# Spira It's time to breathe life into your linked data. --- ## Synopsis Spira is a framework for using the information in [RDF.rb][] repositories as model objects. It gives you the ability to work in a resource-oriented way without losing access to statement-oriented nature of linked data, if you so choose. It can be used either to access existing RDF data in a resource-oriented way, or to create a new store of RDF data based on simple defaults. An introductory blog post is at A changelog is available in the {file:CHANGES.md} file. ### Example class Person include Spira::Resource base_uri "http://example.org/example/people" property :name, :predicate => FOAF.name, :type => String property :age, :predicate => FOAF.age, :type => Integer end bob = RDF::URI("http://example.org/people/bob").as(Person) bob.age = 15 bob.name = "Bob Smith" bob.save! bob.each_statement {|s| puts s} #=> RDF::Statement:0x80abb80c( "Bob Smith" .) #=> RDF::Statement:0x80abb8fc( "15"^^ .) ### Features * Extensible validations system * Extensible types system * Easy to use multiple data sources * Easy to adapt models to existing data * Open-world semantics * Objects are still RDF.rb-compatible enumerable objects * No need to put everything about an object into Spira * Easy to use a resource as multiple models ## Getting Started The easiest way to work with Spira is to install it via Rubygems: $ sudo gem install spira Downloads will be available on the github project page, as well as on Rubyforge. ## Defining Model Classes To use Spira, define model classes for your RDF data. Spira classes include RDF, and thus have access to all `RDF::Vocabulary` classes and `RDF::URI` without the `RDF::` prefix. For example: require 'spira' class CD include Spira::Resource base_uri 'http://example.org/cds' property :name, :predicate => DC.title, :type => XSD.string property :artist, :predicate => URI.new('http://example.org/vocab/artist'), :type => :artist end class Artist include Spira::Resource base_uri 'http://example.org/artists' property :name, :predicate => DC.title, :type => XSD.string has_many :cds, :predicate => URI.new('http://example.org/vocab/published_cd'), :type => XSD.string end Then use your model classes, in a way more or less similar to any number of ORMs: cd = CD.for("queens-greatest-hits") cd.name = "Queen's greatest hits" artist = Artist.for("queen") artist.name = "Queen" cd.artist = artist cd.save! artist.cds = [cd] artist.save! queen = Artist.for('queen') hits = CD.for 'queens-greatest-hits' hits.artist == artist == queen ### URIs and Blank Nodes Spira instances have a subject, which is either a URI or a blank node. A class with a base URI can instantiate with a string (or anything, via to_s), and it will have a URI representation: Artist.for('queen') However, a class is not required to have a base URI, and even if it does, it can always access classes with a full URI: nk = Artist.for(RDF::URI.new('http://example.org/my-hidden-cds/new-kids')) If you have a URI that you would like to look at as a Spira resource, you can instantiate it from the URI: RDF::URI.new('http://example.org/my-hidden-cds/new-kids').as(Artist) # => Any call to 'for' with a valid identifier will always return an object with nil fields. It's a way of looking at a given resource, not a closed-world mapping to one. You can also use blank nodes more or less as you would a URI: remix_artist = Artist.for(RDF::Node.new) # => > RDF::Node.new.as(Artist) # => > Finally, you can create an instance of a Spira projection with #new, and you'll get an instance with a shiny new blank node subject: formerly_known_as_prince = Artist.new # => > ### Class Options A number of options are available for Spira classes. #### base_uri A class with a `base_uri` set (either an `RDF::URI` or a `String`) will use that URI as a base URI for non-absolute `for` calls. Example CD.for 'queens-greatest-hits' # is the same as... CD.for RDF::URI.new('http://example.org/cds/queens-greatest-hits') #### type A class with a `type` set is assigned an `RDF.type` on creation and saving. class Album include Spira::Resource type URI.new('http://example.org/types/album') property :name, :predicate => DC.title end rolling_stones = Album.for RDF::URI.new('http://example.org/cds/rolling-stones-hits') # See RDF.rb at http://rdf.rubyforge.org/RDF/Enumerable.html for more information about #has_predicate? rolling_stones.has_predicate?(RDF.type) #=> true Album.type #=> RDF::URI('http://example.org/types/album') In addition, one can count the members of a class with a `type` defined: Album.count #=> 1 #### property A class declares property members with the `property` function. See `Property Options` for more information. #### has_many A class declares list members with the `has_many` function. See `Property Options` for more information. #### default_vocabulary A class with a `default_vocabulary` set will transparently create predicates for defined properties: class Song include Spira::Resource default_vocabulary URI.new('http://example.org/vocab') base_uri 'http://example.org/songs' property :title property :author, :type => :artist end dancing_queen = Song.for 'dancing-queen' dancing_queen.title = "Dancing Queen" dancing_queen.artist = abba # See RDF::Enumerable for #has_predicate? dancing_queen.has_predicate?(RDF::URI.new('http://example.org/vocab/title')) #=> true dancing_queen.has_predicate?