require File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'spec_helper.rb') unless defined?(MYSQL_USER) MYSQL_USER = 'root' end unless defined?(MYSQL_DB) MYSQL_URL = (ENV['SEQUEL_MY_SPEC_DB']||"mysql://#{MYSQL_USER}@localhost/sandbox") unless defined? MYSQL_URL MYSQL_DB = Sequel.connect(MYSQL_URL) end unless defined?(MYSQL_SOCKET_FILE) MYSQL_SOCKET_FILE = '/tmp/mysql.sock' end INTEGRATION_DB = MYSQL_DB unless defined?(INTEGRATION_DB) MYSQL_URI = URI.parse(MYSQL_DB.uri) MYSQL_DB.create_table! :test2 do text :name integer :value end def MYSQL_DB.sqls (@sqls ||= []) end logger = def logger.method_missing(m, msg) MYSQL_DB.sqls << msg end MYSQL_DB.logger = logger MYSQL_DB.drop_table(:items) rescue nil MYSQL_DB.drop_table(:dolls) rescue nil MYSQL_DB.drop_table(:booltest) rescue nil SQL_BEGIN = 'BEGIN' SQL_ROLLBACK = 'ROLLBACK' SQL_COMMIT = 'COMMIT' context "MySQL", '#create_table' do before do @db = MYSQL_DB MYSQL_DB.sqls.clear end after do @db.drop_table(:dolls) rescue nil end specify "should allow to specify options for MySQL" do @db.create_table(:dolls, :engine => 'MyISAM', :charset => 'latin2'){text :name} @db.sqls.should == ["CREATE TABLE dolls (name text) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=latin2"] end specify "should create a temporary table" do @db.create_table(:tmp_dolls, :temp => true, :engine => 'MyISAM', :charset => 'latin2'){text :name} @db.sqls.should == ["CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE tmp_dolls (name text) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=latin2"] end specify "should not use a default for a String :text=>true type" do @db.create_table(:dolls){String :name, :text=>true, :default=>'blah'} @db.sqls.should == ["CREATE TABLE dolls (name text)"] end specify "should not use a default for a File type" do @db.create_table(:dolls){File :name, :default=>'blah'} @db.sqls.should == ["CREATE TABLE dolls (name blob)"] end end context "A MySQL database" do specify "should provide the server version" do MYSQL_DB.server_version.should >= 40000 end end if MYSQL_DB.class.adapter_scheme == :mysql context "Sequel::MySQL.convert_tinyint_to_bool" do before do @db = MYSQL_DB @db.create_table(:booltest){column :b, 'tinyint(1)'; column :i, 'tinyint(4)'} @ds = @db[:booltest] end after do Sequel::MySQL.convert_tinyint_to_bool = true @db.drop_table(:booltest) end specify "should consider tinyint(1) datatypes as boolean if set, but not larger tinyints" do @db.schema(:booltest, :reload=>true).should == [[:b, {:type=>:boolean, :allow_null=>true, :primary_key=>false, :default=>nil, :ruby_default=>nil, :db_type=>"tinyint(1)"}, ], [:i, {:type=>:integer, :allow_null=>true, :primary_key=>false, :default=>nil, :ruby_default=>nil, :db_type=>"tinyint(4)"}, ]] Sequel::MySQL.convert_tinyint_to_bool = false @db.schema(:booltest, :reload=>true).should == [[:b, {:type=>:integer, :allow_null=>true, :primary_key=>false, :default=>nil, :ruby_default=>nil, :db_type=>"tinyint(1)"}, ], [:i, {:type=>:integer, :allow_null=>true, :primary_key=>false, :default=>nil, :ruby_default=>nil, :db_type=>"tinyint(4)"}, ]] end specify "should return tinyints as bools when set" do @ds.delete @ds << {:b=>true, :i=>10} @ds.all.should == [{:b=>true, :i=>true}] @ds.delete @ds << {:b=>false, :i=>0} @ds.all.should == [{:b=>false, :i=>false}] Sequel::MySQL.convert_tinyint_to_bool = false @ds.delete @ds << {:b=>true, :i=>10} @ds.all.should == [{:b=>1, :i=>10}] @ds.delete @ds << {:b=>false, :i=>0} @ds.all.should == [{:b=>0, :i=>0}] @ds.delete @ds << {:b=>1, :i=>10} @ds.all.should == [{:b=>1, :i=>10}] @ds.delete @ds << {:b=>0, :i=>0} @ds.all.should == [{:b=>0, :i=>0}] end end end context "A MySQL dataset" do before do MYSQL_DB.create_table(:items){String :name; Integer :value} @d = MYSQL_DB[:items] MYSQL_DB.sqls.clear end after do MYSQL_DB.drop_table(:items) end specify "should quote columns and tables using back-ticks if quoting identifiers" do @d.quote_identifiers = true == \ 'SELECT `name` FROM `items`''COUNT(*)'.lit).sql.should == \ 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `items`' == \ 'SELECT max(`value`) FROM `items`' == \ 'SELECT NOW() FROM `items`' == \ 'SELECT max(`items`.