require "spec_helper" describe Mblox::SmsReceipt do def msg_reference 'VIShbJoUqEcRLNDWosxwYOLP' end def batch_id 1234 end def subscriber_number '8885554444' end def status 'acked' end def reason 3 end describe "from_xml" do def valid xml = xml.instruct!(:xml, :version => 1.0, :encoding => "ISO-8859-1", :standalone => :yes) xml.NotificationService(:Version => "2.3") do |ns| ns.NotificationList do |nl| nl.Notification(:BatchID => batch_id) do |n| n.Subscriber do |s| s.SubscriberNumber("1#{subscriber_number}") s.TimeStamp(201310071736) s.MsgReference(msg_reference) s.Status(status) s.Reason(reason) s.Tags do |t| t.Tag(10487, :Name => :Operator) end end end end end! end def missing_notification_service xml = xml.instruct!(:xml, :version => 1.0, :encoding => "ISO-8859-1", :standalone => :yes) xml.WrongNode(:Version => "2.3") do |ns| end! end def missing_notification_list xml = xml.instruct!(:xml, :version => 1.0, :encoding => "ISO-8859-1", :standalone => :yes) xml.NotificationService(:Version => "2.3") do |ns| end! end def missing_notification xml = xml.instruct!(:xml, :version => 1.0, :encoding => "ISO-8859-1", :standalone => :yes) xml.NotificationService(:Version => "2.3") do |ns| ns.NotificationList do |nl| nl.WrongNode do |n| end end end! end def missing_subscriber xml = xml.instruct!(:xml, :version => 1.0, :encoding => "ISO-8859-1", :standalone => :yes) xml.NotificationService(:Version => "2.3") do |ns| ns.NotificationList do |nl| nl.Notification(:BatchID => batch_id) do |n| end end end! end def unexpected_nested_values xml = xml.instruct!(:xml, :version => 1.0, :encoding => "ISO-8859-1", :standalone => :yes) xml.NotificationService(:Version => "2.3") do |ns| ns.NotificationList do |nl| nl.Notification(:BatchID => batch_id) do |n| n.Subscriber do |s| s.SubscriberNumber("2#{subscriber_number}") s.TimeStamp('Abcdefg') s.MsgReference(msg_reference) s.Status(status) s.Reason end end end end! end it "should access attributes for valid data" do target = described_class.from_xml(valid) target.batch_id.should == batch_id target.subscriber_number.should == subscriber_number target.timestamp.should ==,10,7,17,36) target.msg_reference.should == msg_reference target.status.should == status target.reason.should == reason target.operator.should == 10487 end it "should raise error when missing root node" do expect{described_class.from_xml('Abcdefg')}.to raise_error(Mblox::MissingExpectedXmlContentError, "'Abcdefg' is not parseable as XML") end it "should raise error when missing notification service node" do expect{described_class.from_xml(missing_notification_service)}.to raise_error(Mblox::MissingExpectedXmlContentError, "Xml should have contained a 'NotificationService' node, but was #{missing_notification_service}") end it "should raise error when missing notification list node" do expect{described_class.from_xml(missing_notification_list)}.to raise_error(Mblox::MissingExpectedXmlContentError, "Xml should have contained a 'NotificationService' -> 'NotificationList' node, but was #{missing_notification_list}") end it "should raise error when missing notification node" do expect{described_class.from_xml(missing_notification)}.to raise_error(Mblox::MissingExpectedXmlContentError, "Xml should have contained a 'NotificationService' -> 'NotificationList' -> 'Notification' node, but was #{missing_notification}") end it "should raise error when missing subscriber node" do expect{described_class.from_xml(missing_subscriber)}.to raise_error(Mblox::MissingExpectedXmlContentError, "Xml should have contained a 'NotificationService' -> 'NotificationList' -> 'Notification' -> 'Subscriber' node, but was #{missing_subscriber}") end describe "subscriber_number" do it "should not drop leading character unless it is '1'" do target = described_class.from_xml(unexpected_nested_values) target.subscriber_number.should == "2#{subscriber_number}" end end describe "reason" do it "should leave reason blank if it is nil" do target = described_class.from_xml(unexpected_nested_values) target.reason.should be_nil end end describe "timestamp" do it "should fail gracefully if it can't be converted into a DateTime" do target = described_class.from_xml(unexpected_nested_values) target.timestamp.should be_nil end end end describe "initialize" do let(:args) { { :batch_id => batch_id, :subscriber_number => subscriber_number, :msg_reference => msg_reference, :status => status, :timestamp =>,10,7,17,36), :reason => reason, :operator => 10487 } } [:batch_id, :subscriber_number, :msg_reference, :status].each do |attr| it "should raise an error if #{attr} is missing" do expect{ => nil))}.to raise_error(Mblox::ValidationError, "#{attr} cannot be blank") end end [:timestamp, :reason, :operator].each do |attr| it "should not raise an error if #{attr} is missing" do expect{ => nil))}.to_not raise_error end end it "should raise an error if batch_id, subscriber_number, msg_reference and status are missing" do expect{ => nil, :subscriber_number => nil, :msg_reference => nil, :status => nil))}.to raise_error(Mblox::ValidationError, "The following fields cannot be blank: batch_id, subscriber_number, msg_reference, status") end it "should raise an error if batch_id is not a Fixnum" do expect{ => 'ABC'))}.to raise_error(Mblox::ValidationError, "batch_id must be a Fixnum") end it "should raise an error if reason is not a Fixnum" do expect{ => 'ABC'))}.to raise_error(Mblox::ValidationError, "reason must be a Fixnum") end it "should raise an error if timestamp is not a DateTime" do expect{ =>}.to raise_error(Mblox::ValidationError, "timestamp must be a DateTime") end it "should raise an error if an unrecognized attribute is present" do expect{ => 'ABC'))}.to raise_error(::ArgumentError, 'Unrecognized attributes: {:extra_attribute=>"ABC"}') end end end