# Vimeo API Gem This gem implements a full-featured Ruby interface for the Vimeo API v2. For a more in depth look at the API check out [Vimeo's Simple API Documentation](http://www.vimeo.com/api/docs/simple-api) or [Vimeo's Advanced API Documentation](http://www.vimeo.com/api/docs/advanced-api). I would also recommend checking out the [API Forums](http://www.vimeo.com/forum:api) if things aren't working as they should. ## Install First, install [Gemcutter](http://gemcutter.org), then: sudo gem install vimeo If you're using Rails, add the following to your environment.rb file: config.gem "vimeo" Or for bundler: gem 'vimeo' ## How to Use There are two modules: Vimeo::Simple Vimeo::Advanced ## Simple API Let's look at the [Simple API](http://www.vimeo.com/api/docs/simple-api) first. The wrapper for the Simple API consists of several classes. To use the Simple API, just call one of the class methods. For example: user_info = Vimeo::Simple::User.info("matthooks") # => # { # "id":"888046", # "display_name":"Matt Hooks", # "created_on":"2008-10-30 14:17:32", # "is_staff":"0", # "is_plus":"0", # "location":"Chicago, IL", # "url":"http:\/\/blackholeinthemidwest.com\/", # "bio":"", # "profile_url":"http:\/\/vimeo.com\/matthooks", # "videos_url":"http:\/\/vimeo.com\/matthooks\/videos", # "total_videos_appears_ined":2, # "total_videos_appears_in":0, # "total_videos_liked":2, # "total_contacts":3, # "total_albums":0, # "total_channels":1, # "portrait_small":"http:\/\/images.vimeo.com\/11\/42\/16\/114216178\/114216178_30.jpg", # "portrait_medium":"http:\/\/images.vimeo.com\/11\/42\/16\/114216178\/114216178_75.jpg", # "portrait_large":"http:\/\/images.vimeo.com\/11\/42\/16\/114216178\/114216178_100.jpg", # "portrait_huge":"http:\/\/images.vimeo.com\/11\/42\/16\/114216178\/114216178_300.jpg" # } Thanks to HTTParty, the data is parsed and ready to use. user_info["location"] # => "Chicago, IL" ## Overview of the Simple API ### Vimeo::Simple::Activity Vimeo::Simple::Activity.user_did("username") Vimeo::Simple::Activity.happened_to_user("username") Vimeo::Simple::Activity.contacts_did("username") Vimeo::Simple::Activity.happened_to_contacts("username") Vimeo::Simple::Activity.everyone_did("username") ### Vimeo::Simple::Album Vimeo::Simple::Album.videos("album_id") Vimeo::Simple::Album.info("album_id") ### Vimeo::Simple::Channel Vimeo::Simple::Channel.videos("channelname") Vimeo::Simple::Channel.info("channelname") ### Vimeo::Simple::Group Vimeo::Simple::Group.videos("groupname") Vimeo::Simple::Group.users("groupname") Vimeo::Simple::Group.info("groupname") ### Vimeo::Simple::User Vimeo::Simple::User.info("username") Vimeo::Simple::User.videos("username") Vimeo::Simple::User.likes("username") Vimeo::Simple::User.appears_in("username") Vimeo::Simple::User.all_videos("username") Vimeo::Simple::User.subscriptions("username") Vimeo::Simple::User.albums("username") Vimeo::Simple::User.channels("username") Vimeo::Simple::User.groups("username") Vimeo::Simple::User.contacts_videos("username") Vimeo::Simple::User.contacts_like("username") ### Vimeo::Simple::Video Vimeo::Simple::Video.info("video_id") ## Advanced API To use the [Advanced API](http://www.vimeo.com/api/docs/advanced-api), first you must authenticate your user using OAuth. ### Authentication Example using Rails First, instantiate the Base class: base = Vimeo::Advanced::Base.new("consumer_key", "consumer_secret") Get a request token, and save the token secret in the session hash. request_token = base.get_request_token session[:oauth_secret] = request_token.secret Then, send your user to the authorization URL: redirect_to base.authorize_url Once the user has allowed your application to access their account, they will be redirected to the callback URL you set up for your application. You will be given two parameters `oauth_token` and `oauth_verifier`. Re-instantiate your Base class, then get an access token. base = Vimeo::Advanced::Base.new("consumer_key", "consumer_secret") access_token = base.get_access_token(params[:oauth_token], session[:oauth_secret], params[:oauth_verifier]) # You'll want to hold on to the user's access token and secret. I'll save it to the database. user.token = access_token.token user.secret = access_token.secret user.save Now