`value`) FROM `items`' @d.order(:name.desc).sql.should == \ 'SELECT * FROM `items` ORDER BY `name` DESC'' AS item_name'.lit).sql.should == \ 'SELECT AS item_name FROM `items`''`name`'.lit).sql.should == \ 'SELECT `name` FROM `items`''max(items.`name`) AS `max_name`'.lit).sql.should == \ 'SELECT max(items.`name`) AS `max_name` FROM `items`', 'hello')).sql.should == \ "SELECT test(`abc`, 'hello') FROM `items`", 'hello')).sql.should == \ "SELECT test(`abc`.`def`, 'hello') FROM `items`", 'hello').as(:x2)).sql.should == \ "SELECT test(`abc`.`def`, 'hello') AS `x2` FROM `items`" @d.insert_sql(:value => 333).should == \ 'INSERT INTO `items` (`value`) VALUES (333)' @d.insert_sql(:x => :y).should == \ 'INSERT INTO `items` (`x`) VALUES (`y`)' end specify "should quote fields correctly when reversing the order" do @d.quote_identifiers = true @d.reverse_order(:name).sql.should == \ 'SELECT * FROM `items` ORDER BY `name` DESC' @d.reverse_order(:name.desc).sql.should == \ 'SELECT * FROM `items` ORDER BY `name` ASC' @d.reverse_order(:name, :test.desc).sql.should == \ 'SELECT * FROM `items` ORDER BY `name` DESC, `test` ASC' @d.reverse_order(:name.desc, :test).sql.should == \ 'SELECT * FROM `items` ORDER BY `name` ASC, `test` DESC' end specify "should support ORDER clause in UPDATE statements" do @d.order(:name).update_sql(:value => 1).should == \ 'UPDATE items SET value = 1 ORDER BY name' end specify "should support LIMIT clause in UPDATE statements" do @d.limit(10).update_sql(:value => 1).should == \ 'UPDATE items SET value = 1 LIMIT 10' end specify "should support regexps" do @d << {:name => 'abc', :value => 1} @d << {:name => 'bcd', :value => 2} @d.filter(:name => /bc/).count.should == 2 @d.filter(:name => /^bc/).count.should == 1 end specify "should correctly literalize strings with comment backslashes in them" do @d.delete proc {@d << {:name => ':\\'}}.should_not raise_error @d.first[:name].should == ':\\' end end context "MySQL datasets" do before do @d = MYSQL_DB[:orders] end specify "should correctly quote column references" do @d.quote_identifiers = true market = 'ICE' ack_stamp = - 15 * 60 # 15 minutes ago, :minute.sql_function(:from_unixtime.sql_function(:ack)).as(:minute)). where{|o|(:ack.sql_number > ack_stamp) & {:market => market}}. group_by(:minute.sql_function(:from_unixtime.sql_function(:ack))).sql.should == \ "SELECT `market`, minute(from_unixtime(`ack`)) AS `minute` FROM `orders` WHERE ((`ack` > #{@d.literal(ack_stamp)}) AND (`market` = 'ICE')) GROUP BY minute(from_unixtime(`ack`))" end end context "MySQL join expressions" do before do @ds = MYSQL_DB[:nodes] @ds.db.meta_def(:server_version) {50014} end specify "should raise error for :full_outer join requests." do lambda{@ds.join_table(:full_outer, :nodes)}.should raise_error(Sequel::Error) end specify "should support natural left joins" do @ds.join_table(:natural_left, :nodes).sql.should == \ 'SELECT * FROM nodes NATURAL LEFT JOIN nodes' end specify "should support natural right joins" do @ds.join_table(:natural_right, :nodes).sql.should == \ 'SELECT * FROM nodes NATURAL RIGHT JOIN nodes' end specify "should support natural left outer joins" do @ds.join_table(:natural_left_outer, :nodes).sql.should == \ 'SELECT * FROM nodes NATURAL LEFT OUTER JOIN nodes' end specify "should support natural right outer joins" do @ds.join_table(:natural_right_outer, :nodes).sql.should == \ 'SELECT * FROM nodes NATURAL RIGHT OUTER JOIN nodes' end specify "should support natural inner joins" do @ds.join_table(:natural_inner, :nodes).sql.should == \ 'SELECT * FROM nodes NATURAL LEFT JOIN nodes' end specify "should support cross joins" do @ds.join_table(:cross, :nodes).sql.should == \ 'SELECT * FROM nodes CROSS JOIN nodes' end specify "should support cross joins as inner joins if conditions are used" do @ds.join_table(:cross, :nodes, :id=>:id).sql.should == \ 'SELECT * FROM nodes INNER JOIN nodes ON ( =' end specify "should support straight joins (force left table to be