//This file is automatically rebuilt by the Cesium build process. /*global define*/ define(function() { "use strict"; return "/**\n\ * DOC_TBA\n\ *\n\ * @name czm_multiplyWithColorBalance\n\ * @glslFunction\n\ */\n\ vec3 czm_multiplyWithColorBalance(vec3 left, vec3 right)\n\ {\n\ // Algorithm from Chapter 10 of Graphics Shaders.\n\ const vec3 W = vec3(0.2125, 0.7154, 0.0721);\n\ \n\ vec3 target = left * right;\n\ float leftLuminance = dot(left, W);\n\ float rightLuminance = dot(right, W);\n\ float targetLuminance = dot(target, W);\n\ \n\ return ((leftLuminance + rightLuminance) / (2.0 * targetLuminance)) * target;\n\ }\n\ "; });