# # Copyright 2014 Red Hat, Inc. # # This software is licensed to you under the GNU General Public # License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version # 2 of the License (GPLv2) or (at your option) any later version. # There is NO WARRANTY for this software, express or implied, # including the implied warranties of MERCHANTABILITY, # NON-INFRINGEMENT, or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. You should # have received a copy of GPLv2 along with this software; if not, see # http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/gpl-2.0.txt. module Katello module Util class CdnVarSubstitutor attr_reader :good_listings attr_reader :bad_listings # cdn_resource - an object providing access to CDN. It has to # provide a get method that takes a path (e.g. # /content/rhel/6.2/listing) and returns the body response) def initialize(cdn_resource) @resource = cdn_resource @substitutions = Thread.current[:cdn_var_substitutor_cache] || {} @good_listings = Set.new @bad_listings = Set.new end # using substitutor from whithin the block makes sure that every # request is made only once. def self.with_cache(&_block) Thread.current[:cdn_var_substitutor_cache] = {} yield ensure Thread.current[:cdn_var_substitutor_cache] = nil end # precalcuclate all paths at once - let's you discover errors and stop # before it causes more pain def precalculate(paths_with_vars) paths_with_vars.uniq.reduce({}) do |ret, path_with_vars| ret[path_with_vars] = substitute_vars(path_with_vars) ret end end # takes path e.g. "/rhel/server/5/$releasever/$basearch/os" # returns hash substituting variables: # # { {"releasever" => "6Server", "basearch" => "i386"} => "/rhel/server/5/6Server/i386/os", # {"releasever" => "6Server", "basearch" => "x86_64"} => "/rhel/server/5/6Server/x84_64/os"} # # values are loaded from CDN def substitute_vars(path_with_vars) if path_with_vars =~ /^(.*\$\w+)(.*)$/ prefix_with_vars, suffix_without_vars = Regexp.last_match[1], Regexp.last_match[2] else prefix_with_vars, suffix_without_vars = "", path_with_vars end prefixes_without_vars = substitute_vars_in_prefix(prefix_with_vars) paths_without_vars = prefixes_without_vars.reduce({}) do |h, (substitutions, prefix_without_vars)| h[substitutions] = prefix_without_vars + suffix_without_vars h end return paths_without_vars end # prefix_with_vars is the part of url containing some vars. We can cache # calcualted values for this parts. So for example for: # "/a/$b/$c/d" # "/a/$b/$c/e" # prefix_with_vars is "/a/$b/$c" and we store the result after resolving # for the first path. def substitute_vars_in_prefix(prefix_with_vars) paths_with_vars = { {} => prefix_with_vars} prefixes_without_vars = @substitutions[prefix_with_vars] unless prefixes_without_vars prefixes_without_vars = {} until paths_with_vars.empty? substitutions, path = paths_with_vars.shift if substituable? path for_each_substitute_of_next_var substitutions, path do |new_substitution, new_path| begin paths_with_vars[new_substitution] = new_path rescue Errors::SecurityViolation # Some paths may not be accessible @resource.log :warn, "#{new_path} is not accessible, ignoring" end end else prefixes_without_vars[substitutions] = path end end @substitutions[prefix_with_vars] = prefixes_without_vars end return prefixes_without_vars end def substituable?(path) path.include?("$") end def valid_substitutions?(contnent_url, substitutions) real_path = gsub_vars(contnent_url, substitutions) if substituable?(real_path) return false else is_valid = valid_path?(real_path, 'repodata/repomd.xml') || valid_path?(real_path, 'PULP_MANIFEST') unless is_valid @resource.log :error, "No valid metadata files found for #{real_path}" end return is_valid end end protected def valid_path?(path, postfix) @resource.get(File.join(path, postfix)).present? rescue RestClient::MovedPermanently return true rescue Errors::NotFound return false end def gsub_vars(content_url, substitutions) substitutions.reduce(content_url) do |url, (key, value)| url.gsub("$#{key}", value) end end def for_each_substitute_of_next_var(substitutions, path) if path =~ /^(.*?)\$([^\/]*)/ base_path, var = Regexp.last_match[1], Regexp.last_match[2] get_substitutions_from(base_path).compact.each do |value| new_substitutions = substitutions.merge(var => value) new_path = path.sub("$#{var}", value) yield new_substitutions, new_path end end end def get_substitutions_from(base_path) ret = @resource.get(File.join(base_path, "listing")).split("\n") @good_listings << base_path ret rescue Errors::NotFound => e # some of listing file points to not existing content @bad_listings << base_path @resource.log :error, e.message [] # return no substitution for unreachable listings end end end end