require "yaml" require "thor" require "thor/actions" require "thor_plus/actions" module Gemsmith class CLI < Thor include Thor::Actions include ThorPlus::Actions # Overwrites the Thor template source root. def self.source_root File.expand_path File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "templates") end # Initialize. def initialize args = [], options = {}, config = {} super args, options, config @settings_file = File.join ENV["HOME"], ".gemsmith", "settings.yml" @settings = load_yaml @settings_file end desc "-c, [create=GEM_NAME]", "Create new gem." map "-c" => :create method_option :bin, aliases: "-b", desc: "Add binary support.", type: :boolean, default: false method_option :rails, aliases: "-r", desc: "Add Rails support.", type: :boolean, default: false method_option :rspec, aliases: "-s", desc: "Add RSpec support.", type: :boolean, default: true method_option :travis, aliases: "-t", desc: "Add Travis CI support.", type: :boolean, default: true def create name say info "Creating gem..." # Initialize options. template_options = build_template_options name, @settings, options gem_name = template_options[:gem_name] # Configure templates. target_path = File.join Dir.pwd, gem_name # Default templates. template "README.rdoc.tmp", File.join(target_path, "README.rdoc"), template_options template "CHANGELOG.rdoc.tmp", File.join(target_path, "CHANGELOG.rdoc"), template_options template "LICENSE.rdoc.tmp", File.join(target_path, "LICENSE.rdoc"), template_options template "Gemfile.tmp", File.join(target_path, "Gemfile"), template_options template "Rakefile.tmp", File.join(target_path, "Rakefile"), template_options template "gitignore.tmp", File.join(target_path, ".gitignore"), template_options template "gem.gemspec.tmp", File.join(target_path, "#{gem_name}.gemspec"), template_options template File.join("lib", "gem.rb.tmp"), File.join(target_path, "lib", "#{gem_name}.rb"), template_options template File.join("lib", "gem", "version.rb.tmp"), File.join(target_path, "lib", gem_name, "version.rb"), template_options # Binary (optional). if template_options[:bin] template File.join("bin", "gem.tmp"), File.join(target_path, "bin", gem_name), template_options template File.join("lib", "gem", "cli.rb.tmp"), File.join(target_path, "lib", gem_name, "cli.rb"), template_options end # Ruby on Rails (optional). if template_options[:rails] # ActionController template File.join("lib", "gem", "action_controller", "class_methods.rb.tmp"), File.join(target_path, "lib", gem_name, "action_controller", "class_methods.rb"), template_options template File.join("lib", "gem", "action_controller", "instance_methods.rb.tmp"), File.join(target_path, "lib", gem_name, "action_controller", "instance_methods.rb"), template_options # ActionView template File.join("lib", "gem", "action_view", "instance_methods.rb.tmp"), File.join(target_path, "lib", gem_name, "action_view", "instance_methods.rb"), template_options # ActiveRecord template File.join("lib", "gem", "active_record", "class_methods.rb.tmp"), File.join(target_path, "lib", gem_name, "active_record", "class_methods.rb"), template_options template File.join("lib", "gem", "active_record", "instance_methods.rb.tmp"), File.join(target_path, "lib", gem_name, "active_record", "instance_methods.rb"), template_options # Generators empty_directory File.join(target_path, "lib", "generators", gem_name, "templates") template File.join("lib", "generators", "gem", "install", "install_generator.rb.tmp"), File.join(target_path, "lib", "generators", gem_name, "install", "install_generator.rb"), template_options template File.join("lib", "generators", "gem", "install", "USAGE.tmp"), File.join(target_path, "lib", "generators", gem_name, "install", "USAGE"), template_options template File.join("lib", "generators", "gem", "upgrade", "upgrade_generator.rb.tmp"), File.join(target_path, "lib", "generators", gem_name, "upgrade", "upgrade_generator.rb"), template_options