# encoding: utf-8 module CarrierWave module Uploader module Versions extend ActiveSupport::Concern include CarrierWave::Uploader::Callbacks included do class_attribute :versions, :version_names, :instance_reader => false, :instance_writer => false self.versions = {} self.version_names = [] attr_accessor :parent_cache_id after :cache, :assign_parent_cache_id after :cache, :cache_versions! after :store, :store_versions! after :remove, :remove_versions! after :retrieve_from_cache, :retrieve_versions_from_cache! after :retrieve_from_store, :retrieve_versions_from_store! end module ClassMethods ## # Adds a new version to this uploader # # === Parameters # # [name (#to_sym)] name of the version # [options (Hash)] optional options hash # [&block (Proc)] a block to eval on this version of the uploader # # === Examples # # class MyUploader < CarrierWave::Uploader::Base # # version :thumb do # process :scale => [200, 200] # end # # version :preview, :if => :image? do # process :scale => [200, 200] # end # # end # def version(name, options = {}, &block) name = name.to_sym build_version(name, options) unless versions[name] versions[name][:uploader].class_eval(&block) if block versions[name] end def recursively_apply_block_to_versions(&block) versions.each do |name, version| version[:uploader].class_eval(&block) version[:uploader].recursively_apply_block_to_versions(&block) end end private def build_version(name, options) uploader = Class.new(self) const_set("Uploader#{uploader.object_id}".gsub('-', '_'), uploader) uploader.version_names += [name] uploader.versions = {} uploader.processors = [] uploader.class_eval <<-RUBY, __FILE__, __LINE__ + 1 # Define the enable_processing method for versions so they get the # value from the parent class unless explicitly overwritten def self.enable_processing(value=nil) self.enable_processing = value if value if !@enable_processing.nil? @enable_processing else superclass.enable_processing end end # Regardless of what is set in the parent uploader, do not enforce the # move_to_cache config option on versions because it moves the original # file to the version's target file. # # If you want to enforce this setting on versions, override this method # in each version: # # version :thumb do # def move_to_cache # true # end # end # def move_to_cache false end RUBY class_eval <<-RUBY def #{name} versions[:#{name}] end RUBY # Add the current version hash to class attribute :versions current_version = { name => { :uploader => uploader, :options => options } } self.versions = versions.merge(current_version) end end # ClassMethods ## # Returns a hash mapping the name of each version of the uploader to an instance of it # # === Returns # # [Hash{Symbol => CarrierWave::Uploader}] a list of uploader instances # def versions return @versions if @versions @versions = {} self.class.versions.each do |name, version| @versions[name] = version[:uploader].new(model, mounted_as) end @versions end ## # === Returns # # [String] the name of this version of the uploader # def version_name self.class.version_names.join('_').to_sym unless self.class.version_names.blank? end ## # # === Parameters # # [name (#to_sym)] name of the version # # === Returns # # [Boolean] True when the version exists according to its :if condition # def version_exists?(name) name = name.to_sym return false unless self.class.versions.has_key?(name) condition = self.class.versions[name][:options][:if] if(condition) if(condition.respond_to?(:call)) condition.call(self, :version => name, :file => file) else send(condition, file) end else true end end ## # When given a version name as a parameter, will return the url for that version # This also works with nested versions. # When given a query hash as a parameter, will return the url with signature that contains query params # Query hash only works with AWS (S3 storage). # # === Example # # my_uploader.url # => /path/to/my/uploader.gif # my_uploader.url(:thumb) # => /path/to/my/thumb_uploader.gif # my_uploader.url(:thumb, :small) # => /path/to/my/thumb_small_uploader.gif # my_uploader.url(:query => {"response-content-disposition" => "attachment"}) # my_uploader.url(:version, :sub_version, :query => {"response-content-disposition" => "attachment"}) # # === Parameters # # [*args (Symbol)] any number of versions # OR/AND # [Hash] query params # # === Returns # # [String] the location where this file is accessible via a url # def url(*args) if (version = args.first) && version.respond_to?(:to_sym) raise ArgumentError, "Version #{version} doesn't exist!" if versions[version.to_sym].nil? # recursively proxy to version versions[version.to_sym].url(*args[1..-1]) elsif args.first super(args.first) else super end end ## # Recreate versions and reprocess them. This can be used to recreate # versions if their parameters somehow have changed. # def recreate_versions!(*versions) # Some files could possibly not be stored on the local disk. This # doesn't play nicely with processing. Make sure that we're only # processing a cached file # # The call to store! will trigger the necessary callbacks to both # process this version and all sub-versions if versions.any? file = sanitized_file if !cached? store_versions!(file, versions) else cache! if !cached? store! end end private def assign_parent_cache_id(file) active_versions.each do |name, uploader| uploader.parent_cache_id = @cache_id end end def active_versions versions.select do |name, uploader| version_exists?(name) end end def full_filename(for_file) [version_name, super(for_file)].compact.join('_') end def full_original_filename [version_name, super].compact.join('_') end def cache_versions!(new_file) # We might have processed the new_file argument after the callbacks were # initialized, so get the actual file based off of the current state of # our file processed_parent = SanitizedFile.new :tempfile => self.file, :filename => new_file.original_filename active_versions.each do |name, v| next if v.cached? v.send(:cache_id=, cache_id) # If option :from_version is present, create cache using cached file from # version indicated if self.class.versions[name][:options] && self.class.versions[name][:options][:from_version] # Maybe the reference version has not been cached yet unless versions[self.class.versions[name][:options][:from_version]].cached? versions[self.class.versions[name][:options][:from_version]].cache!(processed_parent) end processed_version = SanitizedFile.new :tempfile => versions[self.class.versions[name][:options][:from_version]], :filename => new_file.original_filename v.cache!(processed_version) else v.cache!(processed_parent) end end end def store_versions!(new_file, versions=nil) if versions active = Hash[active_versions] versions.each { |v| active[v].try(:store!, new_file) } unless active.empty? else active_versions.each { |name, v| v.store!(new_file) } end end def remove_versions! versions.each { |name, v| v.remove! } end def retrieve_versions_from_cache!(cache_name) versions.each { |name, v| v.retrieve_from_cache!(cache_name) } end def retrieve_versions_from_store!(identifier) versions.each { |name, v| v.retrieve_from_store!(identifier) } end end # Versions end # Uploader end # CarrierWave