# ******************************************************************************* # OpenStudio(R), Copyright (c) 2008-2020, Alliance for Sustainable Energy, LLC. # All rights reserved. # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: # # (1) Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, # this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # # (2) Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, # this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation # and/or other materials provided with the distribution. # # (3) Neither the name of the copyright holder nor the names of any contributors # may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without # specific prior written permission from the respective party. # # (4) Other than as required in clauses (1) and (2), distributions in any form # of modifications or other derivative works may not use the "OpenStudio" # trademark, "OS", "os", or any other confusingly similar designation without # specific prior written permission from Alliance for Sustainable Energy, LLC. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER(S) AND ANY CONTRIBUTORS # "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, # THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE # ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER(S), ANY CONTRIBUTORS, THE # UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT, OR THE UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY, NOR ANY OF # THEIR EMPLOYEES, BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, # EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT # OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS # INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, # STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY # OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. # ******************************************************************************* # see the URL below for information on how to write OpenStudio measures # http://nrel.github.io/OpenStudio-user-documentation/reference/measure_writing_guide/ require 'json' begin # load OpenStudio measure libraries from common location require 'measure_resources/os_lib_helper_methods' require 'measure_resources/os_lib_schedules' rescue LoadError # common location unavailable, load from local resources require_relative 'resources/os_lib_helper_methods' require_relative 'resources/os_lib_schedules' end # start the measure class CreateParametricSchedules < OpenStudio::Measure::ModelMeasure # resource file modules include OsLib_HelperMethods include OsLib_Schedules # human readable name def name return 'Create Parametric Schedules' end # human readable description def description return 'Create parametric schedules for internal loads and HVAC availability. Replace existing schedules in model with newly generated schedules. New schedules along with hours of operation schedule will go in a building level schedule set.' end # human readable description of modeling approach def modeler_description return "This measure doesn't alter existing schedules. It only creates new schedules to replace them. Do this by creating a building level schedule set and removing all schedules from instances. HVAC schedules and thermostats will have to be applied differently." end # define the arguments that the user will input def arguments(model) args = OpenStudio::Measure::OSArgumentVector.new # Make argument for hoo_start_wkdy hoo_start_wkdy = OpenStudio::Measure::OSArgument.makeDoubleArgument('hoo_start_wkdy', true) hoo_start_wkdy.setDisplayName('Hours of Operation Start - Weekday') hoo_start_wkdy.setDescription('Energy 24 hour values with fractional values converted to minutes. e.g. 17.25 = 5:15pm.') hoo_start_wkdy.setUnits('Hours') hoo_start_wkdy.setDefaultValue(9.0) args << hoo_start_wkdy # Make argument for hoo_end_wkdy hoo_end_wkdy = OpenStudio::Measure::OSArgument.makeDoubleArgument('hoo_end_wkdy', true) hoo_end_wkdy.setDisplayName('Hours of Operation End - Weekday') hoo_end_wkdy.setDescription('If Hours of Operation End matches Hours of Operation Start it will be assumed to be 0 hours vs. 24.0') hoo_end_wkdy.setUnits('Hours') hoo_end_wkdy.setDefaultValue(17.0) args << hoo_end_wkdy # Make argument for hoo_start_sat hoo_start_sat = OpenStudio::Measure::OSArgument.makeDoubleArgument('hoo_start_sat', true) hoo_start_sat.setDisplayName('Hours of Operation Start - Saturday') hoo_start_sat.setDescription('Energy 24 hour values with fractional values converted to minutes. e.g. 17.25 = 5:15pm.') hoo_start_sat.setUnits('Hours') hoo_start_sat.setDefaultValue(9.0) args << hoo_start_sat # Make argument for hoo_end_sat hoo_end_sat = OpenStudio::Measure::OSArgument.makeDoubleArgument('hoo_end_sat', true) hoo_end_sat.setDisplayName('Hours of Operation End - Saturday') hoo_end_sat.setUnits('Hours') hoo_end_sat.setDefaultValue(12.0) args << hoo_end_sat # Make argument for hoo_start_sun hoo_start_sun = OpenStudio::Measure::OSArgument.makeDoubleArgument('hoo_start_sun', true) hoo_start_sun.setDisplayName('Hours of Operation Start - Sunday') hoo_start_sun.setDescription('Energy 24 hour values with fractional values converted to minutes. e.g. 17.25 = 5:15pm.') hoo_start_sun.setUnits('Hours') hoo_start_sun.setDefaultValue(7.0) args << hoo_start_sun # Make