template File.join("lib", "generators", "gem", "upgrade", "USAGE.tmp"), File.join(target_path, "lib", "generators", gem_name, "upgrade", "USAGE"), template_options # Travis CI (optional). if template_options[:travis] template File.join("gemfiles", "rails-3.0.x.gemfile.tmp"), File.join(target_path, "gemfiles", "rails-3.0.x.gemfile"), template_options template File.join("gemfiles", "rails-3.1.x.gemfile.tmp"), File.join(target_path, "gemfiles", "rails-3.1.x.gemfile"), template_options template File.join("gemfiles", "rails-3.2.x.gemfile.tmp"), File.join(target_path, "gemfiles", "rails-3.2.x.gemfile"), template_options end end # RSpec (optional). if template_options[:rspec] template "rspec.tmp", File.join(target_path, ".rspec"), template_options template File.join("spec", "spec_helper.rb.tmp"), File.join(target_path, "spec", "spec_helper.rb"), template_options template File.join("spec", "gem_spec.rb.tmp"), File.join(target_path, "spec", "#{gem_name}_spec.rb"), template_options end # Travis CI (optional). if template_options[:travis] template "travis.yml.tmp", File.join(target_path, ".travis.yml"), template_options end # Git Dir.chdir(target_path) do `git init` `git add .` `git commit -a -n -m "Gemsmith skeleton created."` end info "Gem created." say end desc "-o, [open=NAME]", "Opens gem in default editor (assumes $EDITOR environment variable)." map "-o" => :open def open name specs = Gem::Specification.find_all_by_name name case when specs.size == 1 `$EDITOR #{specs.first.full_gem_path}` when specs.size > 1 say "Multiple versions found:" specs.each_with_index do |spec, index| say "#{index + 1}. #{} #{spec.version.version}" end result = ask "Please pick one (or type 'q' to quit):" unless result == 'q' if (1..specs.size).include?(result.to_i) spec = Gem::Specification.find_by_name(name, specs[result.to_i - 1].version.version) `$EDITOR #{spec.full_gem_path}` else error "Invalid option: #{result}" end end else say "Unable to find gem: #{name}" end end desc "-e, [edit]", "Edit gem settings in default editor (assumes $EDITOR environment variable)." map "-e" => :edit def edit `$EDITOR #{@settings_file}` end desc "-v, [version]", "Show version." map "-v" => :version def version say "Gemsmith " + VERSION end desc "-h, [help]", "Show this message." def help task = nil say and super end private # Builds template options with default and/or custom settings (where the custom # settings trump default settings). # ==== Parameters # * +gem_name+ - Required. The gem name. # * +settings+ - Optional. The custom settings. Default: {}. # * +options+ - Optional. Additional command line options. Default: {}. def build_template_options gem_name, settings = {}, options = {} gem_name = Thor::Util.snake_case gem_name gem_class = Thor::Util.camel_case gem_name author_name = settings[:author_name] || Gemsmith::Kit.git_config_value("") || "TODO: Add full name here." author_email = settings[:author_email] || Gemsmith::Kit.git_config_value("") || "TODO: Add email address here." author_url = settings[:author_url] || "" { gem_name: gem_name, gem_class: gem_class, gem_platform: (settings[:gem_platform] || "Gem::Platform::RUBY"), author_name: author_name, author_email: author_email, author_url: (author_url || ""), gem_url: (settings[:gem_url] || author_url), company_name: (settings[:company_name] || author_name), company_url: (settings[:company_url] || author_url), github_user: (settings[:github_user] || Gemsmith::Kit.git_config_value("github.user") || "unknown"), year: (settings[:year] ||, ruby_version: (settings[:ruby_version] || "1.9.0"), rails_version: (settings[:rails_version] || "3.0"), post_install_message: settings[:post_install_message], bin: (options[:bin] || false), rails: (options[:rails] || false), rspec: (options[:rspec] || true), travis: (options[:travis] || true) } end end end