison.apply(dataset_2, 1) end =begin def test_apply_field_inequality_to_single_dataset field = stub("field", :name => 'first_name') Field.stubs(:[]).with(:id => 1).returns(field) comparison = new_comparison({ :lhs_type => 'field', :raw_lhs_value => 1, :lhs_which => 1, :rhs_type => 'field', :raw_rhs_value => 1, :rhs_which => 2, :operator => 'does_not_equal' }).save! dataset = mock('dataset', :opts => {}) dataset.expects(:clone).with({:select => [:first_name], :order => [:first_name]}).returns(dataset) dataset.expects(:filter).with(~{:first_name => nil}).returns(dataset) assert_equal dataset, comparison.apply(dataset) end def test_apply_field_inequality_to_dual_datasets field = stub("field", :name => 'first_name') Field.stubs(:[]).with(:id => 1).returns(field) comparison = new_comparison({ :lhs_type => 'field', :raw_lhs_value => 1, :lhs_which => 1, :rhs_type => 'field', :raw_rhs_value => 1, :rhs_which => 2, :operator => 'does_not_equal' }).save! dataset_1 = mock('dataset_1', :opts => {}) dataset_1.expects(:clone).with({:select => [:first_name], :order => [:first_name]}).returns(dataset_1) dataset_1.expects(:filter).with(~{:first_name => nil}).returns(dataset_1) dataset_2 = mock('dataset_2', :opts => {}) dataset_2.expects(:clone).with({:select => [:first_name], :order => [:first_name]}).returns(dataset_2) dataset_2.expects(:filter).with(~{:first_name => nil}).returns(dataset_2) assert_equal [dataset_1, dataset_2], comparison.apply(dataset_1, dataset_2) end =end test "apply same row field equality indifferently" do comparison_1 = new_comparison({ :lhs_type => 'field', :raw_lhs_value => 1, :lhs_which => 1, :rhs_type => 'field', :raw_rhs_value => 2, :rhs_which => 1, :operator => 'equals' }).save! comparison_2 = new_comparison({ :lhs_type => 'field', :raw_lhs_value => 2, :lhs_which => 2, :rhs_type => 'field', :raw_rhs_value => 1, :rhs_which => 2, :operator => 'equals' }).save! field_1 = stub("field 1", :name => 'ssn_1') field_2 = stub("field 2", :name => 'ssn_2') Field.stubs(:[]).with(:id => 1).returns(field_1) Field.stubs(:[]).with(:id => 2).returns(field_2) dataset = mock('dataset') dataset.expects(:filter).with(sequel_expr(:ssn_1 => :ssn_2)).returns(dataset) assert_equal dataset, comparison_1.apply(dataset) dataset.expects(:filter).with(sequel_expr(:ssn_2 => :ssn_1)).returns(dataset) assert_equal dataset, comparison_2.apply(dataset) end test "apply same row field equality to one side only" do comparison_1 = new_comparison({ :lhs_type => 'field', :raw_lhs_value => 1, :lhs_which => 1, :rhs_type => 'field', :raw_rhs_value => 2, :rhs_which => 1, :operator => 'equals' }).save! comparison_2 = new_comparison({ :lhs_type => 'field', :raw_lhs_value => 2, :lhs_which => 2, :rhs_type => 'field', :raw_rhs_value => 1, :rhs_which => 2, :operator => 'equals' }).save! field_1 = stub("field 1", :name => 'ssn_1') field_2 = stub("field 2", :name => 'ssn_2') Field.stubs(:[]).with(:id => 1).returns(field_1) Field.stubs(:[]).with(:id => 2).returns(field_2) dataset_1 = mock('dataset') dataset_2 = mock('dataset') dataset_1.expects(:filter).with(sequel_expr(:ssn_1 => :ssn_2)).returns(dataset_1) assert_equal dataset_1, comparison_1.apply(dataset_1, 0) dataset_1.expects(:filter).never assert_equal dataset_1, comparison_2.apply(dataset_1, 0) dataset_2.expects(:filter).never assert_equal dataset_2, comparison_1.apply(dataset_2, 1) dataset_2.expects(:filter).with(sequel_expr(:ssn_2 => :ssn_1)).returns(dataset_2) assert_equal dataset_2, comparison_2.apply(dataset_2, 1) end #=begin #def test_apply_field_greater_than_field #field_1 = @resource.fields_dataset[:name => 'first_name'] #field_2 = @resource.fields_dataset[:name => 'last_name'] #comparison = new_comparison({ #:lhs_type => 'field', :raw_lhs_value =>, :lhs_which => 1, #:rhs_type => 'field', :raw_rhs_value =>, :rhs_which => 2, #:operator => 'greater_than' #}).save! #dataset = mock('dataset', :opts => {}) #dataset.expects(:clone).with({:select => [:first_name, :last_name]}).returns(dataset) #dataset.expects(:filter).with(~{:first_name => nil}, ~{:last_name => nil}).returns(dataset) #assert_equal dataset, comparison.apply(dataset) #end #=end test "apply does not duplicate selects or orders" do comparison = new_comparison({ :lhs_type => 'field', :raw_lhs_value => 1, :lhs_which => 1, :rhs_type => 