argument for hoo_end_sun hoo_end_sun = OpenStudio::Measure::OSArgument.makeDoubleArgument('hoo_end_sun', true) hoo_end_sun.setDisplayName('Hours of Operation End - Sunday') hoo_end_sun.setDescription('Energy 24 hour values with fractional values converted to minutes. e.g. 17.25 = 5:15pm.') hoo_end_sun.setUnits('Hours') hoo_end_sun.setDefaultValue(18.0) args << hoo_end_sun # Make argument for hoo_per_week hoo_per_week = OpenStudio::Measure::OSArgument.makeDoubleArgument('hoo_per_week', true) hoo_per_week.setDisplayName('Hours of Operation Per Week') hoo_per_week.setDescription('If this is a non zero value it will override all of the other hours of operations inputs, however the base hours and profile shapes for weekday will be starting point to define center of day to expand/contract from.') hoo_per_week.setUnits('Hours') hoo_per_week.setDefaultValue(0.0) args << hoo_per_week # make argument for valid_building_names valid_building_names = OpenStudio::Measure::OSArgument.makeStringArgument('valid_building_names', true) valid_building_names.setDisplayName('Comma Separated List of Valid Building Names To Alter.') valid_building_names.setDescription('This measure will only alter building names which exactly match one of the commera separted building names. Currently this check is not case sensitive. Leading or spaces from the comma separted values will be removed for comparision. An empty string will apply this to buildings of any name') valid_building_names.setDefaultValue('') args << valid_building_names # make argument for standards_building_type standards_building_type = OpenStudio::Measure::OSArgument.makeStringArgument('standards_building_type', true) standards_building_type.setDisplayName('Only alter Space Types with this Standards Building Type') standards_building_type.setDescription("Pick valid Standards Building Type name. An empty string won't filter out any space types by Standards Building Type value.") standards_building_type.setDefaultValue('') args << standards_building_type # make argument for standards_space_type standards_space_type = OpenStudio::Measure::OSArgument.makeStringArgument('standards_space_type', true) standards_space_type.setDisplayName('Only alter Space Types with this Standards Space Type') standards_space_type.setDescription("Pick valid Standards Space Type name. An empty string won't filter out any space types by Standards Space Type value.") standards_space_type.setDefaultValue('') args << standards_space_type # Make argument for lighting_profiles string = [] string << ':default => [[start-2,0.1],[start-1,0.3],[start,0.75],[end,0.75],[end+2,0.3],[end+vac*0.5,0.1]]' string << ':saturday => [[start-1,0.1],[start,0.3],[end,0.3],[end+1,0.1]]' string << ':sunday => [[start,0.1],[end,0.1]]' lighting_profiles = OpenStudio::Measure::OSArgument.makeStringArgument('lighting_profiles', true) lighting_profiles.setDisplayName('Lighting Profiles') lighting_profiles.setDefaultValue(string.join(', ')) args << lighting_profiles # Make argument for electric_equipment_profiles string = [] string << ':default => [[start-1,0.3],[start,0.85],[start+0.5*occ-0.5,0.85],[start+0.5*occ-0.5,0.75],[start+0.5*occ+0.5,0.75],[start+0.5*occ+0.5,0.85],[end,0.85],[end+1,0.45],[end+2,0.3]]' string << ':saturday => [[start-2,0.2],[start,0.35],[end,0.35],[end+6,0.2]]' string << ':sunday => [[start,0.2],[end,0.2]]' electric_equipment_profiles = OpenStudio::Measure::OSArgument.makeStringArgument('electric_equipment_profiles', true) electric_equipment_profiles.setDisplayName('Electric Equipment Profiles') electric_equipment_profiles.setDefaultValue(string.join(', ')) args << electric_equipment_profiles # make argument for EPD # todo - add code using this arg electric_equipment_value = OpenStudio::Measure::OSArgument.makeDoubleArgument('electric_equipment_value', true) electric_equipment_value.setDisplayName('Target Electric Power Density.') electric_equipment_value.setUnits('W/ft^2') electric_equipment_value.setDefaultValue(0.0) args << electric_equipment_value # make choice argument on what to do for plug loads # todo - add code using this arg choices = OpenStudio::StringVector.new choices << 'Do Nothing' choices << 'Replace schedules for existing load instances' choices << 'Replace load definitions for existing load instances' # should also reset multiplier choices << 'Replace schedules and load definitions for existing load instances' # should also reset multiplier choices << 'Add new load instance and apply selected schedule and load density' electric_equipment_action = OpenStudio::Measure::OSArgument.makeChoiceArgument('electric_equipment_action', choices, true) electric_equipment_action.setDisplayName('Select desired electric equipment action') electric_equipment_action.setDescription('Schedules and or load values from earlier arguments may be ignored depending on what is selected for this action.') electric_equipment_action.setDefaultValue('Replace schedules for existing load instances') args << electric_equipment_action # Make argument for gas_equipment_profiles string = [] string << ':default => [[start-1,0.3],[start,0.85],[start+0.5*occ-0.5,0.85],[start+0.5*occ-0.5,0.75],[start+0.5*occ+0.5,0.75],[start+0.5*occ+0.5,0.85],[end,0.85],[end+1,0.45],[end+2,0.3]]' string << ':saturday => [[start-2,0.2],[start,0.35],[end,0.35],[end+6,0.2]]' string << ':sunday => [[start,0.2],[end,0.2]]' gas_equipment_profiles = OpenStudio::Measure::OSArgument.makeStringArgument('gas_equipment_profiles', true) gas_equipment_profiles.setDisplayName('Gas Equipment Profiles') gas_equipment_profiles.setDefaultValue(string.join(', ')) args << gas_equipment_profiles # Make argument for occupancy_profiles string = [] string << ':default => [[start-3,0],[start-1,0.2],[start,0.95],[start+0.5*occ-0.5,0.95],[start+0.5*occ-0.5,0.5],[start+0.5*occ+0.5,0.5],[start+0.5*occ+0.5,0.95],[end,0.95],[end+1,0.3],[end+vac*0.4,0]]' string << ':saturday => [[start-3,0],[start,0.3],[end,0.3],[end+1,0.1],[end+vac*0.3,0]]' string << ':sunday => [[start,0],[start,0.05],[end,0.05],[end,0]]' occupancy_profiles = OpenStudio::Measure::OSArgument.makeStringArgument('occupancy_profiles', true) occupancy_profiles.setDisplayName('Occupancy Profiles') occupancy_profiles.setDefaultValue(string.join(', ')) args << occupancy_profiles # note: infiltration, setpoints, and hvac availability follow the same time parameters but use different values # Make argument for infiltration_profiles string = [] string << ':default => [[start,1],[start,0.25],[end+vac*0.35,0.25],[end+vac*0.35,1]]' string << ':saturday => [[start,1],[start,0.25],[end+vac*0.25,0.25],[end+vac*0.25,1]]' string << ':sunday => [[start,1],[start,0.25],[end+vac*0.25,0.25],[end+vac*0.25,1]]' infiltration_profiles = OpenStudio::Measure::OSArgument.makeStringArgument('infiltration_profiles', true) infiltration_profiles.setDisplayName('Infiltration Profiles') infiltration_profiles.setDefaultValue(string.join(', ')) args << infiltration_profiles # TODO: - update thermostat setback so user can customize heating and cooling setbacks to vary from HVAC availability # Make argument for thermostat_setback_profiles string = [] string << ':default => [[start-2,floor],[start-2,ceiling],[end+vac*0.35,ceiling],[end+vac*0.35,floor]]' string << ':saturday => [[start-2,floor],[start-2,ceiling],[end+vac*0.25,ceiling],[end+vac*0.25,floor]]' string << ':sunday => [[start-2,floor],[start-2,ceiling],[end+vac*0.25,ceiling],[end+vac*0.25,floor]]' thermostat_setback_profiles = OpenStudio::Measure::OSArgument.makeStringArgument('thermostat_setback_profiles', true) thermostat_setback_profiles.setDisplayName('Thermostat Setback Profiles') thermostat_setback_profiles.setDefaultValue(string.join(', ')) args << thermostat_setback_profiles # Make argument for heating_setpoint htg_setpoint = OpenStudio::Measure::OSArgument.makeDoubleArgument('htg_setpoint', true) htg_setpoint.setDisplayName('Heating Setpoint During Occupied Hours') htg_setpoint.setUnits('F') htg_setpoint.setDefaultValue(67.0) args << htg_setpoint # Make argument for vac_setpoint clg_setpoint = OpenStudio::Measure::OSArgument.makeDoubleArgument('clg_setpoint', true) clg_setpoint.setDisplayName('Cooling Setpoint During Occupied Hours') clg_setpoint.setUnits('F') clg_setpoint.setDefaultValue(75.0) args << clg_setpoint # Make argument for setback_delta setback_delta = OpenStudio::Measure::OSArgument.makeDoubleArgument('setback_delta', true) setback_delta.setDisplayName('Thermostat Setback Delta During Unoccupied Hours') setback_delta.setUnits('F') setback_delta.setDefaultValue(4) args << setback_delta # Make argument for hvac_availability_profiles string = [] string << ':default => [[start,0],[start,1],[end+vac*0.35,1],[end+vac*0.35,0]]' string << ':saturday => [[start,0],[start,1],[end+vac*0.25,1],[end+vac*0.25,0]]' string << ':sunday => [[start,0],[start,1],[end+vac*0.25,1],[end+vac*0.25,0]]' hvac_availability_profiles = OpenStudio::Measure::OSArgument.makeStringArgument('hvac_availability_profiles', true) hvac_availability_profiles.setDisplayName('HVAC availability Profiles') hvac_availability_profiles.setDefaultValue(string.join(', ')) args << hvac_availability_profiles # make argument for swh_profiles string = [] string << ':default => [[start-2,0],[start-2,0.07],[start+0.5*occ,0.57],[vac-2,0.33],[vac,0.44],[end+vac*0.35,0.05],[end+vac*0.35,0]]' string << ':saturday => [[start-2,0],[start-2,0.07],[start+0.5*occ,0.23],[end+vac*0.25,0.05],[end+vac*0.25,0]]' string << ':sunday => [[start-2,0],[start-2,0.04],[start+0.5*occ,0.09],[end+vac*0.25,0.04],[end+vac*0.25,0]]' swh_profiles = OpenStudio::Measure::OSArgument.makeStringArgument('swh_profiles', true) swh_profiles.setDisplayName('Service Water Heating Profiles') swh_profiles.setDefaultValue(string.join(', ')) args << swh_profiles # Make argument swh bool alter_swh_wo_space = OpenStudio::Measure::OSArgument.makeBoolArgument('alter_swh_wo_space', true) alter_swh_wo_space.setDisplayName('Apply to un-assigned Service Water Equipment Instances.') alter_swh_wo_space.setDescription('When applying profiles to sub-set of space types in the building, setting to true will apply these profiles to water use equipment instances that are not assigned to a space.') alter_swh_wo_space.setDefaultValue(true) args << alter_swh_wo_space # Make argument for ramp_frequency ramp_frequency = OpenStudio::Measure::OSArgument.makeDoubleArgument('ramp_frequency', true) ramp_frequency.setDisplayName('Ramp Frequency') ramp_frequency.setUnits('Hours') ramp_frequency.setDefaultValue(0.5) args << ramp_frequency # Make argument for error_on_out_of_order error_on_out_of_order = OpenStudio::Measure::OSArgument.makeBoolArgument('error_on_out_of_order', true) error_on_out_of_order.setDisplayName('Error on Out of Order Processed Profiles.') error_on_out_of_order.setDescription('When set to false, out of order profile times trigger a warning, but the measure will attempt to reconsile the conflict by moving the problematic times.') error_on_out_of_order.setDefaultValue(false) args << error_on_out_of_order return args end # make hash of out string arguemnt in eval. Rescue if can't be made into hash def process_hash(runner, string, args, profile_override = [], ruleset_name) begin # temp code to make profile_hash from origninal commit work with updated process hash method that doesn't expsoe quotes or escape characters string = string.delete('{').delete('}') string = string.gsub('"weekday":"', ':default => ').gsub('"saturday":"', ':saturday => ').gsub('"sunday":"', ':sunday => ') string = string.gsub('\\"', '').delete('"') # remove any spaces string = string.delete(' ') # break up by day type temp_array = string.split(']],:') # if saturday or sunday don't exist or if over if hours per week over 60 or 72 hour threshold then copy default profile saturday = false sunday = false temp_array.each do |i| if i.include?('saturday') then saturday = true end if i.include?('sunday') then sunday = true end end if !(saturday && sunday) temp_array[0] = temp_array[0].gsub(']]', '') end if !saturday temp_array << temp_array[0].gsub(':default', 'saturday').gsub(']]', '') end if !sunday temp_array << "#{temp_array[0].gsub(':default', 'sunday').gsub(']]', '')}]]" end if profile_override.include?('saturday') temp_array[1] = temp_array[0].gsub(':default', 'saturday').gsub(']]', '') end if profile_override.include?('sunday') temp_array[2] = "#{temp_array[0].gsub(':default', 'sunday').gsub(']]', '')}]]" end # day_type specific gsub temp_array.each_with_index do |string, i| day_type = string.split('=>').first.delete(':') if day_type == 'default' hoo_start = args['hoo_start_wkdy'] hoo_end = args['hoo_end_wkdy'] elsif day_type == 'saturday' hoo_start = args['hoo_start_sat'] hoo_end = args['hoo_end_sat'] elsif day_type == 'sunday' hoo_start = args['hoo_start_sun'] hoo_end = args['hoo_end_sun'] end if hoo_end >= hoo_start occ = hoo_end - hoo_start else occ = 24.0 + hoo_end - hoo_start end vac = 24.0 - occ string = string.gsub('start', hoo_start.to_s) string = string.gsub('end', hoo_end.to_s) string = string.gsub('occ', occ.to_s) string = string.gsub('vac', vac.to_s) temp_array[i] = string end # re-assemble and convert to hash final_string = temp_array.join(']], :') hash = eval("{#{final_string}}").to_hash rescue SyntaxError => se runner.registerError("{#{final_string}} could not be converted to a hash.") return false end # continue to process hash and interpolate values hash.each do |day_type, time_value_pairs| # re-order so first value is lowest, and last is highest (need to adjust so no negative or > 24 values first) neg_time_hash = {} temp_min_time_hash = {} time_value_pairs.each_with_index do |pair, i| # if value 24 add it to 24 so it will go on tail end of profile # case when value is greater than 24 can be left alone for now, will be addressed if pair[0] < 0.0 neg_time_hash[i] = pair[0] time = pair[0] + 24.0 time_value_pairs[i][0] = time else time = pair[0] end temp_min_time_hash[i] = pair[0] end time_value_pairs.rotate!(temp_min_time_hash.key(temp_min_time_hash.values.min)) # validate order, issue warning and correct if out of order last_time = nil throw_order_warning = false pre_fix_time_value_pairs = time_value_pairs.to_s time_value_pairs.each_with_index do |time_value_pair, i| if last_time.nil? last_time = time_value_pair[0] elsif time_value_pair[0] < last_time || neg_time_hash.key?(i) if args['error_on_out_of_order'] runner.registerError("Pre-interpolated processed hash for #{ruleset_name} #{day_type} has one or more out of order conflicts: #{pre_fix_time_value_pairs}. Measure will stop because Error on Out of Order was set to true.") return false end if neg_time_hash.key?(i) orig_current_time = time_value_pair[0] updated_time = 0.0 last_buffer = 'NA' else # pick midpoint and put each time there. e.g. times of (2,7,9,8,11) would be changed to (2,7,8.5,8.5,11) delta = last_time - time_value_pair[0] # determine much space can last item move if i < 2 last_buffer = time_value_pairs[i - 1][0] # can move down to 0 without any issues else last_buffer = time_value_pairs[i - 1][0] - time_value_pairs[i - 2][0] end # center if possible but don't exceed available buffer updated_time = time_value_pairs[i - 1][0] - [delta / 2.0, last_buffer].min end # update values in array orig_current_time = time_value_pair[0] time_value_pairs[i - 1][0] = updated_time time_value_pairs[i][0] = updated_time # reporting mostly for diagnsotic purposes runner.registerInfo("For #{ruleset_name} #{day_type} profile item #{i} time was #{last_time} and item #{i + 1} time was #{orig_current_time}. Last buffer is #{last_buffer}. Changing both times to #{updated_time}.") last_time = updated_time throw_order_warning = true else last_time = time_value_pair[0] end end # issue warning if order was changed if throw_order_warning runner.registerWarning("Pre-interpolated processed hash for #{ruleset_name} #{day_type} has one or more out of order conflicts: #{pre_fix_time_value_pairs}. Time values were adjsuted as shown to crate a valid profile: #{time_value_pairs}") end # add interpolated values at ramp_frequency time_value_pairs.each_with_index do |time_value_pair, i| # store current and next time and value current_time = time_value_pair[0] current_value = time_value_pair[1] if i + 1 < time_value_pairs.size next_time = time_value_pairs[i + 1][0] next_value = time_value_pairs[i + 1][1] else # use time and value of first item next_time = time_value_pairs[0][0] + 24 # need to adjust values for beginning of array next_value = time_value_pairs[0][1] end step_delta = next_time - current_time # skip if time between values is 0 or less than ramp frequency next if step_delta <= args['ramp_frequency'] # skip if next value is same next if current_value == next_value # add interpolated value to array interpolated_time = current_time + args['ramp_frequency'] interpolated_value = next_value * (interpolated_time - current_time) / step_delta + current_value * (next_time - interpolated_time) / step_delta time_value_pairs.insert(i + 1, [interpolated_time, interpolated_value]) end # remove second instance of time when there are two time_values_used = [] items_to_remove = [] time_value_pairs.each_with_index do |time_value_pair, i| if time_values_used.include? time_value_pair[0] items_to_remove << i else time_values_used << time_value_pair[0] end end items_to_remove.reverse.each do |i| time_value_pairs.delete_at(i) end # if time is > 24 shift to front of array and adjust value rotate_steps = 0 time_value_pairs.reverse.each_with_index do |time_value_pair, i| if time_value_pair[0] > 24 rotate_steps -= 1 time_value_pair[0] -= 24 else next end end time_value_pairs.rotate!(rotate_steps) # add a 24 on the end of array that matches the first value if time_value_pairs.last[0] != 24.0 time_value_pairs << [24.0, time_value_pairs.first[1]] end # add on text needed for createComplexSchedule if day_type == :saturday time_value_pairs.insert(0, 'Sat') time_value_pairs.insert(0, '1/1-12/31') time_value_pairs.insert(0, 'Saturday') elsif day_type == :sunday time_value_pairs.insert(0, 'Sun') time_value_pairs.insert(0, '1/1-12/31') time_value_pairs.insert(0, 'Sunday') else # weekday time_value_pairs.insert(0, 'Default') end # update hash key to use processed time value pairs (gsub and then formula run) hash[day_type] = time_value_pairs end return hash end # define what happens when the measure is run def run(model, runner, user_arguments) super(model, runner, user_arguments) # assign the user inputs to variables args = OsLib_HelperMethods.createRunVariables(runner, model, user_arguments, arguments(model)) if !args then return false end # create array from argument, clean up and check if measure should alter model valid_building_names = [] args['valid_building_names'].split(',').each do |name| valid_building_names = name.downcase.strip end if !valid_building_names.include?(model.getBuilding.name.to_s.downcase) && (args['valid_building_names'] != '') runner.registerAsNotApplicable("#{model.getBuilding.name} isn't listed as building to apply measure to. Model won't be altered") return true end # look at upstream measure for 'hoo_per_week' argument hoo_per_week_from_osw = OsLib_HelperMethods.check_upstream_measure_for_arg(runner, 'hoo_per_week') if !hoo_per_week_from_osw.empty? runner.registerInfo("Replacing argument named 'hoo_per_week' from current measure with a value of #{hoo_per_week_from_osw[:value]} from #{hoo_per_week_from_osw[:measure_name]}.") args['hoo_per_week'] = hoo_per_week_from_osw[:value].to_f end # TODO: - add in input error checking # add in logic for hours per week override profile_override = [] # add to this for day types that should use weekday instead of user entered profile if args['hoo_per_week'] > 0.0 runner.registerInfo('Hours per week input was a non zero value, it will override the user intered hours of operation for weekday, saturday, and sunday') if args['hoo_per_week'] > 84 max_hoo = [args['hoo_per_week'] / 7.0, 24.0].min else max_hoo = 12.0 end # for 60 horus per week or less only alter weekday. If longer then use weekday profiles for saturday for 12 hours and then sunday typical_weekday_input_hours = args['hoo_end_wkdy'] - args['hoo_start_wkdy'] target_weekday_hours = [args['hoo_per_week'] / 5.0, max_hoo].min delta_hours_per_day = target_weekday_hours - typical_weekday_input_hours # shift hours as needed args['hoo_start_wkdy'] -= delta_hours_per_day / 2.0 args['hoo_end_wkdy'] += delta_hours_per_day / 2.0 runner.registerInfo("Adjusted hours of operation for weekday are from #{args['hoo_start_wkdy']} to #{args['hoo_end_wkdy']}.") # add logic if more than 60 hours if args['hoo_per_week'] > 60.0 # for 60-72 horus per week or less only alter saturday. typical_weekday_input_hours = args['hoo_end_sat'] - args['hoo_start_sat'] target_weekday_hours = [(args['hoo_per_week'] - 60.0), max_hoo].min delta_hours_per_day = target_weekday_hours - typical_weekday_input_hours # code in process_hash method will alter saturday to use default profile formula # shift hours as needed args['hoo_start_sat'] -= delta_hours_per_day / 2.0 args['hoo_end_sat'] += delta_hours_per_day / 2.0 runner.registerInfo("Adjusted hours of operation for saturday are from #{args['hoo_start_sat']} to #{args['hoo_end_sat']}. Saturday