# # = Numerical Differentiation # The functions described in this chapter compute numerical derivatives by # finite differencing. An adaptive algorithm is used to find the best choice # of finite difference and to estimate the error in the derivative. # # Contentes: # 1. {Deriv methods}[link:diff_rdoc.html#label-Deriv+methods+%28for+GSL+1.4.90+or+later%29] # 1. {Diff methods}[link:diff_rdoc.html#label-Diff+Methods+%28obsolete%29] # # == Deriv methods (for GSL 1.4.90 or later) # Numerical derivatives should now be calculated using the # GSL::Deriv.forward, GSL::Deriv.central and GSL::Deriv.backward methods, # which accept a step-size argument in addition to the position x. The # original GSL::Diff methods (without the step-size) are deprecated. # # --- # * GSL::Deriv.central(f, x, h = 1e-8) # * GSL::Function#deriv_central(x, h = 1e-8) # # These methods compute the numerical derivative of the function f # at the point x using an adaptive central difference algorithm with a # step-size of h. If a scalar x is given, the derivative and an # estimate of its absolute error are returned as an array, [result, abserr, status]. # If a vector/matrix/array x is given, an array of two elements are returned, # [result, abserr], here each them is also a vector/matrix/array of the same # dimension of x. # # The initial value of h is used to estimate an optimal step-size, # based on the scaling of the truncation error and round-off error in the # derivative calculation. The derivative is computed using a 5-point rule for # equally spaced abscissae at x-h, x-h/2, x, x+h/2, x, with an error estimate # taken from the difference between the 5-point rule and the corresponding 3-point # rule x-h, x, x+h. Note that the value of the function at x does not contribute # to the derivative calculation, so only 4-points are actually used. # # --- # * GSL::Deriv.forward(f, x, h = 1e-8) # * GSL::Function#deriv_forward(x, h = 1e-8) # # These methods compute the numerical derivative of the function f at # the point x using an adaptive forward difference algorithm with a step-size # of h. The function is evaluated only at points greater than x, # and never at x itself. The derivative and an estimate of its absolute error # are returned as an array, [result, abserr]. # These methods should be used if f(x) has a # discontinuity at x, or is undefined for values less than x. # # The initial value of h is used to estimate an optimal step-size, based on the # scaling of the truncation error and round-off error in the derivative calculation. # The derivative at x is computed using an "open" 4-point rule for equally spaced # abscissae at x+h/4, x+h/2, x+3h/4, x+h, with an error estimate taken from the # difference between the 4-point rule and the corresponding 2-point rule x+h/2, x+h. # # --- # * GSL::Deriv.backward(f, x, h) # * GSL::Function#deriv_backward(x, h) # # These methods compute the numerical derivative of the function f at the # point x using an adaptive backward difference algorithm with a step-size # of h. The function is evaluated only at points less than x, # and never at x itself. The derivative and an estimate of its absolute error # are returned as an array, [result, abserr]. # This function should be used if f(x) has a discontinuity at x, # or is undefined for values greater than x. # # These methods are equivalent to calling the method forward # with a negative step-size. # # == Diff Methods (obsolete) # # --- # * GSL::Diff.central(f, x) # * GSL::Function#diff_central(x) # # These compute the numerical derivative of the function f ( {GSL::Function}[link:function_rdoc.html] object) at the point x # using an adaptive central difference algorithm. The result is returned as an array # which contains the derivative and an estimate of its absolute error. # # --- # * GSL::Diff.forward(f, x) # * GSL::Function#diff_forward(x) # # These compute the numerical derivative of the function at the point x using an adaptive forward difference algorithm. # # --- # * GSL::Diff.backward(f, x) # * GSL::Function#diff_backward(x) # # These compute the numerical derivative of the function at the point x using an adaptive backward difference algorithm. # # == Example # # #!/usr/bin/env ruby # require "gsl" # # f = GSL::Function.alloc { |x| # pow(x, 1.5) # } # # printf ("f(x) = x^(3/2)\n"); # # x = 2.0 # h = 1e-8 # result, abserr = f.deriv_central(x, h) # printf("x = 2.0\n"); # printf("f'(x) = %.10f +/- %.10f\n", result, abserr); # printf("exact = %.10f\n\n", 1.5 * Math::sqrt(2.0)); # # x = 0.0 # result, abserr = Deriv.forward(f, x, h) # equivalent to f.deriv_forward(x, h) # printf("x = 0.0\n"); # printf("f'(x) = %.10f +/- %.10f\n", result, abserr); # printf("exact = %.10f\n", 0.0); # # The results are # # f(x) = x^(3/2) # x = 2.0 # f'(x) = 2.1213203120 +/- 0.0000004064 # exact = 2.1213203436 # # x = 0.0 # f'(x) = 0.0000000160 +/- 0.0000000339 # exact = 0.0000000000 # # {prev}[link:interp_rdoc.html] # {next}[link:cheb_rdoc.html] # # {Reference index}[link:ref_rdoc.html] # {top}[link:index.html] # #