Feature: Status page The status page displays whether the diagnostic checks have passed, gave a warning, or failed. There is also a title that gives an overall status of the checks. Scenario: View the status page When I go to the status page Then I should be on the status page Scenario: A simple passing diagnostic check Given a diagnostic check named "MySQLCheck" with the following statuses: | passed | warning | failed | | true | false | false | When I go to the status page Then I should see a passed diagnostic check named "MySQLCheck" And should see "All Systems Operational" as the title Scenario: Diagnostic checks that contain one warning check Given a diagnostic check named "MySQLCheck" with the following statuses: | passed | warning | failed | | true | false | false | Given a diagnostic check named "PostgreSQLCheck" with the following statuses: | passed | warning | failed | | false | true | false | When I go to the status page Then I should see a passed diagnostic check named "MySQLCheck" And should see a warning diagnostic check named "PostgreSQLCheck" And should see "Experiencing Issues" as the title Scenario: Diagnostic checks that contain one failing check Given a diagnostic check named "MySQLCheck" with the following statuses: | passed | warning | failed | | true | false | false | Given a diagnostic check named "PostgreSQLCheck" with the following statuses: | passed | warning | failed | | false | false | true | When I go to the status page Then I should see a passed diagnostic check named "MySQLCheck" And should see a failed diagnostic check named "PostgreSQLCheck" And should see "System Failure" as the title