#!/usr/bin/env ruby # frozen_string_literal: true require 'bundler/setup' require 'vedeu' # An example application to demonstrate the DRb server. # If you have cloned this repository from GitHub, you can run this example: # # ./test/support/examples/drb_app.rb # class VedeuTestApplication Vedeu.bind(:_initialize_) { Vedeu.trigger(:_refresh_) } # Be aware that running an application with profiling enabled will affect # performance. Vedeu.configure do log '/tmp/vedeu_test_helper.log' debug! # profile! drb! drb_host 'localhost' drb_port 21_420 drb_width 80 drb_height 25 # terminal_mode :raw # cooked! # fake! # raw! # run_once! # interactive! # standalone! # System keys can be redefined # exit_key 'q' # focus_next_key :tab # focus_prev_key :shift_tab # mode_switch_key :escape # Not used yet # stdin File.open("/dev/tty", "r") # stdout File.open("/dev/tty", "w") # stderr File.open("/tmp/vedeu_error.log", "w+") end Vedeu.border 'test_interface' do # Define colour and style of border colour foreground: '#ffff00', background: '#0000ff' style 'normal' # Define visibility of border show_bottom! show_left! show_right! show_top! # Define characters used to draw border bottom_right '+' bottom_left '+' horizontal '-' top_right '+' top_left '+' vertical '|' end Vedeu.geometry 'test_interface' do height 6 width 26 x 4 y 4 end Vedeu.interface 'test_interface' do colour foreground: '#ff0000', background: '#000000' cursor! end Vedeu.keymap 'test_interface' do key(:up, 'k') { Vedeu.trigger(:_cursor_up_) } key(:right, 'l') { Vedeu.trigger(:_cursor_right_) } key(:down, 'j') { Vedeu.trigger(:_cursor_down_) } key(:left, 'h') { Vedeu.trigger(:_cursor_left_) } key('q') { Vedeu.trigger(:_exit_) } key(:escape) { Vedeu.trigger(:_mode_switch_) } key(:shift_tab) { Vedeu.trigger(:_focus_prev_) } key(:tab) { Vedeu.trigger(:_focus_next_) } end Vedeu.menu 'test_interface' do # ... end Vedeu.renders do view 'test_interface' do lines do line 'a1b1c1d1e1f1g1h1i1j1k1l1m1n1o1p1q1r1s1t1u1v1w1x1y1z1' line 'a2b2c2d2e2f2g2h2i2j2k2l2m2n2o2p2q2r2s2t2u2v2w2x2y2z2' line 'a3b3c3d3e3f3g3h3i3j3k3l3m3n3o3p3q3r3s3t3u3v3w3x3y3z3' line 'a4b4c4d4e4f4g4h4i4j4k4l4m4n4o4p4q4r4s4t4u4v4w4x4y4z4' line 'a5b5c5d5e5f5g5h5i5j5k5l5m5n5o5p5q5r5s5t5u5v5w5x5y5z5' line 'a6b6c6d6e6f6g6h6i6j6k6l6m6n6o6p6q6r6s6t6u6v6w6x6y6z6' line 'a7b7c7d7e7f7g7h7i7j7k7l7m7n7o7p7q7r7s7t7u7v7w7x7y7z7' line 'a8b8c8d8e8f8g8h8i8j8k8l8m8n8o8p8q8r8s8t8u8v8w8x8y8z8' end end end def self.start(argv = ARGV, stdin = STDIN, stdout = STDOUT, stderr = STDERR, kernel = Kernel) Vedeu::Launcher.execute!(argv, stdin, stdout, stderr, kernel) end end # VedeuTestApplication VedeuTestApplication.start(ARGV)