read before right)" do @ds.join_table(:straight, :nodes).sql.should == \ 'SELECT * FROM nodes STRAIGHT_JOIN nodes' end specify "should support natural joins on multiple tables." do @ds.join_table(:natural_left_outer, [:nodes, :branches]).sql.should == \ 'SELECT * FROM nodes NATURAL LEFT OUTER JOIN (nodes, branches)' end specify "should support straight joins on multiple tables." do @ds.join_table(:straight, [:nodes,:branches]).sql.should == \ 'SELECT * FROM nodes STRAIGHT_JOIN (nodes, branches)' end end context "Joined MySQL dataset" do before do @ds = MYSQL_DB[:nodes] end specify "should quote fields correctly" do @ds.quote_identifiers = true @ds.join(:attributes, :node_id => :id).sql.should == \ "SELECT * FROM `nodes` INNER JOIN `attributes` ON (`attributes`.`node_id` = `nodes`.`id`)" end specify "should allow a having clause on ungrouped datasets" do proc {@ds.having('blah')}.should_not raise_error @ds.having('blah').sql.should == \ "SELECT * FROM nodes HAVING (blah)" end specify "should put a having clause before an order by clause" do @ds.order(:aaa).having(:bbb => :ccc).sql.should == \ "SELECT * FROM nodes HAVING (bbb = ccc) ORDER BY aaa" end end context "A MySQL database" do before do @db = MYSQL_DB end specify "should support add_column operations" do @db.add_column :test2, :xyz, :text @db[:test2].columns.should == [:name, :value, :xyz] @db[:test2] << {:name => 'mmm', :value => 111, :xyz => '000'} @db[:test2].first[:xyz].should == '000' end specify "should support drop_column operations" do @db[:test2].columns.should == [:name, :value, :xyz] @db.drop_column :test2, :xyz @db[:test2].columns.should == [:name, :value] end specify "should support rename_column operations" do @db[:test2].delete @db.add_column :test2, :xyz, :text @db[:test2] << {:name => 'mmm', :value => 111, :xyz => 'qqqq'} @db[:test2].columns.should == [:name, :value, :xyz] @db.rename_column :test2, :xyz, :zyx, :type => :text @db[:test2].columns.should == [:name, :value, :zyx] @db[:test2].first[:zyx].should == 'qqqq' end specify "should support rename_column operations with types like varchar(255)" do @db[:test2].delete @db.add_column :test2, :tre, :text @db[:test2] << {:name => 'mmm', :value => 111, :tre => 'qqqq'} @db[:test2].columns.should == [:name, :value, :zyx, :tre] @db.rename_column :test2, :tre, :ert, :type => :varchar, :size=>255 @db[:test2].columns.should == [:name, :value, :zyx, :ert] @db[:test2].first[:ert].should == 'qqqq' end specify "should support set_column_type operations" do @db.add_column :test2, :xyz, :float @db[:test2].delete @db[:test2] << {:name => 'mmm', :value => 111, :xyz => 56.78} @db.set_column_type :test2, :xyz, :integer @db[:test2].first[:xyz].should == 57 end specify "should support add_index" do @db.add_index :test2, :value end specify "should support drop_index" do @db.drop_index :test2, :value end specify "should support add_foreign_key" do @db.alter_table :test2 do add_foreign_key :value2, :test2, :key=>:value end @db[:test2].columns.should == [:name, :value, :zyx, :ert, :xyz, :value2] end end context "A MySQL database with table options" do before do @options = {:engine=>'MyISAM', :charset=>'latin1', :collate => 'latin1_swedish_ci'} Sequel::MySQL.default_engine = 'InnoDB' Sequel::MySQL.default_charset = 'utf8' Sequel::MySQL.default_collate = 'utf8_general_ci' @db = MYSQL_DB @db.drop_table(:items) rescue nil MYSQL_DB.sqls.clear end after do @db.drop_table(:items) rescue nil Sequel::MySQL.default_engine = nil Sequel::MySQL.default_charset = nil Sequel::MySQL.default_collate = nil end specify "should allow to pass custom options (engine, charset, collate) for table creation" do @db.create_table(:items, @options){Integer :size; text :name} @db.sqls.should == ["CREATE TABLE items (size integer, name text) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1 DEFAULT COLLATE=latin1_swedish_ci"] end specify "should use default options if specified (engine, charset, collate) for table creation" do @db.create_table(:items){Integer :size; text :name} @db.sqls.should == ["CREATE TABLE items (size integer, name text) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 DEFAULT COLLATE=utf8_general_ci"] end specify "should not use default if option has a nil value" do @db.create_table(:items, :engine=>nil, :charset=>nil, :collate=>nil){Integer :size; text :name} @db.sqls.should == ["CREATE TABLE items (size integer, name text)"] end end context "A MySQL database" do before do @db = MYSQL_DB @db.drop_table(:items) rescue nil MYSQL_DB.sqls.clear end after do @db.drop_table(:items) rescue nil end specify "should support defaults for boolean columns" do @db.create_table(:items){TrueClass :active1, :default=>true; FalseClass :active2, :default => false} @db.sqls.should == ["CREATE TABLE items (active1 tinyint(1) DEFAULT 1, active2 tinyint(1) DEFAULT 0)"] end specify "should correctly format CREATE TABLE statements with foreign keys" do @db.create_table(:items){Integer :id; foreign_key :p_id, :items, :key => :id, :null => false, :on_delete => :cascade} @db.sqls.should == ["CREATE TABLE items (id integer, p_id integer NOT NULL, FOREIGN KEY (p_id) REFERENCES items(id) ON DELETE CASCADE)"] end specify "should correctly format ALTER TABLE statements with foreign keys" do @db.create_table(:items){Integer :id} @db.alter_table(:items){add_foreign_key :p_id, :users, :key => :id, :null => false, :on_delete => :cascade} @db.sqls.should == ["CREATE TABLE items (id integer)", "ALTER TABLE items ADD COLUMN p_id integer NOT NULL", "ALTER TABLE items ADD FOREIGN KEY (p_id) REFERENCES users(id) ON DELETE CASCADE"] end specify "should have rename_column support keep existing options" do @db.create_table(:items){String :id, :null=>false, :default=>'blah'} @db.alter_table(:items){rename_column :id, :nid} @db.sqls.should == ["CREATE TABLE items (id varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'blah')", "DESCRIBE items", "ALTER TABLE items CHANGE COLUMN id nid varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'blah'"] @db[:items].insert @db[:items].all.should == [{:nid=>'blah'}] proc{@db[:items].insert(:nid=>nil)}.should raise_error(Sequel::DatabaseError) end specify "should have set_column_type support keep existing options" do @db.create_table(:items){Integer :id, :null=>false, :default=>5} @db.alter_table(:items){set_column_type :id, Bignum} @db.sqls.should == ["CREATE TABLE items (id integer NOT NULL DEFAULT 5)", "DESCRIBE items", "ALTER TABLE items CHANGE COLUMN id id bigint NOT NULL DEFAULT 5"] @db[:items].insert @db[:items].all.should == [{:id=>5}] proc{@db[:items].insert(:id=>nil)}.should raise_error(Sequel::DatabaseError) @db[:items].delete @db[:items].insert(2**40) @db[:items].all.should == [{:id=>2**40}] end specify "should have set_column_type pass through options" do @db.create_table(:items){integer :id; enum :list, :elements=>%w[one]} @db.alter_table(:items){set_column_type :id, :int, :unsigned=>true, :size=>8; set_column_type :list, :enum, :elements=>%w[two]} @db.sqls.should == ["CREATE TABLE items (id integer, list enum('one'))", "DESCRIBE items", "ALTER TABLE items CHANGE COLUMN id id int(8) UNSIGNED NULL", "ALTER TABLE items CHANGE COLUMN list list enum('two') NULL"] end specify "should have set_column_default support keep existing options" do @db.create_table(:items){Integer :id, :null=>false, :default=>5} @db.alter_table(:items){set_column_default :id, 6} @db.sqls.should == ["CREATE TABLE items (id integer NOT NULL DEFAULT 5)", "DESCRIBE items", "ALTER TABLE items CHANGE COLUMN id id int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT 6"] @db[:items].insert @db[:items].all.should == [{:id=>6}] proc{@db[:items].insert(:id=>nil)}.should raise_error(Sequel::DatabaseError) end specify "should have set_column_allow_null support keep existing options" do @db.create_table(:items){Integer :id, :null=>false, :default=>5} @db.alter_table(:items){set_column_allow_null :id, true} @db.sqls.should == ["CREATE TABLE items (id integer NOT NULL DEFAULT 5)", "DESCRIBE items", "ALTER TABLE items CHANGE COLUMN id id int(11) NULL DEFAULT 5"] @db[:items].insert @db[:items].all.should == [{:id=>5}] proc{@db[:items].insert(:id=>nil)}.should_not end specify "should accept repeated raw sql statements using Database#<<" do @db.create_table(:items){String :name; Integer :value} @db << 'DELETE FROM items' @db[:items].count.should == 0 @db << "INSERT INTO items (name, value) VALUES ('tutu', 1234)" @db[:items].first.should == {:name => 'tutu', :value => 1234} @db << 'DELETE FROM items' @db[:items].first.should == nil end end # Socket tests should only be run if the MySQL server is on localhost if %w'localhost ::1'.include?