'field', :raw_rhs_value => 2, :rhs_which => 2, :operator => 'equals' }).save! field_1 = stub("field 1", :name => 'ssn_1') field_2 = stub("field 2", :name => 'ssn_2') Field.stubs(:[]).with(:id => 1).returns(field_1) Field.stubs(:[]).with(:id => 2).returns(field_2) dataset = mock('dataset', :opts => { :order => [:ssn_1], :select => [:foo, :ssn_1] }) dataset.expects(:clone).with({:select => [:foo, :ssn_1, :ssn_2], :order => [:ssn_1, :ssn_2]}).returns(dataset) dataset.expects(:filter).with(~{:ssn_2 => nil}).returns(dataset) assert_equal dataset, comparison.apply(dataset) end test "apply field equals non field indifferently" do comparison_1 = new_comparison({ :lhs_type => 'field', :raw_lhs_value => 1, :lhs_which => 1, :rhs_type => 'integer', :raw_rhs_value => 123, :operator => 'equals' }).save! comparison_2 = new_comparison({ :lhs_type => 'field', :raw_lhs_value => 2, :lhs_which => 2, :rhs_type => 'integer', :raw_rhs_value => 123, :operator => 'equals' }).save! field_1 = stub("field 1", :name => 'ssn_1') field_2 = stub("field 2", :name => 'ssn_2') Field.stubs(:[]).with(:id => 1).returns(field_1) Field.stubs(:[]).with(:id => 2).returns(field_2) dataset = mock('dataset') dataset.expects(:filter).with(sequel_expr({:ssn_1 => 123})).returns(dataset) assert_equal dataset, comparison_1.apply(dataset) dataset.expects(:filter).with(sequel_expr({:ssn_2 => 123})).returns(dataset) assert_equal dataset, comparison_2.apply(dataset) end test "apply field equals non field to one side only" do comparison_1 = new_comparison({ :lhs_type => 'field', :raw_lhs_value => 1, :lhs_which => 1, :rhs_type => 'integer', :raw_rhs_value => 123, :operator => 'equals' }).save! comparison_2 = new_comparison({ :lhs_type => 'field', :raw_lhs_value => 2, :lhs_which => 2, :rhs_type => 'integer', :raw_rhs_value => 123, :operator => 'equals' }).save! field_1 = stub("field 1", :name => 'ssn_1') field_2 = stub("field 2", :name => 'ssn_2') Field.stubs(:[]).with(:id => 1).returns(field_1) Field.stubs(:[]).with(:id => 2).returns(field_2) dataset_1 = mock('dataset 1') dataset_2 = mock('dataset 2') dataset_1.expects(:filter).with(sequel_expr({:ssn_1 => 123})).returns(dataset_1) assert_equal dataset_1, comparison_1.apply(dataset_1, 0) dataset_1.expects(:filter).never assert_equal dataset_1, comparison_2.apply(dataset_1, 0) dataset_2.expects(:filter).never assert_equal dataset_2, comparison_1.apply(dataset_2, 1) dataset_2.expects(:filter).with(sequel_expr({:ssn_2 => 123})).returns(dataset_2) assert_equal dataset_2, comparison_2.apply(dataset_2, 1) end test "apply non field equals field" do field = stub("field", :name => 'first_name') Field.stubs(:[]).with(:id => 1).returns(field) comparison = new_comparison({ :lhs_type => 'integer', :raw_lhs_value => 123, :rhs_type => 'field', :raw_rhs_value => 1, :rhs_which => 1, :operator => 'equals' }).save! dataset = mock('dataset') dataset.expects(:filter).with(sequel_expr({123 => :first_name})).returns(dataset) assert_equal dataset, comparison.apply(dataset) end test "apply field does not equal non field" do field = stub("field", :name => 'first_name') Field.stubs(:[]).with(:id => 1).returns(field) comparison = new_comparison({ :lhs_type => 'field', :raw_lhs_value => 1, :rhs_type => 'integer', :raw_rhs_value => 123, :operator => 'does_not_equal' }).save! dataset = mock('dataset') dataset.expects(:filter).with(sequel_expr(~{:first_name => 123})).returns(dataset) assert_equal dataset, comparison.apply(dataset) end test "apply non field does not equal field" do field = stub("field", :name => 'first_name') Field.stubs(:[]).with(:id => 1).returns(field) comparison = new_comparison({ :lhs_type => 'integer', :raw_lhs_value => 123, :rhs_type => 'field', :raw_rhs_value => 1, :operator => 'does_not_equal' }).save! dataset = mock('dataset') dataset.expects(:filter).with(sequel_expr(~{123 => :first_name})).returns(dataset) assert_equal dataset, comparison.apply(dataset) end test "apply field greater than non field" do field = stub("field", :name => 'first_name') Field.stubs(:[]).with(:id => 1).returns(field) comparison = new_comparison({ :lhs_type => 'field', :raw_lhs_value => 1, :rhs_type => 'integer', :raw_rhs_value => 123, :operator => 'greater_than' }).save! dataset = mock('dataset') dataset.expects(:filter).with(sequel_expr(:first_name > 