# encoding: UTF-8 unless defined? ASCIIDOCTOR_PROJECT_DIR $: << File.dirname(__FILE__); $:.uniq! require 'test_helper' end context "Bulleted lists (:ulist)" do context "Simple lists" do test "dash elements with no blank lines" do input = <<-EOS List ==== - Foo - Boo - Blech EOS output = render_string input assert_xpath '//ul', output, 1 assert_xpath '//ul/li', output, 3 end test 'indented dash elements using spaces' do input = <<-EOS - Foo - Boo - Blech EOS output = render_string input assert_xpath '//ul', output, 1 assert_xpath '//ul/li', output, 3 end test 'indented dash elements using tabs' do input = <<-EOS \t-\tFoo \t-\tBoo \t-\tBlech EOS output = render_string input assert_xpath '//ul', output, 1 assert_xpath '//ul/li', output, 3 end test "dash elements separated by blank lines should merge lists" do input = <<-EOS List ==== - Foo - Boo - Blech EOS output = render_string input assert_xpath '//ul', output, 1 assert_xpath '//ul/li', output, 3 end test 'dash elements with interspersed line comments should be skipped and not break list' do input = <<-EOS == List - Foo // line comment // another line comment - Boo // line comment more text // another line comment - Blech EOS output = render_embedded_string input assert_xpath '//ul', output, 1 assert_xpath '//ul/li', output, 3 assert_xpath %((//ul/li)[2]/p[text()="Boo\nmore text"]), output, 1 end test "dash elements separated by a line comment offset by blank lines should not merge lists" do input = <<-EOS List ==== - Foo - Boo // - Blech EOS output = render_string input assert_xpath '//ul', output, 2 assert_xpath '(//ul)[1]/li', output, 2 assert_xpath '(//ul)[2]/li', output, 1 end test "dash elements separated by a block title offset by a blank line should not merge lists" do input = <<-EOS List ==== - Foo - Boo .Also - Blech EOS output = render_string input assert_xpath '//ul', output, 2 assert_xpath '(//ul)[1]/li', output, 2 assert_xpath '(//ul)[2]/li', output, 1 assert_xpath '(//ul)[2]/preceding-sibling::*[@class = "title"][text() = "Also"]', output, 1 end test "dash elements separated by an attribute entry offset by a blank line should not merge lists" do input = <<-EOS == List - Foo - Boo :foo: bar - Blech EOS output = render_embedded_string input assert_xpath '//ul', output, 2 assert_xpath '(//ul)[1]/li', output, 2 assert_xpath '(//ul)[2]/li', output, 1 end test 'a non-indented wrapped line is folded into text of list item' do input = <<-EOS List ==== - Foo wrapped content - Boo - Blech EOS output = render_string input assert_xpath '//ul', output, 1 assert_xpath '//ul/li[1]/*', output, 1 assert_xpath "//ul/li[1]/p[text() = 'Foo\nwrapped content']", output, 1 end test 'a non-indented wrapped line that resembles a block title is folded into text of list item' do input = <<-EOS == List - Foo .wrapped content - Boo - Blech EOS output = render_embedded_string input assert_xpath '//ul', output, 1 assert_xpath '//ul/li[1]/*', output, 1 assert_xpath "//ul/li[1]/p[text() = 'Foo\n.wrapped content']", output, 1 end test 'a non-indented wrapped line that resembles an attribute entry is folded into text of list item' do input = <<-EOS == List - Foo :foo: bar - Boo - Blech EOS output = render_embedded_string input assert_xpath '//ul', output, 1 assert_xpath '//ul/li[1]/*', output, 1 assert_xpath "//ul/li[1]/p[text() = 'Foo\n:foo: bar']", output, 1 end test 'a list item with a nested marker terminates non-indented paragraph for text of list item' do input = <<-EOS - Foo Bar * Foo EOS output = render_embedded_string input assert_css 'ul ul', output, 1 assert !output.include?('* Foo') end test 'a list item for a different list terminates non-indented paragraph for text of list item' do input = <<-EOS == Example 1 - Foo Bar . Foo == Example 2 * Item text term:: def EOS output = render_embedded_string input assert_css 'ul ol', output, 1 assert !output.include?('* Foo') assert_css 'ul dl', output, 1 assert !output.include?('term:: def') end test 'an indented wrapped line is unindented and folded into text of list item' do input = <<-EOS List ==== - Foo wrapped content - Boo - Blech EOS output = render_string input assert_xpath '//ul', output, 1 assert_xpath '//ul/li[1]/*', output, 1 assert_xpath "//ul/li[1]/p[text() = 'Foo\nwrapped content']", output, 1 end test 'wrapped list item with hanging indent followed by non-indented line' do input = <<-EOS == Lists - list item 1 // not line comment second wrapped line - list item 2 EOS output = render_embedded_string input assert_css 'ul', output, 1 assert_css 'ul li', output, 2 # NOTE for some reason, we're getting an extra line after the indented line lines = xmlnodes_at_xpath('(//ul/li)[1]/p', output, 1).text.gsub(/\n[[:space:]]*\n/, "\n").lines.entries assert_equal 3, lines.size assert_equal 'list item 1', lines[0].chomp assert_equal ' // not line comment', lines[1].chomp assert_equal 'second wrapped line', lines[2].chomp end test 'a list item with a nested marker terminates indented paragraph for text of list item' do input = <<-EOS - Foo Bar * Foo EOS output = render_embedded_string input assert_css 'ul ul', output, 1 assert !output.include?('* Foo') end test 'a list item for a different list terminates indented paragraph for text of list item' do input = <<-EOS == Example 1 - Foo Bar . Foo == Example 2 * Item text term:: def EOS output = render_embedded_string input assert_css 'ul ol', output, 1 assert !output.include?('* Foo') assert_css 'ul dl', output, 1 assert !output.include?('term:: def') end test "a literal paragraph offset by blank lines in list content is appended as a literal block" do input = <<-EOS List ==== - Foo literal - Boo - Blech EOS output = render_string input assert_xpath '//ul', output, 1 assert_xpath '//ul/li', output, 3 assert_xpath '(//ul/li)[1]/p[text() = "Foo"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '(//ul/li)[1]/*[@class="literalblock"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '(//ul/li)[1]/p/following-sibling::*[@class="literalblock"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '((//ul/li)[1]/*[@class="literalblock"])[1]//pre[text() = "literal"]', output, 1 end test "a literal paragraph offset by a blank line in list content followed by line with continuation is appended as two blocks" do input = <<-EOS List ==== - Foo literal + para - Boo - Blech EOS output = render_string input assert_xpath '//ul', output, 1 assert_xpath '//ul/li', output, 3 assert_xpath '(//ul/li)[1]/p[text() = "Foo"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '(//ul/li)[1]/*[@class="literalblock"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '(//ul/li)[1]/p/following-sibling::*[@class="literalblock"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '((//ul/li)[1]/*[@class="literalblock"])[1]//pre[text() = "literal"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '(//ul/li)[1]/*[@class="literalblock"]/following-sibling::*[@class="paragraph"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '(//ul/li)[1]/*[@class="literalblock"]/following-sibling::*[@class="paragraph"]/p[text()="para"]', output, 1 end test 'an admonition paragraph attached by a line continuation to a list item with wrapped text should produce admonition' do input = <<-EOS - first-line text wrapped text + NOTE: This is a note. EOS output = render_embedded_string input assert_css 'ul', output, 1 assert_css 'ul > li', output, 1 assert_css 'ul > li > p', output, 1 assert_xpath %(//ul/li/p[text()="first-line text\nwrapped text"]), output, 1 assert_css 'ul > li > p + .admonitionblock.note', output, 1 assert_xpath '//ul/li/*[@class="admonitionblock note"]//td[@class="content"][normalize-space(text())="This is a note."]', output, 1 end test 'appends line as paragraph if attached by continuation following line comment' do input = <<-EOS - list item 1 // line comment + paragraph in list item 1 - list item 2 EOS output = render_embedded_string input assert_css 'ul', output, 1 assert_css 'ul li', output, 2 assert_xpath '(//ul/li)[1]/p[text()="list item 1"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '(//ul/li)[1]/p/following-sibling::*[@class="paragraph"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '(//ul/li)[1]/p/following-sibling::*[@class="paragraph"]/p[text()="paragraph in list item 1"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '(//ul/li)[2]/p[text()="list item 2"]', output, 1 end test "a literal paragraph with a line that appears as a list item that is followed by a continuation should create two blocks" do input = <<-EOS * Foo + literal . still literal + para * Bar EOS output = render_string input assert_xpath '//ul', output, 1 assert_xpath '//ul/li', output, 2 assert_xpath '(//ul/li)[1]/p[text() = "Foo"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '(//ul/li)[1]/*[@class="literalblock"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '(//ul/li)[1]/p/following-sibling::*[@class="literalblock"]', output, 1 assert_xpath %(((//ul/li)[1]/*[@class="literalblock"])[1]//pre[text() = " literal\n. still literal"]), output, 1 assert_xpath '(//ul/li)[1]/*[@class="literalblock"]/following-sibling::*[@class="paragraph"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '(//ul/li)[1]/*[@class="literalblock"]/following-sibling::*[@class="paragraph"]/p[text()="para"]', output, 1 end test "consecutive literal paragraph offset by blank lines in list content are appended as a literal blocks" do input = <<-EOS List ==== - Foo literal more literal - Boo - Blech EOS output = render_string input assert_xpath '//ul', output, 1 assert_xpath '//ul/li', output, 3 assert_xpath '(//ul/li)[1]/p[text() = "Foo"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '(//ul/li)[1]/*[@class="literalblock"]', output, 2 assert_xpath '(//ul/li)[1]/p/following-sibling::*[@class="literalblock"]', output, 2 assert_xpath '((//ul/li)[1]/*[@class="literalblock"])[1]//pre[text() = "literal"]', output, 1 assert_xpath "((//ul/li)[1]/*[@class='literalblock'])[2]//pre[text() = 'more\nliteral']", output, 1 end test "a literal paragraph without a trailing blank line consumes following list items" do input = <<-EOS List ==== - Foo literal - Boo - Blech EOS output = render_string input assert_xpath '//ul', output, 1 assert_xpath '//ul/li', output, 1 assert_xpath '(//ul/li)[1]/p[text() = "Foo"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '(//ul/li)[1]/*[@class="literalblock"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '(//ul/li)[1]/p/following-sibling::*[@class="literalblock"]', output, 1 assert_xpath "((//ul/li)[1]/*[@class='literalblock'])[1]//pre[text() = ' literal\n- Boo\n- Blech']", output, 1 end test "asterisk elements with no blank lines" do input = <<-EOS List ==== * Foo * Boo * Blech EOS output = render_string input assert_xpath '//ul', output, 1 assert_xpath '//ul/li', output, 3 end test 'indented asterisk elements using spaces' do input = <<-EOS * Foo * Boo * Blech EOS output = render_string input assert_xpath '//ul', output, 1 assert_xpath '//ul/li', output, 3 end test 'indented unicode bullet elements using spaces' do input = <<-EOS • Foo • Boo • Blech EOS output = render_string input assert_xpath '//ul', output, 1 assert_xpath '//ul/li', output, 3 end if ::RUBY_MIN_VERSION_1_9 test 'indented asterisk elements using tabs' do input = <<-EOS \t*\tFoo \t*\tBoo \t*\tBlech EOS output = render_string input assert_xpath '//ul', output, 1 assert_xpath '//ul/li', output, 3 end test 'should represent block style as style class' do ['disc', 'square', 'circle'].each do |style| input = <<-EOS [#{style}] * a * b * c EOS output = render_embedded_string input assert_css ".ulist.#{style}", output, 1 assert_css ".ulist.#{style} ul.#{style}", output, 1 end end test "asterisk elements separated by blank lines should merge lists" do input = <<-EOS List ==== * Foo * Boo * Blech EOS output = render_string input assert_xpath '//ul', output, 1 assert_xpath '//ul/li', output, 3 end test 'asterisk elements with interspersed line comments should be skipped and not break list' do input = <<-EOS == List * Foo // line comment // another line comment * Boo // line comment more text // another line comment * Blech EOS output = render_embedded_string input assert_xpath '//ul', output, 1 assert_xpath '//ul/li', output, 3 assert_xpath %((//ul/li)[2]/p[text()="Boo\nmore text"]), output, 1 end test "asterisk elements separated by a line comment offset by blank lines should not merge lists" do input = <<-EOS List ==== * Foo * Boo // * Blech EOS output = render_string input assert_xpath '//ul', output, 2 assert_xpath '(//ul)[1]/li', output, 2 assert_xpath '(//ul)[2]/li', output, 1 end test "asterisk elements separated by a block title offset by a blank line should not merge lists" do input = <<-EOS List ==== * Foo * Boo .Also * Blech EOS output = render_string input assert_xpath '//ul', output, 2 assert_xpath '(//ul)[1]/li', output, 2 assert_xpath '(//ul)[2]/li', output, 1 assert_xpath '(//ul)[2]/preceding-sibling::*[@class = "title"][text() = "Also"]', output, 1 end test "asterisk elements separated by an attribute entry offset by a blank line should not merge lists" do input = <<-EOS == List * Foo * Boo :foo: bar * Blech EOS output = render_embedded_string input assert_xpath '//ul', output, 2 assert_xpath '(//ul)[1]/li', output, 2 assert_xpath '(//ul)[2]/li', output, 1 end test "list should terminate before next lower section heading" do input = <<-EOS List ==== * first item * second item == Section EOS output = render_string input assert_xpath '//ul', output, 1 assert_xpath '//ul/li', output, 2 assert_xpath '//h2[text() = "Section"]', output, 1 end test "list should terminate before next lower section heading with implicit id" do input = <<-EOS List ==== * first item * second item [[sec]] == Section EOS output = render_string input assert_xpath '//ul', output, 1 assert_xpath '//ul/li', output, 2 assert_xpath '//h2[@id = "sec"][text() = "Section"]', output, 1 end test 'should not find section title immediately below last list item' do input = <<-EOS * first * second == Not a section EOS output = render_embedded_string input assert_css 'ul', output, 1 assert_css 'ul > li', output, 2 assert_css 'h2', output, 0 assert output.include?