require "#{File.dirname(__FILE__)}/base.rb" class Pigato::Worker < Pigato::Base HEARTBEAT_LIVENESS = 3 # 3-5 is reasonable def initialize broker, service, conf = {} @broker = broker @service = service @conf = { :autostart => false, :timeout => 2500, :heartbeat => 2500, :reconnect => 2500 } @conf.merge!(conf) @liveness = 0 @heartbeat_at = 0 @reply_to = nil @reply_rid = nil @reply_service = nil init if @conf[:autostart] start end end def reply reply reply = [@reply_to, '', @reply_rid, '0'].concat([Oj.dump(reply)]) send Pigato::W_REPLY, reply end def recv loop do iid = get_iid socket = get_socket return nil if socket.nil? @reply_rid = nil @reply_to = nil @reply_service = nil msg = socket.recv_message if msg && msg.size @liveness = HEARTBEAT_LIVENESS header = if header != Pigato::W_WORKER puts "E: Header is not Pigato::WORKER" next end command = case command when Pigato::W_REQUEST # We should pop and save as many addresses as there are # up to a null part, but for now, just save one... @reply_to = @reply_service = msg.pop # empty @reply_rid = val = Oj.load( # We have a request to process return val when Pigato::W_HEARTBEAT # do nothing when Pigato::W_DISCONNECT start else end else @liveness -= 1 if @liveness == 0 sleep 0.001 * @conf[:reconnect] start end end if > @heartbeat_at send Pigato::W_HEARTBEAT @heartbeat_at = + 0.001 * @conf[:heartbeat] end end end def start stop sock_create send Pigato::W_READY, @service super @liveness = HEARTBEAT_LIVENESS @heartbeat_at = + 0.001 * @conf[:heartbeat] end def stop sock_close super end def send command, data = nil if data.nil? data = [] elsif not data.is_a?(Array) data = [data] end socket = get_socket data = [Pigato::W_WORKER, command].concat data msg = data.reverse.each{|p| msg.push(ZMQ::Frame(p))} socket.send_message msg end end