will use typical weekday profile formula.") # set flag to override typical profile profile_override << 'saturday' end # add logic if more than 72 hours if args['hoo_per_week'] > 72.0 # for 60-72 horus per week or less only alter sunday. typical_weekday_input_hours = args['hoo_end_sun'] - args['hoo_start_sun'] target_weekday_hours = [(args['hoo_per_week'] - 72.0), max_hoo].min delta_hours_per_day = target_weekday_hours - typical_weekday_input_hours # code in process_hash method will alter sunday to use default profile formula # shift hours as needed args['hoo_start_sun'] -= delta_hours_per_day / 2.0 args['hoo_end_sun'] += delta_hours_per_day / 2.0 runner.registerInfo("Adjusted hours of operation for sunday are from #{args['hoo_start_sun']} to #{args['hoo_end_sun']}. Saturday will use typical weekday profile formula.") # set flag to override typical profile profile_override << 'sunday' end end # report initial condition of model runner.registerInitialCondition("The building started with #{model.getSchedules.size} schedules.") # pre-process space types to identify which ones to alter space_types_to_alter = [] thermostats_to_alter = [] air_loops_to_alter = [] water_use_equipment_to_alter = [] # TODO: - populate model.getSpaceTypes.each do |space_type| if args['standards_building_type'] != '' next if !space_type.standardsBuildingType.is_initialized next if space_type.standardsBuildingType.get != args['standards_building_type'] end if args['standards_space_type'] != '' next if !space_type.standardsSpaceType.is_initialized next if space_type.standardsSpaceType.get != args['standards_space_type'] end next if space_type.spaces.empty? space_types_to_alter << space_type end # create shared deafult schedule set default_schedule_set = OpenStudio::Model::DefaultScheduleSet.new(model) default_schedule_set.setName('Parametric Hours of Operation Schedule Set') # set building default if both standard building type and standard space type are not specified if (args['standards_building_type'] == '') && (args['standards_space_type'] == '') runner.registerInfo('Altering schedules for all spaces.') # remove schedule sets for load instances model.getLightss.each(&:resetSchedule) model.getElectricEquipments.each(&:resetSchedule) model.getGasEquipments.each(&:resetSchedule) model.getSpaceInfiltrationDesignFlowRates.each(&:resetSchedule) model.getPeoples.each(&:resetNumberofPeopleSchedule) # don't have to remove HVAC and setpoint schedules, they will be replaced individually # remove schedule sets. model.getDefaultScheduleSets.each do |sch_set| next if sch_set == default_schedule_set sch_set.remove end # assign default schedule set to building level model.getBuilding.setDefaultScheduleSet(default_schedule_set) thermostats_to_alter = model.getThermostatSetpointDualSetpoints air_loops_to_alter = model.getAirLoopHVACs water_use_equipment_to_alter = model.getWaterUseEquipments else # apply schedule sets to space type space_types_to_alter.each do |space_type| runner.registerInfo("Altering schedules for #{space_type.name}") # remove schedule sets for load instances space_type.lights.each(&:resetSchedule) space_type.electricEquipment.each(&:resetSchedule) space_type.gasEquipment.each(&:resetSchedule) space_type.spaceInfiltrationDesignFlowRates.each(&:resetSchedule) space_type.people.each(&:resetNumberofPeopleSchedule) # don't have to remove HVAC and setpoint schedules, they will be replaced individually # set default schedule set for space type space_type.setDefaultScheduleSet(default_schedule_set) # loop through spaces to populate thermostats and airloops space_type.spaces.each do |space| thermal_zone = space.thermalZone if thermal_zone.is_initialized thermal_zone = thermal_zone.get # get thermostat thermostat = thermal_zone.thermostatSetpointDualSetpoint if thermostat.is_initialized thermostats_to_alter << thermostat.get end # get air loop air_loop = thermal_zone.airLoopHVAC if air_loop.is_initialized air_loops_to_alter << air_loop.get end end # get water use equipment space.waterUseEquipment.each do |water_use_equipment| water_use_equipment_to_alter << water_use_equipment end end end # add water use equipment not assigned to space if requested if args['alter_swh_wo_space'] model.getWaterUseEquipments.each do |water_use_equipment| next if water_use_equipment.space.is_initialized water_use_equipment_to_alter << water_use_equipment end end end # create schedules and apply to default schedule set # populate hours of operation schedule for schedule set (this schedule isn't used but in future could be used to dynamically generate schedules) ruleset_name = 'Parametric Hours of Operation Schedule' winter_design_day = nil summer_design_day = nil rules = [] if args['hoo_end_wkdy'] == args['hoo_start_wkdy'] default_day = ['Weekday', [args['hoo_start_wkdy'], 0], [args['hoo_end_wkdy'], 0], [24, 0]] elsif args['hoo_end_wkdy'] > args['hoo_start_wkdy'] default_day = ['Weekday', [args['hoo_start_wkdy'], 0], [args['hoo_end_wkdy'], 1], [24, 0]] else default_day = ['Weekday', [args['hoo_end_wkdy'], 1], [args['hoo_start_wkdy'], 0], [24, 1]] end if args['hoo_end_sat'] == args['hoo_start_sat'] rules << ['Saturday', '1/1-12/31', 'Sat', [args['hoo_start_sat'], 0], [args['hoo_end_sat'], 0], [24, 0]] elsif args['hoo_end_sat'] > args['hoo_start_sat'] rules << ['Saturday', '1/1-12/31', 'Sat', [args['hoo_start_sat'], 0], [args['hoo_end_sat'], 1], [24, 0]] else rules << ['Saturday', '1/1-12/31', 'Sat', [args['hoo_end_sat'], 1], [args['hoo_start_sat'], 0], [24, 1]] end if args['hoo_end_sun'] == args['hoo_start_sun'] rules << ['Sunday', '1/1-12/31', 'Sun', [args['hoo_start_sun'], 0], [args['hoo_end_sun'], 0], [24, 0]] elsif args['hoo_end_sun'] > args['hoo_start_sun'] rules << ['Sunday', '1/1-12/31', 'Sun', [args['hoo_start_sun'], 0], [args['hoo_end_sun'], 1], [24, 0]] else rules << ['Sunday', '1/1-12/31', 'Sun', [args['hoo_end_sun'], 1], [args['hoo_start_sun'], 0], [24, 1]] end options = { 'name' => ruleset_name, 'winter_design_day' => winter_design_day, 'summer_design_day' => summer_design_day, 'default_day' => default_day, 'rules' => rules } hoo_sch = OsLib_Schedules.createComplexSchedule(model, options) default_schedule_set.setHoursofOperationSchedule(hoo_sch) # create activity schedule # todo - save this from model or add user argument ruleset_name = 'Parametric Activity Schedule' winter_design_day = [[24, 120]] summer_design_day = [[24, 120]] default_day = ['Weekday', [24, 120]] rules = [] options = { 'name' => ruleset_name, 'winter_design_day' => winter_design_day, 'summer_design_day' => summer_design_day, 'default_day' => default_day, 'rules' => rules } activity_sch = OsLib_Schedules.createComplexSchedule(model, options) default_schedule_set.setPeopleActivityLevelSchedule(activity_sch) # generate and apply lighting schedule using hours of operation schedule and parametric inputs ruleset_name = 'Parametric Lighting Schedule' hash = process_hash(runner, args['lighting_profiles'], args, profile_override, ruleset_name) if !hash then runner.registerError("Failed to generate #{ruleset_name}"); return false end winter_design_day = [[24, 0]] summer_design_day = [[24, 1]] default_day = hash[:default] rules = [] rules << hash[:saturday] rules << hash[:sunday] options = { 'name' => ruleset_name, 'winter_design_day' => winter_design_day, 'summer_design_day' => summer_design_day, 'default_day' => default_day, 'rules' => rules } lighting_sch = OsLib_Schedules.createComplexSchedule(model, options) lighting_sch.setComment(args['lighting_profiles']) default_schedule_set.setLightingSchedule(lighting_sch) # generate and apply electric_equipment schedule using hours of operation schedule and parametric inputs ruleset_name = 'Parametric Electric Equipment Schedule' hash = process_hash(runner, args['electric_equipment_profiles'], args, profile_override, ruleset_name) if !hash then runner.registerError("Failed to generate #{ruleset_name}"); return false end winter_design_day = [[24, 0]] summer_design_day = [[24, 1]] default_day = hash[:default] rules = [] rules << hash[:saturday] rules << hash[:sunday] options = { 'name' => ruleset_name, 'winter_design_day' => winter_design_day, 'summer_design_day' => summer_design_day, 'default_day' => default_day, 'rules' => rules } electric_equipment_sch = OsLib_Schedules.createComplexSchedule(model, options) electric_equipment_sch.setComment(args['electric_equipment_profiles']) default_schedule_set.setElectricEquipmentSchedule(electric_equipment_sch) # generate and apply gas_equipment schedule using hours of operation schedule and parametric inputs ruleset_name = 'Parametric Gas Equipment Schedule' hash = process_hash(runner, args['gas_equipment_profiles'], args, profile_override, ruleset_name) if !hash then runner.registerError("Failed to generate #{ruleset_name}"); return false end winter_design_day = [[24, 0]] summer_design_day = [[24, 1]] default_day = hash[:default] rules = [] rules << hash[:saturday] rules << hash[:sunday] options = { 'name' => ruleset_name, 'winter_design_day' => winter_design_day, 'summer_design_day' => summer_design_day, 'default_day' => default_day, 'rules' => rules } gas_equipment_sch = OsLib_Schedules.createComplexSchedule(model, options) gas_equipment_sch.setComment(args['gas_equipment_profiles']) default_schedule_set.setGasEquipmentSchedule(gas_equipment_sch) # generate and apply occupancy schedule using hours of operation schedule and parametric inputs ruleset_name = 'Parametric Occupancy Schedule' hash = process_hash(runner, args['occupancy_profiles'], args, profile_override, ruleset_name) if !hash then runner.registerError("Failed to generate #{ruleset_name}"); return false end winter_design_day = [[24, 0]] # if DCV would we want this at 1, prototype uses 0 summer_design_day = [[24, 1]] default_day = hash[:default] rules = [] rules << hash[:saturday] rules << hash[:sunday] options = { 'name' => ruleset_name, 'winter_design_day' => winter_design_day, 'summer_design_day' => summer_design_day, 'default_day' => default_day, 'rules' => rules } occupancy_sch = OsLib_Schedules.createComplexSchedule(model, options) occupancy_sch.setComment(args['occupancy_profiles']) default_schedule_set.setNumberofPeopleSchedule(occupancy_sch) # generate and apply infiltration schedule using hours of operation schedule and parametric inputs ruleset_name = 'Parametric Infiltration Schedule' hash = process_hash(runner, args['infiltration_profiles'], args, profile_override, ruleset_name) if !hash then runner.registerError("Failed to generate #{ruleset_name}"); return false end winter_design_day = [[24, 1]] # TODO: - should it be 1 for both