('== Not a section') assert_xpath %((//li)[2]/p[text() = "second\n== Not a section"]), output, 1 end end context "Lists with inline markup" do test "quoted text" do input = <<-EOS List ==== - I am *strong*. - I am _stressed_. - I am `flexible`. EOS output = render_string input assert_xpath '//ul', output, 1 assert_xpath '//ul/li', output, 3 assert_xpath '(//ul/li)[1]//strong', output, 1 assert_xpath '(//ul/li)[2]//em', output, 1 assert_xpath '(//ul/li)[3]//code', output, 1 end test "attribute substitutions" do input = <<-EOS List ==== :foo: bar - side a {vbar} side b - Take me to a {foo}. EOS output = render_string input assert_xpath '//ul', output, 1 assert_xpath '//ul/li', output, 2 assert_xpath '(//ul/li)[1]//p[text() = "side a | side b"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '(//ul/li)[2]//p[text() = "Take me to a bar."]', output, 1 end test "leading dot is treated as text not block title" do input = <<-EOS * .first * .second * .third EOS output = render_string input assert_xpath '//ul', output, 1 assert_xpath '//ul/li', output, 3 %w(.first .second .third).each_with_index do |text, index| assert_xpath "(//ul/li)[#{index + 1}]//p[text() = '#{text}']", output, 1 end end test "word ending sentence on continuing line not treated as a list item" do input = <<-EOS A. This is the story about AsciiDoc. It begins here. B. And it ends here. EOS output = render_string input assert_xpath '//ol', output, 1 assert_xpath '//ol/li', output, 2 end end context "Nested lists" do test "asterisk element mixed with dash elements should be nested" do input = <<-EOS List ==== - Foo * Boo - Blech EOS output = render_string input assert_xpath '//ul', output, 2 assert_xpath '//ul/li', output, 3 assert_xpath '(//ul)[1]/li', output, 2 assert_xpath '(//ul)[1]/li//ul/li', output, 1 end test "dash element mixed with asterisks elements should be nested" do input = <<-EOS List ==== * Foo - Boo * Blech EOS output = render_string input assert_xpath '//ul', output, 2 assert_xpath '//ul/li', output, 3 assert_xpath '(//ul)[1]/li', output, 2 assert_xpath '(//ul)[1]/li//ul/li', output, 1 end test "lines prefixed with alternating list markers separated by blank lines should be nested" do input = <<-EOS List ==== - Foo * Boo - Blech EOS output = render_string input assert_xpath '//ul', output, 2 assert_xpath '//ul/li', output, 3 assert_xpath '(//ul)[1]/li', output, 2 assert_xpath '(//ul)[1]/li//ul/li', output, 1 end test "nested elements (2) with asterisks" do input = <<-EOS List ==== * Foo ** Boo * Blech EOS output = render_string input assert_xpath '//ul', output, 2 assert_xpath '//ul/li', output, 3 assert_xpath '(//ul)[1]/li', output, 2 assert_xpath '(//ul)[1]/li//ul/li', output, 1 end test "nested elements (3) with asterisks" do input = <<-EOS List ==== * Foo ** Boo *** Snoo * Blech EOS output = render_string input assert_xpath '//ul', output, 3 assert_xpath '(//ul)[1]/li', output, 2 assert_xpath '((//ul)[1]/li//ul)[1]/li', output, 1 assert_xpath '(((//ul)[1]/li//ul)[1]/li//ul)[1]/li', output, 1 end test "nested elements (4) with asterisks" do input = <<-EOS List ==== * Foo ** Boo *** Snoo **** Froo * Blech EOS output = render_string input assert_xpath '//ul', output, 4 assert_xpath '(//ul)[1]/li', output, 2 assert_xpath '((//ul)[1]/li//ul)[1]/li', output, 1 assert_xpath '(((//ul)[1]/li//ul)[1]/li//ul)[1]/li', output, 1 assert_xpath '((((//ul)[1]/li//ul)[1]/li//ul)[1]/li//ul)[1]/li', output, 1 end test "nested elements (5) with asterisks" do input = <<-EOS List ==== * Foo ** Boo *** Snoo **** Froo ***** Groo * Blech EOS output = render_string input assert_xpath '//ul', output, 5 assert_xpath '(//ul)[1]/li', output, 2 assert_xpath '((//ul)[1]/li//ul)[1]/li', output, 1 assert_xpath '(((//ul)[1]/li//ul)[1]/li//ul)[1]/li', output, 1 assert_xpath '((((//ul)[1]/li//ul)[1]/li//ul)[1]/li//ul)[1]/li', output, 1 assert_xpath '(((((//ul)[1]/li//ul)[1]/li//ul)[1]/li//ul)[1]/li//ul)[1]/li', output, 1 end test 'nested elements (5) with unicode bullet' do input = <<-EOS List ==== • Foo •• Boo ••• Snoo •••• Froo ••••• Groo • Blech EOS output = render_string input assert_xpath '//ul', output, 5 assert_xpath '(//ul)[1]/li', output, 2 assert_xpath '((//ul)[1]/li//ul)[1]/li', output, 1 assert_xpath '(((//ul)[1]/li//ul)[1]/li//ul)[1]/li', output, 1 assert_xpath '((((//ul)[1]/li//ul)[1]/li//ul)[1]/li//ul)[1]/li', output, 1 assert_xpath '(((((//ul)[1]/li//ul)[1]/li//ul)[1]/li//ul)[1]/li//ul)[1]/li', output, 1 end if ::RUBY_MIN_VERSION_1_9 test "nested ordered elements (2)" do input = <<-EOS List ==== . Foo .. Boo . Blech EOS output = render_string input assert_xpath '//ol', output, 2 assert_xpath '//ol/li', output, 3 assert_xpath '(//ol)[1]/li', output, 2 assert_xpath '(//ol)[1]/li//ol/li', output, 1 end test "nested ordered elements (3)" do input = <<-EOS List ==== . Foo .. Boo ... Snoo . Blech EOS output = render_string input assert_xpath '//ol', output, 3 assert_xpath '(//ol)[1]/li', output, 2 assert_xpath '((//ol)[1]/li//ol)[1]/li', output, 1 assert_xpath '(((//ol)[1]/li//ol)[1]/li//ol)[1]/li', output, 1 end test "nested unordered inside ordered elements" do input = <<-EOS List ==== . Foo * Boo . Blech EOS output = render_string input assert_xpath '//ol', output, 1 assert_xpath '//ul', output, 1 assert_xpath '(//ol)[1]/li', output, 2 assert_xpath '((//ol)[1]/li//ul)[1]/li', output, 1 end test "nested ordered inside unordered elements" do input = <<-EOS List ==== * Foo . Boo * Blech EOS output = render_string input assert_xpath '//ul', output, 1 assert_xpath '//ol', output, 1 assert_xpath '(//ul)[1]/li', output, 2 assert_xpath '((//ul)[1]/li//ol)[1]/li', output, 1 end test 'three levels of alternating unordered and ordered elements' do input = <<-EOS == Lists * bullet 1 . numbered 1.1 ** bullet 1.1.1 * bullet 2 EOS output = render_embedded_string input assert_css '.ulist', output, 2 assert_css '.olist', output, 1 assert_css '.ulist > ul > li > p', output, 3 assert_css '.ulist > ul > li > p + .olist', output, 1 assert_css '.ulist > ul > li > p + .olist > ol > li > p', output, 1 assert_css '.ulist > ul > li > p + .olist > ol > li > p + .ulist', output, 1 assert_css '.ulist > ul > li > p + .olist > ol > li > p + .ulist > ul > li > p', output, 1 assert_css '.ulist > ul > li + li > p', output, 1 end test "lines with alternating markers of unordered and ordered list types separated by blank lines should be nested" do input = <<-EOS List ==== * Foo . Boo * Blech EOS output = render_string input assert_xpath '//ul', output, 1 assert_xpath '//ol', output, 1 assert_xpath '(//ul)[1]/li', output, 2 assert_xpath '((//ul)[1]/li//ol)[1]/li', output, 1 end test 'list item with literal content should not consume nested list of different type' do input = <<-EOS List ==== - bullet literal but not hungry . numbered EOS output = render_string input assert_xpath '//ul', output, 1 assert_xpath '//li', output, 2 assert_xpath '//ul//ol', output, 1 assert_xpath '//ul/li/p', output, 1 assert_xpath '//ul/li/p[text()="bullet"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '//ul/li/p/following-sibling::*[@class="literalblock"]', output, 1 assert_xpath %(//ul/li/p/following-sibling::*[@class="literalblock"]//pre[text()="literal\nbut not\nhungry"]), output, 1 assert_xpath '//*[@class="literalblock"]/following-sibling::*[@class="olist arabic"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '//*[@class="literalblock"]/following-sibling::*[@class="olist arabic"]//p[text()="numbered"]', output, 1 end test 'nested list item does not eat the title of the following detached block' do input = <<-EOS List ==== - bullet * nested bullet 1 * nested bullet 2 .Title .... literal .... EOS # use render_string so we can match all ulists easier output = render_string input assert_xpath '//*[@class="ulist"]/ul', output, 2 assert_xpath '(//*[@class="ulist"])[1]/following-sibling::*[@class="literalblock"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '(//*[@class="ulist"])[1]/following-sibling::*[@class="literalblock"]/*[@class="title"]', output, 1 end test "lines with alternating markers of bulleted and labeled list types separated by blank lines should be nested" do input = <<-EOS List ==== * Foo term1:: def1 * Blech EOS output = render_string input assert_xpath '//ul', output, 1 assert_xpath '//dl', output, 1 assert_xpath '//ul[1]/li', output, 2 assert_xpath '//ul[1]/li//dl[1]/dt', output, 1 assert_xpath '//ul[1]/li//dl[1]/dd', output, 1 end test "nested ordered with attribute inside unordered elements" do input = <<-EOS Blah ==== * Foo [start=2] . Boo * Blech EOS output = render_string input assert_xpath '//ul', output, 1 assert_xpath '//ol', output, 1 assert_xpath '(//ul)[1]/li', output, 2 assert_xpath '((//ul)[1]/li//ol)[1][@start = 2]/li', output, 1 end end context "List continuations" do test "adjacent list continuation line attaches following paragraph" do input = <<-EOS Lists ===== * Item one, paragraph one + Item one, paragraph two + * Item two EOS output = render_string input assert_xpath '//ul', output, 1 assert_xpath '//ul/li', output, 2 assert_xpath '//ul/li[1]/p', output, 1 assert_xpath '//ul/li[1]//p', output, 2 assert_xpath '//ul/li[1]/p[text() = "Item one, paragraph one"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '//ul/li[1]/*[@class = "paragraph"]/p[text() = "Item one, paragraph two"]', output, 1 end test "adjacent list continuation line attaches following block" do input = <<-EOS Lists ===== * Item one, paragraph one + .... Item one, literal block .... + * Item two EOS output = render_string input assert_xpath '//ul', output, 1 assert_xpath '//ul/li', output, 2 assert_xpath '//ul/li[1]/p', output, 1 assert_xpath '(//ul/li[1]/p/following-sibling::*)[1][@class = "literalblock"]', output, 1 end test 'adjacent list continuation line attaches following block with block attributes' do input = <<-EOS Lists ===== * Item one, paragraph one + :foo: bar [[beck]] .Read the following aloud to yourself [source, ruby] ---- 5.times { print "Odelay!" } ---- * Item two EOS output = render_string input assert_xpath '//ul', output, 1 assert_xpath '//ul/li', output, 2 assert_xpath '//ul/li[1]/p', output, 1 assert_xpath '(//ul/li[1]/p/following-sibling::*)[1][@id="beck"][@class = "listingblock"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '(//ul/li[1]/p/following-sibling::*)[1][@id="beck"]/div[@class="title"][starts-with(text(),"Read")]', output, 1 assert_xpath '(//ul/li[1]/p/following-sibling::*)[1][@id="beck"]//code[@data-lang="ruby"][starts-with(text(),"5.times")]', output, 1 end test 'trailing block attribute line attached by continuation should not create block' do input = <<-EOS Lists ===== * Item one, paragraph one + [source] * Item two EOS output = render_string input assert_xpath '//ul', output, 1 assert_xpath '//ul/li', output, 2 assert_xpath '//ul/li[1]/*', output, 1 assert_xpath '//ul/li//*[@class="listingblock"]', output, 0 end test 'trailing block title line attached by continuation should not create block' do input = <<-EOS Lists ===== * Item one, paragraph one + .Disappears into the ether * Item two EOS output = render_string input assert_xpath '//ul', output, 1 assert_xpath '//ul/li', output, 2 assert_xpath '//ul/li[1]/*', output, 1 end test 'consecutive blocks in list continuation attach to list item' do input = <<-EOS Lists ===== * Item one, paragraph one + .... Item one, literal block .... + ____ Item one, quote block ____ + * Item two EOS output = render_embedded_string input assert_xpath '//ul', output, 1 assert_xpath '//ul/li', output, 2 assert_xpath '//ul/li[1]/p', output, 1 assert_xpath '(//ul/li[1]/p/following-sibling::*)[1][@class = "literalblock"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '(//ul/li[1]/p/following-sibling::*)[2][@class = "quoteblock"]', output, 1 end test 'list item with hanging indent followed by block attached by list continuation' do input = <<-EOS == Lists . list item 1 continued + -- open block in list item 1 -- . list item 2 EOS output = render_embedded_string input assert_css 'ol', output, 1 assert_css 'ol li', output, 2 assert_xpath %((//ol/li)[1]/p[text()="list item 1\ncontinued"]), output, 1 assert_xpath '(//ol/li)[1]/p/following-sibling::*[@class="openblock"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '(//ol/li)[1]/p/following-sibling::*[@class="openblock"]//p[text()="open block in list item 1"]', output, 1 assert_xpath %((//ol/li)[2]/p[text()="list item 2"]), output, 1 end test 'list item paragraph in list item and nested list item' do input = <<-EOS == Lists . list item 1 + list item 1 paragraph * nested list item + nested list item paragraph . list item 2 EOS output = render_embedded_string input assert_css '.olist ol', output, 1 assert_css '.olist ol > li', output, 2 assert_css '.ulist ul', output, 1 assert_css '.ulist ul > li', output, 1 assert_xpath '(//ol/li)[1]/*', output, 3 assert_xpath '((//ol/li)[1]/*)[1]/self::p', output, 1 assert_xpath '((//ol/li)[1]/*)[1]/self::p[text()="list item 1"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '((//ol/li)[1]/*)[2]/self::div[@class="paragraph"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '((//ol/li)[1]/*)[3]/self::div[@class="ulist"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '((//ol/li)[1]/*)[3]/self::div[@class="ulist"]/ul/li', output, 1 assert_xpath '((//ol/li)[1]/*)[3]/self::div[@class="ulist"]/ul/li/p[text()="nested list item"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '((//ol/li)[1]/*)[3]/self::div[@class="ulist"]/ul/li/p/following-sibling::div[@class="paragraph"]', output, 1 end test 'trailing list continuations should attach to list items at respective levels' do input = <<-EOS == Lists . list item 1 + * nested list item 1 * nested list item 2 + paragraph for nested list item 2 + paragraph for list item 1 . list item 2 EOS output = render_embedded_string input assert_css '.olist ol', output, 1 assert_css '.olist ol > li', output, 2 assert_css '.ulist ul', output, 1 assert_css '.ulist ul > li', output, 2 assert_css '.olist .ulist', output, 1 assert_xpath '(//ol/li)[1]/*', output, 3 assert_xpath '((//ol/li)[1]/*)[1]/self::p', output, 1 assert_xpath '((//ol/li)[1]/*)[1]/self::p[text()="list item 1"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '((//ol/li)[1]/*)[2]/self::div[@class="ulist"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '((//ol/li)[1]/*)[2]/self::div[@class="ulist"]/ul/li', output, 2 assert_xpath '(((//ol/li)[1]/*)[2]/self::div[@class="ulist"]/ul/li)[2]/*', output, 2 assert_xpath '(((//ol/li)[1]/*)[2]/self::div[@class="ulist"]/ul/li)[2]/p', output, 1 assert_xpath '(((//ol/li)[1]/*)[2]/self::div[@class="ulist"]/ul/li)[2]/div[@class="paragraph"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '((//ol/li)[1]/*)[3]/self::div[@class="paragraph"]', output, 1 end test 'trailing list continuations should attach to list items of different types at respective levels' do input = <<-EOS == Lists * bullet 1 . numbered 1.1 ** bullet 1.1.1 + numbered 1.1 paragraph + bullet 1 paragraph * bullet 2 EOS output = render_embedded_string input assert_xpath '(//ul)[1]/li', output, 2 assert_xpath '((//ul)[1]/li[1])/*', output, 3 assert_xpath '(((//ul)[1]/li[1])/*)[1]/self::p[text()="bullet 1"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '(((//ul)[1]/li[1])/*)[2]/ol', output, 1 assert_xpath '(((//ul)[1]/li[1])/*)[3]/self::div[@class="paragraph"]/p[text()="bullet 1 paragraph"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '((//ul)[1]/li)[1]/div/ol/li', output, 1 assert_xpath '((//ul)[1]/li)[1]/div/ol/li/*', output, 3 assert_xpath '(((//ul)[1]/li)[1]/div/ol/li/*)[1]/self::p[text()="numbered 1.1"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '(((//ul)[1]/li)[1]/div/ol/li/*)[2]/self::div[@class="ulist"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '(((//ul)[1]/li)[1]/div/ol/li/*)[3]/self::div[@class="paragraph"]/p[text()="numbered 1.1 paragraph"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '((//ul)[1]/li)[1]/div/ol/li/div[@class="ulist"]/ul/li', output, 1 assert_xpath '((//ul)[1]/li)[1]/div/ol/li/div[@class="ulist"]/ul/li/*', output, 1 assert_xpath '((//ul)[1]/li)[1]/div/ol/li/div[@class="ulist"]/ul/li/p[text()="bullet 1.1.1"]', output, 1 end test 'repeated list continuations should attach to list items at respective levels' do input = <<-EOS == Lists . list item 1 * nested list item 1 + -- open block for nested list item 1 -- + * nested list item 2 + paragraph for nested list item 2 + paragraph for list item 1 . list item 2 EOS output = render_embedded_string input assert_css '.olist ol', output, 1 assert_css '.olist ol > li', output, 2 assert_css '.ulist ul', output, 1 assert_css '.ulist ul > li', output, 2 assert_css '.olist .ulist', output, 1 assert_xpath '(//ol/li)[1]/*', output, 3 assert_xpath '((//ol/li)[1]/*)[1]/self::p', output, 1 assert_xpath '((//ol/li)[1]/*)[1]/self::p[text()="list item 1"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '((//ol/li)[1]/*)[2]/self::div[@class="ulist"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '((//ol/li)[1]/*)[2]/self::div[@class="ulist"]/ul/li', output, 2 assert_xpath '(((//ol/li)[1]/*)[2]/self::div[@class="ulist"]/ul/li)[1]/*', output, 2 assert_xpath '(((//ol/li)[1]/*)[2]/self::div[@class="ulist"]/ul/li)[1]/p', output, 