you've got everything you need to use the Advanced API. Let's get a user's videos: video = Vimeo::Advanced::Video.new("consumer_key", "consumer_secret", :token => user.token, :secret => user.secret) video.get_videos("matthooks") # => {"videos"=> { ... }, "stat"=>"ok", "generated_in"=>"0.5753"} Piece of cake. Some methods have optional variables. Pass these as a hash at the end of a call. video.get_all("matthooks", :page => "2", :per_page => "50") ## Overview of the Advanced API ### Vimeo::Advanced::Album album = Vimeo::Advanced::Album.new("consumer_key", "consumer_secret", :token => user.token, :secret => user.secret) album.add_video("album_id", "video_id") album.create("title", "video_id", { :description => "description", "videos" => "123,124,125" }) album.delete("album_id") album.get_all("user_id", { :page => "1", :per_page => "25", :sort => "newest" }) album.get_videos("album_id", { :page => "1", :per_page => "25", :full_response => "0", :password => nil }) album.remove_video("album_id", "video_id") album.set_description("album_id", "description") album.get_password("album_id", "password") album.get_title("album_id", "title") ### Vimeo::Advanced::Base base = Vimeo::Advanced::Base.new("consumer_key", "consumer_secret", :token => user.token, :secret => user.secret) base.check_access_token ### Vimeo::Advanced::Channel channel = Vimeo::Advanced::Channel.new("consumer_key", "consumer_secret", :token => user.token, :secret => user.secret) channel.add_video("channel_id", "video_id") channel.get_all({ :page => "1", :per_page => "25", :sort => "newest", :user_id => "user_id" }) channel.get_info(channel_id) channel.get_moderators(channel_id, { :page => "1", :per_page => "25" }) channel.get_subscribers(channel_id, { :page => "1", :per_page => "25" }) channel.get_videos(channel_id, { :page => "1", :per_page => "25", :full_response => "0" }) channel.remove_video("channel_id", "video_id") channel.subscribe("channel_id") channel.unsubscribe("channel_id") ### Vimeo::Advanced::Contact contact = Vimeo::Advanced::Contact.new("consumer_key", "consumer_secret", :token => user.token, :secret => user.secret) contact.get_all(user_id, { :page => "1", :per_page => "25", :sort => "newest" }) contact.get_mutual(user_id, { :page => "1", :per_page => "25" }) contact.get_online({ :page => "1", :per_page => "25" }) contact.get_who_added(user_id, { :page => "1", :per_page => "25", :sort => "newest" }) ### Vimeo::Advanced::Group group = Vimeo::Advanced::Group.new("consumer_key", "consumer_secret", :token => user.token, :secret => user.secret) group.add_video("group_id", "video_id") group.get_all({ :page => "1", :per_page => "25", :sort => "newest", :user_id => "user_id" }) group.get_files("group_id", { :page => "1", :per_page => "25" }) group.get_info("group_id") group.get_members("group_id", { :page => "1", :per_page => "25", :sort => "newest" }) group.get_moderators("group_id", { :page => "1", :per_page => "25" }) group.get_video_comments("group_id", "video_id", { :page => "1", :per_page => "25" }) group.get_videos("group_id", { :page => "1", :per_page => "25", :full_response => "0", :sort => "newest" }) group.join("group_id") group.leave("group_id") ### Vimeo::Advanced::GroupEvents group_events = Vimeo::Advanced::GroupEvents.new("consumer_key", "consumer_secret", :token => user.token, :secret => user.secret) group_events.get_month("group_id", { :page => "1", :per_page => "25", :month => nil, :year => nil }) group_events.get_past("group_id", { :page => "1", :per_page => "25" }) group_events.get_year("group_id", { :page => "1", :per_page => "25" }) ### Vimeo::Advanced::GroupForums group_forums = Vimeo::Advanced::GroupForums.new("consumer_key", "consumer_secret", :token => user.token, :secret => user.secret) group_forums.get_topic_comments("group_id", "topic_id", { :page => "1", :per_page => "25" }) group_forums.get_topics("group_id", { :page => "1", :per_page => "25" }) ### Vimeo::Advanced::Person person = Vimeo::Advanced::Person.new("consumer_key", "consumer_secret", :token => user.token, :secret => user.secret) person.add_contact("user_id") person.add_subscription("user_id", "types") # Types is a comma-delimited string. Valid: "likes", "appears", "uploads" person.find_by_email("user_id") person.get_hd_embeds