module ActiveFedora # A legacy class that creates and updates simple xml documents # For much greater flexibility, use {ActiveFedora::NokogiriDatastream} instead. # @example The simple, flat xml structure used by these datastreams # # Foo # Bar # class MetadataDatastream < NokogiriDatastream # .to_solr (among other things) is provided by ActiveFedora::MetadataDatastreamHelper include ActiveFedora::MetadataDatastreamHelper def initialize(digital_object, dsid) ActiveSupport::Deprecation.warn("MetadataDatastream is deprecated and will be removed in a future release. Create a NokogiriDatastream to structure your data") super end def to_solr(solr_doc = # :nodoc: fields.each do |field_key, field_info| if field_info.has_key?(:values) && !field_info[:values].nil? field_symbol = ActiveFedora::SolrService.solr_name(field_key, field_info[:type]) values = field_info[:values] values = [values] unless values.respond_to? :each values.each do |val| ::Solrizer::Extractor.insert_solr_field_value(solr_doc, field_symbol, val ) end end end return solr_doc end # ** EXPERIMENTAL ** # # This is utilized by ActiveFedora::Base.load_instance_from_solr to set # metadata values in this object using the Solr document passed in. # Any keys in the solr document that map to a metadata field key within a MetadataDatastream object # are set to the corresponding value. Any others are ignored. ActiveFedora::SolrService.solr_name # is used to map solr key to field key name. # # ====Warning # Solr must be synchronized with data in Fedora. # @content is initialized to the empty document template to satisfy #ensure_xml_loaded # (called from #update_attributes and #update_indexed_attributes) def from_solr(solr_doc) @content = self.to_xml self.xml_loaded = true fields.each do |field_key, field_info| field_symbol = ActiveFedora::SolrService.solr_name(field_key, field_info[:type]) value = (solr_doc[field_symbol].nil? ? solr_doc[field_symbol.to_s]: solr_doc[field_symbol]) unless value.nil? if value.is_a? Array update_attributes({field_key=>value}) else update_indexed_attributes({field_key=>{0=>value}}) end end end end def update_attributes(params={},opts={}) result = params.dup params.each do |k,v| if v == :delete || v == "" || v == nil v = [] end if self.fields.has_key?(k.to_sym) result[k] = set_value(k, v) else result.delete(k) end end return result end # An ActiveRecord-ism to udpate metadata values. # # The passed in hash must look like this : # {:name=>{"0"=>"a","1"=>"b"}} # # This will attempt to set the values for any field named fubar in the datastream. # If there is no field by that name, it returns an empty hash and doesn't change the object at all. # If there is a field by that name, it will set the values for field of name :name having the value [a,b] # and it returns a hash with the field name, value index, and the value as it was set. # # An index of -1 will insert a new value. any existing value at the relevant index # will be overwritten. # # As in update_attributes, this overwrites _all_ available fields by default. # # Example Usage: # # ds.update_attributes({:myfield=>{"0"=>"a","1"=>"b"},:myotherfield=>{"-1"=>"c"}}) # def update_indexed_attributes(params={}, opts={}) ensure_xml_loaded ##FIX this bug, it should delete it from a copy of params in case passed to another datastream for update since this will modify params ##for subsequent calls if updating more than one datastream in a single update_indexed_attributes call current_params = params.clone # remove any fields from params that this datastream doesn't recognize current_params.delete_if do |field_name,new_values| if field_name.kind_of?(Array) then field_name = field_name.first end !self.fields.include?(field_name.to_sym) end result = current_params.dup current_params.each do |field_name,new_values| if field_name.kind_of?(Array) then field_name = field_name.first end ##FIX this bug, it should delete it from a copy of params in case passed to another datastream for update #if field does not exist just skip it next if !self.fields.include?(field_name.to_sym) field_accessor_method = "#{field_name}_values" if new_values.kind_of?