( and MYSQL_DB.class.adapter_scheme == :mysql context "A MySQL database" do specify "should accept a socket option" do db = Sequel.mysql(MYSQL_DB.opts[:database], :host => 'localhost', :user => MYSQL_DB.opts[:user], :password => MYSQL_DB.opts[:password], :socket => MYSQL_SOCKET_FILE) proc {db.test_connection}.should_not raise_error end specify "should accept a socket option without host option" do db = Sequel.mysql(MYSQL_DB.opts[:database], :user => MYSQL_DB.opts[:user], :password => MYSQL_DB.opts[:password], :socket => MYSQL_SOCKET_FILE) proc {db.test_connection}.should_not raise_error end specify "should fail to connect with invalid socket" do db = Sequel.mysql(MYSQL_DB.opts[:database], :user => MYSQL_DB.opts[:user], :password => MYSQL_DB.opts[:password], :socket =>'blah') proc {db.test_connection}.should raise_error end end end context "A grouped MySQL dataset" do before do MYSQL_DB[:test2].delete MYSQL_DB[:test2] << {:name => '11', :value => 10} MYSQL_DB[:test2] << {:name => '11', :value => 20} MYSQL_DB[:test2] << {:name => '11', :value => 30} MYSQL_DB[:test2] << {:name => '12', :value => 10} MYSQL_DB[:test2] << {:name => '12', :value => 20} MYSQL_DB[:test2] << {:name => '13', :value => 10} end specify "should return the correct count for raw sql query" do ds = MYSQL_DB["select name FROM test2 WHERE name = '11' GROUP BY name"] ds.count.should == 1 end specify "should return the correct count for a normal dataset" do ds = MYSQL_DB[:test2].select(:name).where(:name => '11').group(:name) ds.count.should == 1 end end context "A MySQL database" do before do @db = MYSQL_DB @db.drop_table(:posts) rescue nil @db.sqls.clear end after do @db.drop_table(:posts) rescue nil end specify "should support fulltext indexes and full_text_search" do @db.create_table(:posts){text :title; text :body; full_text_index :title; full_text_index [:title, :body]} @db.sqls.should == [ "CREATE TABLE posts (title text, body text)", "CREATE FULLTEXT INDEX posts_title_index ON posts (title)", "CREATE FULLTEXT INDEX posts_title_body_index ON posts (title, body)" ] @db[:posts].insert(:title=>'ruby rails', :body=>'y') @db[:posts].insert(:title=>'sequel', :body=>'ruby') @db[:posts].insert(:title=>'ruby scooby', :body=>'x') @db.sqls.clear @db[:posts].full_text_search(:title, 'rails').all.should == [{:title=>'ruby rails', :body=>'y'}] @db[:posts].full_text_search([:title, :body], ['sequel', 'ruby']).all.should == [{:title=>'sequel', :body=>'ruby'}] @db[:posts].full_text_search(:title, '+ruby -rails', :boolean => true).all.should == [{:title=>'ruby scooby', :body=>'x'}] @db.sqls.should == [ "SELECT * FROM posts WHERE (MATCH (title) AGAINST ('rails'))", "SELECT * FROM posts WHERE (MATCH (title, body) AGAINST ('sequel ruby'))", "SELECT * FROM posts WHERE (MATCH (title) AGAINST ('+ruby -rails' IN BOOLEAN MODE))"] end specify "should support spatial indexes" do @db.create_table(:posts){point :geom, :null=>false; spatial_index [:geom]} @db.sqls.should == [ "CREATE TABLE posts (geom point NOT NULL)", "CREATE SPATIAL INDEX posts_geom_index ON posts (geom)" ] end specify "should support indexes with index type" do @db.create_table(:posts){Integer :id; index :id, :type => :btree} @db.sqls.should == [ "CREATE TABLE posts (id integer)", "CREATE INDEX posts_id_index USING btree ON posts (id)" ] end specify "should support unique indexes with index type" do @db.create_table(:posts){Integer :id; index :id, :type => :btree, :unique => true} @db.sqls.should == [ "CREATE TABLE posts (id integer)", "CREATE UNIQUE INDEX posts_id_index USING btree ON