1 assert_xpath '(((//ol/li)[1]/*)[2]/self::div[@class="ulist"]/ul/li)[1]/div[@class="openblock"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '(((//ol/li)[1]/*)[2]/self::div[@class="ulist"]/ul/li)[2]/*', output, 2 assert_xpath '(((//ol/li)[1]/*)[2]/self::div[@class="ulist"]/ul/li)[2]/p', output, 1 assert_xpath '(((//ol/li)[1]/*)[2]/self::div[@class="ulist"]/ul/li)[2]/div[@class="paragraph"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '((//ol/li)[1]/*)[3]/self::div[@class="paragraph"]', output, 1 end test 'repeated list continuations attached directly to list item should attach to list items at respective levels' do input = <<-EOS == Lists . list item 1 + * nested list item 1 + -- open block for nested list item 1 -- + * nested list item 2 + paragraph for nested list item 2 + paragraph for list item 1 . list item 2 EOS output = render_embedded_string input assert_css '.olist ol', output, 1 assert_css '.olist ol > li', output, 2 assert_css '.ulist ul', output, 1 assert_css '.ulist ul > li', output, 2 assert_css '.olist .ulist', output, 1 assert_xpath '(//ol/li)[1]/*', output, 3 assert_xpath '((//ol/li)[1]/*)[1]/self::p', output, 1 assert_xpath '((//ol/li)[1]/*)[1]/self::p[text()="list item 1"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '((//ol/li)[1]/*)[2]/self::div[@class="ulist"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '((//ol/li)[1]/*)[2]/self::div[@class="ulist"]/ul/li', output, 2 assert_xpath '(((//ol/li)[1]/*)[2]/self::div[@class="ulist"]/ul/li)[1]/*', output, 2 assert_xpath '(((//ol/li)[1]/*)[2]/self::div[@class="ulist"]/ul/li)[1]/p', output, 1 assert_xpath '(((//ol/li)[1]/*)[2]/self::div[@class="ulist"]/ul/li)[1]/div[@class="openblock"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '(((//ol/li)[1]/*)[2]/self::div[@class="ulist"]/ul/li)[2]/*', output, 2 assert_xpath '(((//ol/li)[1]/*)[2]/self::div[@class="ulist"]/ul/li)[2]/p', output, 1 assert_xpath '(((//ol/li)[1]/*)[2]/self::div[@class="ulist"]/ul/li)[2]/div[@class="paragraph"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '((//ol/li)[1]/*)[3]/self::div[@class="paragraph"]', output, 1 end test 'repeated list continuations should attach to list items at respective levels ignoring blank lines' do input = <<-EOS == Lists . list item 1 + * nested list item 1 + -- open block for nested list item 1 -- + * nested list item 2 + paragraph for nested list item 2 + paragraph for list item 1 . list item 2 EOS output = render_embedded_string input assert_css '.olist ol', output, 1 assert_css '.olist ol > li', output, 2 assert_css '.ulist ul', output, 1 assert_css '.ulist ul > li', output, 2 assert_css '.olist .ulist', output, 1 assert_xpath '(//ol/li)[1]/*', output, 3 assert_xpath '((//ol/li)[1]/*)[1]/self::p', output, 1 assert_xpath '((//ol/li)[1]/*)[1]/self::p[text()="list item 1"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '((//ol/li)[1]/*)[2]/self::div[@class="ulist"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '((//ol/li)[1]/*)[2]/self::div[@class="ulist"]/ul/li', output, 2 assert_xpath '(((//ol/li)[1]/*)[2]/self::div[@class="ulist"]/ul/li)[1]/*', output, 2 assert_xpath '(((//ol/li)[1]/*)[2]/self::div[@class="ulist"]/ul/li)[1]/p', output, 1 assert_xpath '(((//ol/li)[1]/*)[2]/self::div[@class="ulist"]/ul/li)[1]/div[@class="openblock"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '(((//ol/li)[1]/*)[2]/self::div[@class="ulist"]/ul/li)[2]/*', output, 2 assert_xpath '(((//ol/li)[1]/*)[2]/self::div[@class="ulist"]/ul/li)[2]/p', output, 1 assert_xpath '(((//ol/li)[1]/*)[2]/self::div[@class="ulist"]/ul/li)[2]/div[@class="paragraph"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '((//ol/li)[1]/*)[3]/self::div[@class="paragraph"]', output, 1 end test 'trailing list continuations should ignore preceding blank lines' do input = <<-EOS == Lists * bullet 1 ** bullet 1.1 *** bullet 1.1.1 + -- open block -- + bullet 1.1 paragraph + bullet 1 paragraph * bullet 2 EOS output = render_embedded_string input assert_xpath '((//ul)[1]/li[1])/*', output, 3 assert_xpath '(((//ul)[1]/li[1])/*)[1]/self::p[text()="bullet 1"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '(((//ul)[1]/li[1])/*)[2]/self::div[@class="ulist"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '(((//ul)[1]/li[1])/*)[3]/self::div[@class="paragraph"]/p[text()="bullet 1 paragraph"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '((//ul)[1]/li)[1]/div[@class="ulist"]/ul/li', output, 1 assert_xpath '((//ul)[1]/li)[1]/div[@class="ulist"]/ul/li/*', output, 3 assert_xpath '(((//ul)[1]/li)[1]/div[@class="ulist"]/ul/li/*)[1]/self::p[text()="bullet 1.1"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '(((//ul)[1]/li)[1]/div[@class="ulist"]/ul/li/*)[2]/self::div[@class="ulist"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '(((//ul)[1]/li)[1]/div[@class="ulist"]/ul/li/*)[3]/self::div[@class="paragraph"]/p[text()="bullet 1.1 paragraph"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '((//ul)[1]/li)[1]/div[@class="ulist"]/ul/li/div[@class="ulist"]/ul/li', output, 1 assert_xpath '((//ul)[1]/li)[1]/div[@class="ulist"]/ul/li/div[@class="ulist"]/ul/li/*', output, 2 assert_xpath '(((//ul)[1]/li)[1]/div[@class="ulist"]/ul/li/div[@class="ulist"]/ul/li/*)[1]/self::p', output, 1 assert_xpath '(((//ul)[1]/li)[1]/div[@class="ulist"]/ul/li/div[@class="ulist"]/ul/li/*)[2]/self::div[@class="openblock"]', output, 1 end test 'indented outline list item with different marker offset by a blank line should be recognized as a nested list' do input = <<-EOS * item 1 . item 1.1 + attached paragraph . item 1.2 + attached paragraph * item 2 EOS output = render_embedded_string input assert_css 'ul', output, 1 assert_css 'ol', output, 1 assert_css 'ul ol', output, 1 assert_css 'ul > li', output, 2 assert_xpath '((//ul/li)[1]/*)', output, 2 assert_xpath '((//ul/li)[1]/*)[1]/self::p', output, 1 assert_xpath '((//ul/li)[1]/*)[2]/self::div/ol', output, 1 assert_xpath '((//ul/li)[1]/*)[2]/self::div/ol/li', output, 2 (1..2).each do |idx| assert_xpath "(((//ul/li)[1]/*)[2]/self::div/ol/li)[#{idx}]/*", output, 2 assert_xpath "((((//ul/li)[1]/*)[2]/self::div/ol/li)[#{idx}]/*)[1]/self::p", output, 1 assert_xpath "((((//ul/li)[1]/*)[2]/self::div/ol/li)[#{idx}]/*)[2]/self::div[@class=\"paragraph\"]", output, 1 end end test 'indented labeled list item inside outline list item offset by a blank line should be recognized as a nested list' do input = <<-EOS * item 1 term a:: definition a + attached paragraph term b:: definition b + attached paragraph * item 2 EOS output = render_embedded_string input assert_css 'ul', output, 1 assert_css 'dl', output, 1 assert_css 'ul dl', output, 1 assert_css 'ul > li', output, 2 assert_xpath '((//ul/li)[1]/*)', output, 2 assert_xpath '((//ul/li)[1]/*)[1]/self::p', output, 1 assert_xpath '((//ul/li)[1]/*)[2]/self::div/dl', output, 1 assert_xpath '((//ul/li)[1]/*)[2]/self::div/dl/dt', output, 2 assert_xpath '((//ul/li)[1]/*)[2]/self::div/dl/dd', output, 2 (1..2).each do |idx| assert_xpath "(((//ul/li)[1]/*)[2]/self::div/dl/dd)[#{idx}]/*", output, 2 assert_xpath "((((//ul/li)[1]/*)[2]/self::div/dl/dd)[#{idx}]/*)[1]/self::p", output, 1 assert_xpath "((((//ul/li)[1]/*)[2]/self::div/dl/dd)[#{idx}]/*)[2]/self::div[@class=\"paragraph\"]", output, 1 end end # NOTE this is not consistent w/ AsciiDoc output, but this is some screwy input anyway =begin test "consecutive list continuation lines are folded" do input = <<-EOS Lists ===== * Item one, paragraph one + + Item one, paragraph two + + * Item two + + EOS output = render_string input assert_xpath '//ul', output, 1 assert_xpath '//ul/li', output, 2 assert_xpath '//ul/li[1]/p', output, 1 assert_xpath '//ul/li[1]//p', output, 2 assert_xpath '//ul/li[1]//p[text() = "Item one, paragraph one"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '//ul/li[1]//p[text() = "Item one, paragraph two"]', output, 1 end =end end end context "Ordered lists (:olist)" do context "Simple lists" do test "dot elements with no blank lines" do input = <<-EOS List ==== . Foo . Boo . Blech EOS output = render_string input assert_xpath '//ol', output, 1 assert_xpath '//ol/li', output, 3 end test 'indented dot elements using spaces' do input = <<-EOS . Foo . Boo . Blech EOS output = render_string input assert_xpath '//ol', output, 1 assert_xpath '//ol/li', output, 3 end test 'indented dot elements using tabs' do input = <<-EOS \t.\tFoo \t.\tBoo \t.\tBlech EOS output = render_string input assert_xpath '//ol', output, 1 assert_xpath '//ol/li', output, 3 end test 'should represent explicit role attribute as style class' do input = <<-EOS [role="dry"] . Once . Again . Refactor! EOS output = render_embedded_string input assert_css '.olist.arabic.dry', output, 1 assert_css '.olist ol.arabic', output, 1 end test 'should represent custom numbering and explicit role attribute as style classes' do input = <<-EOS [loweralpha, role="dry"] . Once . Again . Refactor! EOS output = render_embedded_string input assert_css '.olist.loweralpha.dry', output, 1 assert_css '.olist ol.loweralpha', output, 1 end test 'should represent implicit role attribute as style class' do input = <<-EOS [.dry] . Once . Again . Refactor! EOS output = render_embedded_string input assert_css '.olist.arabic.dry', output, 1 assert_css '.olist ol.arabic', output, 1 end test 'should represent custom numbering and implicit role attribute as style classes' do input = <<-EOS [loweralpha.dry] . Once . Again . Refactor! EOS output = render_embedded_string input assert_css '.olist.loweralpha.dry', output, 1 assert_css '.olist ol.loweralpha', output, 1 end test "dot elements separated by blank lines should merge lists" do input = <<-EOS List ==== . Foo . Boo . Blech EOS output = render_string input assert_xpath '//ol', output, 1 assert_xpath '//ol/li', output, 3 end test 'dot elements with interspersed line comments should be skipped and not break list' do input = <<-EOS == List . Foo // line comment // another line comment . Boo // line comment more text // another line comment . Blech EOS output = render_embedded_string input assert_xpath '//ol', output, 1 assert_xpath '//ol/li', output, 3 assert_xpath %((//ol/li)[2]/p[text()="Boo\nmore text"]), output, 1 end test "dot elements separated by line comment offset by blank lines should not merge lists" do input = <<-EOS List ==== . Foo . Boo // . Blech EOS output = render_string input assert_xpath '//ol', output, 2 assert_xpath '(//ol)[1]/li', output, 2 assert_xpath '(//ol)[2]/li', output, 1 end test "dot elements separated by a block title offset by a blank line should not merge lists" do input = <<-EOS List ==== . Foo . Boo .Also . Blech EOS output = render_string input assert_xpath '//ol', output, 2 assert_xpath '(//ol)[1]/li', output, 2 assert_xpath '(//ol)[2]/li', output, 1 assert_xpath '(//ol)[2]/preceding-sibling::*[@class = "title"][text() = "Also"]', output, 1 end test "dot elements separated by an attribute entry offset by a blank line should not merge lists" do input = <<-EOS == List . Foo . Boo :foo: bar . Blech EOS output = render_embedded_string input assert_xpath '//ol', output, 2 assert_xpath '(//ol)[1]/li', output, 2 assert_xpath '(//ol)[2]/li', output, 1 end test 'should use start number in docbook4.5 backend' do input = <<-EOS == List [start=7] . item 7 . item 8 EOS output = render_embedded_string input, :backend => 'docbook45' assert_xpath '//orderedlist', output, 1 assert_xpath '(//orderedlist)/listitem', output, 2 assert_xpath '(//orderedlist/listitem)[1][@override = "7"]', output, 1 end test 'should use start number in docbook5 backend' do input = <<-EOS == List [start=7] . item 7 . item 8 EOS output = render_embedded_string input, :backend => 'docbook5' assert_xpath '//orderedlist', output, 1 assert_xpath '(//orderedlist)/listitem', output, 2 assert_xpath '(//orderedlist)[@startingnumber = "7"]', output, 1 end end end context "Description lists (:dlist)" do context "Simple lists" do test "single-line adjacent elements" do input = <<-EOS term1:: def1 term2:: def2 EOS output = render_string input assert_xpath '//dl', output, 1 assert_xpath '//dl/dt', output, 2 assert_xpath '//dl/dt/following-sibling::dd', output, 2 assert_xpath '(//dl/dt)[1][normalize-space(text()) = "term1"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '(//dl/dt)[1]/following-sibling::dd/p[text() = "def1"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '(//dl/dt)[2][normalize-space(text()) = "term2"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '(//dl/dt)[2]/following-sibling::dd/p[text() = "def2"]', output, 1 end test "single-line indented adjacent elements" do input = <<-EOS term1:: def1 term2:: def2 EOS output = render_string input assert_xpath '//dl', output, 1 assert_xpath '//dl/dt', output, 2 assert_xpath '//dl/dt/following-sibling::dd', output, 2 assert_xpath '(//dl/dt)[1][normalize-space(text()) = "term1"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '(//dl/dt)[1]/following-sibling::dd/p[text() = "def1"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '(//dl/dt)[2][normalize-space(text()) = "term2"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '(//dl/dt)[2]/following-sibling::dd/p[text() = "def2"]', output, 1 end test "single-line indented adjacent elements with tabs" do input = <<-EOS term1::\tdef1 \tterm2::\tdef2 EOS output = render_string input assert_xpath '//dl', output, 1 assert_xpath '//dl/dt', output, 2 assert_xpath '//dl/dt/following-sibling::dd', output, 2 assert_xpath '(//dl/dt)[1][normalize-space(text()) = "term1"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '(//dl/dt)[1]/following-sibling::dd/p[text() = "def1"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '(//dl/dt)[2][normalize-space(text()) = "term2"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '(//dl/dt)[2]/following-sibling::dd/p[text() = "def2"]', output, 1 end test "single-line elements separated by blank line should create a single list" do input = <<-EOS term1:: def1 term2:: def2 EOS output = render_string input assert_xpath '//dl', output, 1 assert_xpath '//dl/dt', output, 2 assert_xpath '//dl/dt/following-sibling::dd', output, 2 end test "a line comment between elements should divide them into separate lists" do input = <<-EOS term1:: def1 // term2:: def2 EOS output = render_string input assert_xpath '//dl', output, 2 assert_xpath '//dl/dt', output, 2 assert_xpath '(//dl)[1]/dt', output, 1 assert_xpath '(//dl)[2]/dt', output, 1 end test "a ruler between elements should divide them into separate lists" do input = <<-EOS term1:: def1 ''' term2:: def2 EOS output = render_string input assert_xpath '//dl', output, 2 assert_xpath '//dl/dt', output, 2 assert_xpath '//dl//hr', output, 0 assert_xpath '(//dl)[1]/dt', output, 1 assert_xpath '(//dl)[2]/dt', output, 1 end test "a block title between elements should divide them into separate lists" do input = <<-EOS term1:: def1 .Some more term2:: def2 EOS output = render_string input assert_xpath '//dl', output, 2 assert_xpath '//dl/dt', output, 2 assert_xpath '(//dl)[1]/dt', output, 1 assert_xpath '(//dl)[2]/dt', output, 1 assert_xpath '(//dl)[2]/preceding-sibling::*[@class="title"][text() = "Some more"]', output, 1 end test "multi-line elements with paragraph content" do input = <<-EOS term1:: def1 term2:: def2 EOS output = render_string input assert_xpath '//dl', output, 1 assert_xpath '//dl/dt', output, 2 assert_xpath '//dl/dt/following-sibling::dd', output, 2 assert_xpath '(//dl/dt)[1][normalize-space(text()) = "term1"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '(//dl/dt)[1]/following-sibling::dd/p[text() = "def1"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '(//dl/dt)[2][normalize-space(text()) = "term2"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '(//dl/dt)[2]/following-sibling::dd/p[text() = "def2"]', output, 