
Class Index [+]



This class models an XML node that may contain other XML nodes. XML element trees can be constructed with the class constructor and converted into XML.

Public Class Methods

new(name, attributes = {}, selfClosing = false) click to toggle source

Construct a new XML element and include it in an existing XMLElement tree.

    # File lib/XMLElement.rb, line 23
23:     def initialize(name, attributes = {}, selfClosing = false)
24:       if (name.nil? && attributes.length > 0) ||
25:          (!name.nil? && !name.is_a?(String))
26:         raise "Name must be nil or a String "
27:       end
28:       @name = name
29:       attributes.each do |n, v|
30:         if n.nil? || v.nil?
31:           raise "Attribute name (#{n}) or value (#{v}) may not be nil"
32:         end
33:       end
34:       @attributes = attributes
35:       @children = []
36:       # This can be set to true if <name /> is legal for this element.
37:       @selfClosing = selfClosing
38:     end

Public Instance Methods

<<(arg) click to toggle source

Add a new child or a set of new childs to the element.

    # File lib/XMLElement.rb, line 41
41:     def <<(arg)
42:       # If the argument is an array, we have to insert each element
43:       # individually.
44:       if arg.is_a?(XMLElement)
45:         @children << arg
46:       elsif arg.is_a?(Array)
47:         # Delete all nil entries
48:         arg.delete_if { |i| i.nil? }
49:         # Check that the rest are really all XMLElement objects.
50:         arg.each do |i|
51:           unless i.is_a?(XMLElement)
52:             raise "Element must be of type XMLElement not #{i.class}"
53:           end
54:         end
55:         @children += arg
56:       elsif arg.nil?
57:         # do nothing
58:       else
59:         raise "Elements must be of type XMLElement not #{arg.class}"
60:       end
61:       self
62:     end
[](attribute) click to toggle source

Return the value of attribute attribute.

    # File lib/XMLElement.rb, line 70
70:     def [](attribute)
71:       @attributes[attribute]
72:     end
[]=(attribute, value) click to toggle source

Add or change attribute to value.

    # File lib/XMLElement.rb, line 65
65:     def []=(attribute, value)
66:       @attributes[attribute] = value
67:     end
to_s(indent = 0) click to toggle source

Return the element and all sub elements as properly formatted XML.

    # File lib/XMLElement.rb, line 76
76:     def to_s(indent = 0)
77:       out = '<' + @name
78:       @attributes.keys.sort.each do |attrName|
79:         out << " #{attrName}=\"#{escape(@attributes[attrName], true)}\""
80:       end
81:       if @children.empty? && @selfClosing
82:         out << '/>'
83:       else
84:         out << '>'
85:         @children.each do |child|
86:           # We only insert newlines for multiple childs and after a tag has been
87:           # closed.
88:           if @children.size > 1 && !child.is_a?(XMLText) && out[1] == >>
89:             out << "\n" + indentation(indent + 1)
90:           end
91:           out << child.to_s(indent + 1)
92:         end
93:         out << "\n" + indentation(indent) if @children.size > 1 && out[1] == >>
94:         out << '</' + @name + '>'
95:       end
96:     end

Protected Instance Methods

escape(str, quotes = false) click to toggle source

Escape special characters in input String str.

     # File lib/XMLElement.rb, line 101
101:     def escape(str, quotes = false)
102:       out = ''
103:       str.each_utf8_char do |c|
104:         case c
105:         when '&'
106:           out << '&amp;'
107:         when '"'
108:           out << '\"'
109:         else
110:           out << c
111:         end
112:       end
113:       out
114:     end
indentation(indent) click to toggle source
     # File lib/XMLElement.rb, line 116
116:     def indentation(indent)
117:       ' ' * indent
118:     end

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