posts (id)" ] end specify "should not dump partial indexes" do @db.create_table(:posts){text :id} @db << "CREATE INDEX posts_id_index ON posts (id(10))" @db.indexes(:posts).should == {} end end context "MySQL::Dataset#insert and related methods" do before do MYSQL_DB.create_table(:items){String :name; Integer :value} @d = MYSQL_DB[:items] MYSQL_DB.sqls.clear end after do MYSQL_DB.drop_table(:items) end specify "#insert should insert record with default values when no arguments given" do @d.insert MYSQL_DB.sqls.should == [ "INSERT INTO items () VALUES ()" ] @d.all.should == [ {:name => nil, :value => nil} ] end specify "#insert should insert record with default values when empty hash given" do @d.insert({}) MYSQL_DB.sqls.should == [ "INSERT INTO items () VALUES ()" ] @d.all.should == [ {:name => nil, :value => nil} ] end specify "#insert should insert record with default values when empty array given" do @d.insert [] MYSQL_DB.sqls.should == [ "INSERT INTO items () VALUES ()" ] @d.all.should == [ {:name => nil, :value => nil} ] end specify "#on_duplicate_key_update should work with regular inserts" do MYSQL_DB.add_index :items, :name, :unique=>true MYSQL_DB.sqls.clear @d.insert(:name => 'abc', :value => 1) @d.on_duplicate_key_update(:name, :value => 6).insert(:name => 'abc', :value => 1) @d.on_duplicate_key_update(:name, :value => 6).insert(:name => 'def', :value => 2) MYSQL_DB.sqls.length.should == 3 MYSQL_DB.sqls[0].should =~ /\AINSERT INTO items \((name|value), (name|value)\) VALUES \(('abc'|1), (1|'abc')\)\z/ MYSQL_DB.sqls[1].should =~ /\AINSERT INTO items \((name|value), (name|value)\) VALUES \(('abc'|1), (1|'abc')\) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE name=VALUES\(name\), value=6\z/ MYSQL_DB.sqls[2].should =~ /\AINSERT INTO items \((name|value), (name|value)\) VALUES \(('def'|2), (2|'def')\) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE name=VALUES\(name\), value=6\z/ @d.all.should == [{:name => 'abc', :value => 6}, {:name => 'def', :value => 2}] end specify "#multi_insert should insert multiple records in a single statement" do @d.multi_insert([{:name => 'abc'}, {:name => 'def'}]) MYSQL_DB.sqls.should == [ SQL_BEGIN, "INSERT INTO items (name) VALUES ('abc'), ('def')", SQL_COMMIT ] @d.all.should == [ {:name => 'abc', :value => nil}, {:name => 'def', :value => nil} ] end specify "#multi_insert should split the list of records into batches if :commit_every option is given" do @d.multi_insert([{:value => 1}, {:value => 2}, {:value => 3}, {:value => 4}], :commit_every => 2) MYSQL_DB.sqls.should == [ SQL_BEGIN, "INSERT INTO items (value) VALUES (1), (2)", SQL_COMMIT, SQL_BEGIN, "INSERT INTO items (value) VALUES (3), (4)", SQL_COMMIT ] @d.all.should == [ {:name => nil, :value => 1}, {:name => nil, :value => 2}, {:name => nil, :value => 3}, {:name => nil, :value => 4} ] end specify "#multi_insert should split the list of records into batches if :slice option is given" do @d.multi_insert([{:value => 1}, {:value => 2}, {:value => 3}, {:value => 4}], :slice => 2) MYSQL_DB.sqls.should == [ SQL_BEGIN, "INSERT INTO items (value) VALUES (1), (2)", SQL_COMMIT, SQL_BEGIN, "INSERT INTO items (value) VALUES (3), (4)", SQL_COMMIT ] @d.all.should == [ {:name => nil, :value => 1}, {:name => nil, :value => 2}, {:name => nil, :value => 3}, {:name => nil, :value => 4} ] end specify "#import should support inserting using columns and values arrays" do @d.import([:name, :value], [['abc', 1], ['def', 2]]) MYSQL_DB.sqls.should == [ SQL_BEGIN, "INSERT INTO items (name, value) VALUES ('abc', 1), ('def', 2)", SQL_COMMIT ] @d.all.should == [ {:name => 'abc', :value => 1}, {:name => 'def', :value => 2} ] end specify "#insert_ignore should add the IGNORE keyword when inserting" do @d.insert_ignore.multi_insert([{:name => 'abc'}, {:name => 'def'}]) MYSQL_DB.sqls.should == [ SQL_BEGIN, "INSERT IGNORE INTO items (name) VALUES ('abc'), ('def')", SQL_COMMIT ] @d.all.should == [ {:name => 'abc', :value => nil}, {:name => 'def', :value => nil} ] end specify "#insert_ignore should add the IGNORE keyword for single