1 end test "multi-line elements with indented paragraph content" do input = <<-EOS term1:: def1 term2:: def2 EOS output = render_string input assert_xpath '//dl', output, 1 assert_xpath '//dl/dt', output, 2 assert_xpath '//dl/dt/following-sibling::dd', output, 2 assert_xpath '(//dl/dt)[1][normalize-space(text()) = "term1"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '(//dl/dt)[1]/following-sibling::dd/p[text() = "def1"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '(//dl/dt)[2][normalize-space(text()) = "term2"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '(//dl/dt)[2]/following-sibling::dd/p[text() = "def2"]', output, 1 end test "multi-line elements with indented paragraph content that includes comment lines" do input = <<-EOS term1:: def1 // comment term2:: def2 // comment def2 continued EOS output = render_embedded_string input assert_xpath '//dl', output, 1 assert_xpath '//dl/dt', output, 2 assert_xpath '//dl/dt/following-sibling::dd', output, 2 assert_xpath '(//dl/dt)[1][normalize-space(text()) = "term1"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '(//dl/dt)[1]/following-sibling::dd/p[text() = "def1"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '(//dl/dt)[2][normalize-space(text()) = "term2"]', output, 1 assert_xpath %((//dl/dt)[2]/following-sibling::dd/p[text() = "def2\ndef2 continued"]), output, 1 end test "should not strip comment line in literal paragraph block attached to list item" do input = <<-EOS term1:: + line 1 // not a comment line 3 EOS output = render_embedded_string input assert_xpath '//*[@class="literalblock"]', output, 1 assert_xpath %(//*[@class="literalblock"]//pre[text()=" line 1\n// not a comment\n line 3"]), output, 1 end test 'multi-line element with paragraph starting with multiple dashes should not be seen as list' do input = <<-EOS term1:: def1 -- and a note term2:: def2 EOS output = render_embedded_string input assert_xpath '//dl', output, 1 assert_xpath '//dl/dt', output, 2 assert_xpath '//dl/dt/following-sibling::dd', output, 2 assert_xpath '(//dl/dt)[1][normalize-space(text()) = "term1"]', output, 1 assert_xpath %((//dl/dt)[1]/following-sibling::dd/p[text() = "def1#{entity 8201}#{entity 8212}#{entity 8201}and a note"]), output, 1 assert_xpath '(//dl/dt)[2][normalize-space(text()) = "term2"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '(//dl/dt)[2]/following-sibling::dd/p[text() = "def2"]', output, 1 end test "multi-line element with multiple terms" do input = <<-EOS term1:: term2:: def2 EOS output = render_string input assert_xpath '//dl', output, 1 assert_xpath '//dl/dt', output, 2 assert_xpath '//dl/dd', output, 1 assert_xpath '(//dl/dt)[1]/following-sibling::dt', output, 1 assert_xpath '(//dl/dt)[1][normalize-space(text()) = "term1"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '(//dl/dt)[2]/following-sibling::dd', output, 1 assert_xpath '(//dl/dt)[2]/following-sibling::dd/p[text() = "def2"]', output, 1 end test 'consecutive terms share same varlistentry in docbook' do input = <<-EOS term:: alt term:: definition last:: EOS output = render_embedded_string input, :backend => 'docbook' assert_xpath '//varlistentry', output, 2 assert_xpath '(//varlistentry)[1]/term', output, 2 assert_xpath '(//varlistentry)[2]/term', output, 1 assert_xpath '(//varlistentry)[2]/listitem', output, 1 assert_xpath '(//varlistentry)[2]/listitem[normalize-space(text())=""]', output, 1 end test "multi-line elements with blank line before paragraph content" do input = <<-EOS term1:: def1 term2:: def2 EOS output = render_string input assert_xpath '//dl', output, 1 assert_xpath '//dl/dt', output, 2 assert_xpath '//dl/dt/following-sibling::dd', output, 2 assert_xpath '(//dl/dt)[1][normalize-space(text()) = "term1"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '(//dl/dt)[1]/following-sibling::dd/p[text() = "def1"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '(//dl/dt)[2][normalize-space(text()) = "term2"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '(//dl/dt)[2]/following-sibling::dd/p[text() = "def2"]', output, 1 end test "multi-line elements with paragraph and literal content" do # blank line following literal paragraph is required or else it will gobble up the second term input = <<-EOS term1:: def1 literal term2:: def2 EOS output = render_string input assert_xpath '//dl', output, 1 assert_xpath '//dl/dt', output, 2 assert_xpath '//dl/dt/following-sibling::dd', output, 2 assert_xpath '//dl/dt/following-sibling::dd//pre', output, 1 assert_xpath '(//dl/dt)[1][normalize-space(text()) = "term1"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '(//dl/dt)[1]/following-sibling::dd/p[text() = "def1"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '(//dl/dt)[2][normalize-space(text()) = "term2"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '(//dl/dt)[2]/following-sibling::dd/p[text() = "def2"]', output, 1 end test "mixed single and multi-line adjacent elements" do input = <<-EOS term1:: def1 term2:: def2 EOS output = render_string input assert_xpath '//dl', output, 1 assert_xpath '//dl/dt', output, 2 assert_xpath '//dl/dt/following-sibling::dd', output, 2 assert_xpath '(//dl/dt)[1][normalize-space(text()) = "term1"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '(//dl/dt)[1]/following-sibling::dd/p[text() = "def1"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '(//dl/dt)[2][normalize-space(text()) = "term2"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '(//dl/dt)[2]/following-sibling::dd/p[text() = "def2"]', output, 1 end test "element with anchor" do input = <<-EOS [[term1]]term1:: def1 [[term2]]term2:: def2 EOS output = render_string input assert_xpath '//dl', output, 1 assert_xpath '//dl/dt', output, 2 assert_xpath '(//dl/dt)[1]/a[@id = "term1"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '(//dl/dt)[2]/a[@id = "term2"]', output, 1 end test "missing space before term does not produce labeled list" do input = <<-EOS term1::def1 term2::def2 EOS output = render_string input assert_xpath '//dl', output, 0 end test "literal block inside labeled list" do input = <<-EOS term:: + .... literal, line 1 literal, line 2 .... anotherterm:: def EOS output = render_string input assert_xpath '//dl/dt', output, 2 assert_xpath '//dl/dd', output, 2 assert_xpath '//dl/dd//pre', output, 1 assert_xpath '(//dl/dd)[1]/*[@class="literalblock"]//pre', output, 1 assert_xpath '(//dl/dd)[2]/p[text() = "def"]', output, 1 end test "literal block inside labeled list with trailing line continuation" do input = <<-EOS term:: + .... literal, line 1 literal, line 2 .... + anotherterm:: def EOS output = render_string input assert_xpath '//dl/dt', output, 2 assert_xpath '//dl/dd', output, 2 assert_xpath '//dl/dd//pre', output, 1 assert_xpath '(//dl/dd)[1]/*[@class="literalblock"]//pre', output, 1 assert_xpath '(//dl/dd)[2]/p[text() = "def"]', output, 1 end test "multiple listing blocks inside labeled list" do input = <<-EOS term:: + ---- listing, line 1 listing, line 2 ---- + ---- listing, line 1 listing, line 2 ---- anotherterm:: def EOS output = render_string input assert_xpath '//dl/dt', output, 2 assert_xpath '//dl/dd', output, 2 assert_xpath '//dl/dd//pre', output, 2 assert_xpath '(//dl/dd)[1]/*[@class="listingblock"]//pre', output, 2 assert_xpath '(//dl/dd)[2]/p[text() = "def"]', output, 1 end test "open block inside labeled list" do input = <<-EOS term:: + -- Open block as definition of term. And some more detail... -- anotherterm:: def EOS output = render_string input assert_xpath '//dl/dd//p', output, 3 assert_xpath '(//dl/dd)[1]//*[@class="openblock"]//p', output, 2 end test "paragraph attached by a list continuation on either side in a labeled list" do input = <<-EOS term1:: def1 + more detail + term2:: def2 EOS output = render_string input assert_xpath '(//dl/dt)[1][normalize-space(text())="term1"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '(//dl/dt)[2][normalize-space(text())="term2"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '(//dl/dd)[1]//p', output, 2 assert_xpath '((//dl/dd)[1]//p)[1][text()="def1"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '(//dl/dd)[1]/p/following-sibling::*[@class="paragraph"]/p[text() = "more detail"]', output, 1 end test "paragraph attached by a list continuation on either side to a multi-line element in a labeled list" do input = <<-EOS term1:: def1 + more detail + term2:: def2 EOS output = render_string input assert_xpath '(//dl/dt)[1][normalize-space(text())="term1"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '(//dl/dt)[2][normalize-space(text())="term2"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '(//dl/dd)[1]//p', output, 2 assert_xpath '((//dl/dd)[1]//p)[1][text()="def1"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '(//dl/dd)[1]/p/following-sibling::*[@class="paragraph"]/p[text() = "more detail"]', output, 1 end test "verse paragraph inside a labeled list" do input = <<-EOS term1:: def + [verse] la la la term2:: def EOS output = render_string input assert_xpath '//dl/dd//p', output, 2 assert_xpath '(//dl/dd)[1]/*[@class="verseblock"]/pre[text() = "la la la"]', output, 1 end test "list inside a labeled list" do input = <<-EOS term1:: * level 1 ** level 2 * level 1 term2:: def EOS output = render_string input assert_xpath '//dl/dd', output, 2 assert_xpath '//dl/dd/p', output, 1 assert_xpath '(//dl/dd)[1]//ul', output, 2 assert_xpath '((//dl/dd)[1]//ul)[1]//ul', output, 1 end test "list inside a labeled list offset by blank lines" do input = <<-EOS term1:: * level 1 ** level 2 * level 1 term2:: def EOS output = render_string input assert_xpath '//dl/dd', output, 2 assert_xpath '//dl/dd/p', output, 1 assert_xpath '(//dl/dd)[1]//ul', output, 2 assert_xpath '((//dl/dd)[1]//ul)[1]//ul', output, 1 end test "should only grab one line following last item if item has no inline definition" do input = <<-EOS term1:: def1 term2:: def2 A new paragraph Another new paragraph EOS output = render_string input assert_xpath '//dl', output, 1 assert_xpath '//dl/dd', output, 2 assert_xpath '(//dl/dd)[1]/p[text() = "def1"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '(//dl/dd)[2]/p[text() = "def2"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '//*[@class="dlist"]/following-sibling::*[@class="paragraph"]', output, 2 assert_xpath '(//*[@class="dlist"]/following-sibling::*[@class="paragraph"])[1]/p[text() = "A new paragraph"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '(//*[@class="dlist"]/following-sibling::*[@class="paragraph"])[2]/p[text() = "Another new paragraph"]', output, 1 end test "should only grab one literal line following last item if item has no inline definition" do input = <<-EOS term1:: def1 term2:: def2 A new paragraph Another new paragraph EOS output = render_string input assert_xpath '//dl', output, 1 assert_xpath '//dl/dd', output, 2 assert_xpath '(//dl/dd)[1]/p[text() = "def1"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '(//dl/dd)[2]/p[text() = "def2"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '//*[@class="dlist"]/following-sibling::*[@class="paragraph"]', output, 2 assert_xpath '(//*[@class="dlist"]/following-sibling::*[@class="paragraph"])[1]/p[text() = "A new paragraph"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '(//*[@class="dlist"]/following-sibling::*[@class="paragraph"])[2]/p[text() = "Another new paragraph"]', output, 1 end test "should append subsequent paragraph literals to list item as block content" do input = <<-EOS term1:: def1 term2:: def2 literal A new paragraph. EOS output = render_string input assert_xpath '//dl', output, 1 assert_xpath '//dl/dd', output, 2 assert_xpath '(//dl/dd)[1]/p[text() = "def1"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '(//dl/dd)[2]/p[text() = "def2"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '(//dl/dd)[2]/p/following-sibling::*[@class="literalblock"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '(//dl/dd)[2]/p/following-sibling::*[@class="literalblock"]//pre[text() = "literal"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '//*[@class="dlist"]/following-sibling::*[@class="paragraph"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '(//*[@class="dlist"]/following-sibling::*[@class="paragraph"])[1]/p[text() = "A new paragraph."]', output, 1 end test 'should not match comment line that looks like labeled list term' do input = <<-EOS * item //:: == Section section text EOS output = render_embedded_string input assert_xpath '/*[@class="ulist"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '/*[@class="sect1"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '/*[@class="sect1"]/h2[text()="Section"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '/*[@class="ulist"]/following-sibling::*[@class="sect1"]', output, 1 end test 'more than 4 consecutive colons should become part of description list term' do input = <<-EOS A term::::: a description EOS output = render_embedded_string input assert_xpath '//dl', output, 1 assert_xpath '//dt', output, 1 assert_xpath '//dt[text()="A term:"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '//dd/p[text()="a description"]', output, 1 end end context "Nested lists" do test "single-line adjacent nested elements" do input = <<-EOS term1:: def1 label1::: detail1 term2:: def2 EOS output = render_string input assert_xpath '//dl', output, 2 assert_xpath '//dl//dl', output, 1 assert_xpath '(//dl)[1]/dt[1][normalize-space(text()) = "term1"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '(//dl)[1]/dt[1]/following-sibling::dd/p[text() = "def1"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '//dl//dl/dt[normalize-space(text()) = "label1"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '//dl//dl/dt/following-sibling::dd/p[text() = "detail1"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '(//dl)[1]/dt[2][normalize-space(text()) = "term2"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '(//dl)[1]/dt[2]/following-sibling::dd/p[text() = "def2"]', output, 1 end test "single-line adjacent maximum nested elements" do input = <<-EOS term1:: def1 label1::: detail1 name1:::: value1 item1;; price1 term2:: def2 EOS output = render_string input assert_xpath '//dl', output, 4 assert_xpath '//dl//dl//dl//dl', output, 1 end test "single-line nested elements seperated by blank line at top level" do input = <<-EOS term1:: def1 label1::: detail1 term2:: def2 EOS output = render_string input assert_xpath '//dl', output, 2 assert_xpath '//dl//dl', output, 1 assert_xpath '(//dl)[1]/dt[1][normalize-space(text()) = "term1"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '(//dl)[1]/dt[1]/following-sibling::dd/p[text() = "def1"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '//dl//dl/dt[normalize-space(text()) = "label1"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '//dl//dl/dt/following-sibling::dd/p[text() = "detail1"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '(//dl)[1]/dt[2][normalize-space(text()) = "term2"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '(//dl)[1]/dt[2]/following-sibling::dd/p[text() = "def2"]', output, 1 end test "single-line nested elements seperated by blank line at nested level" do input = <<-EOS term1:: def1 label1::: detail1 label2::: detail2 term2:: def2 EOS output = render_string input assert_xpath '//dl', output, 2 assert_xpath '//dl//dl', output, 1 assert_xpath '(//dl)[1]/dt[1][normalize-space(text()) = "term1"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '(//dl)[1]/dt[1]/following-sibling::dd/p[text() = "def1"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '//dl//dl/dt[normalize-space(text()) = "label1"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '//dl//dl/dt/following-sibling::dd/p[text() = "detail1"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '(//dl)[1]/dt[2][normalize-space(text()) = "term2"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '(//dl)[1]/dt[2]/following-sibling::dd/p[text() = "def2"]', output, 1 end test "single-line adjacent nested elements with alternate delimiters" do input = <<-EOS term1:: def1 label1;; detail1 term2:: def2 EOS output = render_string input assert_xpath '//dl', output, 2 assert_xpath '//dl//dl', output, 1 assert_xpath '(//dl)[1]/dt[1][normalize-space(text()) = "term1"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '(//dl)[1]/dt[1]/following-sibling::dd/p[text() = "def1"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '//dl//dl/dt[normalize-space(text()) = "label1"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '//dl//dl/dt/following-sibling::dd/p[text() = "detail1"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '(//dl)[1]/dt[2][normalize-space(text()) = "term2"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '(//dl)[1]/dt[2]/following-sibling::dd/p[text() = "def2"]', output, 1 end test "multi-line adjacent nested elements" do input = <<-EOS term1:: def1 label1::: detail1 term2:: def2 EOS output = render_string input assert_xpath '//dl', output, 2 assert_xpath '//dl//dl', output, 1 assert_xpath '(//dl)[1]/dt[1][normalize-space(text()) = "term1"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '(//dl)[1]/dt[1]/following-sibling::dd/p[text() = "def1"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '//dl//dl/dt[normalize-space(text()) = "label1"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '//dl//dl/dt/following-sibling::dd/p[text() = "detail1"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '(//dl)[1]/dt[2][normalize-space(text()) = "term2"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '(//dl)[1]/dt[2]/following-sibling::dd/p[text() = "def2"]', output, 1 end test "multi-line nested elements seperated by blank line at nested level repeated" do input = <<-EOS term1:: def1 label1::: detail1 label2::: detail2 term2:: def2 EOS output = render_string input assert_xpath '//dl', output, 2 assert_xpath '//dl//dl', output, 1 assert_xpath '(//dl)[1]/dt[1][normalize-space(text()) = "term1"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '(//dl)[1]/dt[1]/following-sibling::dd/p[text() = "def1"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '(//dl//dl/dt)[1][normalize-space(text()) = "label1"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '(//dl//dl/dt)[1]/following-sibling::dd/p[text() = "detail1"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '(//dl//dl/dt)[2][normalize-space(text()) = "label2"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '(//dl//dl/dt)[2]/following-sibling::dd/p[text() = "detail2"]', output, 1 end test "multi-line element with indented nested element" do input = <<-EOS term1:: def1 label1;; detail1 term2:: def2 EOS output = render_string input assert_xpath '//dl', output, 2 assert_xpath '//dl//dl', output, 1 assert_xpath '(//dl)[1]/dt', output, 2 assert_xpath '(//dl)[1]/dd', output, 2 assert_xpath '((//dl)[1]/dt)[1][normalize-space(text()) = "term1"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '((//dl)[1]/dt)[1]/following-sibling::dd/p[text() = "def1"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '//dl//dl/dt', output, 1 assert_xpath '//dl//dl/dt[normalize-space(text()) = "label1"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '//dl//dl/dt/following-sibling::dd/p[text() = "detail1"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '((//dl)[1]/dt)[2][normalize-space(text()) = "term2"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '((//dl)[1]/dt)[2]/following-sibling::dd/p[text() = "def2"]', output, 1 end test "mixed single and multi-line elements with indented nested elements" do input = <<-EOS term1:: def1 label1::: detail1 term2:: def2 EOS output = render_string input assert_xpath '//dl', output, 2 assert_xpath '//dl//dl', output, 1 assert_xpath '(//dl)[1]/dt[1][normalize-space(text()) = "term1"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '(//dl)[1]/dt[1]/following-sibling::dd/p[text() = "def1"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '//dl//dl/dt[normalize-space(text()) = "label1"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '//dl//dl/dt/following-sibling::dd/p[text() = "detail1"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '(//dl)[1]/dt[2][normalize-space(text()) = "term2"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '(//dl)[1]/dt[2]/following-sibling::dd/p[text() = "def2"]', output, 1 end test "multi-line elements with first paragraph folded to text with adjacent nested element" do input = <<-EOS term1:: def1 continued label1::: detail1 EOS output = render_string input assert_xpath '//dl', output, 2 assert_xpath '//dl//dl', output, 1 assert_xpath '(//dl)[1]/dt[1][normalize-space(text()) = "term1"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '(//dl)[1]/dt[1]/following-sibling::dd/p[starts-with(text(), "def1")]', output, 1 assert_xpath '(//dl)[1]/dt[1]/following-sibling::dd/p[contains(text(), "continued")]', output, 1 assert_xpath '//dl//dl/dt[normalize-space(text()) = "label1"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '//dl//dl/dt/following-sibling::dd/p[text() = "detail1"]', output, 1 end end context 'Special lists' do test 'should render glossary list with proper semantics' do input = <<-EOS [glossary] term 1:: def 1 term 2:: def 2 EOS output = render_embedded_string input assert_css '.dlist.glossary', output, 1 assert_css '.dlist dt:not([class])', output, 2 end test 'consecutive glossary terms should share same glossentry element in docbook' do input = <<-EOS [glossary] term:: alt term:: definition last:: EOS output = render_embedded_string input, :backend => 'docbook' assert_xpath '/glossentry', output, 2 assert_xpath '(/glossentry)[1]/glossterm', output, 2 assert_xpath '(/glossentry)[2]/glossterm', output, 1 assert_xpath '(/glossentry)[2]/glossdef', output, 1 assert_xpath '(/glossentry)[2]/glossdef[normalize-space(text())=""]', output, 1 end test 'should render horizontal list with proper markup' do input = <<-EOS [horizontal] first term:: definition + more detail second term:: definition EOS output = render_embedded_string input assert_css '.hdlist', output, 1 assert_css '.hdlist table', output, 1 assert_css '.hdlist table colgroup', output, 0 assert_css '.hdlist table tr', output, 2 assert_xpath '/*[@class="hdlist"]/table/tr[1]/td', output, 2 assert_xpath '/*[@class="hdlist"]/table/tr[1]/td[@class="hdlist1"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '/*[@class="hdlist"]/table/tr[1]/td[@class="hdlist2"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '/*[@class="hdlist"]/table/tr[1]/td[@class="hdlist2"]/p', output, 1 assert_xpath '/*[@class="hdlist"]/table/tr[1]/td[@class="hdlist2"]/p/following-sibling::*[@class="paragraph"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '((//tr)[1]/td)[1][normalize-space(text())="first term"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '((//tr)[1]/td)[2]/p[normalize-space(text())="definition"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '/*[@class="hdlist"]/table/tr[2]/td', output, 2 assert_xpath '((//tr)[2]/td)[1][normalize-space(text())="second term"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '((//tr)[2]/td)[2]/p[normalize-space(text())="definition"]', output, 1 end test 'should set col widths of item and label if specified' do input = <<-EOS [horizontal] [labelwidth="25", itemwidth="75"] term:: def EOS output = render_embedded_string input assert_css 'table', output, 1 assert_css 'table > colgroup', output, 1 assert_css 'table > colgroup > col', output, 2 assert_xpath '(//table/colgroup/col)[1][@style="width: 25%;"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '(//table/colgroup/col)[2][@style="width: 75%;"]', output, 1 end test 'should set col widths of item and label in docbook if specified' do input = <<-EOS [horizontal] [labelwidth="25", itemwidth="75"] term:: def EOS output = render_embedded_string input, :backend => 'docbook' assert_css 'informaltable', output, 1 assert_css 'informaltable > tgroup', output, 1 assert_css 'informaltable > tgroup > colspec', output, 2 assert_xpath '(/informaltable/tgroup/colspec)[1][@colwidth="25*"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '(/informaltable/tgroup/colspec)[2][@colwidth="75*"]', output, 1 end test 'should add strong class to label if strong option is set' do input = <<-EOS [horizontal, options="strong"] term:: def EOS output = render_embedded_string input assert_css '.hdlist', output, 1 assert_css '.hdlist td.hdlist1.strong', output, 1 end test 'consecutive terms in horizontal list should share same cell' do input = <<-EOS [horizontal] term:: alt term:: definition last:: EOS output = render_embedded_string input assert_xpath '//tr', output, 2 assert_xpath '(//tr)[1]/td[@class="hdlist1"]', output, 1 # NOTE I'm trimming the trailing
in Asciidoctor #assert_xpath '(//tr)[1]/td[@class="hdlist1"]/br', output, 2 assert_xpath '(//tr)[1]/td[@class="hdlist1"]/br', output, 1 assert_xpath '(//tr)[2]/td[@class="hdlist2"]', output, 1 end test 'consecutive terms in horizontal list should share same entry in docbook' do input = <<-EOS [horizontal] term:: alt term:: definition last:: EOS output = render_embedded_string input, :backend => 'docbook' assert_xpath '//row', output, 2 assert_xpath '(//row)[1]/entry', output, 2 assert_xpath '((//row)[1]/entry)[1]/simpara', output, 2 assert_xpath '(//row)[2]/entry', output, 2 assert_xpath '((//row)[2]/entry)[2][normalize-space(text())=""]', output, 1 end test 'should render horizontal list in docbook with proper markup' do input = <<-EOS .Terms [horizontal] first term:: definition + more detail second term:: definition EOS output = render_embedded_string input, :backend => 'docbook' assert_xpath '/table', output, 1 assert_xpath '/table[@tabstyle="horizontal"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '/table[@tabstyle="horizontal"]/title[text()="Terms"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '/table//row', output, 2 assert_xpath '(/table//row)[1]/entry', output, 2 assert_xpath '(/table//row)[2]/entry', output, 2 assert_xpath '((/table//row)[1]/entry)[2]/simpara', output, 2 end test 'should render qanda list in HTML with proper semantics' do input = <<-EOS [qanda] Question 1:: Answer 1. Question 2:: Answer 2. + NOTE: A note about Answer 2. EOS output = render_embedded_string input assert_css '.qlist.qanda', output, 1 assert_css '.qanda > ol', output, 1 assert_css '.qanda > ol > li', output, 2 (1..2).each do |idx| assert_css ".qanda > ol > li:nth-child(#{idx}) > p", output, 2 assert_css ".qanda > ol > li:nth-child(#{idx}) > p:first-child > em", output, 1 assert_xpath "/*[@class = 'qlist qanda']/ol/li[#{idx}]/p[1]/em[normalize-space(text()) = 'Question #{idx}']", output, 1 assert_css ".qanda > ol > li:nth-child(#{idx}) > p:last-child > *", output, 0 assert_xpath "/*[@class = 'qlist qanda']/ol/li[#{idx}]/p[2][normalize-space(text()) = 'Answer #{idx}.']", output, 1 end assert_xpath "/*[@class = 'qlist qanda']/ol/li[2]/p[2]/following-sibling::div[@class='admonitionblock note']", output, 1 end test 'should render qanda list in DocBook with proper semantics' do input = <<-EOS [qanda] Question 1:: Answer 1. Question 2:: Answer 2. + NOTE: A note about Answer 2. EOS output = render_embedded_string input, :backend => 'docbook' assert_css 'qandaset', output, 1 assert_css 'qandaset > qandaentry', output, 2 (1..2).each do |idx| assert_css "qandaset > qandaentry:nth-child(#{idx}) > question", output, 1 assert_css "qandaset > qandaentry:nth-child(#{idx}) > question > simpara", output, 1 assert_xpath "/qandaset/qandaentry[#{idx}]/question/simpara[normalize-space(text()) = 'Question #{idx}']", output, 1 assert_css "qandaset > qandaentry:nth-child(#{idx}) > answer", output, 1 assert_css "qandaset > qandaentry:nth-child(#{idx}) > answer > simpara", output, 1 assert_xpath "/qandaset/qandaentry[#{idx}]/answer/simpara[normalize-space(text()) = 'Answer #{idx}.']", output, 1 end assert_xpath "/qandaset/qandaentry[2]/answer/simpara/following-sibling::note", output, 1 end test 'consecutive questions should share same question element in docbook' do input = <<-EOS [qanda] question:: follow-up question:: response last question:: EOS output = render_embedded_string input, :backend => 'docbook' assert_xpath '//qandaentry', output, 2 assert_xpath '(//qandaentry)[1]/question', output, 1 assert_xpath '(//qandaentry)[1]/question/simpara', output, 2 assert_xpath '(//qandaentry)[2]/question', output, 1 assert_xpath '(//qandaentry)[2]/answer', output, 1 assert_xpath '(//qandaentry)[2]/answer[normalize-space(text())=""]', output, 1 end test 'should render bibliography list with proper semantics' do input = <<-EOS [bibliography] - [[[taoup]]] Eric Steven Raymond. 'The Art of Unix Programming'. Addison-Wesley. ISBN 0-13-142901-9. - [[[walsh-muellner]]] Norman Walsh & Leonard Muellner. 'DocBook - The Definitive Guide'. O'Reilly & Associates. 1999. ISBN 1-56592-580-7. EOS output = render_embedded_string input assert_css '.ulist.bibliography', output, 1 assert_css '.ulist.bibliography ul', output, 1 assert_css '.ulist.bibliography ul li', output, 2 assert_css '.ulist.bibliography ul li p', output, 2 assert_css '.ulist.bibliography ul li:nth-child(1) p a#taoup', output, 1 assert_xpath '//a/*', output, 0 text = xmlnodes_at_xpath '(//a)[1]/following-sibling::text()', output, 1 assert text.text.start_with?('[taoup] ') end test 'should render bibliography list with proper semantics to DocBook' do input = <<-EOS [bibliography] - [[[taoup]]] Eric Steven Raymond. 'The Art of Unix Programming'. Addison-Wesley. ISBN 0-13-142901-9. - [[[walsh-muellner]]] Norman Walsh & Leonard Muellner. 'DocBook - The Definitive Guide'. O'Reilly & Associates. 