require 'test/unit' require 'clean_test/test_case' class TestGivenWhenThen < Clean::Test::TestCase def test_basics Given { @x = nil } And { @y = nil @z = 10 } When { @x = 4 } And { @y = 10 } But { @z # not assigned } Then { assert_equal 4,@x } And { assert_equal 10,@y } But { assert_equal 10,@z } end def test_mock_support Given { @x = 4 } When the_test_runs Then { } Given { @y = 4 } When { @y = 10 } Then { assert_equal 10,@y } And mocks_shouldve_been_called end def test_cannot_use_locals Given { @x = nil } When { x = 4 } Then { assert_nil @x refute defined? x } end def test_can_reuse_blocks invocations = 0 x_is_nil = Given { @x = nil invocations += 1 } x_is_assigned_to_four = When { @x = 4 invocations += 1 } x_should_be_four = Then { assert_equal 4,@x invocations += 1 } Given x_is_nil When x_is_assigned_to_four Then x_should_be_four assert_equal 6,invocations end def test_methods_that_return_blocks Given a_nil_x When { @x = 4 } Then { assert_equal 4,@x } end def test_can_use_symbols_for_methods Given :a_string Then { assert_equal "foo",@string } end def test_can_pass_params_to_symbols Given :a_string, 4 Then { assert_equal 4,@string.length } end def test_invert_for_block_based_asserts Given a_nil_x Then { assert_raises NoMethodError do When { @x + 4 } end } end private def a_string(length=3) if length == 3 @string = "foo" else @string = "quux" end end def a_nil_x { @x = nil } end def refute(bool_expr) assert !bool_expr end end