require 'xcodeproj' module Fastlane module Actions class UpdateCodeSigningSettingsAction < Action def FastlaneCore::PrintTable.print_values(config: params, title: "Summary for code signing settings") path = params[:path] path = File.join(File.expand_path(path), "project.pbxproj") project =[:path]) UI.user_error!("Could not find path to project config '#{path}'. Pass the path to your project (not workspace)!") unless File.exist?(path) UI.message("Updating the Automatic Codesigning flag to #{params[:use_automatic_signing] ? 'enabled' : 'disabled'} for the given project '#{path}'") unless project.root_object.attributes["TargetAttributes"] UI.user_error!("Seems to be a very old project file format - please open your project file in a more recent version of Xcode") return false end changed_targets = [] changed_build_configurations = [] project.targets.each do |target| if params[:targets] unless params[:targets].include?( UI.important("Skipping #{} not selected (#{params[:targets].join(',')})") next end end target.build_configurations.each do |config| if params[:build_configurations] unless params[:build_configurations].include?( UI.important("Skipping #{} not selected (#{params[:build_configurations].join(',')})") next end end style_value = params[:use_automatic_signing] ? 'Automatic' : 'Manual' development_team_setting = params[:sdk] ? "DEVELOPMENT_TEAM[sdk=#{params[:sdk]}]" : "DEVELOPMENT_TEAM" code_sign_identity_setting = params[:sdk] ? "CODE_SIGN_IDENTITY[sdk=#{params[:sdk]}]" : "CODE_SIGN_IDENTITY" provisioning_profile_setting = params[:sdk] ? "PROVISIONING_PROFILE_SPECIFIER[sdk=#{params[:sdk]}]" : "PROVISIONING_PROFILE_SPECIFIER" set_build_setting(config, "CODE_SIGN_STYLE", style_value) if params[:team_id] set_build_setting(config, development_team_setting, params[:team_id]) UI.important("Set Team id to: #{params[:team_id]} for target: #{} for build configuration: #{}") end if params[:code_sign_identity] set_build_setting(config, code_sign_identity_setting, params[:code_sign_identity]) UI.important("Set Code Sign identity to: #{params[:code_sign_identity]} for target: #{} for build configuration: #{}") end if params[:profile_name] set_build_setting(config, provisioning_profile_setting, params[:profile_name]) UI.important("Set Provisioning Profile name to: #{params[:profile_name]} for target: #{} for build configuration: #{}") end if params[:entitlements_file_path] set_build_setting(config, "CODE_SIGN_ENTITLEMENTS", params[:entitlements_file_path]) UI.important("Set Entitlements file path to: #{params[:entitlements_file_path]} for target: #{} for build configuration: #{}") end # Since Xcode 8, this is no longer needed, you simply use PROVISIONING_PROFILE_SPECIFIER if params[:profile_uuid] set_build_setting(config, "PROVISIONING_PROFILE", params[:profile_uuid]) UI.important("Set Provisioning Profile UUID to: #{params[:profile_uuid]} for target: #{} for build configuration: #{}") end if params[:bundle_identifier] set_build_setting(config, "PRODUCT_BUNDLE_IDENTIFIER", params[:bundle_identifier]) UI.important("Set Bundle identifier to: #{params[:bundle_identifier]} for target: #{} for build configuration: #{}") end changed_build_configurations << end changed_targets << end if changed_targets.empty? UI.important("None of the specified targets has been modified") UI.important("available targets:") project.targets.each do |target| UI.important("\t* #{}") end else UI.success("Successfully updated project settings to use Code Sign Style = '#{params[:use_automatic_signing] ? 'Automatic' : 'Manual'}'") UI.success("Modified Targets:") changed_targets.each do |target| UI.success("\t * #{target}") end UI.success("Modified Build Configurations:") changed_build_configurations.each do |name| UI.success("\t * #{name}") end end params[:use_automatic_signing] end def self.set_build_setting(configuration, name, value) # Iterate over any keys that start with this name # This will also set keys that have filtering like [sdk=iphoneos*] keys = { |key| key.to_s.match(/#{name}.*/) } keys.each do |key| configuration.build_settings[key] = value end # Explicitly set the key with value if keys don't exist configuration.build_settings[name] = value end def self.description "Configures Xcode's Codesigning options" end def self.details "Configures Xcode's Codesigning options of all targets in the project" end def self.available_options [ :path, env_name: "FL_PROJECT_SIGNING_PROJECT_PATH", description: "Path to your Xcode project", code_gen_sensitive: true, default_value: Dir['*.xcodeproj'].first, default_value_dynamic: true, verify_block: proc do |value| UI.user_error!("Path is invalid") unless File.exist?(File.expand_path(value)) end), :use_automatic_signing, env_name: "FL_PROJECT_USE_AUTOMATIC_SIGNING", description: "Defines if project should use automatic signing", type: Boolean, default_value: false), :sdk, env_name: "FASTLANE_BUILD_SDK", optional: true, description: "Build target SDKs (iphoneos*, macosx*, iphonesimulator*)"), :team_id, env_name: "FASTLANE_TEAM_ID", optional: true, description: "Team ID, is used when upgrading project"), :targets, env_name: "FL_PROJECT_SIGNING_TARGETS", optional: true, type: Array, description: "Specify targets you want to toggle the signing mech. (default to all targets)"), :build_configurations, env_name: "FL_PROJECT_SIGNING_BUILD_CONFIGURATIONS", optional: true, type: Array, description: "Specify build_configurations you want to toggle the signing mech. (default to all configurations)"), :code_sign_identity, env_name: "FL_CODE_SIGN_IDENTITY", description: "Code signing identity type (iPhone Developer, iPhone Distribution)", optional: true), :entitlements_file_path, env_name: "FL_CODE_SIGN_ENTITLEMENTS_FILE_PATH", description: "Path to your entitlements file", optional: true), :profile_name, env_name: "FL_PROVISIONING_PROFILE_SPECIFIER", description: "Provisioning profile name to use for code signing", optional: true), :profile_uuid, env_name: "FL_PROVISIONING_PROFILE", description: "Provisioning profile UUID to use for code signing", optional: true), :bundle_identifier, env_name: "FL_APP_IDENTIFIER", description: "Application Product Bundle Identifier", optional: true) ] end def self.output end def self.example_code [ ' # manual code signing update_code_signing_settings( use_automatic_signing: false, path: "demo-project/demo/demo.xcodeproj" )', ' # automatic code signing update_code_signing_settings( use_automatic_signing: true, path: "demo-project/demo/demo.xcodeproj" )', ' # more advanced manual code signing update_code_signing_settings( use_automatic_signing: false, path: "demo-project/demo/demo.xcodeproj", team_id: "QABC123DEV", bundle_identifier: "com.demoapp.QABC123DEV", code_sign_identity: "iPhone Distribution", sdk: "iphoneos*", profile_name: "Demo App Deployment Profile", entitlements_file_path: "Demo App/generated/New.entitlements" )' ] end def self.category :code_signing end def self.return_value "The current status (boolean) of codesigning after modification" end def self.authors ["mathiasAichinger", "hjanuschka", "p4checo", "portellaa", "aeons", "att55", "abcdev"] end def self.is_supported?(platform) [:ios, :mac].include?(platform) end end end end