1999. ISBN 1-56592-580-7. EOS output = render_embedded_string input, :backend => 'docbook' assert_css 'bibliodiv', output, 1 assert_css 'bibliodiv > bibliomixed', output, 2 assert_css 'bibliodiv > bibliomixed > bibliomisc', output, 2 assert_css 'bibliodiv > bibliomixed:nth-child(1) > bibliomisc > anchor', output, 1 assert_css 'bibliodiv > bibliomixed:nth-child(1) > bibliomisc > anchor[xreflabel="[taoup]"]', output, 1 assert_css 'bibliodiv > bibliomixed:nth-child(2) > bibliomisc > anchor', output, 1 assert_css 'bibliodiv > bibliomixed:nth-child(2) > bibliomisc > anchor[xreflabel="[walsh-muellner]"]', output, 1 end end end context 'Description lists redux' do context 'Label without text on same line' do test 'folds text from subsequent line' do input = <<-EOS == Lists term1:: def1 EOS output = render_embedded_string input assert_xpath '//*[@class="dlist"]/dl', output, 1 assert_xpath '//*[@class="dlist"]//dd', output, 1 assert_xpath '//*[@class="dlist"]//dd/p[text()="def1"]', output, 1 end test 'folds text from first line after blank lines' do input = <<-EOS == Lists term1:: def1 EOS output = render_embedded_string input assert_xpath '//*[@class="dlist"]/dl', output, 1 assert_xpath '//*[@class="dlist"]//dd', output, 1 assert_xpath '//*[@class="dlist"]//dd/p[text()="def1"]', output, 1 end test 'folds text from first line after blank line and immediately preceding next item' do input = <<-EOS == Lists term1:: def1 term2:: def2 EOS output = render_embedded_string input assert_xpath '//*[@class="dlist"]/dl', output, 1 assert_xpath '//*[@class="dlist"]//dd', output, 2 assert_xpath '(//*[@class="dlist"]//dd)[1]/p[text()="def1"]', output, 1 end test 'paragraph offset by blank lines does not break list if label does not have inline text' do input = <<-EOS == Lists term1:: def1 term2:: def2 EOS output = render_embedded_string input assert_css 'dl', output, 1 assert_css 'dl > dt', output, 2 assert_css 'dl > dd', output, 2 assert_xpath '(//dl/dd)[1]/p[text()="def1"]', output, 1 end test 'folds text from first line after comment line' do input = <<-EOS == Lists term1:: // comment def1 EOS output = render_embedded_string input assert_xpath '//*[@class="dlist"]/dl', output, 1 assert_xpath '//*[@class="dlist"]//dd', output, 1 assert_xpath '//*[@class="dlist"]//dd/p[text()="def1"]', output, 1 end test 'folds text from line following comment line offset by blank line' do input = <<-EOS == Lists term1:: // comment def1 EOS output = render_embedded_string input assert_xpath '//*[@class="dlist"]/dl', output, 1 assert_xpath '//*[@class="dlist"]//dd', output, 1 assert_xpath '//*[@class="dlist"]//dd/p[text()="def1"]', output, 1 end test 'folds text from subsequent indented line' do input = <<-EOS == Lists term1:: def1 EOS output = render_embedded_string input assert_xpath '//*[@class="dlist"]/dl', output, 1 assert_xpath '//*[@class="dlist"]//dd', output, 1 assert_xpath '//*[@class="dlist"]//dd/p[text()="def1"]', output, 1 end test 'folds text from indented line after blank line' do input = <<-EOS == Lists term1:: def1 EOS output = render_embedded_string input assert_xpath '//*[@class="dlist"]/dl', output, 1 assert_xpath '//*[@class="dlist"]//dd', output, 1 assert_xpath '//*[@class="dlist"]//dd/p[text()="def1"]', output, 1 end test 'folds text that looks like ruler offset by blank line' do input = <<-EOS == Lists term1:: ''' EOS output = render_embedded_string input assert_xpath '//*[@class="dlist"]/dl', output, 1 assert_xpath '//*[@class="dlist"]//dd', output, 1 assert_xpath %(//*[@class="dlist"]//dd/p[text()="'''"]), output, 1 end test 'folds text that looks like ruler offset by blank line and line comment' do input = <<-EOS == Lists term1:: // comment ''' EOS output = render_embedded_string input assert_xpath '//*[@class="dlist"]/dl', output, 1 assert_xpath '//*[@class="dlist"]//dd', output, 1 assert_xpath %(//*[@class="dlist"]//dd/p[text()="'''"]), output, 1 end test 'folds text that looks like ruler and the line following it offset by blank line' do input = <<-EOS == Lists term1:: ''' continued EOS output = render_embedded_string input assert_xpath '//*[@class="dlist"]/dl', output, 1 assert_xpath '//*[@class="dlist"]//dd', output, 1 assert_xpath %(//*[@class="dlist"]//dd/p[normalize-space(text())="''' continued"]), output, 1 end test 'folds text that looks like title offset by blank line' do input = <<-EOS == Lists term1:: .def1 EOS output = render_embedded_string input assert_xpath '//*[@class="dlist"]/dl', output, 1 assert_xpath '//*[@class="dlist"]//dd', output, 1 assert_xpath '//*[@class="dlist"]//dd/p[text()=".def1"]', output, 1 end test 'folds text that looks like title offset by blank line and line comment' do input = <<-EOS == Lists term1:: // comment .def1 EOS output = render_embedded_string input assert_xpath '//*[@class="dlist"]/dl', output, 1 assert_xpath '//*[@class="dlist"]//dd', output, 1 assert_xpath '//*[@class="dlist"]//dd/p[text()=".def1"]', output, 1 end test 'folds text that looks like admonition offset by blank line' do input = <<-EOS == Lists term1:: NOTE: def1 EOS output = render_embedded_string input assert_xpath '//*[@class="dlist"]/dl', output, 1 assert_xpath '//*[@class="dlist"]//dd', output, 1 assert_xpath '//*[@class="dlist"]//dd/p[text()="NOTE: def1"]', output, 1 end test 'folds text that looks like section title offset by blank line' do input = <<-EOS == Lists term1:: == Another Section EOS output = render_embedded_string input assert_xpath '//*[@class="dlist"]/dl', output, 1 assert_xpath '//*[@class="dlist"]//dd', output, 1 assert_xpath '//*[@class="dlist"]//dd/p[text()="== Another Section"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '//h2', output, 1 end test 'folds text of first literal line offset by blank line appends subsequent literals offset by blank line as blocks' do input = <<-EOS == Lists term1:: def1 literal literal EOS output = render_embedded_string input assert_xpath '//*[@class="dlist"]/dl', output, 1 assert_xpath '//*[@class="dlist"]//dd', output, 1 assert_xpath '//*[@class="dlist"]//dd/p[text()="def1"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '//*[@class="dlist"]//dd/p/following-sibling::*[@class="literalblock"]', output, 2 assert_xpath '//*[@class="dlist"]//dd/p/following-sibling::*[@class="literalblock"]//pre[text()="literal"]', output, 2 end test 'folds text of subsequent line and appends following literal line offset by blank line as block if term has no inline definition' do input = <<-EOS == Lists term1:: def1 literal term2:: def2 EOS output = render_embedded_string input assert_xpath '//*[@class="dlist"]/dl', output, 1 assert_xpath '//*[@class="dlist"]//dd', output, 2 assert_xpath '(//*[@class="dlist"]//dd)[1]/p[text()="def1"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '(//*[@class="dlist"]//dd)[1]/p/following-sibling::*[@class="literalblock"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '(//*[@class="dlist"]//dd)[1]/p/following-sibling::*[@class="literalblock"]//pre[text()="literal"]', output, 1 end test 'appends literal line attached by continuation as block if item has no inline definition' do input = <<-EOS == Lists term1:: + literal EOS output = render_embedded_string input assert_xpath '//*[@class="dlist"]/dl', output, 1 assert_xpath '//*[@class="dlist"]//dd', output, 1 assert_xpath '//*[@class="dlist"]//dd/p', output, 0 assert_xpath '//*[@class="dlist"]//dd/*[@class="literalblock"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '//*[@class="dlist"]//dd/*[@class="literalblock"]//pre[text()="literal"]', output, 1 end test 'appends literal line attached by continuation as block if item has no inline definition followed by ruler' do input = <<-EOS == Lists term1:: + literal ''' EOS output = render_embedded_string input assert_xpath '//*[@class="dlist"]/dl', output, 1 assert_xpath '//*[@class="dlist"]//dd', output, 1 assert_xpath '//*[@class="dlist"]//dd/p', output, 0 assert_xpath '//*[@class="dlist"]//dd/*[@class="literalblock"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '//*[@class="dlist"]//dd/*[@class="literalblock"]//pre[text()="literal"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '//*[@class="dlist"]/following-sibling::hr', output, 1 end test 'appends line attached by continuation as block if item has no inline definition followed by ruler' do input = <<-EOS == Lists term1:: + para ''' EOS output = render_embedded_string input assert_xpath '//*[@class="dlist"]/dl', output, 1 assert_xpath '//*[@class="dlist"]//dd', output, 1 assert_xpath '//*[@class="dlist"]//dd/p', output, 0 assert_xpath '//*[@class="dlist"]//dd/*[@class="paragraph"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '//*[@class="dlist"]//dd/*[@class="paragraph"]/p[text()="para"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '//*[@class="dlist"]/following-sibling::hr', output, 1 end test 'appends line attached by continuation as block if item has no inline definition followed by block' do input = <<-EOS == Lists term1:: + para .... literal .... EOS output = render_embedded_string input assert_xpath '//*[@class="dlist"]/dl', output, 1 assert_xpath '//*[@class="dlist"]//dd', output, 1 assert_xpath '//*[@class="dlist"]//dd/p', output, 0 assert_xpath '//*[@class="dlist"]//dd/*[@class="paragraph"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '//*[@class="dlist"]//dd/*[@class="paragraph"]/p[text()="para"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '//*[@class="dlist"]/following-sibling::*[@class="literalblock"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '//*[@class="dlist"]/following-sibling::*[@class="literalblock"]//pre[text()="literal"]', output, 1 end test 'appends block attached by continuation but not subsequent block not attached by continuation' do input = <<-EOS == Lists term1:: + .... literal .... .... detached .... EOS output = render_embedded_string input assert_xpath '//*[@class="dlist"]/dl', output, 1 assert_xpath '//*[@class="dlist"]//dd', output, 1 assert_xpath '//*[@class="dlist"]//dd/p', output, 0 assert_xpath '//*[@class="dlist"]//dd/*[@class="literalblock"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '//*[@class="dlist"]//dd/*[@class="literalblock"]//pre[text()="literal"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '//*[@class="dlist"]/following-sibling::*[@class="literalblock"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '//*[@class="dlist"]/following-sibling::*[@class="literalblock"]//pre[text()="detached"]', output, 1 end test 'appends list if item has no inline definition' do input = <<-EOS == Lists term1:: * one * two * three EOS output = render_embedded_string input assert_xpath '//*[@class="dlist"]/dl', output, 1 assert_xpath '//*[@class="dlist"]//dd', output, 1 assert_xpath '//*[@class="dlist"]//dd/p', output, 0 assert_xpath '//*[@class="dlist"]//dd//ul/li', output, 3 end test 'appends list to first term when followed immediately by second term' do input = <<-EOS == Lists term1:: * one * two * three term2:: def2 EOS output = render_embedded_string input assert_xpath '//*[@class="dlist"]/dl', output, 1 assert_xpath '//*[@class="dlist"]//dd', output, 2 assert_xpath '(//*[@class="dlist"]//dd)[1]/p', output, 0 assert_xpath '(//*[@class="dlist"]//dd)[1]//ul/li', output, 3 assert_xpath '(//*[@class="dlist"]//dd)[2]/p[text()="def2"]', output, 1 end test 'appends indented list to first term that is adjacent to second term' do input = <<-EOS == Lists label 1:: definition 1 * one * two * three label 2:: definition 2 paragraph EOS output = render_embedded_string input assert_css '.dlist > dl', output, 1 assert_css '.dlist dt', output, 2 assert_xpath '(//*[@class="dlist"]//dt)[1][normalize-space(text())="label 1"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '(//*[@class="dlist"]//dt)[2][normalize-space(text())="label 2"]', output, 1 assert_css '.dlist dd', output, 2 assert_xpath '(//*[@class="dlist"]//dd)[1]/p[text()="definition 1"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '(//*[@class="dlist"]//dd)[2]/p[text()="definition 2"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '(//*[@class="dlist"]//dd)[1]/p/following-sibling::*[@class="ulist"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '(//*[@class="dlist"]//dd)[1]/p/following-sibling::*[@class="ulist"]//li', output, 3 assert_css '.dlist + .paragraph', output, 1 end test 'appends indented list to first term that is attached by a continuation and adjacent to second term' do input = <<-EOS == Lists label 1:: definition 1 + * one * two * three label 2:: definition 2 paragraph EOS output = render_embedded_string input assert_css '.dlist > dl', output, 1 assert_css '.dlist dt', output, 2 assert_xpath '(//*[@class="dlist"]//dt)[1][normalize-space(text())="label 1"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '(//*[@class="dlist"]//dt)[2][normalize-space(text())="label 2"]', output, 1 assert_css '.dlist dd', output, 2 assert_xpath '(//*[@class="dlist"]//dd)[1]/p[text()="definition 1"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '(//*[@class="dlist"]//dd)[2]/p[text()="definition 2"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '(//*[@class="dlist"]//dd)[1]/p/following-sibling::*[@class="ulist"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '(//*[@class="dlist"]//dd)[1]/p/following-sibling::*[@class="ulist"]//li', output, 3 assert_css '.dlist + .paragraph', output, 1 end test 'appends list and paragraph block when line following list attached by continuation' do input = <<-EOS == Lists term1:: * one * two * three + para EOS output = render_embedded_string input assert_xpath '//*[@class="dlist"]/dl', output, 1 assert_xpath '//*[@class="dlist"]//dd', output, 1 assert_xpath '//*[@class="dlist"]//dd/p', output, 0 assert_xpath '//*[@class="dlist"]//dd/*[@class="ulist"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '//*[@class="dlist"]//dd/*[@class="ulist"]/ul/li', output, 3 assert_xpath '//*[@class="dlist"]//dd/*[@class="ulist"]/following-sibling::*[@class="paragraph"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '//*[@class="dlist"]//dd/*[@class="ulist"]/following-sibling::*[@class="paragraph"]/p[text()="para"]', output, 1 end test 'first continued line associated with nested list item and second continued line associated with term' do input = <<-EOS == Lists term1:: * one + nested list para + term1 para EOS output = render_embedded_string input assert_xpath '//*[@class="dlist"]/dl', output, 1 assert_xpath '//*[@class="dlist"]//dd', output, 1 assert_xpath '//*[@class="dlist"]//dd/p', output, 0 assert_xpath '//*[@class="dlist"]//dd/*[@class="ulist"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '//*[@class="dlist"]//dd/*[@class="ulist"]/ul/li', output, 1 assert_xpath '//*[@class="dlist"]//dd/*[@class="ulist"]/ul/li/*[@class="paragraph"]/p[text()="nested list para"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '//*[@class="dlist"]//dd/*[@class="ulist"]/following-sibling::*[@class="paragraph"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '//*[@class="dlist"]//dd/*[@class="ulist"]/following-sibling::*[@class="paragraph"]/p[text()="term1 para"]', output, 1 end test 'literal line attached by continuation swallows adjacent line that looks like term' do input = <<-EOS == Lists term1:: + literal notnestedterm::: + literal notnestedterm::: EOS output = render_embedded_string input assert_xpath '//*[@class="dlist"]/dl', output, 1 assert_xpath '//*[@class="dlist"]//dd', output, 1 assert_xpath '//*[@class="dlist"]//dd/p', output, 0 assert_xpath '//*[@class="dlist"]//dd/*[@class="literalblock"]', output, 2 assert_xpath %(//*[@class="dlist"]//dd/*[@class="literalblock"]//pre[text()=" literal\nnotnestedterm:::"]), output, 2 end test 'line attached by continuation is appended as paragraph if term has no inline definition' do input = <<-EOS == Lists term1:: + para EOS output = render_embedded_string input assert_xpath '//*[@class="dlist"]/dl', output, 1 assert_xpath '//*[@class="dlist"]//dd', output, 1 assert_xpath '//*[@class="dlist"]//dd/p', output, 0 assert_xpath '//*[@class="dlist"]//dd/*[@class="paragraph"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '//*[@class="dlist"]//dd/*[@class="paragraph"]/p[text()="para"]', output, 1 end test 'attached paragraph does not break on adjacent nested labeled list term' do input = <<-EOS term1:: def + more definition not a term::: def EOS output = render_embedded_string input assert_css '.dlist > dl > dt', output, 1 assert_css '.dlist > dl > dd', output, 1 assert_css '.dlist > dl > dd > .paragraph', output, 1 assert output.include?('not a term::: def') end # FIXME pending =begin test 'attached paragraph does not break on adjacent sibling labeled list term' do input = <<-EOS term1:: def + more definition not a term:: def EOS output = render_embedded_string input assert_css '.dlist > dl > dt', output, 1 assert_css '.dlist > dl > dd', output, 1 assert_css '.dlist > dl > dd > .paragraph', output, 1 assert output.include?('not a term:: def') end =end test 'attached styled paragraph does not break on adjacent nested labeled list term' do input = <<-EOS term1:: def + [quote] more definition not a term::: def EOS output = render_embedded_string input assert_css '.dlist > dl > dt', output, 1 assert_css '.dlist > dl > dd', output, 1 assert_css '.dlist > dl > dd > .quoteblock', output, 1 assert output.include?