123)).returns(dataset) assert_equal dataset, comparison.apply(dataset) end test "apply non field greater than field" do field = stub("field", :name => 'first_name') Field.stubs(:[]).with(:id => 1).returns(field) comparison = new_comparison({ :lhs_type => 'integer', :raw_lhs_value => 123, :rhs_type => 'field', :raw_rhs_value => 1, :operator => 'greater_than' }).save! dataset = mock('dataset') dataset.expects(:filter).with(sequel_expr(:'>', 123, :first_name)).returns(dataset) assert_equal dataset, comparison.apply(dataset) end test "apply field less than non field" do field = stub("field", :name => 'first_name') Field.stubs(:[]).with(:id => 1).returns(field) comparison = new_comparison({ :lhs_type => 'field', :raw_lhs_value => 1, :rhs_type => 'integer', :raw_rhs_value => 123, :operator => 'less_than' }).save! dataset = mock('dataset') dataset.expects(:filter).with(sequel_expr(:first_name < 123)).returns(dataset) assert_equal dataset, comparison.apply(dataset) end test "apply non field less than field" do field = stub("field", :name => 'first_name') Field.stubs(:[]).with(:id => 1).returns(field) comparison = new_comparison({ :lhs_type => 'integer', :raw_lhs_value => 123, :rhs_type => 'field', :raw_rhs_value => 1, :operator => 'less_than' }).save! dataset = mock('dataset') dataset.expects(:filter).with('<', 123, :first_name)).returns(dataset) assert_equal dataset, comparison.apply(dataset) end test "apply non field equal non field" do comparison = new_comparison({ :lhs_type => 'integer', :raw_lhs_value => 123, :rhs_type => 'integer', :raw_rhs_value => 123, :operator => 'equals' }).save! dataset = mock('dataset') dataset.expects(:filter).with(sequel_expr(123 => 123)).returns(dataset) assert_equal dataset, comparison.apply(dataset) end test "apply non field equal non field regardless of side" do comparison = new_comparison({ :lhs_type => 'integer', :raw_lhs_value => 123, :rhs_type => 'integer', :raw_rhs_value => 123, :operator => 'equals' }).save! dataset_1 = mock('dataset 1') dataset_2 = mock('dataset 2') dataset_1.expects(:filter).with(sequel_expr(123 => 123)).returns(dataset_1) assert_equal dataset_1, comparison.apply(dataset_1, 0) dataset_2.expects(:filter).with(sequel_expr(123 => 123)).returns(dataset_2) assert_equal dataset_2, comparison.apply(dataset_2, 1) end test "blocking?" do field = stub("field", :name => 'first_name') { stubs(:[]).with(:final_type).returns('string') } Field.stubs(:[]).with(:id => 1).returns(field) comparison = new_comparison({ :lhs_type => 'field', :raw_lhs_value => 1, :lhs_which => 1, :rhs_type => 'field', :raw_rhs_value => 1, :rhs_which => 2, :operator => 'equals' }).save! assert !comparison.blocking? end test "cross_match?" do field_1 = stub("field 1", :id => 1, :name => 'ssn_1', :resource_id => 1) { stubs(:[]).with(:final_type).returns('string') } Field.stubs(:[]).with(:id => 1).returns(field_1) field_2 = stub("field 2", :id => 2, :name => 'ssn_2', :resource_id => 1) { stubs(:[]).with(:final_type).returns('string') } Field.stubs(:[]).with(:id => 2).returns(field_2) comparison = new_comparison({ :lhs_type => 'field', :raw_lhs_value => 1, :lhs_which => 1, :rhs_type => 'field', :raw_rhs_value => 2, :rhs_which => 2, :operator => 'equals' }).save! assert comparison.cross_match? end test "does not allow two fields of different types" do field_1 = stub("field 1", :name => 'first_name') { stubs(:[]).with(:final_type).returns('string') } Field.stubs(:[]).with(:id => 1).returns(field_1) field_2 = stub("field 2", :name => 'age') { stubs(:[]).with(:final_type).returns('integer') } Field.stubs(:[]).with(:id => 2).returns(field_2) comparison = new_comparison({ :lhs_type => 'field', :raw_lhs_value => 1, :lhs_which => 1, :rhs_type => 'field', :raw_rhs_value => 2, :rhs_which => 2, :operator => 'equals' }) assert !comparison.valid?, "Comparison should have been invalid" end test "does not allow non-equality comparisons for fields" do field = stub("field", :name => 'first_name') { stubs(:[]).with(:final_type).returns('string') } Field.stubs(:[]).with(:id => 1).returns(field) comparison = new_comparison({ :lhs_type => 'field', :raw_lhs_value => 1, :lhs_which => 1, :rhs_type => 'field', :raw_rhs_value => 1, :rhs_which => 2, :operator => 'greater_than' }) assert !comparison.valid?, "Comparison should have been invalid" end end end end