inserts" do @d.insert_ignore.insert(:name => 'ghi') MYSQL_DB.sqls.should == ["INSERT IGNORE INTO items (name) VALUES ('ghi')"] @d.all.should == [{:name => 'ghi', :value => nil}] end specify "#on_duplicate_key_update should add the ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE and ALL columns when no args given" do @d.on_duplicate_key_update.import([:name,:value], [['abc', 1], ['def',2]]) MYSQL_DB.sqls.should == [ "SELECT * FROM items LIMIT 1", SQL_BEGIN, "INSERT INTO items (name, value) VALUES ('abc', 1), ('def', 2) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE name=VALUES(name), value=VALUES(value)", SQL_COMMIT ] @d.all.should == [ {:name => 'abc', :value => 1}, {:name => 'def', :value => 2} ] end specify "#on_duplicate_key_update should add the ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE and columns specified when args are given" do @d.on_duplicate_key_update(:value).import([:name,:value], [['abc', 1], ['def',2]] ) MYSQL_DB.sqls.should == [ SQL_BEGIN, "INSERT INTO items (name, value) VALUES ('abc', 1), ('def', 2) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE value=VALUES(value)", SQL_COMMIT ] @d.all.should == [ {:name => 'abc', :value => 1}, {:name => 'def', :value => 2} ] end end context "MySQL::Dataset#replace" do before do MYSQL_DB.create_table(:items){Integer :id, :unique=>true; Integer :value} @d = MYSQL_DB[:items] MYSQL_DB.sqls.clear end after do MYSQL_DB.drop_table(:items) end specify "should use default values if they exist" do MYSQL_DB.alter_table(:items){set_column_default :id, 1; set_column_default :value, 2} @d.replace @d.all.should == [{:id=>1, :value=>2}] @d.replace([]) @d.all.should == [{:id=>1, :value=>2}] @d.replace({}) @d.all.should == [{:id=>1, :value=>2}] end specify "should use support arrays, datasets, and multiple values" do @d.replace([1, 2]) @d.all.should == [{:id=>1, :value=>2}] @d.replace(1, 2) @d.all.should == [{:id=>1, :value=>2}] @d.replace(@d) @d.all.should == [{:id=>1, :value=>2}] end specify "should create a record if the condition is not met" do @d.replace(:id => 111, :value => 333) @d.all.should == [{:id => 111, :value => 333}] end specify "should update a record if the condition is met" do @d << {:id => 111} @d.all.should == [{:id => 111, :value => nil}] @d.replace(:id => 111, :value => 333) @d.all.should == [{:id => 111, :value => 333}] end end context "MySQL::Dataset#complex_expression_sql" do before do @d = MYSQL_DB.dataset end specify "should handle pattern matches correctly" do @d.literal('a')).should == "(x LIKE BINARY 'a')" @d.literal('a')).should == "(x NOT LIKE BINARY 'a')" @d.literal(:x.ilike('a')).should == "(x LIKE 'a')" @d.literal(~:x.ilike('a')).should == "(x NOT LIKE 'a')" @d.literal( == "(x REGEXP BINARY 'a')" @d.literal( == "(x NOT REGEXP BINARY 'a')" @d.literal( == "(x REGEXP 'a')" @d.literal( == "(x NOT REGEXP 'a')" end specify "should handle string concatenation with CONCAT if more than one record" do @d.literal([:x, :y].sql_string_join).should == "CONCAT(x, y)" @d.literal([:x, :y].sql_string_join(' ')).should == "CONCAT(x, ' ', y)" @d.literal([:x.sql_function(:y), 1, 'z'.lit].sql_string_join(:y.sql_subscript(1))).should == "CONCAT(x(y), y[1], '1', y[1], z)" end specify "should handle string concatenation as simple string if just one record" do @d.literal([:x].sql_string_join).should == "x" @d.literal([:x].sql_string_join(' ')).should == "x" end end unless MYSQL_DB.class.adapter_scheme == :do context "MySQL Stored Procedures" do before do MYSQL_DB.create_table(:items){Integer :id; Integer :value} @d = MYSQL_DB[:items] MYSQL_DB.sqls.clear end after do MYSQL_DB.drop_table(:items) MYSQL_DB.execute('DROP PROCEDURE test_sproc') end specify "should be callable on the database object" do MYSQL_DB.execute('CREATE PROCEDURE test_sproc() BEGIN DELETE FROM items; END') MYSQL_DB[:items].delete MYSQL_DB[:items].insert(:value=>1) MYSQL_DB[:items].count.should == 1 MYSQL_DB.call_sproc(:test_sproc) MYSQL_DB[:items].count.should == 0 end specify "should be callable on the dataset object" do MYSQL_DB.execute('CREATE PROCEDURE test_sproc(a INTEGER) BEGIN SELECT *, a AS b FROM items; END') MYSQL_DB[:items].delete @d = MYSQL_DB[:items] @d.call_sproc(:select, :test_sproc, 3).should == [] @d.insert(:value=>1) @d.call_sproc(:select, :test_sproc, 4).should == [{:id=>nil, :value=>1, :b=>4}] @d.row_proc = proc{|r| r.keys.each{|k| r[k] *= 2 if r[k].is_a?