# WaterDrop changelog ## 1.2.2 - #55 - Codec settings unification and config applier ## 1.2.1 - #54 - compression_codec api sync with king-konf requirements ## 1.2.0 - #45 - Allow specifying a create time for messages - #47 - Support SCRAM once released - #49 - Add lz4 support once merged and released - #50 - Potential message loss in async mode - Ruby 2.5.0 support - Gem bump to match Karafka framework versioning - #48 - ssl_ca_certs_from_system - #52 - Use instrumentation compatible with Karafka 1.2 ## 1.0.1 - Added high level retry on connection problems ## 1.0.0 - #37 - ack level for producer - Gem bump - Ruby 2.4.2 support - Raw ruby-kafka driver is now replaced with delivery_boy - Sync and async producers - Complete update of the API - Much better validations for config details - Complete API remodel - please read the new README - Renamed send_messages to deliver ## 0.4 - Bump to match Karafka - Renamed ```hosts``` to ```seed_brokers``` - Removed the ```ssl``` scoping for ```kafka``` config namespace to better match Karafka conventions - Added ```client_id``` option on a root config level - Added ```logger``` option on a root config level - Auto Propagation of config down to ruby-kafka ## 0.3.2 - Removed support for Ruby 2.1.* - ~~Ruby 2.3.3 as default~~ - Ruby 2.4.0 as default - Gem dump x2 - Dry configurable config (#20) - added .rspec for default spec helper require - Added SSL capabilities - Coditsu instead of PG dev tools for quality control ## 0.3.1 - Dev tools update - Gem update - Specs updates - File namming convention fix from waterdrop to water_drop + compatibility file - Additional params (partition, etc) that can be passed into producer ## 0.3.0 - Driver change from Poseidon (not maintained) to Ruby-Kafka ## 0.2.0 - Version dump - this WaterDrop version no longer relies on Aspector to work - #17 - Logger for Aspector - WaterDrop no longer depends on Aspector - #8 - add send date as a default value added to a message - wontfix. Should be implemented on a message level since WaterDrop just transports messages without adding additional stuff. - #11 - same as above ## 0.1.13 - Resolved bug #15. When you use waterdrop in aspect way, message will be automatically parse to JSON. ## 0.1.12 - Removed default to_json casting because of binary/other data types incompatibility. This is an incompatibility. If you use WaterDrop, please add a proper casting method to places where you use it. - Gem dump ## 0.1.11 - Poseidon options extractions and tweaks ## 0.1.10 - Switched raise_on_failure to ignore all StandardError failures (or not to), not just specific once - Reloading inside connection pool connection that seems to be broken (one that failed) - this should prevent from multiple issues (but not from single one) that are related to the connection ## 0.1.9 - Required acks and set to -1 (most secure but slower) - Added a proxu layer to to producer so we could replate Kafka with other messaging systems - Gem dump ## 0.1.8 - proper poseidon clients names (not duplicated) ## 0.1.7 - kafka_host, kafka_hosts and kafka_ports settings consistency fix ## 0.1.6 - Added null-logger gem ## 0.1.5 - raise_on_failure flag to ignore (if false) that message was not sent ## 0.1.4 - Renamed WaterDrop::Event to WaterDrop::Message to follow Apache Kafka naming convention ## 0.1.3 - Gems cleanup - Requirements fix ## 0.1.2 - Initial gem release