summer and winter summer_design_day = [[24, 1]] default_day = hash[:default] rules = [] rules << hash[:saturday] rules << hash[:sunday] options = { 'name' => ruleset_name, 'winter_design_day' => winter_design_day, 'summer_design_day' => summer_design_day, 'default_day' => default_day, 'rules' => rules } infiltration_sch = OsLib_Schedules.createComplexSchedule(model, options) infiltration_sch.setComment(args['infiltration_profiles']) default_schedule_set.setInfiltrationSchedule(infiltration_sch) # generate and apply hvac_availability schedule using hours of operation schedule and parametric inputs ruleset_name = 'Parametric HVAC Availability Schedule' hash = process_hash(runner, args['hvac_availability_profiles'], args, profile_override, ruleset_name) if !hash then runner.registerError("Failed to generate #{ruleset_name}"); return false end winter_design_day = [[24, 1]] # TODO: - confirm proper value summer_design_day = [[24, 1]] # todo - confirm proper value default_day = hash[:default] rules = [] rules << hash[:saturday] rules << hash[:sunday] options = { 'name' => ruleset_name, 'winter_design_day' => winter_design_day, 'summer_design_day' => summer_design_day, 'default_day' => default_day, 'rules' => rules } hvac_availability_sch = OsLib_Schedules.createComplexSchedule(model, options) hvac_availability_sch.setComment(args['hvac_availability_profiles']) # apply HVAC schedules # todo - measure currently only replaces AirLoopHVAC.setAvailabilitySchedule) air_loops_to_alter.each do |air_loop| air_loop.setAvailabilitySchedule(hvac_availability_sch) end # generate and apply heating_setpoint schedule using hours of operation schedule and parametric inputs ruleset_name = 'Parametric Heating Setpoint Schedule' # htg setpoints htg_occ = OpenStudio.convert(args['htg_setpoint'], 'F', 'C').get htg_vac = OpenStudio.convert(args['htg_setpoint'] - args['setback_delta'], 'F', 'C').get # replace floor and celing with user specified values htg_setpoint_profiles = args['thermostat_setback_profiles'].gsub('ceiling', htg_occ.to_s) htg_setpoint_profiles = htg_setpoint_profiles.gsub('floor', htg_vac.to_s) # process hash hash = process_hash(runner, htg_setpoint_profiles, args, profile_override, ruleset_name) if !hash then runner.registerError("Failed to generate #{ruleset_name}"); return false end winter_design_day = hash[:default].drop(1) # [[24,htg_occ]] summer_design_day = hash[:default].drop(1) # [[24,htg_occ]] default_day = hash[:default] rules = [] rules << hash[:saturday] rules << hash[:sunday] options = { 'name' => ruleset_name, 'winter_design_day' => winter_design_day, 'summer_design_day' => summer_design_day, 'default_day' => default_day, 'rules' => rules } heating_setpoint_sch = OsLib_Schedules.createComplexSchedule(model, options) # generate and apply cooling_setpoint schedule using hours of operation schedule and parametric inputs ruleset_name = 'Parametric Cooling Setpoint Schedule' # clg setpoints clg_occ = OpenStudio.convert(args['clg_setpoint'], 'F', 'C').get clg_vac = OpenStudio.convert(args['clg_setpoint'] + args['setback_delta'], 'F', 'C').get # replace floor and celing with user specified values clg_setpoint_profiles = args['thermostat_setback_profiles'].gsub('ceiling', clg_occ.to_s) clg_setpoint_profiles = clg_setpoint_profiles.gsub('floor', clg_vac.to_s) # process hash hash = process_hash(runner, clg_setpoint_profiles, args, profile_override, ruleset_name) if !hash then runner.registerError("Failed to generate #{ruleset_name}"); return false end winter_design_day = hash[:default].drop(1) # [[24,clg_occ]] summer_design_day = hash[:default].drop(1) # [[24,clg_occ]] default_day = hash[:default] rules = [] rules << hash[:saturday] rules << hash[:sunday] options = { 'name' => ruleset_name, 'winter_design_day' => winter_design_day, 'summer_design_day' => summer_design_day, 'default_day' => default_day, 'rules' => rules } cooling_setpoint_sch = OsLib_Schedules.createComplexSchedule(model, options) # apply heating and cooling setpoint schedules thermostats_to_alter.each do |thermostat| thermostat.setHeatingSchedule(heating_setpoint_sch) thermostat.setCoolingSchedule(cooling_setpoint_sch) end # generate and apply water use equipment schedule using hours of operation schedule and parametric inputs ruleset_name = 'Parametric SWH Schedule' hash = process_hash(runner, args['swh_profiles'], args, profile_override, ruleset_name) if !hash then runner.registerError("Failed to generate #{ruleset_name}"); return false end winter_design_day = hash[:default].drop(1) summer_design_day = hash[:default].drop(1) default_day = hash[:default] rules = [] rules << hash[:saturday] rules << hash[:sunday] options = { 'name' => ruleset_name, 'winter_design_day' => winter_design_day, 'summer_design_day' => summer_design_day, 'default_day' => default_day, 'rules' => rules } swh_sch = OsLib_Schedules.createComplexSchedule(model, options) swh_sch.setComment(args['swh_profiles']) water_use_equipment_to_alter.each do |water_use_equipment| water_use_equipment.setFlowRateFractionSchedule(swh_sch) end # report final condition of model runner.registerFinalCondition("The building finished with #{model.getSchedules.size} schedules.") return true end end # register the measure to be used by the application CreateParametricSchedules.new.registerWithApplication