# JBoss, Home of Professional Open Source # Copyright 2009, Red Hat Middleware LLC, and individual contributors # by the @authors tag. See the copyright.txt in the distribution for a # full listing of individual contributors. # # This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it # under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as # published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of # the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU # Lesser General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public # License along with this software; if not, write to the Free # Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA # 02110-1301 USA, or see the FSF site: http://www.fsf.org. require 'rake/tasklib' require 'yaml' require 'boxgrinder-build/helpers/guestfs-helper' require 'boxgrinder-core/helpers/exec-helper' module BoxGrinder class RAWImage < Rake::TaskLib def initialize( config, appliance_config, options = {} ) @config = config @appliance_config = appliance_config @log = options[:log] || Logger.new(STDOUT) @exec_helper = options[:exec_helper] || ExecHelper.new( { :log => @log } ) @tmp_dir = "#{@config.dir.root}/#{@config.dir.build}/tmp" define_tasks end def define_tasks desc "Build #{@appliance_config.simple_name} appliance." task "appliance:#{@appliance_config.name}" => [ @appliance_config.path.file.raw.xml, "appliance:#{@appliance_config.name}:validate:dependencies" ] directory @tmp_dir file @appliance_config.path.file.raw.xml => [ @appliance_config.path.file.raw.kickstart, "appliance:#{@appliance_config.name}:validate:dependencies", @tmp_dir ] do build_raw_image do_post_build_operations end end def build_raw_image @log.info "Building #{@appliance_config.simple_name} appliance..." @exec_helper.execute "sudo PYTHONUNBUFFERED=1 appliance-creator -d -v -t #{@tmp_dir} --cache=#{@config.dir.rpms_cache}/#{@appliance_config.main_path} --config #{@appliance_config.path.file.raw.kickstart} -o #{@appliance_config.path.dir.raw.build} --name #{@appliance_config.name} --vmem #{@appliance_config.hardware.memory} --vcpu #{@appliance_config.hardware.cpus}" # fix permissions @exec_helper.execute "sudo chmod 777 #{@appliance_config.path.dir.raw.build_full}" @exec_helper.execute "sudo chmod 666 #{@appliance_config.path.file.raw.disk}" @exec_helper.execute "sudo chmod 666 #{@appliance_config.path.file.raw.xml}" @log.info "Appliance #{@appliance_config.simple_name} was built successfully." end def do_post_build_operations @log.info "Executing post operations after build..." guestfs_helper = GuestFSHelper.new( @appliance_config.path.file.raw.disk, :log => @log ) guestfs = guestfs_helper.guestfs change_configuration( guestfs ) set_motd( guestfs ) install_version_files( guestfs ) install_repos( guestfs ) @log.debug "Executing post commands from appliance definition file..." if @appliance_config.post.base.size > 0 for cmd in @appliance_config.post.base @log.debug "Executing #{cmd}" guestfs.sh( cmd ) end @log.debug "Post commands from appliance definition file executed." else @log.debug "No commands specified, skipping." end guestfs.close @log.info "Post operations executed." end def change_configuration( guestfs ) @log.debug "Changing configuration files using augeas..." guestfs.aug_init( "/", 0 ) # don't use DNS for SSH guestfs.aug_set( "/files/etc/ssh/sshd_config/UseDNS", "no" ) if guestfs.exists( '/etc/ssh/sshd_config' ) guestfs.aug_save @log.debug "Augeas changes saved." end def set_motd( guestfs ) @log.debug "Setting up '/etc/motd'..." # set nice banner for SSH motd_file = "/etc/init.d/motd" guestfs.upload( "#{@config.dir.base}/src/motd.init", motd_file ) guestfs.sh( "sed -i s/#VERSION#/'#{@appliance_config.version}.#{@appliance_config.release}'/ #{motd_file}" ) guestfs.sh( "sed -i s/#APPLIANCE#/'#{@appliance_config.name} appliance'/ #{motd_file}" ) guestfs.sh( "/bin/chmod +x #{motd_file}" ) guestfs.sh( "/sbin/chkconfig --add motd" ) @log.debug "'/etc/motd' is nice now." end def install_version_files( guestfs ) @log.debug "Installing BoxGrinder version files..." guestfs.sh( "echo 'BOXGRINDER_VERSION=#{@config.version_with_release}' > /etc/sysconfig/boxgrinder" ) guestfs.sh( "echo 'APPLIANCE_NAME=#{@appliance_config.name}' >> /etc/sysconfig/boxgrinder" ) @log.debug "Version files installed." end def install_repos( guestfs ) @log.debug "Installing repositories from appliance definition file..." @appliance_config.repos.each do |repo| @log.debug "Installing #{repo['name']} repo..." repo_file = File.read( "#{@config.dir.base}/src/base.repo").gsub( /#NAME#/, repo['name'] ) ['baseurl', 'mirrorlist'].each do |type| repo_file << ("#{type}=#{repo[type]}") unless repo[type].nil? end guestfs.sh("echo '#{repo_file}' > /etc/yum.repos.d/#{repo['name']}.repo") end @log.debug "Repositories installed." end end end