require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../spec_helper' describe "String" do describe "hasherize" do before(:each) do @str=<<-EOE hello world you are my hero EOE @hashed = @str.hasherize(%w(hello you)) end it "should return a hash from the string" do @hashed.class.should == Hash end it "should have hello as a key" do @hashed.has_key?(:hello).should == true end describe "arrayable" do it "should be able to turn the string into an array" do @str.arrayable.class.should == Array end end end before(:each) do @string = "string" @string.stub!(:bucket_objects).and_return([]) end # Dumb test it "should be able to call bucket_objects on itself" do @string.should_receive(:bucket_objects) @string.bucket_objects end describe "with config replacements" do it "should replace those syms in the string" do ("new :port" ^ {:port => 100}).should == "new 100" end it "should be able to detect vars" do @string=<<-EOC listen web_proxy \tserver web1 weight 1 minconn 3 maxconn 6 check inter 30000 EOC (@string ^ {:client_port => 3000, :port => 3001}).should ==<<-EOO listen web_proxy \tserver web1 weight 1 minconn 3 maxconn 6 check inter 30000 EOO end end describe "collect_each_line_with_index" do before(:each) do @longer_string = "hot\npotato\nthrough\nthe\nwindow" end it "should run the same code on the entire string" do @longer_string.collect_each_line_with_index do |str, index| "#{index}_#{str}" end.should == ["0_hot", "1_potato", "2_through", "3_the", "4_window"] end end describe "String" do before(:each) do @str =<<-EOS echo 'hi' puts 'hi' EOS end it "should be able to convert a big string with \n to a runnable string" do @str.runnable.should == "echo 'hi' && puts 'hi'" end end describe "Constantize" do before(:each) do @str = "prok" end it "should be able to turn itself into constant" do @str.class_constant.should == PoolPartyProkClass end it "should turn itself into a class constant" do @str.class_constant.class.should == Class end it "should not recreate the constant if it exists" do Class.should_receive(:new).once.and_return @str.class_constant @str.class_constant end it "should set the parent class when sent with the superclass" do "stirer".class_constant(String).ancestors[1].should == String end it "should be able to create a module into a constant" do @str.module_constant.should == ProkModule end it "should turn itself into a class constant" do @str.module_constant.class.should == Module end it "should create the module on preserved module constant" do Module.should_receive(:new).once @str.preserved_module_constant.should == Prok @str.preserved_module_constant @str.preserved_module_constant end describe "with a block" do before(:each) do @str = "nack" end it "should be able to yield a block on the module and set methods" do "tippy".module_constant do def tippy puts "etc" end end"tippy".module_constant).methods.include?("tippy").should == true end end end describe "top level class" do it "should be able to get the top level class" do "PoolParty::Resources::File".top_level_class.should == "file" end it "should turn file into a class" do "file".camelcase.should == "File" end end describe "sanitize" do it "should remove the periods from the string" do "".sanitize.should == "xnotorg" end it "should be able to turn a string into a dir safe name" do "Rails app/".dir_safe.should == "rails_app/" end end describe "nice_runnable" do before(:each) do @tasks = ["ls -l", "echo 'hello'"] end it "should turn an array into a string" do @tasks.nice_runnable.class.should == String end it "should add \\n between the commands" do @tasks.nice_runnable.should == "ls -l \n echo 'hello'" end it "should strip out excess lines" do (@tasks << []).nice_runnable.should == "ls -l \n echo 'hello'" end end end