(Hash) result[field_name] = new_values.dup current_values = instance_eval(field_accessor_method) # current_values = get_values(field_name) # for some reason this leaves current_values unset? new_values.delete_if do |y,z| if current_values[y.to_i] and y.to_i > -1 current_values[y.to_i]=z true else false end end new_values.keys.sort { |a,b| a.to_i <=> b.to_i }.each do |y| z = new_values[y] result[field_name].delete(y) current_values<values} end self.dirty = true end return result end def get_values(field_name, default=[]) ensure_xml_loaded field_accessor_method = "#{field_name}_values" if respond_to? field_accessor_method values = self.send(field_accessor_method) else values = [] end if values.empty? if default.nil? return default else return default end else return values end end def set_value(field_name, values) ensure_xml_loaded field_accessor_method = "#{field_name}_values=" if respond_to? field_accessor_method values = self.send(field_accessor_method, values) return self.send("#{field_name}_values") end end # Populate a MetadataDatastream object based on the "datastream" node from a FOXML file # @param [ActiveFedora::Datastream] tmpl the Datastream object that you are building # @param [Nokogiri::XML::Node] node the "foxml:datastream" node from a FOXML file. Assumes that the content of this datastream is that of an ActiveFedora MetadataDatastream (...) def self.from_xml(xml, tmpl) # :nodoc: node = Nokogiri::XML::Document.parse(xml) node.xpath("fields/node()").each do |f| tmpl.send("#{}_append", f.text) unless f.class == Nokogiri::XML::Text end tmpl.send(:dirty=, false) tmpl end def to_xml(xml = Nokogiri::XML::Document.parse("")) #:nodoc: if xml.instance_of?(Nokogiri::XML::Builder) xml_insertion_point = xml.doc.root elsif xml.instance_of?(Nokogiri::XML::Document) xml_insertion_point = xml.root else xml_insertion_point = xml end builder = Nokogiri::XML::Builder.with(xml_insertion_point) do |xml| fields.each do |field,field_info| element_attrs = field_info[:element_attrs].nil? ? {} : field_info[:element_attrs] values = field_info[:values] values = [values] unless values.respond_to? :each values.each do |val| builder_arg = "xml.#{field}(val, element_attrs)" eval(builder_arg) end end end return builder.to_xml end # This method generates the various accessor and mutator methods on self for the datastream metadata attributes. # each field will have the 3 magic methods: # name_values=(arg) # name_values # name_append(arg) # # # Calling any of the generated methods marks self as dirty. # # 'tupe' is a datatype, currently :string, :text and :date are supported. # # opts is an options hash, which will affect the generation of the xml representation of this datastream. # # Currently supported modifiers: # For +QualifiedDublinCorDatastreams+: # :element_attrs =>{:foo=>:bar} - hash of xml element attributes # :xml_node => :nodename - The xml node to be used to represent this object (in dcterms namespace) # :encoding=>foo, or encodings_scheme - causes an xsi:type attribute to be set to 'foo' # :multiple=>true - mark this field as a multivalue field (on by default) # #At some point, these modifiers will be ported up to work for any +ActiveFedora::MetadataDatastream+. # #There is quite a good example of this class in use in spec/examples/oral_history.rb # #!! Careful: If you declare two fields that correspond to the same xml node without any qualifiers to differentiate them, #you will end up replicating the values in the underlying datastream, resulting in mysterious dubling, quadrupling, etc. #whenever you edit the field's values. def field(name, tupe, opts={}) #TODO add term to terminology @fields[name.to_s.to_sym]={:type=>tupe, :values=>[]}.merge(opts) #eval <<-EOS (class << self; self; end).class_eval do define_method "#{name}_values=".to_sym do |arg| ensure_xml_loaded @fields["#{name.to_s}".to_sym][:values]=[arg].flatten self.dirty=true end define_method "#{name}_values".to_sym do ensure_xml_loaded @fields["#{name}".to_sym][:values] end define_method "#{name}_append".to_sym do |arg| ensure_xml_loaded @fields["#{name}".to_sym][:values] << arg self.dirty =true end end end end end