(RDF::URI.new('http://example.org/vocab/artist')) #=> true #### default_source Provides this class with a default repository to use instead of the `:default` repository if one is not set. class Song default_source :songs end See 'Defining Repositories' for more information. #### validate Provides the name of a function which does some sort of validation. See 'Validations' for more information. ### Property Options Spira classes can have properties that are either singular or a list. For a list, define the property with `has_many`, for a property with a single item, use `property`. The semantics are otherwise the same. A `has_many` property will always return a list, including an empty list for no value. All options for `property` work for `has_many`. property :artist, :type => :artist #=> cd.artist returns a single value has_many :cds, :type => :cd #=> artist.cds returns an array Property always takes a symbol name as a name, and a variable list of options. The supported options are: * `:type`: The type for this property. This can be a Ruby base class, an RDF::XSD entry, or another Spira model class, referenced as a symbol. See **Types** below. Default: `Any` * `:predicate`: The predicate to use for this type. This can be any RDF URI. This option is required unless the `default_vocabulary` has been used. ### Types A property's type can be either a class which includes Spira::Type or a reference to another Spira model class, given as a symbol. #### Relations If the `:type` of a spira class is the name of another Spira class as a symbol, such as `:artist` for `Artist`, Spira will attempt to load the referenced object when the appropriate property is accessed. In the RDF store, this will be represented by the URI of the referenced object. #### Type Classes A type class includes Spira::Type, and can implement serialization and deserialization functions, and register aliases to themselves if their datatype is usually expressed as a URI. Here is the built-in Spira Integer class: module Spira::Types class Integer include Spira::Type def self.unserialize(value) value.object end def self.serialize(value) RDF::Literal.new(value) end register_alias XSD.integer end end Classes can now use this particular type like so: class Test include Spira::Resource property :test1, :type => Integer property :test2, :type => XSD.integer end Spira classes include the Spira::Types namespace, where several default types are implemented: * `Integer` * `Float` * `Boolean` * `String` * `Any` The default type for a Spira property is `Spira::Types::Any`, which uses `RDF::Literal`'s automatic boxing/unboxing of XSD types as best it can. See `[RDF::Literal](http://rdf.rubyforge.org/RDF/Literal.html)` for more information. You can implement your own types as well. Your class' serialize method should turn an RDF::Value into a ruby object, and vice versa. module MyModule class MyType include Spira::Type def self.serialize(value) ... end def self.unserialize(value) ... end end end class MyClass include Spira::Resource property :property1, :type => MyModule::MyType end ## Defining Repositories You can define multiple repositories with Spira, and use more than one at a time: require 'rdf/ntriples' require 'rdf/sesame' Spira.add_repository! :cds, RDF::Sesame::Repository.new 'some_server' Spira.add_repository! :albums, RDF::Repository.load('some_file.nt') CD.repository = :cds Album.repository = :albums Objects can reference each other cross-repository. If no repository has been specified, the `:default` repository will be used. repo = RDF::Repository.new Spira.add_repository! :default, repo Artist.repository == repo #=> true Classes can specify a default repository to use other than `:default` with the `default_source` function: class Song default_source :songs end Song.repository #=> nil, won't use :default ## Validations You may declare any number of validation functions with the `validate` function. Before saving, each referenced validation will be run, and the instance's {Spira::Errors} object will be populated with any errors. You can use the built in `assert` and assert helpers such as `assert_set` and `asssert_numeric`. class CD validate :is_real_music def is_real_music assert(artist.name != "Nickelback", :artist, "cannot be Nickelback") end validate :track_count_numeric def track_count_numeric assert_numeric(track_count) end end dancing_queen.artist = nickelback dancing_queen.save! #=> ValidationError dancing_queen.errors.each #=> ["artist cannot be Nickelback"] dancing_queen.artist = abba dancing_queen.save! #=> true ## Inheritance You can extend Spira resources without a problem: class BoxedSet < CD include Spira::Resource property cd_count, :predicate => CD.count, :type => Integer end You can also make Spira modules and include them into other classes: module Media include Spira::Resource property :format, :predicate => Media.format end class CD include Spira::Resource include Media end ## Using Model Objects as RDF.rb Objects All model objects are fully-functional as `RDF::Enumerable`, `RDF::Queryable`, and `RDF::Mutable`. This lets you manipulate objects on the RDF statement level. You can also access attributes that are not defined as properties. ## Support There are a number of ways to ask for help. In declining order of preference: * Fork the project and write a failing test, or a pending test for a feature request * Ask on the [public-rdf-ruby w3c mailing list][] * You can post issues to the Github issue queue * (there might one day be a google group or other such support channel, but not yet) ## Authors, Development, and License #### Authors * Ben Lavender #### 'License' Spira is free and unemcumbered software released into the public domain. For more information, see the included UNLICENSE file. #### Contributing Fork it on Github and go. Please make sure you're kosher with the UNLICENSE file before contributing. [public-rdf-ruby w3c mailing list]: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-rdf-ruby/ [RDF.rb]: http://rdf.rubyforge.org