(Integer)}; r} @d.call_sproc(:select, :test_sproc, 3).should == [{:id=>nil, :value=>2, :b=>6}] end specify "should be callable on the dataset object with multiple arguments" do MYSQL_DB.execute('CREATE PROCEDURE test_sproc(a INTEGER, c INTEGER) BEGIN SELECT *, a AS b, c AS d FROM items; END') MYSQL_DB[:items].delete @d = MYSQL_DB[:items] @d.call_sproc(:select, :test_sproc, 3, 4).should == [] @d.insert(:value=>1) @d.call_sproc(:select, :test_sproc, 4, 5).should == [{:id=>nil, :value=>1, :b=>4, :d=>5}] @d.row_proc = proc{|r| r.keys.each{|k| r[k] *= 2 if r[k].is_a?(Integer)}; r} @d.call_sproc(:select, :test_sproc, 3, 4).should == [{:id=>nil, :value=>2, :b=>6, :d => 8}] end end end if MYSQL_DB.class.adapter_scheme == :mysql context "MySQL bad date/time conversions" do after do Sequel::MySQL.convert_invalid_date_time = false end specify "should raise an exception when a bad date/time is used and convert_invalid_date_time is false" do Sequel::MySQL.convert_invalid_date_time = false proc{MYSQL_DB["SELECT CAST('0000-00-00' AS date)"].single_value}.should raise_error(Sequel::InvalidValue) proc{MYSQL_DB["SELECT CAST('0000-00-00 00:00:00' AS datetime)"].single_value}.should raise_error(Sequel::InvalidValue) proc{MYSQL_DB["SELECT CAST('25:00:00' AS time)"].single_value}.should raise_error(Sequel::InvalidValue) end specify "should not use a nil value bad date/time is used and convert_invalid_date_time is nil or :nil" do Sequel::MySQL.convert_invalid_date_time = nil MYSQL_DB["SELECT CAST('0000-00-00' AS date)"].single_value.should == nil MYSQL_DB["SELECT CAST('0000-00-00 00:00:00' AS datetime)"].single_value.should == nil MYSQL_DB["SELECT CAST('25:00:00' AS time)"].single_value.should == nil Sequel::MySQL.convert_invalid_date_time = :nil MYSQL_DB["SELECT CAST('0000-00-00' AS date)"].single_value.should == nil MYSQL_DB["SELECT CAST('0000-00-00 00:00:00' AS datetime)"].single_value.should == nil MYSQL_DB["SELECT CAST('25:00:00' AS time)"].single_value.should == nil end specify "should not use a nil value bad date/time is used and convert_invalid_date_time is :string" do Sequel::MySQL.convert_invalid_date_time = :string MYSQL_DB["SELECT CAST('0000-00-00' AS date)"].single_value.should == '0000-00-00' MYSQL_DB["SELECT CAST('0000-00-00 00:00:00' AS datetime)"].single_value.should == '0000-00-00 00:00:00' MYSQL_DB["SELECT CAST('25:00:00' AS time)"].single_value.should == '25:00:00' end end context "MySQL multiple result sets" do before do MYSQL_DB.create_table!(:a){Integer :a} MYSQL_DB.create_table!(:b){Integer :b} @ds = MYSQL_DB['SELECT * FROM a; SELECT * FROM b'] MYSQL_DB[:a].insert(10) MYSQL_DB[:a].insert(15) MYSQL_DB[:b].insert(20) MYSQL_DB[:b].insert(25) end after do MYSQL_DB.drop_table(:a, :b) end specify "should combine all results by default" do @ds.all.should == [{:a=>10}, {:a=>15}, {:b=>20}, {:b=>25}] end specify "should split results returned into arrays if split_multiple_result_sets is used" do @ds.split_multiple_result_sets.all.should == [[{:a=>10}, {:a=>15}], [{:b=>20}, {:b=>25}]] end specify "should have regular row_procs work when splitting multiple result sets" do @ds.row_proc = proc{|x| x[x.keys.first] *= 2; x} @ds.split_multiple_result_sets.all.should == [[{:a=>20}, {:a=>30}], [{:b=>40}, {:b=>50}]] end specify "should use the columns from the first result set when splitting result sets" do @ds.split_multiple_result_sets.columns.should == [:a] end specify "should not allow graphing a dataset that splits multiple statements" do proc{@ds.split_multiple_result_sets.graph(:b, :b=>:a)}.should raise_error(Sequel::Error) end specify "should not allow splitting a graphed dataset" do proc{MYSQL_DB[:a].graph(:b, :b=>:a).split_multiple_result_sets}.should raise_error(Sequel::Error) end end end