person.get_info("user_id") person.get_portrait_urls("user_id") person.remove_contact("user_id") person.remove_subscription("user_id", "types") # Types is a comma-delimited string. Valid: "likes", "appears", "uploads" ### Vimeo::Advanced::Test test = Vimeo::Advanced::Test.new("consumer_key", "consumer_secret", :token => user.token, :secret => user.secret) test.echo test.null test.login ### Vimeo::Advanced::Upload upload = Vimeo::Advanced::Upload.new("consumer_key", "consumer_secret", :token => user.token, :secret => user.secret) # Other than get_quota, none of these methods should be called directly. The 'upload' method uses these internally. upload.check_ticket("ticket_id") upload.complete("ticket_id", "filename") upload.get_ticket upload.get_quota upload.verify_chunks("ticket_id") # supports File, String (a file path), #read upload.upload("movie.mp4") ### Vimeo::Advanced::Video video = Vimeo::Advanced::Video.new("consumer_key", "consumer_secret", :token => user.token, :secret => user.secret) video.add_cast("video_id", "user_id", { :role => nil }) video.add_photos("video_id", "photo_urls") video.add_tags("video_id", "tags") video.clear_tags("video_id") video.delete("video_id") video.get_all("user_id", { :page => "1", :per_page => "25", :full_response => "0", :sort => "newest" }) video.get_appears_in("user_id", { :page => "1", :per_page => "25", :full_response => "0", :sort => "newest" }) video.get_by_tag("tag", { :page => "1", :per_page => "25", :full_response => "0", :sort => "newest" }) video.get_cast("video_id", { :page => "1", :per_page => "25" }) video.get_contacts_liked("user_id", { :page => "1", :per_page => "25", :full_response => "0", :sort => "newest" }) video.get_contacts_uploaded("user_id", { :page => "1", :per_page => "25", :full_response => "0", :sort => "newest" }) video.get_info("video_id") video.get_likes("user_id", { :page => "1", :per_page => "25", :full_response => "0", :sort => "newest" }) video.get_subscriptions("user_id", { :page => "1", :per_page => "25", :full_response => "0", :sort => "newest" }) video.get_thumbnail_urls("video_id") video.get_uploaded("user_id", { :page => "1", :per_page => "25", :full_response => "0", :sort => "newest" }) video.remove_cast("video_id", "user_id") video.remove_tag("video_id", "tag_id") video.search("query", { :page => "1", :per_page => "25", :full_response => "0", :sort => "newest", :user_id => nil }) video.set_description("video_id", "description") video.set_like("video_id", "like") video.set_privacy("video_id", "privacy", { :users => nil, :password => nil }) video.set_title("video_id", "title") # comments video.add_comment("video_id", "comment_text", { :reply_to_comment_id => nil }) video.delete_comment("video_id", "comment_id") video.edit_comment("video_id", "comment_id", "comment_text") video.get_comments_list("video_id", { :page => "1", :per_page => "25" }) ### Vimeo::Advanced::VideoEmbed video_embed = Vimeo::Advanced::VideoEmbed.new("consumer_key", "consumer_secret", :token => user.token, :secret => user.secret) video_embed.get_presets({ :page => "1", :per_page => "25" }) video_embed.set_preset("video_id", "preset_id") ## Uploads Uploads are working! In order to upload a file, create your upload object, like so: upload = Vimeo::Advanced::Upload.new("consumer_key", "consumer_secret", :token => user.token, :secret => user.secret) Then call the upload method: upload.upload("/path/to/file") # You can also pass a File object or any IO. The upload method will automatically get an upload ticket, perform the multipart POST, verify the file chunks and then complete the upload. ## Todo * Fix tests that cannot be stubbed because of OAuth nonce. * Better structure. There's too many classes. Is there a way to simplify the Advanced API? * Better error handling. * More re-factoring. * Make tests more robust and faster. If anyone has any ideas let me know. ## Contributors * [matthooks](http://github.com/matthooks) * [sirlantis](http://github.com/sirlantis) ## Thanks to * [HTTParty](http://github.com/jnunemaker/httparty): Easily one of the best tools I have used since I started using Ruby. * [Jeweler](http://github.com/technicalpickles/jeweler): Great tool for creating gems for Github. ### Copyright (c) 2009 Matt Hooks. See LICENSE for details.