('not a term::: def') end test 'appends line as paragraph if attached by continuation following blank line and line comment when term has no inline definition' do input = <<-EOS == Lists term1:: // comment + para EOS output = render_embedded_string input assert_xpath '//*[@class="dlist"]/dl', output, 1 assert_xpath '//*[@class="dlist"]//dd', output, 1 assert_xpath '//*[@class="dlist"]//dd/p', output, 0 assert_xpath '//*[@class="dlist"]//dd/*[@class="paragraph"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '//*[@class="dlist"]//dd/*[@class="paragraph"]/p[text()="para"]', output, 1 end test 'line attached by continuation offset by blank line is appended as paragraph if term has no inline definition' do input = <<-EOS == Lists term1:: + para EOS output = render_embedded_string input assert_xpath '//*[@class="dlist"]/dl', output, 1 assert_xpath '//*[@class="dlist"]//dd', output, 1 assert_xpath '//*[@class="dlist"]//dd/p', output, 0 assert_xpath '//*[@class="dlist"]//dd/*[@class="paragraph"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '//*[@class="dlist"]//dd/*[@class="paragraph"]/p[text()="para"]', output, 1 end test 'delimited block breaks list even when term has no inline definition' do input = <<-EOS == Lists term1:: ==== detached ==== EOS output = render_embedded_string input assert_xpath '//*[@class="dlist"]/dl', output, 1 assert_xpath '//*[@class="dlist"]//dd', output, 0 assert_xpath '//*[@class="dlist"]/following-sibling::*[@class="exampleblock"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '//*[@class="dlist"]/following-sibling::*[@class="exampleblock"]//p[text()="detached"]', output, 1 end test 'attribute line breaks list even when term has no inline definition' do input = <<-EOS == Lists term1:: [verse] detached EOS output = render_embedded_string input assert_xpath '//*[@class="dlist"]/dl', output, 1 assert_xpath '//*[@class="dlist"]//dd', output, 0 assert_xpath '//*[@class="dlist"]/following-sibling::*[@class="verseblock"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '//*[@class="dlist"]/following-sibling::*[@class="verseblock"]/pre[text()="detached"]', output, 1 end test 'id line breaks list even when term has no inline definition' do input = <<-EOS == Lists term1:: [[id]] detached EOS output = render_embedded_string input assert_xpath '//*[@class="dlist"]/dl', output, 1 assert_xpath '//*[@class="dlist"]//dd', output, 0 assert_xpath '//*[@class="dlist"]/following-sibling::*[@class="paragraph"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '//*[@class="dlist"]/following-sibling::*[@class="paragraph"]/p[text()="detached"]', output, 1 end end context 'Item with text inline' do test 'folds text from inline definition and subsequent line' do input = <<-EOS == Lists term1:: def1 continued EOS output = render_embedded_string input assert_xpath '//*[@class="dlist"]/dl', output, 1 assert_xpath '//*[@class="dlist"]//dd', output, 1 assert_xpath %(//*[@class="dlist"]//dd/p[text()="def1\ncontinued"]), output, 1 end test 'folds text from inline definition and subsequent lines' do input = <<-EOS == Lists term1:: def1 continued continued EOS output = render_embedded_string input assert_xpath '//*[@class="dlist"]/dl', output, 1 assert_xpath '//*[@class="dlist"]//dd', output, 1 assert_xpath %(//*[@class="dlist"]//dd/p[text()="def1\ncontinued\ncontinued"]), output, 1 end test 'folds text from inline definition and line following comment line' do input = <<-EOS == Lists term1:: def1 // comment continued EOS output = render_embedded_string input assert_xpath '//*[@class="dlist"]/dl', output, 1 assert_xpath '//*[@class="dlist"]//dd', output, 1 assert_xpath %(//*[@class="dlist"]//dd/p[text()="def1\ncontinued"]), output, 1 end test 'folds text from inline definition and subsequent indented line' do input = <<-EOS == Lists term1:: def1 continued EOS output = render_embedded_string input assert_xpath '//*[@class="dlist"]/dl', output, 1 assert_xpath '//*[@class="dlist"]//dd', output, 1 assert_xpath %(//*[@class="dlist"]//dd/p[text()="def1\ncontinued"]), output, 1 end test 'appends literal line offset by blank line as block if item has inline definition' do input = <<-EOS == Lists term1:: def1 literal EOS output = render_embedded_string input assert_xpath '//*[@class="dlist"]/dl', output, 1 assert_xpath '//*[@class="dlist"]//dd', output, 1 assert_xpath '//*[@class="dlist"]//dd/p[text()="def1"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '//*[@class="dlist"]//dd/p/following-sibling::*[@class="literalblock"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '//*[@class="dlist"]//dd/p/following-sibling::*[@class="literalblock"]//pre[text()="literal"]', output, 1 end test 'appends literal line offset by blank line as block and appends line after continuation as block if item has inline definition' do input = <<-EOS == Lists term1:: def1 literal + para EOS output = render_embedded_string input assert_xpath '//*[@class="dlist"]/dl', output, 1 assert_xpath '//*[@class="dlist"]//dd', output, 1 assert_xpath '//*[@class="dlist"]//dd/p[text()="def1"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '//*[@class="dlist"]//dd/p/following-sibling::*[@class="literalblock"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '//*[@class="dlist"]//dd/p/following-sibling::*[@class="literalblock"]//pre[text()="literal"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '//*[@class="dlist"]//dd/*[@class="literalblock"]/following-sibling::*[@class="paragraph"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '//*[@class="dlist"]//dd/*[@class="literalblock"]/following-sibling::*[@class="paragraph"]/p[text()="para"]', output, 1 end test 'appends line after continuation as block and literal line offset by blank line as block if item has inline definition' do input = <<-EOS == Lists term1:: def1 + para literal EOS output = render_embedded_string input assert_xpath '//*[@class="dlist"]/dl', output, 1 assert_xpath '//*[@class="dlist"]//dd', output, 1 assert_xpath '//*[@class="dlist"]//dd/p[text()="def1"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '//*[@class="dlist"]//dd/p/following-sibling::*[@class="paragraph"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '//*[@class="dlist"]//dd/p/following-sibling::*[@class="paragraph"]/p[text()="para"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '//*[@class="dlist"]//dd/*[@class="paragraph"]/following-sibling::*[@class="literalblock"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '//*[@class="dlist"]//dd/*[@class="paragraph"]/following-sibling::*[@class="literalblock"]//pre[text()="literal"]', output, 1 end test 'appends list if item has inline definition' do input = <<-EOS == Lists term1:: def1 * one * two * three EOS output = render_embedded_string input assert_xpath '//*[@class="dlist"]/dl', output, 1 assert_xpath '//*[@class="dlist"]//dd/p[text()="def1"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '//*[@class="dlist"]//dd/p/following-sibling::*[@class="ulist"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '//*[@class="dlist"]//dd/p/following-sibling::*[@class="ulist"]/ul/li', output, 3 end test 'appends literal line attached by continuation as block if item has inline definition followed by ruler' do input = <<-EOS == Lists term1:: def1 + literal ''' EOS output = render_embedded_string input assert_xpath '//*[@class="dlist"]/dl', output, 1 assert_xpath '//*[@class="dlist"]//dd', output, 1 assert_xpath '//*[@class="dlist"]//dd/p[text()="def1"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '//*[@class="dlist"]//dd/p/following-sibling::*[@class="literalblock"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '//*[@class="dlist"]//dd/p/following-sibling::*[@class="literalblock"]//pre[text()="literal"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '//*[@class="dlist"]/following-sibling::hr', output, 1 end test 'line offset by blank line breaks list if term has inline definition' do input = <<-EOS == Lists term1:: def1 detached EOS output = render_embedded_string input assert_xpath '//*[@class="dlist"]/dl', output, 1 assert_xpath '//*[@class="dlist"]//dd', output, 1 assert_xpath '//*[@class="dlist"]//dd/p[text()="def1"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '//*[@class="dlist"]/following-sibling::*[@class="paragraph"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '//*[@class="dlist"]/following-sibling::*[@class="paragraph"]/p[text()="detached"]', output, 1 end test 'nested term with definition does not consume following heading' do input = <<-EOS == Lists term:: def nestedterm;; nesteddef Detached ~~~~~~~~ EOS output = render_embedded_string input assert_xpath '//*[@class="dlist"]/dl', output, 2 assert_xpath '//*[@class="dlist"]//dd', output, 2 assert_xpath '//*[@class="dlist"]/dl//dl', output, 1 assert_xpath '//*[@class="dlist"]/dl//dl/dt', output, 1 assert_xpath '((//*[@class="dlist"])[1]//dd)[1]/p[text()="def"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '((//*[@class="dlist"])[1]//dd)[1]/p/following-sibling::*[@class="dlist"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '((//*[@class="dlist"])[1]//dd)[1]/p/following-sibling::*[@class="dlist"]//dd/p[text()="nesteddef"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '//*[@class="dlist"]/following-sibling::*[@class="sect2"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '//*[@class="dlist"]/following-sibling::*[@class="sect2"]/h3[text()="Detached"]', output, 1 end test 'line attached by continuation is appended as paragraph if term has inline definition followed by detached paragraph' do input = <<-EOS == Lists term1:: def1 + para detached EOS output = render_embedded_string input assert_xpath '//*[@class="dlist"]/dl', output, 1 assert_xpath '//*[@class="dlist"]//dd', output, 1 assert_xpath '//*[@class="dlist"]//dd/p[text()="def1"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '//*[@class="dlist"]//dd/p/following-sibling::*[@class="paragraph"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '//*[@class="dlist"]//dd/p/following-sibling::*[@class="paragraph"]/p[text()="para"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '//*[@class="dlist"]/following-sibling::*[@class="paragraph"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '//*[@class="dlist"]/following-sibling::*[@class="paragraph"]/p[text()="detached"]', output, 1 end test 'line attached by continuation is appended as paragraph if term has inline definition followed by detached block' do input = <<-EOS == Lists term1:: def1 + para **** detached **** EOS output = render_embedded_string input assert_xpath '//*[@class="dlist"]/dl', output, 1 assert_xpath '//*[@class="dlist"]//dd', output, 1 assert_xpath '//*[@class="dlist"]//dd/p[text()="def1"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '//*[@class="dlist"]//dd/p/following-sibling::*[@class="paragraph"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '//*[@class="dlist"]//dd/p/following-sibling::*[@class="paragraph"]/p[text()="para"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '//*[@class="dlist"]/following-sibling::*[@class="sidebarblock"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '//*[@class="dlist"]/following-sibling::*[@class="sidebarblock"]//p[text()="detached"]', output, 1 end test 'line attached by continuation offset by line comment is appended as paragraph if term has inline definition' do input = <<-EOS == Lists term1:: def1 // comment + para EOS output = render_embedded_string input assert_xpath '//*[@class="dlist"]/dl', output, 1 assert_xpath '//*[@class="dlist"]//dd', output, 1 assert_xpath '//*[@class="dlist"]//dd/p[text()="def1"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '//*[@class="dlist"]//dd/p/following-sibling::*[@class="paragraph"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '//*[@class="dlist"]//dd/p/following-sibling::*[@class="paragraph"]/p[text()="para"]', output, 1 end test 'line attached by continuation offset by blank line is appended as paragraph if term has inline definition' do input = <<-EOS == Lists term1:: def1 + para EOS output = render_embedded_string input assert_xpath '//*[@class="dlist"]/dl', output, 1 assert_xpath '//*[@class="dlist"]//dd', output, 1 assert_xpath '//*[@class="dlist"]//dd/p[text()="def1"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '//*[@class="dlist"]//dd/p/following-sibling::*[@class="paragraph"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '//*[@class="dlist"]//dd/p/following-sibling::*[@class="paragraph"]/p[text()="para"]', output, 1 end test 'line comment offset by blank line divides lists because item has text' do input = <<-EOS == Lists term1:: def1 // term2:: def2 EOS output = render_embedded_string input assert_xpath '//*[@class="dlist"]/dl', output, 2 end test 'ruler offset by blank line divides lists because item has text' do input = <<-EOS == Lists term1:: def1 ''' term2:: def2 EOS output = render_embedded_string input assert_xpath '//*[@class="dlist"]/dl', output, 2 end test 'block title offset by blank line divides lists and becomes title of second list because item has text' do input = <<-EOS == Lists term1:: def1 .title term2:: def2 EOS output = render_embedded_string input assert_xpath '//*[@class="dlist"]/dl', output, 2 assert_xpath '(//*[@class="dlist"])[2]/*[@class="title"][text()="title"]', output, 1 end end end context 'Callout lists' do test 'listing block with sequential callouts followed by adjacent callout list' do input = <<-EOS [source, ruby] ---- require 'asciidoctor' # <1> doc = Asciidoctor::Document.new('Hello, World!') # <2> puts doc.render # <3> ---- <1> Describe the first line <2> Describe the second line <3> Describe the third line EOS output = render_string input, :attributes => {'backend' => 'docbook45'} assert_xpath '//programlisting', output, 1 assert_xpath '//programlisting//co', output, 3 assert_xpath '(//programlisting//co)[1][@id = "CO1-1"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '(//programlisting//co)[2][@id = "CO1-2"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '(//programlisting//co)[3][@id = "CO1-3"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '//programlisting/following-sibling::calloutlist/callout', output, 3 assert_xpath '(//programlisting/following-sibling::calloutlist/callout)[1][@arearefs = "CO1-1"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '(//programlisting/following-sibling::calloutlist/callout)[2][@arearefs = "CO1-2"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '(//programlisting/following-sibling::calloutlist/callout)[3][@arearefs = "CO1-3"]', output, 1 end test 'listing block with sequential callouts followed by non-adjacent callout list' do input = <<-EOS [source, ruby] ---- require 'asciidoctor' # <1> doc = Asciidoctor::Document.new('Hello, World!') # <2> puts doc.render # <3> ---- Paragraph. <1> Describe the first line <2> Describe the second line <3> Describe the third line EOS output = render_string input, :attributes => {'backend' => 'docbook45'} assert_xpath '//programlisting', output, 1 assert_xpath '//programlisting//co', output, 3 assert_xpath '(//programlisting//co)[1][@id = "CO1-1"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '(//programlisting//co)[2][@id = "CO1-2"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '(//programlisting//co)[3][@id = "CO1-3"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '//programlisting/following-sibling::*[1][self::simpara]', output, 1 assert_xpath '//programlisting/following-sibling::calloutlist/callout', output, 3 assert_xpath '(//programlisting/following-sibling::calloutlist/callout)[1][@arearefs = "CO1-1"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '(//programlisting/following-sibling::calloutlist/callout)[2][@arearefs = "CO1-2"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '(//programlisting/following-sibling::calloutlist/callout)[3][@arearefs = "CO1-3"]', output, 1 end test 'listing block with a callout that refers to two different lines' do input = <<-EOS [source, ruby] ---- require 'asciidoctor' # <1> doc = Asciidoctor::Document.new('Hello, World!') # <2> puts doc.render # <2> ---- <1> Import the library <2> Where the magic happens EOS output = render_string input, :attributes => {'backend' => 'docbook45'} assert_xpath '//programlisting', output, 1 assert_xpath '//programlisting//co', output, 3 assert_xpath '(//programlisting//co)[1][@id = "CO1-1"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '(//programlisting//co)[2][@id = "CO1-2"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '(//programlisting//co)[3][@id = "CO1-3"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '//programlisting/following-sibling::calloutlist/callout', output, 2 assert_xpath '(//programlisting/following-sibling::calloutlist/callout)[1][@arearefs = "CO1-1"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '(//programlisting/following-sibling::calloutlist/callout)[2][@arearefs = "CO1-2 CO1-3"]', output, 1 end test 'listing block with non-sequential callouts followed by adjacent callout list' do input = <<-EOS [source, ruby] ---- require 'asciidoctor' # <2> doc = Asciidoctor::Document.new('Hello, World!') # <3> puts doc.render # <1> ---- <1> Describe the first line <2> Describe the second line <3> Describe the third line EOS output = render_string input, :attributes => {'backend' => 'docbook45'} assert_xpath '//programlisting', output, 1 assert_xpath '//programlisting//co', output, 3 assert_xpath '(//programlisting//co)[1][@id = "CO1-1"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '(//programlisting//co)[2][@id = "CO1-2"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '(//programlisting//co)[3][@id = "CO1-3"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '//programlisting/following-sibling::calloutlist/callout', output, 3 assert_xpath '(//programlisting/following-sibling::calloutlist/callout)[1][@arearefs = "CO1-3"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '(//programlisting/following-sibling::calloutlist/callout)[2][@arearefs = "CO1-1"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '(//programlisting/following-sibling::calloutlist/callout)[3][@arearefs = "CO1-2"]', output, 1 end test 'two listing blocks can share the same callout list' do input = <<-EOS .Import library [source, ruby] ---- require 'asciidoctor' # <1> ---- .Use library [source, ruby] ---- doc = Asciidoctor::Document.new('Hello, World!') # <2> puts doc.render # <3> ---- <1> Describe the first line <2> Describe the second line <3> Describe the third line EOS output = render_string input, :attributes => {'backend' => 'docbook45'} assert_xpath '//programlisting', output, 2 assert_xpath '(//programlisting)[1]//co', output, 1 assert_xpath '(//programlisting)[1]//co[@id = "CO1-1"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '(//programlisting)[2]//co', output, 2 assert_xpath '((//programlisting)[2]//co)[1][@id = "CO1-2"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '((//programlisting)[2]//co)[2][@id = "CO1-3"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '(//calloutlist/callout)[1][@arearefs = "CO1-1"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '(//calloutlist/callout)[2][@arearefs = "CO1-2"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '(//calloutlist/callout)[3][@arearefs = "CO1-3"]', output, 1 end test 'two listing blocks each followed by an adjacent callout list' do input = <<-EOS .Import library [source, ruby] ---- require 'asciidoctor' # <1> ---- <1> Describe the first line .Use library [source, ruby] ---- doc = Asciidoctor::Document.new('Hello, World!') # <1> puts doc.render # <2> ---- <1> Describe the second line <2> Describe the third line EOS output = render_string input, :attributes => {'backend' => 'docbook45'} assert_xpath '//programlisting', output, 2 assert_xpath '(//programlisting)[1]//co', output, 1 assert_xpath '(//programlisting)[1]//co[@id = "CO1-1"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '(//programlisting)[2]//co', output, 2 assert_xpath '((//programlisting)[2]//co)[1][@id = "CO2-1"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '((//programlisting)[2]//co)[2][@id = "CO2-2"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '//calloutlist', output, 2 assert_xpath '(//calloutlist)[1]/callout', output, 1 assert_xpath '((//calloutlist)[1]/callout)[1][@arearefs = "CO1-1"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '(//calloutlist)[2]/callout', output, 2 assert_xpath '((//calloutlist)[2]/callout)[1][@arearefs = "CO2-1"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '((//calloutlist)[2]/callout)[2][@arearefs = "CO2-2"]', output, 1 end test 'callout list with block content' do input = <<-EOS [source, ruby] ---- require 'asciidoctor' # <1> doc = Asciidoctor::Document.new('Hello, World!') # <2> puts doc.render # <3> ---- <1> Imports the library as a RubyGem <2> Creates a new document * Scans the lines for known blocks * Converts the lines into blocks <3> Renders the document + You can write this to file rather than printing to stdout. EOS output = render_string input, :attributes => {'backend' => 'docbook45'} assert_xpath '//calloutlist', output, 1 assert_xpath '//calloutlist/callout', output, 3 assert_xpath '(//calloutlist/callout)[1]/*', output, 1 assert_xpath '(//calloutlist/callout)[2]/para', output, 1 assert_xpath '(//calloutlist/callout)[2]/itemizedlist', output, 1 assert_xpath '(//calloutlist/callout)[3]/para', output, 1 assert_xpath '(//calloutlist/callout)[3]/simpara', output, 1 end test 'escaped callout should not be interpreted as a callout' do input = <<-EOS [source, ruby] ---- require 'asciidoctor' # \\<1> ---- EOS output = render_string input, :attributes => {'backend' => 'docbook45'} assert_xpath '//co', output, 0 end test 'should not recognize callouts in middle of line' do input = <<-EOS [source, ruby] ---- puts "The syntax <1> at the end of the line makes a code callout" ---- EOS output = render_embedded_string input assert_xpath '//b', output, 0 end test 'should allow multiple callouts on the same line' do input = <<-EOS [source, ruby] ---- require 'asciidoctor' <1> doc = Asciidoctor.load('Hello, World!') # <2> <3> <4> puts doc.render <5><6> exit 0 ---- <1> Require library <2> Load document from String <3> Uses default backend and doctype <4> One more for good luck <5> Renders document to String <6> Prints output to stdout EOS output = render_embedded_string input assert_xpath '//code/b', output, 6 assert_match(/ \(1\)<\/b>$/, output) assert_match(/ \(2\)<\/b> \(3\)<\/b> \(4\)<\/b>$/, output) assert_match(/ \(5\)<\/b>\(6\)<\/b>$/, output) end test 'should allow XML comment-style callouts' do input = <<-EOS [source, xml] ----
Section Title Just a paragraph
---- <1> The title is required <2> The content isn't EOS output = render_embedded_string input assert_xpath '//b', output, 2 assert_xpath '//b[text()="(1)"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '//b[text()="(2)"]', output, 1 end test 'should not allow callouts with half an XML comment' do input = <<-EOS ---- First line <1--> Second line <2--> ---- EOS output = render_embedded_string input assert_xpath '//b', output, 0 end test 'should not recognize callouts in an indented labeled list paragraph' do input = <<-EOS foo:: bar <1> <1> Not pointing to a callout EOS output = render_embedded_string input assert_xpath '//dl//b', output, 0 assert_xpath '//dl/dd/p[text()="bar <1>"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '//ol/li/p[text()="Not pointing to a callout"]', output, 1 end test 'should not recognize callouts in an indented outline list paragraph' do input = <<-EOS * foo bar <1> <1> Not pointing to a callout EOS output = render_embedded_string input assert_xpath '//ul//b', output, 0 assert_xpath %(//ul/li/p[text()="foo\nbar <1>"]), output, 1 assert_xpath '//ol/li/p[text()="Not pointing to a callout"]', output, 1 end test 'should remove line comment chars that precedes callout number' do input = <<-EOS [source,ruby] ---- puts 'Hello, world!' # <1> ---- <1> Ruby [source,groovy] ---- println 'Hello, world!' // <1> ---- <1> Groovy [source,clojure] ---- (def hello (fn [] "Hello, world!")) ;; <1> (hello) ---- <1> Clojure [source,haskell] ---- main = putStrLn "Hello, World!" -- <1> ---- <1> Haskell EOS [{}, {'source-highlighter' => 'coderay'}].each do |attributes| output = render_embedded_string input, :attributes => attributes assert_xpath '//b', output, 4 nodes = xmlnodes_at_css 'pre', output assert_equal %(puts 'Hello, world!' (1)), nodes[0].text assert_equal %(println 'Hello, world!' (1)), nodes[1].text assert_equal %((def hello (fn [] "Hello, world!")) (1)\n(hello)), nodes[2].text assert_equal %(main = putStrLn "Hello, World!" (1)), nodes[3].text end end test 'should allow line comment chars that precede callout number to be specified' do input = <<-EOS [source,erlang,line-comment=%] ---- hello_world() -> io:fwrite("hello, world\n"). % <1> ---- <1> Erlang EOS output = render_embedded_string input assert_xpath '//b', output, 1 nodes = xmlnodes_at_css 'pre', output assert_equal %(hello_world() -> io:fwrite("hello, world\n"). (1)), nodes[0].text end test 'literal block with callouts' do input = <<-EOS .... Roses are red <1> Violets are blue <2> .... <1> And so is Ruby <2> But violet is more like purple EOS output = render_string input, :attributes => {'backend' => 'docbook45'} assert_xpath '//literallayout', output, 1 assert_xpath '//literallayout//co', output, 2 assert_xpath '(//literallayout//co)[1][@id = "CO1-1"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '(//literallayout//co)[2][@id = "CO1-2"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '//literallayout/following-sibling::*[1][self::calloutlist]/callout', output, 2 assert_xpath '(//literallayout/following-sibling::*[1][self::calloutlist]/callout)[1][@arearefs = "CO1-1"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '(//literallayout/following-sibling::*[1][self::calloutlist]/callout)[2][@arearefs = "CO1-2"]', output, 1 end test 'callout list with icons enabled' do input = <<-EOS [source, ruby] ---- require 'asciidoctor' # <1> doc = Asciidoctor::Document.new('Hello, World!') # <2> puts doc.render # <3> ---- <1> Describe the first line <2> Describe the second line <3> Describe the third line EOS output = render_embedded_string input, :attributes => {'icons' => ''} assert_css '.listingblock code > img', output, 3 (1..3).each do |i| assert_xpath %((/div[@class="listingblock"]//code/img)[#{i}][@src="./images/icons/callouts/#{i}.png"][@alt="#{i}"]), output, 1 end assert_css '.colist table td img', output, 3 (1..3).each do |i| assert_xpath %((/div[@class="colist arabic"]//td/img)[#{i}][@src="./images/icons/callouts/#{i}.png"][@alt="#{i}"]), output, 1 end end test 'callout list with font-based icons enabled' do input = <<-EOS [source] ---- require 'asciidoctor' # <1> doc = Asciidoctor::Document.new('Hello, World!') #<2> puts doc.render #<3> ---- <1> Describe the first line <2> Describe the second line <3> Describe the third line EOS output = render_embedded_string input, :attributes => {'icons' => 'font'} assert_css '.listingblock code > i', output, 3 (1..3).each do |i| assert_xpath %((/div[@class="listingblock"]//code/i)[#{i}]), output, 1 assert_xpath %((/div[@class="listingblock"]//code/i)[#{i}][@class="conum"][@data-value="#{i}"]), output, 1 assert_xpath %((/div[@class="listingblock"]//code/i)[#{i}]/following-sibling::b[text()="(#{i})"]), output, 1 end assert_css '.colist table td i', output, 3 (1..3).each do |i| assert_xpath %((/div[@class="colist arabic"]//td/i)[#{i}]), output, 1 assert_xpath %((/div[@class="colist arabic"]//td/i)[#{i}][@class="conum"][@data-value = "#{i}"]), output, 1 assert_xpath %((/div[@class="colist arabic"]//td/i)[#{i}]/following-sibling::b[text() = "#{i}"]), output, 1 end end end context 'Checklists' do test 'should create checklist if at least one item has checkbox syntax' do input = <<-EOS - [ ] todo - [x] done - [ ] another todo - [*] another done - plain EOS output = render_embedded_string input assert_css '.ulist.checklist', output, 1 assert_xpath %((/*[@class="ulist checklist"]/ul/li)[1]/p[text()="#{expand_entity 10063} todo"]), output, 1 assert_xpath %((/*[@class="ulist checklist"]/ul/li)[2]/p[text()="#{expand_entity 10003} done"]), output, 1 assert_xpath %((/*[@class="ulist checklist"]/ul/li)[3]/p[text()="#{expand_entity 10063} another todo"]), output, 1 assert_xpath %((/*[@class="ulist checklist"]/ul/li)[4]/p[text()="#{expand_entity 10003} another done"]), output, 1 assert_xpath '(/*[@class="ulist checklist"]/ul/li)[5]/p[text()="plain"]', output, 1 end test 'should create checklist with font icons if at least one item has checkbox syntax and icons attribute is font' do input = <<-EOS - [ ] todo - [x] done - plain EOS output = render_embedded_string input, :attributes => {'icons' => 'font'} assert_css '.ulist.checklist', output, 1 assert_css '.ulist.checklist li i.fa-check-square-o', output, 1 assert_css '.ulist.checklist li i.fa-square-o', output, 1 assert_xpath '(/*[@class="ulist checklist"]/ul/li)[3]/p[text()="plain"]', output, 1 end test 'should create interactive checklist if interactive option is set even with icons attribute is font' do input = <<-EOS :icons: font [options="interactive"] - [ ] todo - [x] done EOS output = render_embedded_string input assert_css '.ulist.checklist', output, 1 assert_css '.ulist.checklist li input[type="checkbox"]', output, 2 assert_css '.ulist.checklist li input[type="checkbox"][disabled]', output, 0 assert_css '.ulist.checklist li input[type="checkbox"][checked]', output, 1 end end context 'Lists model' do test 'content should return items in list' do input = <<-EOS * one * two * three EOS doc = document_from_string input list = doc.blocks.first assert list.is_a? Asciidoctor::List items = list.items assert_equal 3, items.size assert_equal list.items, list.content end test 'list item should be the parent of block attached to a list item' do input = <<-EOS * list item 1 + ---- listing block in list item 1 ---- EOS doc = document_from_string input list = doc.blocks.first list_item_1 = list.items.first listing_block = list_item_1.blocks.first assert_equal :listing, listing_block.context assert_equal list_item_1, listing_block.parent end test 'outline? should return true for unordered list' do input = <<-EOS * one * two * three EOS doc = document_from_string input list = doc.blocks.first assert list.outline? end test 'outline? should return true for ordered list' do input = <<-EOS . one . two . three EOS doc = document_from_string input list = doc.blocks.first assert list.outline? end test 'outline? should return false for description list' do input = <<-EOS label:: desc EOS doc = document_from_string input list = doc.blocks.first assert !list.outline? end test 'simple? should return true for list item with no nested blocks' do input = <<-EOS * one * two * three EOS doc = document_from_string input list = doc.blocks.first assert list.items.first.simple? assert !list.items.first.compound? end test 'simple? should return true for list item with nested outline list' do input = <<-EOS * one ** more about one ** and more * two * three EOS doc = document_from_string input list = doc.blocks.first assert list.items.first.simple? assert !list.items.first.compound? end test 'simple? should return false for list item with block content' do input = <<-EOS * one + ---- listing block in list item 1 ---- * two * three EOS doc = document_from_string input list = doc.blocks.first assert !list.items.first.simple? assert list.items.first.compound? end end